  • Report:  #67194

Complaint Review: Citizens Area Transit Regional Transportation Center ATC VANCOM - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- Lv, Nevada,

Citizens Area Transit Regional Transportation Center ATC VANCOM
600 Grand Central Parkway Las Vegas, 89106 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hi there

I am a Las Vegas, Nevada native resident and CAT Bus Ride rider for 13 years

My complaint stems from an incident:

Wed 8-6-03


Sahara bus #204

Fred - incident driver

Tried to stop at Rainbow Blvd & Sahara and flagged bus driver to stop with my brother in his car.

Driver would not stop.

My brother was driving me and he tried to drop me off at the next stop and bus driver did not stop.

My brother got in front of bus 500 feet and was driving slow trying to get the bus to

stop at the next stop with honking and waving.

At Durango and Sahara bus stopped and I tried to board wanting to go to Grand Canyon and driver told me that I was not riding on his bus.

So I told him I wanted his supervisor.

He started to call supervisor and I waited and people were complaining.

I did not want to wait for the next bus because of the heat and then made the decision to get off because I didn't want the other people getting more pissed as I know people have places to go and things to do.

Driver got out and he flashed his name tag telling me that he will remember me and I am not to ride his bus next time, ever.

Like he was trying to intimidate me.

Fred was very rude and unprofessional and this type of disrespect within the RTC needs to stop.

As you may know about the Las Vegas CAT Ride bus system has had other reports in the past and present concerning the CAT Ride system of


This type of thing seems to occur ccassionally with other riders I have run into in my 13 yrs of riding the CAT bus as a native Nevadan with a mental disability.

Buses being late, drivers not being courteous and stopping for passengers, wrong bus timing on routes where it would only take 2 minutes to get to a stop and the driver would go when they know there are pending riders a few feet from them.

The lack of respect in this town is ridiculous and has gotten out of hand in many businesses and government agencies rendering citizens frustrated, confused, upset and helpless.

Customers are supposed to be the most important above time schedules, which

is a waste of ink to print out a book and charge people for when most buses are not on schedule.

Whether its to do with the timing of street signals or the drivers themselves has no matter in the situation.

The drivers should still have respect for pending riders as the weather can be toiling to be in and people have jobs and places to go to. I have been late for interviews and work due to these issues. I have even seen multiple busses pass by me on different streets throughout the years.

Even with the buses that say Not In Service when they are perfectly capable of taking on passengers. After all that is what the busses are made for, right?.

I've also noticed that CAT Ride has this award of being the best bus system in the USA and that is blatantly false as throughout the years I hear from people that have lived in Los Angeles, Hawaii, Mexico and back east how this is the worst and how their town busses are quicker being every couple of minutes in intervals picking up passengers and how the drivers are more courteous and helpful

to them.

I was for the strike last year and could not believe my eyes when those poor workers had to suffer and still lose after all the commotion that goes on.

Maybe this is all part of their corruption scheme system, which doesn't surprise me much as you can see the various negative things that go on in our city.

I've wanted to apply for jobs that I can't even get to because there's no bus on the street.

And everyone and their grandmother knows that they have the money to do these things.

The traffic sucks It takes me double the time to get to the other side of the city than it did just 6 months ago by bus.

A line needs to be drawn with all this and more enforcement needs to be put in place. The gov't has the resources and money... They spent 50 billion on a war that has no more meaning to the American people as they still didn't get Saddam and Osama. But their quick to pass amendments that make us have to pay more money to the gov't.

In closing I want to also mention how it used to be nice to be able to ask drivers a question of a route or directions and they would say right away.

Now for the past couple of years, the opposite occurs.

They would say to look in the book or blatantly not even say anything and they are the ones driving the same route hr after hr 5 days a week.

I've tried to contact many reporters and 4 have responded a few weeks ago. 2 told me to contact the people in charge of the bus system, like that's going to do something. I left a complaint over a month ago and no reply from the company. 1 guy from NDOT told me to contact the county commissioners.

How can I succeed by complaining to them when they endorse the system?

The other week in the paper a driver was beaten up and the security cameras were inoperable and outdated.

Windows closed, drivers putting on air when not needed or too cold, drivers putting heater on when not needed, no security on board, routes too long apart where routes are over 30 minutes - 1hr on most routes.

