  • Report:  #106786

Complaint Review: CITY OF LOS ANGELES / STATE OF CALIFORNIA - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Mission Hills, California,

PO BOX 30247 Los Angeles, 90030 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I recieved a delinquet parking notice in the mail saying i had an overdue parking ticket.

Ticket number 928544676. "Fact is", i recieved the wrong license plates in the mail by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. I recieved 7M08060. This plate, 7MO8060, number belongs to a gentlemen who lives severl hundreds miles from me. He recieved CA license plate number 7MO8054.

I was able to contact him from a piece of paper that the DMV employee gave me (which i still have). I told him that i had his plates. He was traveling at the time when i contacted him. When he got home several days later, he confirmned he ALSO had the wrong license plates, (never put ANY trust into these departments).

So, obviously we were both a little dumb headed cause we did not check our registrations against the plates we recieved in the mail. Had i, so much trouble could have been averted for me (CHECK YOUR PLATES when you get them in the mail!). I got new plates the day after i discovered i had the wrong plates, (that was a 4 hour and counting fiasco in itself).

I went to the Winnetka DMV office with the plates i recieved in the mail, 7MO8060, and told the gentlmen behind the counter what had happenend. He gave me some new plates at no charge (amazing) and the other guys information as well(thats how i contacted him).

I had to file for a review with the City Of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau to contest the ticket that someone else got. They say it was properly issued and valid. I agree. BUT IT WAS NOT ME! Who ever recieved my plates, 7MO8059, got the ticket.

To compound this, i would think he lives by me cause the ticket was written in a few cities over. But he has a red car and i have a white truck. Go figure, they dont make mistakes? So now the PVB says i must pay the ticket before (wasting more of my time) to have an administrative review. WHAT A JOKE! And even at that review i am not guaranteed to be off the hook cause the CA DMV sent out the wrong batch of plates to god knows how many people.

The DMV and the PVB do not have a solution for this. The two departments DO NOT communicate on a problem like this. I was told by the DMV person, in other words, i am on my own. This does not surprise me one bit at all. So, here i am wasting my precious time cause of a simple HONEST mistake by a few idiots. What to do? Wish me luck! CHECK YOUR PLATES!


Mission Hills, California

136 Updates & Rebuttals


I guess I have no sense of humor.

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

You're right, I just fail to see the humor in causing another person misery because you stole his number plate in order to get him bogus parking tickets. Maybe he's not rich like you, and won't see the humor either, Mr. deep pockets, and won't be able to "get out on bail in a couple of minutes." like you. I guess I just don't grasp rich-man comedy. BTW, I was in that graffiti-covered ghetto dump called LA just last November but don't worry, I got out alive. Do any white people even live there?


Mission Hills,
Dont Be Such A Sour Puss Marc! Its only the PVB

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 19, 2006

Well, seems like we have a sour puss. Yes... Marc in Makaha, Hawaii is raining on the parade. But have no fear, the umbrella is near. I have the mailing failure dates and other important information to know how the cycle works. Of course i wont develuge it at this time. But i guess it would be funny to see it happen, that is, what sour puss would like to see. BUT IT WONT! My pockets are so deep, id be out on bail in minutes, hahahahaha Marc. Obviously this sour puss has never been or lived in Los Angeles to understand how things works here. Front bumpers (and rears too) are abundant out here. So, with that in mind and knowing how the system cycle works, ill have a new plate in no time, with no problem, and the fun will continue. You should vist us out here, get a parking ticket, and see how this coruptive city operates. Then, you may just understand thing. Till then, just to bad you werent one of those who got swept away in the recent dam break, LMAO... Let the fun continue and please, NO MORE RAINING on the parade. If you have nothing good to say, DONT SAY ANYTHING. You have no idea what i have been through with this unaccountable department. Not to mention the DMV. Have a nice life Marc.


I know what would be funnier.

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, March 19, 2006

You put your "found" number plate in the window, it turns out to be stolen, and your car gets impounded. When the cops search the car they get the VIIN number, trace it to you and make an arrest at four in the morning. You sit in County for a few days, see the judge, and he laughs his a*s off at you when you tell him your story and complain about your sore a*s, and he sets your bail for auto theft and possession of a stolen plate. It will be a real HOOT, Yessiree.


Mission Hills,

#5Author of original report

Sat, March 18, 2006

The fun has begun! Well, after months and months of fighting with this corruptive department (and won), which has no one to hold accountable, i found a parking ticket last night on my front windsheild timed at 1005pm (dont these people ever rest?). But its not mine? Remember how to have fun with these people? I have explained it before... i learned from another person out here. Cover your VIN number up so it cant be seen through the windsheild, (i did!). Find a license plate that is just laying around (i have), for instance, if you are here in the greater Los Angeles metro area, it shouldnt be a problem, after most accidents, debri is not always cleard entirely. Maybe a bumper or license plate has been left behind (get it?). Put this in your windsheild, and waala.... your a new person (at least hope to be, as long as the plate is clean). I did. So, this ticket i found on my window is not mine! It has someone elese license plate number on it (maybe one that was found) AND NO VIN number on it. It reads; Vehicle Identification Number; NV "NV" means not visible. So they dont have my VIN on the ticket, they do have someone elses license plate number on it... who is to be held accountable? THATS WHERE THE FUN BEGINGS... RIGHT Marylynn? Time to get even with those s****.. Well, its pay back time. Im enjoying this. And whoevers plate it is, sorry. HAHAHAHAHA HEHEHEHE LMAO! WShat do you think Marylnn?


Port Huron,
is this a chat room

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, September 19, 2005

hi i just wanted to say how did it turn out (if i missed it) i dont think i did oh well i dont like city pepole im fighting a ticket that sez i was speeding but i was not clocked the cop sez he thinks i was doing 45 in a 35 but admites not clocking me hmmmm?


Read Rosa's story, victim of vindictive fraud

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 18, 2005

Richard's unbelievable experience at least had the positive aspects (from all the feedback) of helping and informing others subjected to LA's parking ticket racket. Paul's experiences led him to creative problem solving of his own. Commendable, Paul. Read the ripoffreport link below that came in a couple days ago from Rosa, subjected to blatant fraud and vindictiveness by an LA parking ticket "officer." It just goes on and on, doesn't it Richard? http://www.ripoffreport.com/view.asp?id=156907


Mission Hills,

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 18, 2005

Hi Paul! Yes... welcome to L A, the hard way. This city government is not for the people, but against the people. Sorry to hear you have had to set up a corp. On the other hand, thats great you dont have to give them any of your hard earned money, because all this city will do is waste it. What i have done since, i had found a front bumper of a car on the side of the road and took the license plate off. It is now in my front window. So, give me all the tickets you want. You have to watch out for this corrupt city of waste. I have been here all my life (39 yrs), and it just seems to get worse and worse. Well, good luck with everything.


Los Angeles,
Great information!

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, September 18, 2005

When I first moved to L.A. about five years ago, being a 'newbie' I wasn't street wise and paid almost $200 in parking fines over my first year in L.A. or so. I haven't had a single parking problem since then -- I learned quickly how to read (I mean really read!) all those little signs and the signs underneath the signs and the signs above the signs and so forth, and the residential district rules, and the difference between a meter that says "M-F" versus one that says "Daily" (Daily, for those who haven't learned yet, means "7 days a week" -- I got ticketed once for not feeding a meter on a Sunday near the beach, where they have a 7-day rule, not realizing this.) The straw that broke this old camel's back was a $300 non-citation for stopping briefly in a bus zone for about thirty seconds -- I call it a "non-citation" because I wasn't there long enough to have received a paper citation, so I can only presume the "officer" sitting in her car behind mine wrote the ticket but never got out to give it to me -- I found out about it in the mail. After a couple of rounds of useless letters and phone calls, I gave up. I figured their "administrative review" was a bunch of hooey -- an in-house counsel: you know whose side their going to take. They also require you to pay the disputed amount when you appeal it (I can imagine how few people ever see that money again.) I insisted on a NEUTRAL, third party adjudication and never heard from them again. I also caught on to their trick where in a letter they will ask you to write down your s.s.# and send it back to them. Hah! If they don't have my s.s.#, they can't report it to a credit bureau. Do they think I was born yesterday? I formed a Nevada corporation and sold my car to my corporation (not too expensive). I then registered the car in Nevada, where it has been registered ever since. This is the _legal_ way to have a car registered out of state while you personally live in a different state. I haven't paid a dime in registration or parking fees to California (or L.A.) in three years and I don't plan on ever paying anything to them again. Of course, I still pay attention to the signs. I never knew this so-called "bureau" was in fact a private company contracted to the city (in which case I think calling it a "bureau" is in itself deceptive. Thanks for that info too.


Another Los Angeles bogus parking ticket and follow-up

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, February 24, 2005

Another Los Angeles bogus parking ticket story was submitted on this website on Feb. 22nd. It is Report # 132379. It is very well documented, with a follow-up investigation done by the vehicle owner (a retired cop,and is well worth reading for people who have also experienced outrageous injustices and the runaround.


That $20 million parking "windfall" to ACS & Lockheed needs continuing investigation.

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, February 12, 2005

That was a real public service from Richard (transmitting Patrick McGreevy's 2/1/05 LA Times report about the $20 million rip-off)and I believe that article alone should be required reading for all elected officials whose cities have contracted with ACS and Lockheed. It seems there's more to that "snafu" than appears on the surface about those three former parking administrators who "retired" in rapid sequence. I do not envy Wayne Tanda who inherited all that was happening there. The fact that the City of LA was conned out of $20 million is a slight mis-characterization. How was that $20 million obtained in the first place? Off the backs of vehicle owners by means of fraud, deception, unlawful demanding letters, unlawful seizures of vehicles, etc. etc. Amazing that the la-la-land mayor there would now -- after all those years of the money grab by those companies -- express that he wants the best possible deal for the taxpayers. Perhaps the most infuriating and telling matter from that article is this. "Officials with Affiliated Computer Services did not return calls." Yes, the same company who sends those demanding, threatening, abominable and unlawful letters to vehicle owners refuses to answer to the press about what the investigation uncovered. Please let us out-of-towners updated on this matter. Thanks again, Richard, for the information.


Mission Hills,

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 02, 2005

Richard seems to be in the clear and has been enjoying his time not fighting the IDIOTS at the PVB (his blood pressure is down). He has not yet had time to do his final rebuttal, but found something intresting he wanted to share in regards to ACS / Lockheed Martin and the City of Angels (yeah right!), maybe the City of JACKASSES. I recently read a story about ACS and Lockheed Martin in regards to their collections process and the DUMB founded City/County of Los Angeles. It is very very intresting. I encourage you all to read it here: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-windfall1feb01,1,2743382.story?coll=la-headlines-california&ctrack=1&cset=true


Mission Hills,

#13Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 02, 2005

Richard seems to be in the clear and has been enjoying his time not fighting the IDIOTS at the PVB (his blood pressure is down). He has not yet had time to do his final rebuttal, but found something intresting he wanted to share in regards to ACS / Lockheed Martin and the City of Angels (yeah right!), maybe the City of JACKASSES. I recently read a story about ACS and Lockheed Martin in regards to their collections process and the DUMB founded City/County of Los Angeles. It is very very intresting. I encourage you all to read it here: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-windfall1feb01,1,2743382.story?coll=la-headlines-california&ctrack=1&cset=true


Mission Hills,

#14Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 02, 2005

Richard seems to be in the clear and has been enjoying his time not fighting the IDIOTS at the PVB (his blood pressure is down). He has not yet had time to do his final rebuttal, but found something intresting he wanted to share in regards to ACS / Lockheed Martin and the City of Angels (yeah right!), maybe the City of JACKASSES. I recently read a story about ACS and Lockheed Martin in regards to their collections process and the DUMB founded City/County of Los Angeles. It is very very intresting. I encourage you all to read it here: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-windfall1feb01,1,2743382.story?coll=la-headlines-california&ctrack=1&cset=true


Here's more evidence of the Los Angeles parking violations

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, December 02, 2004

The letter Richard rec'd on 11/2/04 intentionally misstates yet another law....REALLY misstates it. That letter, which is mailed under the auspices of the City of Los Angeles to countless numbers of vehicle owners, says, "YOU HAVE INCURRED ADDITIONAL FEES AND ARE NOW ASSIGNED TO A COLLECTION AGENCY FOR NOT SATISFYING THE OUTSTANDING CITATION(S) IN A TIMELY MANNER (PER CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE SECTION 40200.3 AND LOS ANGELES MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 89.60)" Well, folks, this is what California Vehicle Code Section 40200.3 ACTUALLY says. "CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE SEC. 40200.3 (a) All parking penalties COLLECTED by the processing agency, which may be the issuing agency, including process service fees and fees and collection costs related to civil debt collection, SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO THE ACCOUNT OF THE ISSUING AGENCY, except that those sums attributable to the issuance of a notice of parking violation by a peace officer of the Department of Highway Patrol shall be deposited in the account in the jurisdiction where the violation occurred, and except those sums payable to a county pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 76000) of Title 8 of the Government Code and that portion of any parking penalty which is attributable to an increase in the parking bail amount effective between September 16, 1988, and July 1, 1992, inclusive, pursuant to Section 1463.28 of the Penal Code. Those funds attributable to this increase in bail shall be transferred to the county treasurer and deposited in the general fund. Any increase in parking penalties effective after July 1, 1992, shall accrue to the benefit of the issuing agency. (b) THE PROCESSING AGENCY SHALL PREPARE A REPORT AT THE END OF EACH FISCAL YEAR SETTING FORTH THE NUMBER OF CASES PROCESSED, AND ALL SUMS RECEIVED AND DISTRIBUTED, TOGETHER WITH ANY OTHER INFORMATION THAT MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ISSUING AGENCY OR THE CONTROLLER. THIS REPORT IS A PUBLIC RECORD AND SHALL BE DELIVERED TO EACH ISSUING AGENCY. COPIES SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE, UPON REQUEST, TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR, THE CONTROLLER AND THE GRAND JURY." _________________________________ So how do you like them apples? Does CVC Sec. 40200.3 bear ANY resemblance to what was claimed "under color of law" in that PVB letter? There are endless examples of fraud and fraudulent concealment contained in those atrocious threatening and demanding letters mailed to vehicle owners by the City of Los Angeles PVB (whether or not a valid parking ticket was issued to the owner's vehicle). And as Rita, Richard and so many others have shown, being subjected to and victimized by those threatening "government" letters makes for a very stressful existence for anybody with a conscience. Rita entertained the thought of a class action lawsuit, which would be an ambitious undertaking since there is a pattern of so very many and such a variety of deliberately unlawful actions to rip people off -- all involving the City of Los Angeles with its contracted Parking Violations Bureau. It's hard to believe that a company's pervasive illegal tactics would stop with the "little guy" vehicle owner. All that's been documented thus far, in my view, is an open invitation for state or federal auditors and prosecutors to start examining the entire Los Angeles parking violations methodology. And they could start by examining the books of the occupants on the 22nd and 23rd floors of 606 South Olive Street. (ACS, Inc. & PRWT, Inc.).


The LA PVB deliberately misstates the law. This is what CVC Sec. 40220 ACTUALLY says.

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, December 01, 2004

Citing a California Vehicle Code statute, one claim in the red Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation that was mailed to Richard and thousands of other California vehicle owners by the Los Angeles PVB reads: YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO A CIVIL JUDGEMENT (sic) THAT COULD LEAD TO THE GARNISHMENT OF WAGES AND SEIZURE OF PROPERTY. (CVC 40220). Oh really??! For ONE parking ticket? Is it any wonder that California vehicle owners in receipt of that garbage are uptight and angry, and that a justifiably outraged Richard asked, "So who gives them the right to civil judgement when they are wrong and you have little recourse?" Surprise, surprise. ACS State & Local Solutions, Inc. d/b/a L.D.C.Collections Systems, Inc.-- that hides its true identity behind the City of Los Angeles City Seal as the LA Parking Violations Bureau -- does NOT have that right in order to collect for one unpaid $65 parking ticket. For Richard's and everyone's enlightenment, here's what California Vehicle Code Section 40220 ACTUALLY says in full. (LA's official "processing agency" is ACS, and "department" is the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Pertinent words are in caps. Included also are CVC 40221 and 40222. Read carefully. Does one unpaid $65 parking ticket subject a vehicle owner to a "civil judgment that could lead to the garnishment of wages and seizure of property"?) ____________________________ CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE SEC. 40220 Except as otherwise provided in Sections 40221 and 40222, the processing agency SHALL PROCEED under ONLY ONE of the following options IN ORDER TO COLLECT AN UNPAID PARKING PENALTY. (a) File an itemization of unpaid parking penalties and service fees with the department for collection with the registration of the vehicle pursuant to Section 4750. (b) IF MORE THAT FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($400) IN UNPAID PENALTIES AND FEES HAVE BEEN ACCRUED by any person or registered owner, proof thereof may be filed with THE COURT with the same effect as a civil judgment. Execution may be levied and other measures may be taken for the collection of the judgment as are authorized for the collection of an unpaid civil judgment enterd against a defendant in an action on a debtor. THE COURT may assess costs against a judgment debtor to be paid upon satisfaction of the judgment. The processing agency SHALL send a notice by first-class mail to the person or registered owner indicating that a judgment shall be entered for the unpaid penalties, fees, and costs and that, after 21 calendar days from the date of the mailing of the notice, the judgment shall have the same effect as an entry of judgment against a judgment debtor. The person or registered owner shall also be notified AT THAT TIME that executon may be levied against his or her assets, liens may be placed against his or her property, his or her wages may be garnisheed, and other steps may be taken to satisfy the judgment. IF a judgment is rendered for the processing agency, that agency may contract with a collection agency to collect the amount of that judgment. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the PROCESSING AGENCY SHALL PAY the established first paper civil filing fee AT THE TIME AN ENTRY OF CIVIL JUDGMENT IS REQUESTED. (c) If the registration of the vehicle has not been renewed for 60 days beyond the renewal date, and the citation has not been collected by the department pursuant to Section 4750, file proof of unpaid penalties and fees WITH THE COURT with the same effect as a civil judgment as provided in subdivision (b). CVC 40221 The processing agency shall not file a civil judgment with the court relating to a parking violation which has been filed with the department UNLESS the processing agency has determined that the registration of the vehicle has not been renewed for 60 days beyond the renewal date and the citation has not been collected by the department pursuant to Section 4760. CVC 40222 The processing agency shall terminate proceedings on the notice of delinquent parking violation in any of the following cases: (a) Upon receipt of collected penalties and administrative fees remitted by the department under Section 4762 for that notice of delinquent parking violation. The termination under this subdivision is by satisfaction of the parking penalty. (b) If the notice of delinquent parking violation was returned to the processing agency pursuant to Section 4764 and five years have elapsed since the date of the violation. The termination under this subdivision is by the running of a statute of limitation of proceedings. (c) The processing agency received information, which it shall verify with the department, that the penalty has been paid to the department pursuant to Section 4762. _________________________________ So, as the above laws demonstrate, and to answer Richard's question pertaining to a $65 parking ticket, the PVB had NO RIGHT AT ALL to deliberately misstate the law and threaten him with a civil judgment, garnishment of wages and seizure of property......even if he (and the thousands of other California vehicle owners who are regularly mailed these fraudulent notices) were responsible for that $65 ticket. He and others are strategically deceived by the LA Parking Violations Bureau... and, as hoped, his judgment and that of others is affected by the lies. The outsourced LA PVB does not flag parking citations it knows to be erroneous, bogus, impossible or fraudulent, and it does not flag legally contested citations. Instead, these shameless corrupted companies (ACS, Inc. and PRWT, Inc.) simply direct their robotic "good soldier" goon squad employees to continue mailing the threatening unlawful letters. The diabolical intent of course is to wear down the undeserving and bewildered recipient of those letters until that person succumbs to the persistent harassment and eventually pays the latest demanded amount that was never owed. What a pity that so many wrongly accused Los Angeles citizens are cowed into submission in that regard, and that a great segment of the Los Angeles population has come to accept the exercise of municipal parking citation fraud, at their own expense, as a Los Angeles way of life.


That last letter was classic "Doublethink"

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 25, 2004

Copying that last "Letter No. 203" that you received does show the rest of the world the communication "skills" employed by the City of Los Angeles' den of thieves. "Doublethink" it is. Here it is again. "WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S)IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED." Orwell's "Doublethink" was an unending series of victories (by a totalitarian government) over your own memory. The insulting barrage of insulting form letters themselves that the self-serving City of Los Angeles partners blanket vehicle owners with is another means of dehumanization and oppression. When this agent of the the local government prides itself on this misuse of the English language, imagine the predicament and fear that foreign born people in Los Angeles are up against. It's a small sampling of perhaps one of the reasons that the cost of living in the City of Los Angeles is off the charts. You should see their "Letter No. 114" Another example of "answerable to nobody" cocky government.


That last letter was classic "Doublethink"

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 25, 2004

Copying that last "Letter No. 203" that you received does show the rest of the world the communication "skills" employed by the City of Los Angeles' den of thieves. "Doublethink" it is. Here it is again. "WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S)IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED." Orwell's "Doublethink" was an unending series of victories (by a totalitarian government) over your own memory. The insulting barrage of insulting form letters themselves that the self-serving City of Los Angeles partners blanket vehicle owners with is another means of dehumanization and oppression. When this agent of the the local government prides itself on this misuse of the English language, imagine the predicament and fear that foreign born people in Los Angeles are up against. It's a small sampling of perhaps one of the reasons that the cost of living in the City of Los Angeles is off the charts. You should see their "Letter No. 114" Another example of "answerable to nobody" cocky government.


That last letter was classic "Doublethink"

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 25, 2004

Copying that last "Letter No. 203" that you received does show the rest of the world the communication "skills" employed by the City of Los Angeles' den of thieves. "Doublethink" it is. Here it is again. "WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S)IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED." Orwell's "Doublethink" was an unending series of victories (by a totalitarian government) over your own memory. The insulting barrage of insulting form letters themselves that the self-serving City of Los Angeles partners blanket vehicle owners with is another means of dehumanization and oppression. When this agent of the the local government prides itself on this misuse of the English language, imagine the predicament and fear that foreign born people in Los Angeles are up against. It's a small sampling of perhaps one of the reasons that the cost of living in the City of Los Angeles is off the charts. You should see their "Letter No. 114" Another example of "answerable to nobody" cocky government.


That last letter was classic "Doublethink"

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 25, 2004

Copying that last "Letter No. 203" that you received does show the rest of the world the communication "skills" employed by the City of Los Angeles' den of thieves. "Doublethink" it is. Here it is again. "WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S)IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED." Orwell's "Doublethink" was an unending series of victories (by a totalitarian government) over your own memory. The insulting barrage of insulting form letters themselves that the self-serving City of Los Angeles partners blanket vehicle owners with is another means of dehumanization and oppression. When this agent of the the local government prides itself on this misuse of the English language, imagine the predicament and fear that foreign born people in Los Angeles are up against. It's a small sampling of perhaps one of the reasons that the cost of living in the City of Los Angeles is off the charts. You should see their "Letter No. 114" Another example of "answerable to nobody" cocky government.