ATC operations mgr is Kirby Martin ATC Vancom is a British conglomerate and bus system is run by the county commissioners but used all over the state. TransBus International is the parent company

Steve Mora, Gene Smith and Ben Carter trying to build the Amalgamated Transit Union James Foster of St Louis is the Bus' attorney and never answers questions.

Any ideas of what I can do?

Anybody have similar issues in Las Vegas?

Thanks for your time


Lv, Nevada

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Public safety

#2Author of original report

Fri, November 21, 2008

Concerning the last reply I understand your answer and I do agree with you but you went off topic and didn't comment on my complaint. As a matter of fact in the 13 yrs that I've ridden the bus system here I finally had fallen to the floor because a 202 driver didn't wait till I sat down like so many don't do in this town and I am now experiencing muscle pain throughout my body. He says he stopped to avoid a collision I don't know if that was the case but last I knew, its a public safety hazard if you have passengers standing and walking looking for a seat to keep going and then aply the hydraulic brakes hard. Officials need to look at this issue Veolia Transportation says it takes a week to get the incedent report Bologna


Forrest City,
Two sides to every story

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 24, 2004

I have carefully read the complaint mentioned above. I was employed for ATCVANCOM as a driver from Otober 2001 until Mar 2004. What the complaintant failed to state is the way that many of the passengers(public), treat their drivers. If you want respect and consideration, try giving some. What I mean by that is this. When an operator says to you politely to please leave your large gulpy drink outside the bus because it is a safety hazard, it is a safety hazard. The passengers state that it is hot and they promise they will not spill it. Intenionally spill it no. Accidentally spill it, it happens. Then the driver must request a supervisor spill clean up and or a bus swap out. Either way everyone on the bus is late. The selfishness of the one, causes everyone to be late. Passengers not doing what a driver asks them to do also causes buses to be late. A driver speaks firmly stating company, state, or Federsal safety policy, gets cussed at, threatened, spit on, beaten in some cases. Then to top is all off the same jackass of a passenger has the gall to call in and report the driver to customer service for being rude to them! Yes it is true the buses are hot in the summer time. They don't make a bus anywhere in the world that can take 114 degree heat, and provide adequate airconditioning for the riding public. I wish they did. It still does not give the passengers the right to behave like a bunch of animals. I have seen better behaved dogs and cats than a lot of the passengers that ride the buse system in Las Vegas. I say that to say this. You get back what you put out. There is not any person on the planet that likes to be yelled at, cussed, threatened, spit on, beaten up, or lied about. That happens to include bus drivers too! If the system is to be changed, it needs some sort of security, or policing officials riding the system to keep the out of line ridership inline. That is for the benefit of both drivers and the bus riding public. You have bad apples everywhere you go ruining it for the rest of the people. I am not saying that all the drivers are angles either. Or that from time to time they don't have a bad day like all people do. When we have a bad day, we get counseled, yelled at, threatened, and in some cases fired. When one of the passengers has a bad day, he or she gets off the bus and continues on there sullen way to aggravate the next driver(s). Nothing ever happens to them. July 2003 one of the CAT dirvers was almost beaten to death by a passenger because he stated policy not allowing an individual on the bus because he had an alcoholic beverage in an open container. That is a violation of Federal and State Laws. The last I heard, he still has not been arrested. Nor has anyone come forward with any information to try and help law enforcement. So it is no wonder that there is such a high turnover rate for the drivers in the CAT system. Many mean hateful passengers, no security on the system. I have'nt met a camera yet that apprehended anyone in the commission of a crime. Do any of you? The Drivers of the CAT system, and all public transportation systems have a big responsibilty. Moving the public to their destinations safely. We could do that better with more cooperation on behalf of the public and less bitching and moaning. The Drivers do not buy or work on the buses. They belong the the RTC of Nevada. The fleet is old, and many of the buses need replacing. It is my understanding that this issue is being addressed right now as I speak. It takes time to buy, outfit, and to place a new bus into operation. The RTC and the DOT in Washington are working on this. Security for the system is another matter. Contact you local, state, and national representatives on this matter. Safety for everyone on the coach is a serious matter, and it needs to be addressed, and resolved. The excuse that their is'nt any money for that is not acceptable. There is money for million dollar a copy buses for the 113 North Las Vegas buses, their is money for wars in IRAQ, their needs to be money for public safety. The riding public and the drivers in Las Vegas need to be safe from the bums and hoodlams that ride the system from time to time. I thank you for your attention.

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