Mission Hills,
! Acquitted! Can You Believe It ?

#21Author of original report

Sun, November 21, 2004

Oh my.... Richard has beed acquitted! He officially got letter number 203 in the mail the other day (sorry for reporting it late). Here it is WORD FOR WORD; THANK YOU FOR YOUR INQUIRY CONCERNING THE CITATION(S) LISTED BELOW. WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S) IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED. IF PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE AND YOU WISH TO REQUEST A REFUND, PLEASE SIGN THIS FORM AND RETURN IT TO THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU AT THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. YOU SHOULD BE AWARE, HOWEVER, THAT A REFUND CANNOT BE ISSUED IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER UNPAID CITATIONS ON YOUR RECORD. MARK THE ENVELOPE ATTENTION: CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT. UPON RECIEPT OF YOUR SIGNED REQUEST THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU WILL PROCESS YOUR REFUND. A CHECK, IF DUE, WILL BE SENT TO YOU WITHIN 30 DAYS. SIGNATURE__________________________________ ================================== PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU CITIATION(S) NUMBER 928544676 End of letter. WOW! CAN YOU BELIVEVE IT? After four months of the red tape that i had to go through i am a free man... I have a long rebuttal i will try to do here soon so stay tuned. But in the mean time, shouldnt Richard have some fun and mail in the letter to get a refund (that he never paid)? YES HE SHOULD! Lets see how stupid these people really are. Lets just waste some of their time as they have wasted much of mine (ours). It does cost them in productivity to do this... right? Lets see how long we can keep this one going. Richard, you are a funny dirty guy (yes he is) who likes to play rotten jokes at times to get a good laugh. OK. And Marylinn, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE INPUT TO MY CASE. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD DONE SO. THANK YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! GOD BLESS YOU, AND HAVE THE BEST HOLIDAYS EVER ! ! !


Mission Hills,
! Acquitted! Can You Believe It ?

#22Author of original report

Sun, November 21, 2004

Oh my.... Richard has beed acquitted! He officially got letter number 203 in the mail the other day (sorry for reporting it late). Here it is WORD FOR WORD; THANK YOU FOR YOUR INQUIRY CONCERNING THE CITATION(S) LISTED BELOW. WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S) IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED. IF PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE AND YOU WISH TO REQUEST A REFUND, PLEASE SIGN THIS FORM AND RETURN IT TO THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU AT THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. YOU SHOULD BE AWARE, HOWEVER, THAT A REFUND CANNOT BE ISSUED IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER UNPAID CITATIONS ON YOUR RECORD. MARK THE ENVELOPE ATTENTION: CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT. UPON RECIEPT OF YOUR SIGNED REQUEST THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU WILL PROCESS YOUR REFUND. A CHECK, IF DUE, WILL BE SENT TO YOU WITHIN 30 DAYS. SIGNATURE__________________________________ ================================== PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU CITIATION(S) NUMBER 928544676 End of letter. WOW! CAN YOU BELIVEVE IT? After four months of the red tape that i had to go through i am a free man... I have a long rebuttal i will try to do here soon so stay tuned. But in the mean time, shouldnt Richard have some fun and mail in the letter to get a refund (that he never paid)? YES HE SHOULD! Lets see how stupid these people really are. Lets just waste some of their time as they have wasted much of mine (ours). It does cost them in productivity to do this... right? Lets see how long we can keep this one going. Richard, you are a funny dirty guy (yes he is) who likes to play rotten jokes at times to get a good laugh. OK. And Marylinn, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE INPUT TO MY CASE. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD DONE SO. THANK YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! GOD BLESS YOU, AND HAVE THE BEST HOLIDAYS EVER ! ! !


Mission Hills,
! Acquitted! Can You Believe It ?

#23Author of original report

Sun, November 21, 2004

Oh my.... Richard has beed acquitted! He officially got letter number 203 in the mail the other day (sorry for reporting it late). Here it is WORD FOR WORD; THANK YOU FOR YOUR INQUIRY CONCERNING THE CITATION(S) LISTED BELOW. WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S) IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED. IF PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE AND YOU WISH TO REQUEST A REFUND, PLEASE SIGN THIS FORM AND RETURN IT TO THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU AT THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. YOU SHOULD BE AWARE, HOWEVER, THAT A REFUND CANNOT BE ISSUED IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER UNPAID CITATIONS ON YOUR RECORD. MARK THE ENVELOPE ATTENTION: CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT. UPON RECIEPT OF YOUR SIGNED REQUEST THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU WILL PROCESS YOUR REFUND. A CHECK, IF DUE, WILL BE SENT TO YOU WITHIN 30 DAYS. SIGNATURE__________________________________ ================================== PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU CITIATION(S) NUMBER 928544676 End of letter. WOW! CAN YOU BELIVEVE IT? After four months of the red tape that i had to go through i am a free man... I have a long rebuttal i will try to do here soon so stay tuned. But in the mean time, shouldnt Richard have some fun and mail in the letter to get a refund (that he never paid)? YES HE SHOULD! Lets see how stupid these people really are. Lets just waste some of their time as they have wasted much of mine (ours). It does cost them in productivity to do this... right? Lets see how long we can keep this one going. Richard, you are a funny dirty guy (yes he is) who likes to play rotten jokes at times to get a good laugh. OK. And Marylinn, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE INPUT TO MY CASE. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD DONE SO. THANK YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! GOD BLESS YOU, AND HAVE THE BEST HOLIDAYS EVER ! ! !


Mission Hills,
! Acquitted! Can You Believe It ?

#24Author of original report

Sun, November 21, 2004

Oh my.... Richard has beed acquitted! He officially got letter number 203 in the mail the other day (sorry for reporting it late). Here it is WORD FOR WORD; THANK YOU FOR YOUR INQUIRY CONCERNING THE CITATION(S) LISTED BELOW. WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CLAIM AND FOUND IT TO NOT BE VALID. THEREFORE, YOUR CITATION(S) IS/ARE BEING PERMANENTLY DISMISSED. NO FURTHER ACTION ON YOUR PART IS REQUIRED. IF PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE AND YOU WISH TO REQUEST A REFUND, PLEASE SIGN THIS FORM AND RETURN IT TO THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU AT THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. YOU SHOULD BE AWARE, HOWEVER, THAT A REFUND CANNOT BE ISSUED IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER UNPAID CITATIONS ON YOUR RECORD. MARK THE ENVELOPE ATTENTION: CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT. UPON RECIEPT OF YOUR SIGNED REQUEST THE PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU WILL PROCESS YOUR REFUND. A CHECK, IF DUE, WILL BE SENT TO YOU WITHIN 30 DAYS. SIGNATURE__________________________________ ================================== PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU CITIATION(S) NUMBER 928544676 End of letter. WOW! CAN YOU BELIVEVE IT? After four months of the red tape that i had to go through i am a free man... I have a long rebuttal i will try to do here soon so stay tuned. But in the mean time, shouldnt Richard have some fun and mail in the letter to get a refund (that he never paid)? YES HE SHOULD! Lets see how stupid these people really are. Lets just waste some of their time as they have wasted much of mine (ours). It does cost them in productivity to do this... right? Lets see how long we can keep this one going. Richard, you are a funny dirty guy (yes he is) who likes to play rotten jokes at times to get a good laugh. OK. And Marylinn, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE INPUT TO MY CASE. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD DONE SO. THANK YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! GOD BLESS YOU, AND HAVE THE BEST HOLIDAYS EVER ! ! !


PRWT Services, Inc. is unresponsive and unaccountable, despite their penchant for "dishing it out."

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2004

By now, those who have followed this report, or who have submitted their own reports, or who know of horrific Los Angeles PVB injustices experienced by others, are well aware of the LA PVB's mistreatment of vehicle owners. Documented PVB falsehoods and demonstrated arrogance (which all too frequently defy reason, the law, and the facts presented) have become a way of life in the City of Los Angeles....a way of life enhanced by LA's own ticketers and gangster booters.

As we've seen, the PVB's frequently unlawful extortive demands for money, their outlandish threats, and their arbitrary orders imposing extralegal time constraints are injected into written mass mailings to vehicle owners, on the phone, and in person at LA parking ticket/booting "payment centers" manned solely by these PVB outsourced employees. Unchecked dishonesty and mininformation, authoritatively conveyed by these people, is an everyday occurrence.

On 9/10/04 I emailed PRWT at their given email address ([email protected]) provided on their own website. (The email DID go through, did not come back as "undeliverable" or "Illegal address".) Asking two very simple innocuous questions and giving my full name, city and state, this is what me email to PRWT said.
10 Sept 2004

""Your website indicates that PRWT performs "Lockbox, Telephone Inuiry Correspondence, Payment Processing, and Cashiering" services for a Los Angeles project entitled "City of Los Angeles parking tickets."

Until yesterday, I had never before heard of your company and would appreciate a response to the following two questions.

(1) How long has PRWT been performing these services in the City of Los Angeles?
(2) I assume your company performs the services it does under contract with either the City of Los Angeles or Affiliated Computer Services (ACS). Please enlighten me. Which is it? The City of Los Angeles or ACS?

Thank you in advance for your reply.""

Simple enough. No "trick" questions. I received NO reply.

On 10/12/04 I forwarded the SAME email to PRWT. (Again it went through and was not returned as "undeliverable.")

I prefaced the forwarded email with the following.

12 Oct 2004


Attached is my brief inquiring email to you of September 9, 2004 requesting a response from you to two VERY simple questions. Over one month has passed and I still have not received a reply. Please supply the answers to my questions withing the next five (5) days."

Again, NO reply!

PRWT Services, Inc. which works in tandem with ACS, Inc. under the moniker Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau, and whose website prides itself on its services, refuses to answer two harmless questions referencing its business connection to the City of Los Angeles.

In the eyes of the secretive and disguised LA parking Violations Bureau, accountability is indeed their one-way street.


Read about "Jeff's" situation with the PVB & City of LA

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2004

Go to box above scrolling reports, type "parking" in the box, click "search" and read about Jeff's CURRENT situation with the PVB & City of LA which was submitted on 11/9/04. OR, use the link below.

And you think you've got problems?

Copy and paste this link into your internet web browser:



Mission Hills,

#27Author of original report

Tue, November 09, 2004

I talked to Max Reyes today, as he did not call me back. He noted to me that he had to contact Leroy at the DMW to correct the letter and have another one faxed to him. He said leroy did it. He said that i should recieve another notice within three weeks clearing me of this NIGHTMARE they (the DMV) have created for me. So, until i see it in writing AND when i go to renew my reg in June, i will rest assure that i am clear. Until then, ANYONE WITH AN HONEST PROBLEM LIKE ME, I TELL YOU, "SKIP THE PVB AND CALL PATRICIA OR MAX". If you are simply a liar and trying to skate from paying the fees, then pay the price! Will keep you all abreast. I have a LONG recap i want to state once i get that letter or what ever it is from the PVB. Will be in touch.


Under color of law, private contractor ACS State & Local Solutions, Inc., tells the uninformed vehcile owner that it is entitled to commit extortion.

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, November 09, 2004

Richard, that detailed account of all that happened at the Winnetka DMV on Thursday and your accompanying thoughts was captivating reading.

In light of the abominable PVB (ACS) letter you'd rec'd just 2 days earlier, your trip to the DMV for your personal plates couldn't have been timed better. At long last, it's looking good. Great too that you're out of the loop, that problem-solving Max Reyes will be taking care of it for you (I hope assertively) with the crooked ACS.

I am still seething over the outrageous contents, and the intent of those contents, in the last PVB letter you received, as well as the first red letter they sent you. I'm thinking not only of you but of ALL recipients of those fraudulent letters.

Every "clever" devious sentence and word can be picked apart to thow the deliberate deception employed so as to affect the judgment of the recipient. For example, by design, it certainly does leave the reader to believe that non-compliance with their inflated monetary demand (involving one parking ticket) subjects your vehicle to seizure.

Also, contrary to what they would have you believe, their assertive action in that last letter, "You have incurred additional fees and are now asigned to a collection agency for not satisfying the outstanding citation(s) in a timely manner." is NOT authorized by law...even if it is their own "L.D.C. Collection Systems." (If I'm up to it in later posts, I'll write out for you or anyone exactly what is stated in California Vehicle Code Sections 40220 and 40200.3 in full and Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 89.60.)

Under color of law, private contractor ACS State and Local Solutions, Inc. tells the uninformed vehicle owner that it is entitled to commit extortion.


Mission Hills,

#29Author of original report

Thu, November 04, 2004

OK. So Richard has nothing better to do than waste his precious time during his vacation. My personal license plates had come in so i went to go pick them up at the Winnetka DMV office. (This is going to be very intresting please read on). Let me spell it all out for you who are watching this report.

So, i go to the "START HERE" line, am greeted by the clerk, she ask how can she help me. I told here i was here to pick up my custom license plates. I showed here the little white ticket that i had recieved in the mail the other day that told me i had 30 days to go fetch them. I also told her that i wanted to speak to the Office Manager about a concern. She gave me the little stub with my call number and said that i can get the plates when i am called. SHE DID NOT MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT TALKING TO THE MANGER. How funny. Did i forget that i asked this? NOT! When i asked her about that, she said i could request it when i get called to the window. So, they call out my number, i go to the window, give the next idiot clerk my little white paper to pick up my plates "AND" asked her also to speak to the office manager. (check this out)... She said that the "MANGER DOES NOT TALK TO CUSTOMERS". WOW!
Last time i checked, i was helping pay the salary of this ghost to whom i never got to meet or see. I guess the office manager has "publicitis" (alergic to the public). Then she said that the manager went to lunch, hmmmm, how intresting, just when i had asked. I told her "i could wait". I stood my ground and insisted to talk to someone. She said hold on, she went to the assistant manager. She came back and told me that he (Leroy Ramirez) would be right with me. And he did. So here i go again......... explaing my delima and showing him all the paper work that i brought with me ( i saved just about everything). We spilled it out on the table and he agreed with me after looking into all the plate numbers in question. He called Max Reyes (213) 847-0522 and talked to him about my HONEST situation. So here i stand waiting for him. Another girl comes over and says that he asked me to take a seat as he was typing a letter (to follow). He came back and said he talked to Max, wrote the letter (i got a copy of it) and faxed it to Max Reyes at (213) 847-9421. After he gave me a copy of the letter, at my request, he said that there was not much else he could do for me from this point, how nice of him. I took the letter to my car to call Max to be sure he got it via fax. Max was not in. Patricia Cunningham said she would have him call me back to verify that i was off the hook. So, before i left, and with all the blunders that have been going on, i decided to read the letter. Here it is, word for word. READ IT CAREFULLY. IT IS WORD FOR WORD! Written on DMV Stationary :

Dear Mr. reyes:

Per our conversation today, November 4, 2004, we would like to explain the errors made by the Department in issuing license plates to Mr. Reyes.

Upon researching our records, we discovered more than one vehicle owner was issued the wrong plates. Mr. reyes had in his possesion plate number 7M08060 instead of the plate referenced above. On August 25, 2004, we issued plate number 7J63324 to replace the incorrect plate issued to him. He now has his personalized plate, CSONSLA, issued to him today.

Please assist Mr. reyes with citation issued to vehicle operating with plates not attached to his vehicle.

If you have any further question, i can be reached at (818) 346-1142


Leroy Ramirez
Administrative Manager


... Since when did i change my name to Mr Reyes? Am i now related to Max Reyes?

This just shows in itself the stupidity of this department. So i went back into the office and brought this to his attention, he acknoledged the mistake and said that just have "Max Reyes" call him to clarify that it should have been my name if there is a problem. I am awaitng for Max to call now to verify that he got the fax. I will let you all know what the FINAL outcome is as we reach its destination (getting very close).


Oh, by the way, this was a two hour ordeal here initself. Waiting in line, waiting to be called, waiting to have the letter typed up (typed up slightly wrong), and having to go back into the office, and waiting for Max to call me back to see if i am disposed of.

WOW! What a barbaric thrill ride this has been...


What ACS does / does the buck stop here at the $157? or will they try to coninue to threaten Richard

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, November 04, 2004

Richard, you asked, "So does the buck stop here at the $157? or will they try to coninue to threaten Richard with more trash mail (for the DMV's mistake) and increase the fine?"

Remember I related in an earlier post of what the 82 year old man from Sacramento went through -- from the Sacramento Bee reporter R.E.Graswich?

Well, as reported in the earlier 8/6/04 Sac.Bee by Grasswich, pertaining to this man's experience
(remember, he drove a brown Ford Escort, ticket was for a black Ford truck, ticket was issued on 2/9/04, and HE hadn't been to LA since 1951 or 1952.)

As quoted by the reporter, ""He wrote a letter to the Los Angeles City Attorney's Ofice, which handles these things. The LA city attorney responded by raising Dominick's fine from $25 to $61.....He went to a lawyer, Mark Swanson, who wrote a letter for free. "I felt bad for Mr. Puma," Mark said. The LA city attorney raised the fine to $81. "Now they say they will send me to a collection agency, put a boot on my car and stop me from registering my car," said Dominick, who has been driving since 1939.""

(The "rest of the story" was related earlier.)

That may answer your question, indirectly, of what they do.


ACS is bilking City of Los Angeles

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, November 04, 2004

Regarding that $157 amount....

According to the LA Municipal Code that includes the 130-135 different types of parking violations, an initial fine of $65 is automatically doubled ($130) if a citation is "delinquent." Then there's a $3 added fine "when a hold on vehicle registration renewal is placed with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles."

Here's the hummer of how ACS profits substantially by sending such a letter as that latest one to Richard.

So, as I see it, unless I'm missing something, just by sending you that letter, ACS is billing the City of LA -- as a tallied "collection processing" to its other name (LDC Collection Systems)an additional $24. No wonder they sent you that letter a day or two earlier than even the 30-day hold. Just for that one erroneous citation, they'll be taking in an extra $24.


L.D.C Collection Systems IS ACS

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, November 04, 2004

Yes, LDC Collection Systems IS ACS. Not long ago they dressed up the name and now it's "ACS State and Local Solutions." (Don't choke with laughter over the word "Solutions.") It's kind of like jewelry for a plain dress -- probably John Brophy's brainstorm -- to look and sound appealing for prospective "steady beaus."

Place "L.D.C. Collection Systems" in any search engine like Google and you'll find "ACS State and Local Solutions d/b/a L.D.C. Collection Systems" and vice versa.

So that latest atrocious threatening letter to Richard can be translated to "If you don't pay us $157, Richard, We're gonna immediately report you to us. Here's a blue envelope to mail payment to our alias."

Timothy had the whole thing sized up accurately when he said in his 9/23 post, "There is a collection agency running the bureau, and the ability for a fair hearing is not posible because of a conflict of interest."

And what does L.D.C. stand for? What else? It's got to be "Let's Defraud Citizens."


Mission Hills,
The original shocking amount

#33Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 04, 2004

The original amount from the barbaric red notice was $65.00. It is my understanding that the rates have recently gone up. I am curious to know what happens to a person stuck in the middle. That is, if one got the ticket before the rate change, would one still be under the old rate penaltys or the new penaltys...? Who know... who cares. Cant believe how much time this is costing me. If i could only be reinbursed for my time i just may be close to being a millionire.... TTYL Will call one of the above in the morning.


What was ORIGINAL ticket fine??

#34Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 03, 2004

What was the original fine amount printed on that first RED Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation you received?

I am curious as to how they arrived at the $157 amount. Even if you WERE a scofflaw, which you are not, that dollar amount MAY also not be in compliance with the law as to the propriety and accuracy of charges and penalties.


What was ORIGINAL ticket fine??

#35Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 03, 2004

What was the original fine amount printed on that first RED Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation you received?

I am curious as to how they arrived at the $157 amount. Even if you WERE a scofflaw, which you are not, that dollar amount MAY also not be in compliance with the law as to the propriety and accuracy of charges and penalties.


What was ORIGINAL ticket fine??

#36Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 03, 2004

What was the original fine amount printed on that first RED Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation you received?

I am curious as to how they arrived at the $157 amount. Even if you WERE a scofflaw, which you are not, that dollar amount MAY also not be in compliance with the law as to the propriety and accuracy of charges and penalties.


What was ORIGINAL ticket fine??

#37Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 03, 2004

What was the original fine amount printed on that first RED Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation you received?

I am curious as to how they arrived at the $157 amount. Even if you WERE a scofflaw, which you are not, that dollar amount MAY also not be in compliance with the law as to the propriety and accuracy of charges and penalties.


Call Max Reyes, PRONTO.

#38Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 03, 2004

Richard, the contents of that letter you received
really is telling. The City of Los Angeles is partnered with crooks. That's about the worst I've heard yet. The PVB KNOWS that the vehicle's description does not match yours....even if there were absolutely NO communication by you (and even by me) and presumably by Max Reyes informing the PVB of the facts.

It IS racketeering. No question about it.

Call Max Reyes, PRONTO. If he's not in, call Patricia Cunningham, and if she's not in call Judith O'Conner. Continue calling (and you can email Alex Padilla since you now have his correct email address and since his staff does not return phone calls).....until you reach SOMEONE.

That letter you received is ample evidence of what is going on in the City of Los Angeles.


Mission Hills,

#39Author of original report

Wed, November 03, 2004

Oh my! So i finally got to open my mail today after a long day of working at home and selling stuff from my web site. And what did Richard get in the mail during his vacation week? Another TRASH letter from the City of L A. But it is not that ugly red barbaric letter i first recieved. This one is a bit more tamer and white (in appearance that is). It does not have a letter number. The return address on the outside is PO Box 30090 LA CA 90030. and on the back it says P V B Payment centers with the addresses (like i really give a horses a*s?). And some other crap. It is a WHITE letter/envelope of "DELINGUENT STATUS" (i thought Max Reyes gave me a 60 day extension? Not 30. Guess not). It has the date. Make, Lic Number COLLECTION FEE, Fine and Penalty and in red "TOTAL DUE" $157.00. WOW! I am in the wrong business. How can it be so legal to rip someone off? It reads in part: "You have failed to satisfy parking citations issued to a vehicle registered in your name. The Department of Motor Vehicles has been notified to withhold renewal of your annual vehicle registration pending resolution of the citations. If you have delinquent citations, your vehicle may be sized". Oh my! I now have more than one citation? Their grammer seems worse than mine. Should'nt it be "citation(s)". and there is more crap... "You have incurred additional fees and are now assigned to a collection agency for not satisfying the outstanding citation(s) in a timely manner. (Per California Vehicle Code Section 40200.3 and Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 89.60)." Next paragraph:
Failure to pay the citation(s), may subject you to further collection activity such as a civil judgement or an interception of your state income tax refunds to pay for these delinquent parking fines."

and of course... "To Make Payment. bla bla bla bla bla. Oh, how intresting, they accept Visa and Mastercard. Isnt that nice of them? It has no time/grace period on here. So does the buck stop here at the $157.00? or will they try to continue to threaten Richard with more trash mail (for the DMVs mistake)and increase the fine?
What a bunch of horse s**t! Obviously Max Reyes and the PVB DO NOT COMMINICATE... or do they?

OK. Who is going to reinburse me for my time? Gas? Emotional distress? Pain and suffering?

SCREW YOU ALL I SAY! That is, the officials of Los Angeles. Most of you are "COMPLETELY" USELESS! And i thought we had capable people on the taxpayers payroll. BOY AM I WRONG!
Back to the letter. It has a return blue envelope with it that has a mailing address of L.D.C. Collection Systems. (L.D.C.?) City of Los Angeles PO BOX 30087 LA CA 90030. I am surprised that they provide these envelopes for the people. Next thing you know, you law breaking parking people will have to provide your own envelopes. And with all the non english speaking, illiterate people here in LA... good luck. Oh My... Richard has a bad headache again. What to do. HELP ME DEAR LORD! I PRAY TO YOU FOR HELP. AND PLEASE HELP THE CITIZENS OF LOS ANGELES AGAINST THESE DEVILS. Hear my prayer Lord.


Mission Hills,

#40Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 02, 2004

Congratulations to all who have fought their tickets and won. I am still fighting these jerks for the DMV's mistake. How many months is it going to take... god only knows. Am i being put through some test or something? Cause it sure feels like it. Of course i never got a call back from Alex Padilla (JERK). So here i sit and wait until Leslie at the DMV finds anything.... (i am not holding my breath, dont worry). But vacation time is here and i got my notice in the mail that i must now pick up my special plates that i had ordered..... Gonna be fun at the DMV. Gonna raise hell... cant wait. Can anyone bail me out if i need to be? Will keep you all in touch. Later.


Timothy, get written confirmation of settlement if you don't have it

#41Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 01, 2004

Timothy, that's great news that your "no-notice/out-of-state plates" issue was settled to your satisfaction by Judith O'Conner and that you provided her phone # for others faced with a similar dilemma.

You have to give yourself credit though for checking out the credence of the PVB's claim about mailing a notice of an LA parking ticket, supposedly issued to your vehicle, to your former state's DMV. (Gee, why didn't they mail it to the mayor or governor of your former city or state?) And the claim was embroidered by some PVB person telling you they were "not responsible for lost mail." (Can you believe??!) Also, the PVB's culpability is exacerbated by the contents of that PVB Letter #216 you rec'd which sated that YOUR out-of-state plates were "valid."

That "validity" of your previous license plates of course could only be ascertained by accessing your former state's DMV database of registered vehicle owners and addresses of owners. So their negligence was inexcusable in not mailing to you directly the legally required Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation (which they do mail to California vehicle owners) -- giving you 14 days to pay or contest the ticket without unlawful stacked up monetary penalties.

Meanwhile, for your protection, I hope you have something in writing from J. O'Conner as confirmation of the agreed upon settlement. "Ann" rec'd such written confirmation from Patricia Cunningham and even posted it after she had a similar no-notice issue with the PVB. Ann's reprot & written confirmation she rec'd can be found at http://www.ripoffreport.com/view.asp?id=63700.

For others to be helped who might have a similar predicament as yours, and to refer to your resolution which you so kindly offered, I would think that they would at least need the Citation Number as reference. Do you still have that Cit.Number, and if so, could you post it?

Again, what a pleasure to learn that your matter was resolved satisfactorily and that you were able to break through the PVB blockade. Aren't you glad it's over?


Sherman Oaks,
everything is settled, she removed all the unnecessary fines i had recieved

#42Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 30, 2004

i used the numbers so graciously provided by marilynn, and called patricia cunningham. she was supposet to have her deputy call me back in a couple of days. that never happened, so i called a week later, and she was out of town. i managed to get through to a woman by the name of judith o'conner (213 487 0281)re-explained my situation and we discussed the matter briefly, and she agreed with me, and reduced the ticket to the original amount, which was $65. she removed all the unnecessary fines i had recieved, and even concluded that nothing had probably ever been sent out to my home dmv (which by the way i had called before just to verify that they had never recieved and info on the ticket, and they had not). so things have worked out for me, good luck to anyone else, and if anyone really decides to fight the system, feel free to use my case too. thanks to everyone, use the resources on this board.


Sell the Rights to Your Story

#43Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 29, 2004

Richard by now it's about time to be thinking of selling the rights to your story. You know, along the lines of "Richard in Wonderland" but something more creatively titled.

Really, I'm so grateful I don't live there and moreso for not having anything to do with the Calif. DMV (no car there) It's mind boggling how totally screwed up that agency is....and with Calif. being THE state of the privately owned vehicle, too.

You'd provided Leslie's 800 phone # a while back, but I do believe that even a call from Gov. Arnold would not shake her "immovable object" being.

Is the elusive Affidavit the same thing as the "Not my Car" report that you were urged by the PVB (HaH!) to file? Or is that something else again? It's really too bad that you didn't insist upon a copy of this affidavit from Donald when you first filled it out. Yes, it has been a month. Remember she was bad-mouthing Donald (for unknown reasons) but it seems like it's lethargic Leslie herself who's a big problem.

You might try Donald again to ask what he did with the affidavit. But as of now, if I understand correctly, there is no record of it ever having been filed by you?? None at all??

I'm not sure if you should contact Max Reyes again, but it occurred to me you might convey what Leslie just told you. What a MESS!! And I've got no more ideas on it.


Mission Hills,
WOW! She Called Me Back...

#44Author of original report

Fri, October 29, 2004

Well, today was dooms day for Leslie at the DMV (or at least i thought it was). I had demanded to her that she call be back on the 30th day, which was about today. The reason was, she is supposed to get the AFFIDAVIT from the Sacramento office to see what i wrote on it. When we spoke about this around 30 days ago, she said she would call me "if she got something". I told her that was un-acceptable and to call me either way, (since i thought i was entitled to know what is going on). She was not to thrilled about that. Well, it came to me as no surprise that she has not yet been able to retrieve the AFF, though she did call me. She said that the microfilm in Sacramento was not yet avilable (Holy Cow! How long does it take?). Sounds like us California taxpayers are not getting what we pay for... doenst it? And thats all that donkey said. She made no mention of another phone call. NOTHING! This is how our sate/county government treats its' taxpayers.... remarkable? NO! So i guess my faith is in never never land. I will have to call that _itch back in two weeks and turn up the heat. The least she could have done was tell me she would call me back, but she DID NOT. Maybe i should call Sacramento? Does anyone have any contact information up there? A phone number? Marylinn... any suggestions while i have the week off for vacation? I have wasted so much time for their mistake, why not waste my whole weeks vacation time? OK. TTYL and will keep you all up to date.


Van Nuys,
all the stress we are living because of this mafia bureau

#45Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 28, 2004

I am really tired of all this power this "company" has and the way they make the citizens life miserable.

Is it possible to sue them by a class action suit?
We are all fed up and all have a cese against them. I'd lie to know the possibility of a huge law suit, the one that includes the compensation for all the stress we are living because of this mafia bureau


Who's directing the Los Angeles Parking Citations Production that does NOT follow California Vehicle Code Script?

#46Consumer Comment

Thu, October 28, 2004

The many posts on this report, especially Richard's, have made us keenly aware of the cunning nefarious methods used for collecting valid or invalid City of Los Angeles parking ticket fines.

Also painfully evident is that those collection schemes for real or imagined City of Los Angeles parking violations are totally in the hands of two private company beneficiaries -- ACS, Inc. and PRWT Services, Inc. -- that have sold their outsourcing wares to the City of Los
Angeles. (ACS, Inc. is the heir apparent to Lockheed Martin IMS whose parking violations collections "expert" of 17 years, John Brophy, was included in the package deal of Lockheed IMS's Aug. 2001 "sale" to ACS.)

Richard's earlier offhanded remark, "It's all about money" certainly does apply here. After all, business is business. (...and such a deal?)

Not counting the change orders benefiting Lockheed and now ACS and PRWT, the existing collections methodology for Los Angeles parking ticket fines has been operating as it does in LA since 1994. This Los Angeles operation has even prompted wry remarks from amazed political observers who suggest that incarcerated east coast crime bosses should have taken lessons from the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau syndicate.

At any rate, this government-for-hire service provided to Los Angeles by ACS and its predecessor Lockheed does not come without a hefty price tag. This political state of affairs pertaining to parking citations in Los Angeles is so grim that signs should be posted at all vehicular entrances into the city which read, "Welcome to Los Angeles. ACS and PRWT welcome you and hope you park illegally. Our boards of directors thank you." It's just a case of the muscular tail wagging the lazy dog.

In a revealing 1999 investigative report, investigative reporter Elissa Silverman divulged, "In 1993, the New York Parking Violations Bureau spiked a $150 million deal with Lockheed to process and collect civil parking fines after investigators determined that the company had improperly intervened in the contract's awarding." (Isn't that called
"bid-rigging"?) Referencing a 1998 Washington D.C.'s auditor's report, the article also states, "Lockheed routinely overcharged drivers for (D.C.) parking tickets. The company would send multiple notices to drivers who had already paid their debt to the city. In many cases, the drivers simply paid again. Neither the city nor Lockheed has ever issued reimbursements for drivers who overpaid."

Those 5-year-old findings don't come close to the rampant abuse by the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau that continues to be reported and posted on several websites by people whose vehicles were issued a parking ticket in the City of Los Angeles.

Needless to say, the expected City of Los Angeles oversight of its PVB collection agencies and their scurrilous collection tactics is zilch.
Consequently, trust in City of Los Angeles elected and appointed officials by swindled citizens is also zilch. Not exactly a rosy picture.

After Timothy and Richard were finally able to break through the LA PVB barrier on their own, they both took issue with the PVB's autonomy.

Timothy questioned the propriety of a profit motivated private company's self-interest in LA's parking violation fines and collections and noted the unbridled company's financial conflict of interest under those circumstances. (By the way, Timothy, what's the status of your no-mailed-notice issue? Has it been resolved to your satisfaction?)

And when Richard did receive immediate help from the City of LA's Max Reyes, after a month of PVB/ACS/PRWT/DMV runaround, he astutely wondered if Reyes was "a person the PVB is shielding." (By gum, Richard, I think you've got it.)

Besides the two private companies, the third player in LA's enterprising parking citations production is of course the City of Los Angeles itself -- the "issuing agency" -- with all of its dedicated hirelings who ISSUE parking tickets..... sometimes reasonably, sometimes unreasonably, sometimes fraudulently, many times deviously, often times speedily, and sometimes not at all.....although their names somehow appear on PVB records months and sometimes years later as having "issued" particular parking citations to particular vehicles at particular locations on particular days and particular times.

>From all reported indications coming out of LA in the last few years, sheer numbers of citations (by hook or by crook, real or bogus) to be "recorded" by the PVB seem to be the bottom-line goal of these parking officers and meter maids.

What pressures are these LADOT employees under to produce, produce, produce? Are their supervisors still imposing parking ticket "quotas"? Are they so highly motivated to produce tickets because of implied threats...or actual rewards, or contests, or bonuses?

Are they TOLD that it's okay to lie and issue fraudulent citations, that it doesn't matter because their actions, transferred to PVB "records," are considered "prima facie evidence" against any vehicle owner or driver who MIGHT bother to pay the ticket amount to contest a bogus citation? Whatever motivates patent dishonesty and such a fervor to
issue parking tickets in large numbers is unknown to people who have never been in their shoes.

The motivational factors that come into play in their LADOT job training (and perhaps off the job) is a topic well worth further examination.


Another horror story, It makes me sick

#47Author of original report

Wed, October 27, 2004

For those who are receiving updates on this report take a look at what came in this morning 10/27 on the LA's Parking Violations Bureau from "Rita." (place "parking" in the box above the scrolling reports, then press SEARCH.)

It makes me sick just reading of the madness that this woman is dealing with. Right out of Kafka.
No other city's populations (Boston, Chicago, New York, anywhere at all in the U.S.)have expressed such unbelievable and outrageous things pertaining to parking violations happening to them. Not even San Francisco. Just LA. When, if ever, will it all cease?


A band-aid of yet higher taxes won't do the trick to cure the City of Los Angeles of its illness.

#48Consumer Comment

Thu, October 21, 2004

In a previous post, Richard understandably said, "And they have the balls to ask us homeowners/taxpayers/abiding citizens for tax increases on the coming November Ballot? Are they crazy? Forget it. I am gonna vote against it and I encourage all readers who vote within to do the same."

After what he has been through, Richard's point is well made. All of the English speaking world has been able to read of Richard's day-to-day experiences that exhibited government waste, unconscionable actions and ineptitude sanctioned by ongoing "policies" of government bureaucrats and politicians, and taxpayer dollars used wickedly against its own law abiding people by the City of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles reportedly already has the highest sales tax in the State of California, and the November ballot measure Richard refers to is to increase that city sales tax for the supposed use by LAPD.

I recently read that LAPD for the last few months has been busying itself "raiding" Motel 6's in the San Fernando Valley, not for any reported crime or suspected crimes, but on general principles LOOKING for any possibility of motel guests who MAY have a problem with the

LAPD has been doing this by checking all Motel 6 parking lots, "running license plates through police car computer terminals and getting instantaneous information about registered owners."

Not surprisingly, there's no mention of LAPD performing identical Big Brother "sweeps" in the parking lots of 4-Star and 5-Star hotels where well-heeled white collar criminals, drug lords or terrorists MAY be lodging for the night or the week. Only Motel 6's and competitive lower priced motels.

Back to the lower echelon of Los Angeles "law enforcement" in whose clutches Richard found himself for over a month.

That "law enforcement" entity is the dynamic duo consisting of LA's unarmed parking officers and booters (whose tainted forces are suspected of being recruited from Leavenworth) AND their equally dishonorable business partner, ACS, otherwise known as the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau whose employees are likewise discouraged from exercising reason, ethical behavior or any thinking capacity beyond the level of protozoa.

Fines for Los Angeles parking citations have always been excessive compared to those in other parts of the country, and a year ago the LA city council made across-the-board increases for those already high parking fines. (Los Angeles has about 135 different TYPES of parking

The city council also increased the city's "boot fee" from $35 to $100, whether or not booting of a particular vehicle would be a lawful action to begin with. (From my own experience, it was not.)

What are the taxpayers of Los Angeles paying for the city's gargantuan parking enforcement operation?

Well, for starters, there are the TWO private companies -- ACS and PRWT -- who are in business with Los Angeles to get a piece of its parking violations pie. ACS occupies the 23rd floor and PRWT the 22nd floor of a downtown LA office building at 606 South Olive Street. What does the rent run for those two floors of downtown office space? Then there are the four "payment centers" operated and manned by personnel from these two collection agencies for the fundamental purpose of collecting parking fines as designated on their often faulty records. ("Mistakes" of course are always to the financial detriment of the vehicle owner, never the agency.) Plus there are all of the salaried employees of these two collection agencies who man phones, collect fines and habitually dispense false information or no information -- likely what they've been told to do and not do -- to inquiring citizens whose vehicles may or may not have been issued a parking ticket. It's anybody's guess what the payrolls are of these two companies. Oh yes, the ACS company also spends bucks on the downtown law firm of Iverson, Yoakum, Papiano and Hatch when it gets into legal trouble over its Parking Violation Bureau practices or those of its City of Los Angeles partner.

In addition to those costs for Los Angeles taxpayers for the "work" of these two collection agencies (ACS and PRWT) and THEIR payrolls, the City of Los Angeles itself must have a huge payroll to meet for its parking enforcement activity.

This payroll consists of (1) the multitudes of ubiquitous meter maids and unarmed parking officers, sergeants, lieutenants and captains who ooze up out of the city's sewers there at any time of day or night, (2) a couple of hundred slithering Los Angeles booters, (3) the higher salaried LA parking enforcement bureaucrats in downtown LA and their clerical help, (4) their in-house parking enforcement assistant city attorney, and (5) the clerical employees at enforcement divisions throughout the city.

A four or five story building at Vermont and the Hollywood Freeway, in which all the city's booters are headquartered, is used exclusively for parking enforcement activity by the City of Los Angeles. That's right, the entire building. What are the maintenance and utility costs for that building alone? The taxpayers' outlay for LA's fleets of parking enforcement vehicles used by parking ticket issuers and booters must also be substantial, to say nothing of the maintenance, repair and fuel costs for those vehicles. Who pays for all that?

As local permanent residents get wiser and more skillfully able to avoid parking citation traps (usually after getting unmercifully or unjustly gouged in the pocketbook) the city just devises more methods for increasing revenue from parking citations (actual or fraudulent) to offset its enforcement expenditures. It is a vicious lose-lose cycle which Los Angeles decision makers perpetuate by simply raising taxes and increasing fines for its citizenry, its businesses and its visitors.
Not by cutting spending.

I tend to agree with an LA citizen who recently wrote that higher taxes create a more depressed society, which creates a less productive society, which creates more crime in the community.

Los Angeles, the paradise of long ago, has become a monster of its own making. Its voracious appetite, warped values and totalitarian mindset does indeed repel visitors, would-be residents and prospective businesses. A city which boasts of taking in more than $100 million annually in parking fines, as the elected LA city attorney recently did, is sick indeed....as sick as boasting about a high crime rate.

A band-aid of yet higher taxes won't do the trick to cure the City of Los Angeles of its illness.


From an "outsider" who does give a damn.

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, October 17, 2004

Hey Richard,

By no means do I wish to get into a pissing match with you. I am completely on your side here.

BUT, I'm just thinking of the person who lost the plate. What if your shenanigens causes undo strife for them? What if they are not as quick to report to the DMV about their lost plate as you think they should?

I understand completely your frustration. Believe me I do. I'm just thinking of the possible consequences to your actions.

By the way, I lived in Monterrey for 2 years while serving our country in the Air Force, and have had vehicles registered in California, so I do know that you have to have a plate on front and back.

Good luck to you, and I sincerely hope you get this issue resolved soon. Maybe a letter to Gubner Ahnold is in order.


Mission Hills,

#50Author of original report

Sun, October 17, 2004

Well Pat, looks like you have been keeping up with this post. Obviously the rules of engagement are not very well known to "outsiders", like yourself. California law states that ALL vehicles must have front and rear plates. So, for instance, if you own a vehicle in Cali and live here, if one of your license plates has gone missing for ANY reason(lost, stolen, accident etc etc etc), you simply go to the DMV to get a new set for a very MINIMUM fee (About $8.00, which is nothing in todays world). Once you get your new plates, you would be just about relieved from any duties. I am sure your sympathy would be heart felt in many places, but not in a large corrupt city government as Los Angeles. Though they "may" (but un-likely)appreciate it.

You have obviously never have delt with these bastards as i have. As a life long L A resident (born and raised), taxpaying citizen, community involvement (for over 10 yrs) and more... i would appreciate some respet from the JERKS at city hall and the DMV (i cant even get a simple return phone call out of them). They all know that this ticket is not mine. Yet i am held hostage for NO reason. They make it nearly impossible to clear ones name. So, fair play is fair play. I am sure there are many people out there that play games and cause havoc for a good, just reason against this corrupt organization. I PRAISE THEM FOR IT. The city of L A is so screwed up, that i can only imagine these people who are out for revenge DONT GIVE A DAM! And i wouldnt either. Whoever loses a plate from their vehicle for what-ever reason should have the brains to take immediate action as i have in my case. If they are that stupid and dont... they have no place on this earth. So, as i have been told in the past growing up, LIFE IS A b***h. DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE ON... Have a wonderful weekend now.


Yes, but what about the person that plate belongs to.

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, October 16, 2004


First, let me say that I feel your pain with everything you have gone through regarding this mess. I whole-heartedly agree that the "DONKEYS" at the PVB/ACS/DMV/City of LA are totally screwy.

But, what about the poor sap whose license plate you now have? By doing what you have suggested above (and I honestly hope you do not take the actions described), you would be causing a great deal of strife for someone who has already had bad luck recently (having been in an accident and losing their rear bumper).

What if this person is, say, a single mom on a very limited means of income. If you go around with that plate and park illegally, get a bunch of citations, and it is all traced back to the person owning the plate, isn't it possible that this person could be put in jail if the number of citations is high enough?

And what if for some reason you are caught? You have already posted a written confession above. Not to mention the fact that you would, at a minimum, be cited for possession of stolen plates.

Believe me, I don't want to rain on your parade, but you should think about the consequences of your actions. I hope that you have the decency to do the right thing.


Here's ONE difference between an Ethical and an Unethical parking ticket company's way of doing business in California

#52Consumer Comment

Sat, October 16, 2004

Richard, since you're breathing easier these days as you await confirmation from the DMV about its license plate mis-mailings, I thought I'd share with you the wording of another company's Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation.

This notice is SO unlike that despicable red notice you got in the mail from ACS (the Los Angeles PVB) which is deliberately designed to be deceptive, UNinformative, threatening & demanding to scare the heebie jeebies out of you into paying for something you do not owe. It's one difference between an ethical company and an unethical company's way of doing business.

Below is the wording of the notice that Turbo Data Systems, Inc. mails out to vehicle owners if a parking ticket is not paid or contested in 21 days from date of issuance, all on plain white paper without a "shouting" format and consistent with California law. (Turbo also contracts with Calif. cities to process their parking citations.)

"If you have paid the citation(s) listed below, call the 800 number to verify that the payment has been received.

If you have sold this vehicle or do not own this vehicle see reverse side for Declaration of Non-Ownership.

If you have 5 or more outstanding citations your vehicle may be booted or towed and impounded.




Then beneath that, horizonally across the page, is the description of the vehicle -- license plate, state, expir.date, VIN#, make and color.
And beneath that is citation #, location of issuance, date/time issued, code sections violated and penalty amount.

There's a phone # to call for further information, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, the "amount now due" and "If not paid by xxxxx date, amount due will be xxxxx."

(The above is from a copy of a City of Santa Monica delinquent notice I rec'd in the mail about 5 yrs ago at my registered Arizona address when my daughter was a full time out-of-state college student in LA and driving the car I owned at the time.)

Besides the problem-solving information it provides, isn't the whole tone of that notice light years away from that god-awful red thing you got in the mail from ACS? ACS's deviousness would have you believe that the number on a license plate is ALL that is necessary and proof positive that a parking ticket was issued to YOUR vehicle.


Hooray for Richard's ingenuity ...from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau

#53Author of original report

Fri, October 15, 2004

A round of applause for Richard's creative ingenuity.... from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau and Parking Enforcement Bureau.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing."


Hooray for Richard's ingenuity ...from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau

#54Author of original report

Fri, October 15, 2004

A round of applause for Richard's creative ingenuity.... from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau and Parking Enforcement Bureau.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing."


Hooray for Richard's ingenuity ...from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau

#55Author of original report

Fri, October 15, 2004

A round of applause for Richard's creative ingenuity.... from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau and Parking Enforcement Bureau.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing."


Hooray for Richard's ingenuity ...from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau

#56Author of original report

Fri, October 15, 2004

A round of applause for Richard's creative ingenuity.... from all of the fleeced victims of the farcical City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau and Parking Enforcement Bureau.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing."


Mission Hills,
LET THE FUN BEGIN! ..arriving to hell and trying to come back

#57Author of original report

Fri, October 15, 2004

Well, after arriving to hell (dealing with the PVB) and trying to come back (almost there, please wait for me all) i have got to have some fun (revenge some may call it)...

The other day i had to pick up a buddy of mine about 50 miles away to help me do a few things. On the way down to his house via the fwy, i noticed this bumper on the side of the fwy. And, OH MY... it had a license plate on it. The bumper must have been from an accident on the frwy or something of that nature. So, when i took my buddy home, I JUST HAD to stop and pick it up. Of course we dont want this trash on our roadways, do we? We took off the from plate, discarded the wrecked up bumper, and now i am ready to go Christmas shopping... WITH EASY, NO NONSENSE, FREE PARKING ANYWHERE I PLEASE. Do you get it?

Yes, Richard's little devil has appeared out of no-where on his right shoulder and is ready to cause havoc. If they can give me the run around, why cant i give it to them? Fair play? Yes, i live on a two way street. But the PVB thinks (for what ever reason) it is one way. NOT! I think Richard is going to cause trouble with his "NEW FOUND" license plate. Oh My! Will this be fun? How will it go? Is the parking going to be free? Hope Richard doesnt get any parking tickets ( HA HA HA). Did Richard cover up his VIN on the car and hide it as best as possible? (Dam Right He Did!) Oh Richard, you are gonna have fun! you bad boy.


YOU GO BOY! And the PVB? Screw those donkeys! Give them as many headaches as possible.... YES! I am so excited. i have not had so much fun since i was a kid. Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Will keep you all informned. TTYL


MORE ANSWERS NEEDED on LA parking enforcement and Calif. DMV

#58Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

Yes, Richard, it looks like there's light at the end of the tunnel. Let us know how it works out or if there are any more surprises.

Many postings on this ripoffreport this past month hint of other Los Angeles parking enforcement and CA DMV matters that deserve attention, further information or comments from knowledgeable people.

For example,
From Robert on 9/5/04. "The DMV sent the guy the wrong plates, and they have been notorious for doing practices like this in the past." (Notorious for this? Was Richard's license plates mis-mailing dilemma no surprise?)

From Keith on 9/9/04 Keith understands how the LA parking violation & enforcement system works after his own sordid ride through LA's administrative appeal netherworld. Keith informed us of yet another private company in addition to ACS involved in running LA's PVB -- PRWT -- and would like more info on PRWT's involvement. (Fattening one company's bank account isn't enough to do the job? Two are needed?)

From Timothy on 9/21, 9/23 & 10/2/04 Timothy never saw an original parking ticket, never was mailed a "delinquent" notice which LA claims was sent to Timothy's previous state's DMV (for that state to be a collection agency for an LA parking ticket??) instead of directly to Timothy's accessible out-of-state registered address. Month after Timothy re-registered the same car in CA with no problem, he was mailed a "final notice" from LA's PVB with excessive penalties for the unseen & no-notice parking ticket. (Is this another Fourteenthy Amendment violation by City of LA?)

From Richard on 9/27, & 10/1/04 Richard questions how Fed. Dept of Housing and Urban Development fits in with PVB/ACS's demand to see HUD documents from people unable to afford the fee to merely contest any alleged parking citation(s). (We're becoming increasingly aware of LA's errors, fraud & schemes in issuing parking tickets in the first place.) Richard also wonders if they really dig into your personal files. (Suppose if the FBI can do it, why can't the City of Los Angeles and its PVB...????)


Mission Hills,

#59Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 09, 2004

Ahhh. Yes so true... but,

I am not out of the wood yet. I DO SEE THE LIGHT THOUGH! I am still awaiting the AFF from Leslie at the DMV to see what she says. MY LIFE IS IN HER HANDS (to bad i cant controll it). I will report back to the final income (or anything in between). TTYAL when this happens, in about two - three weeks. GOD BLESS ALL THOSE WHO HAVE TO ENDURE SUCH A NIGHTMARE AS I HAVE.


Big Momma City of Los Angeles needs to clean house of ACS.. and their PVB Letters of Mass Destruction

#60Consumer Comment

Sat, October 09, 2004

Well, Richard has been allowed to disembark from the wild Los Angeles roller coaster ride he found himself on for a month.

Patricia Cunningham and Max Reyes possibly had already learned indirectly of Richard's ongoing surrealistic experiences in the netherworld of government agencies by means of this website which reaches so many nationwide. But the point is they acted swiftly, conscientiously and compassionately when that direct contact with Richard was made. They knew exactly what they could do, made the runaway roller coaster come to a screeching halt, and graciously ushered him out of the car.

Kudos to Richard for keeping us all updated and aware of his almost unbelievable day-to-day experiences and his futile conversations with government agency boneheads he encountered (salaried by taxpayers) who were unwilling or unable to solve a problem of their employer's making.

His own efforts to solve that government-caused problem were remarkable.

All of his efforts with the LA Parking Violations Bureau (a private corporation) were for naught. Instead, his problem was compounded and made worse by the unceasing pressure of sinister and demanding letters for money from that private company....despite their full knowledge of the facts at hand (info on a particular parking ticket) and the DMV's mis-mailing of Richard's license plates to another party. These were the LA PVB messages Richard was receiving.

"Pay! Pay! Pay!" these letters said.
"You better pay because WE accuse YOU of this wrongdoing. Our infalible records have determined YOUR guilt, and if you don't pay in 15 days, why we can seize your house, we can seize your vehicle and everything you own, and we can garnishee your wages because YOU have not heeded our repeated demands to pay for that parking ticket. And Buddy, you're never gonna be able to register a vehicle in the State of California again if you don't pay this parking
ticket. Remember that first letter we sent you? Don't you read? We don't listen and we don't read 'cause we don't have to. We've got the ROP (running our own program) and don't have to abide by any spirit or letter of any statutory law or case law, much less any constitutional principles. HAH! You just better pay, Buddy."

"Furthermore, we are IN with Big Momma, and she doesn't care how we get the bucks, just so we bring em in -- lots and lots of dough to maintain Momma's life style. That's her due. She even writes up ways how to stiff the least suspecting of you car owners and drivers. And man, do we use em. Got it?

The more we get from scums like you with wheels, the happier she is. Didn't you catch how she lets us use her City Seal for the ROP? Big Momma loves us big time, so don't try and battle her or us. Big Momma's got her big lawyer boys and goes to bat for us against jerks like you. And we've got our own lawyers too, to defend her and us and our ROP. See, it's all in the contract. It's our birthright, in case you didn't know. We're a team. So you're screwed, Buddy Boy, if
you think you're not gonna pay that parking ticket."

Fortunately, the bullying stepchild (PVB) of Big Momma's large dysfunctional family was cut off at the pass when Pat and Max from Momma's real family intervened and said, "Enough is enough. This is insanity. Let us help you, Richard. We can do it, and we will do it now."


Big Momma City of Los Angeles needs to clean house of ACS.. and their PVB Letters of Mass Destruction

#61Consumer Comment

Sat, October 09, 2004

Well, Richard has been allowed to disembark from the wild Los Angeles roller coaster ride he found himself on for a month.

Patricia Cunningham and Max Reyes possibly had already learned indirectly of Richard's ongoing surrealistic experiences in the netherworld of government agencies by means of this website which reaches so many nationwide. But the point is they acted swiftly, conscientiously and compassionately when that direct contact with Richard was made. They knew exactly what they could do, made the runaway roller coaster come to a screeching halt, and graciously ushered him out of the car.

Kudos to Richard for keeping us all updated and aware of his almost unbelievable day-to-day experiences and his futile conversations with government agency boneheads he encountered (salaried by taxpayers) who were unwilling or unable to solve a problem of their employer's making.

His own efforts to solve that government-caused problem were remarkable.

All of his efforts with the LA Parking Violations Bureau (a private corporation) were for naught. Instead, his problem was compounded and made worse by the unceasing pressure of sinister and demanding letters for money from that private company....despite their full knowledge of the facts at hand (info on a particular parking ticket) and the DMV's mis-mailing of Richard's license plates to another party. These were the LA PVB messages Richard was receiving.

"Pay! Pay! Pay!" these letters said.
"You better pay because WE accuse YOU of this wrongdoing. Our infalible records have determined YOUR guilt, and if you don't pay in 15 days, why we can seize your house, we can seize your vehicle and everything you own, and we can garnishee your wages because YOU have not heeded our repeated demands to pay for that parking ticket. And Buddy, you're never gonna be able to register a vehicle in the State of California again if you don't pay this parking
ticket. Remember that first letter we sent you? Don't you read? We don't listen and we don't read 'cause we don't have to. We've got the ROP (running our own program) and don't have to abide by any spirit or letter of any statutory law or case law, much less any constitutional principles. HAH! You just better pay, Buddy."

"Furthermore, we are IN with Big Momma, and she doesn't care how we get the bucks, just so we bring em in -- lots and lots of dough to maintain Momma's life style. That's her due. She even writes up ways how to stiff the least suspecting of you car owners and drivers. And man, do we use em. Got it?

The more we get from scums like you with wheels, the happier she is. Didn't you catch how she lets us use her City Seal for the ROP? Big Momma loves us big time, so don't try and battle her or us. Big Momma's got her big lawyer boys and goes to bat for us against jerks like you. And we've got our own lawyers too, to defend her and us and our ROP. See, it's all in the contract. It's our birthright, in case you didn't know. We're a team. So you're screwed, Buddy Boy, if
you think you're not gonna pay that parking ticket."

Fortunately, the bullying stepchild (PVB) of Big Momma's large dysfunctional family was cut off at the pass when Pat and Max from Momma's real family intervened and said, "Enough is enough. This is insanity. Let us help you, Richard. We can do it, and we will do it now."


Big Momma City of Los Angeles needs to clean house of ACS.. and their PVB Letters of Mass Destruction

#62Consumer Comment

Sat, October 09, 2004

Well, Richard has been allowed to disembark from the wild Los Angeles roller coaster ride he found himself on for a month.

Patricia Cunningham and Max Reyes possibly had already learned indirectly of Richard's ongoing surrealistic experiences in the netherworld of government agencies by means of this website which reaches so many nationwide. But the point is they acted swiftly, conscientiously and compassionately when that direct contact with Richard was made. They knew exactly what they could do, made the runaway roller coaster come to a screeching halt, and graciously ushered him out of the car.

Kudos to Richard for keeping us all updated and aware of his almost unbelievable day-to-day experiences and his futile conversations with government agency boneheads he encountered (salaried by taxpayers) who were unwilling or unable to solve a problem of their employer's making.

His own efforts to solve that government-caused problem were remarkable.

All of his efforts with the LA Parking Violations Bureau (a private corporation) were for naught. Instead, his problem was compounded and made worse by the unceasing pressure of sinister and demanding letters for money from that private company....despite their full knowledge of the facts at hand (info on a particular parking ticket) and the DMV's mis-mailing of Richard's license plates to another party. These were the LA PVB messages Richard was receiving.

"Pay! Pay! Pay!" these letters said.
"You better pay because WE accuse YOU of this wrongdoing. Our infalible records have determined YOUR guilt, and if you don't pay in 15 days, why we can seize your house, we can seize your vehicle and everything you own, and we can garnishee your wages because YOU have not heeded our repeated demands to pay for that parking ticket. And Buddy, you're never gonna be able to register a vehicle in the State of California again if you don't pay this parking
ticket. Remember that first letter we sent you? Don't you read? We don't listen and we don't read 'cause we don't have to. We've got the ROP (running our own program) and don't have to abide by any spirit or letter of any statutory law or case law, much less any constitutional principles. HAH! You just better pay, Buddy."

"Furthermore, we are IN with Big Momma, and she doesn't care how we get the bucks, just so we bring em in -- lots and lots of dough to maintain Momma's life style. That's her due. She even writes up ways how to stiff the least suspecting of you car owners and drivers. And man, do we use em. Got it?

The more we get from scums like you with wheels, the happier she is. Didn't you catch how she lets us use her City Seal for the ROP? Big Momma loves us big time, so don't try and battle her or us. Big Momma's got her big lawyer boys and goes to bat for us against jerks like you. And we've got our own lawyers too, to defend her and us and our ROP. See, it's all in the contract. It's our birthright, in case you didn't know. We're a team. So you're screwed, Buddy Boy, if
you think you're not gonna pay that parking ticket."

Fortunately, the bullying stepchild (PVB) of Big Momma's large dysfunctional family was cut off at the pass when Pat and Max from Momma's real family intervened and said, "Enough is enough. This is insanity. Let us help you, Richard. We can do it, and we will do it now."


Mission Hills,
More Info About The Red Letter ..And yes, these threats are very assertive.

#63Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 06, 2004

UG! Marilynn... that dreaded red letter? Just talking about it makes me regurjatate. But let me answer your question. But first and foremost... i want to thank you for ALL of your rebuttal. Thank you! It has been very very constructive. I did get past the PVB glass windows and talk to someone (Reyes) who was very helpful.

And yes, these threats are very assertive.

In regards to your last post: After the LAMC Sec. 89.60. All there is is information. Ticket number state and license plate number to the left. In the center is the due date and and amount due if paid on time. To the right gives you a lame a*s way how to contest it. BY NO MEANS DOES IT TELL YOU ABOUT PATRICIA OR MAX.

Today i did fax a copy of the ticket to her (Leslie at the DMV) with a NASTY letter scolding her and everyone for NOT doing their jobs properly and poorly. Hope she does not take it personal. Will keep you up to date.


FANTASTIC!!! Humanity has risen its beautiful being from the ashes..

#64Consumer Comment

Tue, October 05, 2004

Richard, that is fantastic. Humanity has risen its beautiful being from the ashes (as well as human rights and common sense). That's wonderful. Am so happy for you.


By creating a false impression as to law, that disgraceful City of Los Angeles notice purposely deceives you.

#65Consumer Comment

Mon, October 04, 2004

Richard, thank you again for posting the wording of that lst reprehensible notice you rec'd in the mail from the LA PVB. It effectively states that if YOU do not pay the amt due for that one alleged parking ticket, it WILL result in increased penalties, WILL result in withholding of YOUR vehicle registration by the DMV, that non-payment of that one ticket may subject YOUR vehicle to booting or impoundment, and that YOU may be subject to a court judgement, garnishment of wages and seizure of (your) property for non-payment of that ticket. Those threats are quite assertive, aren't they?

By creating a false impresion as to law, that disgraceful City of LA notice purposely deceives you. The PVB then failed to correct that deception. Despite the info you conveyed about the DMV's license plate mailing screw-up, and all THEIR evidence to the contrary about the ticketed vehicle, the PVB continues to insist that YOU are liable for payment of a parking ticket (or the same $$ amt to contest the ticket) because the parking ticket is "valid" You've been mailed notice after notice after notice demanding that YOU must pay. Outside of a lic. plate # affixed to a RED Dodge vehicle of unknown type (and you don't own any red Dodge, and "Oficer" Mota did not even check the plate # with the vehicle he supposedly ticketed) the PVB' touted "records" show NO VIN # and NO TYPE of vehicle to connect the vehicle with you.

Richard, could you look again at that first notice (the red one) you rec'd? There must be something written after the sentence that ends "...and LAMC Sec. 89.50" about contesting the citation. What exactly does it say AFTER that sentence? (just the written words and directives)

Maybe faxing a copy of the citation info to dear Leslie at the DMV, which I assume you did, will expedite matters with the PVB. Hope you faxed her the info from the ACTUAL citation which was with that Letter #209 -- since that shows no VIN#, the color of the vehicle, etc. Were you ever able to connect with Alex padilla? Please keep us updated.


Mission Hills,

#66Author of original report

Mon, October 04, 2004

Max Reyes, 213-847-0522 called me back a few minutes later and put a 60 day hold on the ticket. PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES, THIS IS WHO YOU WANT TO CONTACT IF YOU HAVE A HONEST, SINCERE PROBLEM AS I HAVE. I have to call him back after i recieve the aff from the DMV in about 3 weeks. Thank you Mr Max Reyes for QUICKLY assisting me in this matter. I guess you are a person the PVB is shielding? But you are my current hero. Oh Boy! Thank you !


Mission Hills,
PAT IS NOW HELPING ME... put a hold on the ticket for 30 days

#67Author of original report

Mon, October 04, 2004

I just got off the phone with this person, Patricia Cunningham, phone 213-485-4783, as i have seen it in a previous posting. She was, quick, fast and seemed to know what she is talking about. She is going to put a hold on the ticket for 30 days and have a sub-ordinate call me in a few minutes. Will post again to what is going on and if the sub-ord called me back. (I might be getting somewhere, this oder does not smell bad.). She also told me that they have some contacts in Sacramento at the DMV. I explaind my plight, she was very sympathetic to it. So we will see what happens.....


Councilman ALEX PADILLA's correct email address

#68Consumer Comment

Sun, October 03, 2004

Alex Padilla's correct email address, according to the most current info on the City of Los Angeles website is:

[email protected]

When you go to the City's own website, you'll see on the right side "City Council Web Site Directory." Click on that little horizontal box and EUREKA! Up pop the photos, districts, email addresses, city addresses of all 15 city council members. The City's website is really quite informative.


Councilman ALEX PADILLA's correct email address

#69Consumer Comment

Sun, October 03, 2004

Alex Padilla's correct email address, according to the most current info on the City of Los Angeles website is:

[email protected]

When you go to the City's own website, you'll see on the right side "City Council Web Site Directory." Click on that little horizontal box and EUREKA! Up pop the photos, districts, email addresses, city addresses of all 15 city council members. The City's website is really quite informative.


Councilman ALEX PADILLA's correct email address

#70Consumer Comment

Sun, October 03, 2004

Alex Padilla's correct email address, according to the most current info on the City of Los Angeles website is:

[email protected]

When you go to the City's own website, you'll see on the right side "City Council Web Site Directory." Click on that little horizontal box and EUREKA! Up pop the photos, districts, email addresses, city addresses of all 15 city council members. The City's website is really quite informative.


Mission Hills,
CHECK THIS OUT... tried to email Alex Padilla

#71Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 03, 2004

I tried to email Alex Padilla again, and this is what o got back...

Sent : Saturday, October 2, 2004 9:04 PM
To : [email protected]
Subject : Message status - undeliverable

The message that you sent was undeliverable to the following:

Padilla (UNUSED)

WOW! Talk about bad oders... i cant even email my own city council member. Whats next?


LA city council passed into law a parking meter exemption for these environmentally clean vehicles, does not mean the zealous "Meter Maids" of Los Angeles will not ticket them anyway

#72Consumer Comment

Sun, October 03, 2004

As Richard trapses through his Orwellian adventure with the Calif. DMV and the LA Parking Violations Bureau, I believe his predictions (about what's in store for those who have "hybrid" vehicles and THINK their cars will not be ticketed at meters) is on the mark.

Just because the LA city council passed into law a parking meter exemption for these environmentally clean vehicles, does not mean the zealous "Meter Maids" of Los Angeles will not ticket them anyway. Issuing parking tickets is their mission in life, their reason for being. If they're not in competition with each other, it's probably like golf: to better your own "score" of yesterday. Not lower, but higher.

Then what?

Then begins the perpetual threatening generic letters from the PVB with the demand to pay the $30 ticket up front in 15 days for the privilege of contesting the ticket. How do they PROVE their vehicle was exempt from tossing coins in the meter? No, a copy of their vehicle registration or title is not enough for the City of Los Angeles PVB. Their only out is an "official"
document from an "official" state agency == the California DMV. And the DMV takes 90 days to press a computer key, AFTER the City of Los Angeles has deposited the $30.

Hello again, George Orwell.


Mission Hills,

#73Author of original report

Sat, October 02, 2004

Thank you M for that info about Alex. I did contact the Sylmar office, he was not there. I left a message. Of course i have not recieved a phone call yet from him, or anbody in his office.
And to think, i was so dumb headed to help put him in office. Yes i was an idiot and voted for him. Well i guarantee that will never happen again. This is NOT the first time i have tried to contact him... to no avail. I guess my tax-dollars and vote just doesnt mean much. One would think he would appreciate it. But this son of a gun does not! It's all about the m o n e y...


Your Tax Dollars at Work

#74Consumer Comment

Sat, October 02, 2004

Richard's last post was informative. They DID tone down the abominable wording of that outrageous notice you received. I did not know that those ugly things were RED in color. Imagine that, a for-profit company on the New York Stock Exchange accountable to its stockholders, pumping out notices like that...all under its title (in the Calif. state statutes) as a municipality's "processing agency" for parking tickets.

I imagine that they are STILL not notifying vehicle owners out of state with those abominable red messages. (That's what Timothy should have been mailed at his former address, sent directly from the PVB.)

I'll write more later on Alex Padilla, but wanted to mention that I emailed this entire Ripoffreport to NBC4 in LA, with a brief preceding email explaining what the DMV did and possibly is still doing and all the repurcussions
and Kafkaesque life you've been living for a month over the outrage. I sent it specifically to investigative reporter Joel Grover. You may want to try contacting him. More later.

Yes, the 15 member LA City Council is the highest paid in the nation (I think about $139,000 annually)and of course at-large Mayor Hahn's salary is higher.

So what do you get for that? Well, your District 7 Council Member, Alex Padilla, also has a staff of NINE at his downtown 200 N. Spring St,Rm.415 office, plus a staff of SIX at his Pacoima field office, plus a staff of FOUR at his Sylmar field office. And what do you get? Not so much as a return phone call????

But there's more. Alex Padilla lives in Pacoima, which according to my map, is only about 2 miles from you in Mission Hills. YOU ARE HIS CONSTITUENT. And more. You said you were raised in the San Fernando Valley, lived there all your life. Well, Alex Padilla was also born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, and outside of his years at MIT (mechanical engineering, but apparently went into politics instead) he also has been "your neighbor" in the San Fernando Valley all of his life.

ALEX PADILLA -- OR SOMEONE FROM HIS STAFF -- OWES YOU A PHONE CALL. He REPRESENTS you! And you have indeed got one helluva big problem and case, as does the entire State of California, if the DMV's actions of mailing out wrong license plates to anybody and everyone, just any old vehicle owner at all, is common place. I'd check out Alex again and lay it all out for him just as you did in your very first posting. He, the PVB and certainly the DMV owes it to you.


Mission Hills,

#75Author of original report

Fri, October 01, 2004

I just got off the phone with Leslie at the DMV. I called her. I suggested to her that we ALSO request the aff/statement of facts from the owner of the plates i had recieved(7M08060), since he also got the wrong plates(7M08054). Since i was required to file a statement of facts explaining why i wanted new plates, i imagine he would have to do the same as well. She also asked me to fax her a copy of the citation, her fax number is 818-904-2488. I hope his statement has something good to say.... we will have to wait and see. What happens when you file a statement of facts is that the DMV puts it on microfilm and destroys the document, is what i gather. So we have to request the S O F from Sacramento, they will then send it out accordingly. But it takes 30 days she says. And the PVB gives you 15 days, that is, your payment must reach them in 15 days, not postmark within 15 days. So i have to keep playing the game of mailing that letter without payment. Weel, we get paid today at work, and if my 401k deductions are in effect, i will also fill out the poverty form and mail it in to them... DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THEY REALLY DIG INTO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?

I was just reading the poverty letter, it is so funny. IT IS INTRAPMENT! Here is what it says, " I hereby request that the City review this statement to determaine eligibility for a payment plan or waiver of immediate payment of a parking penalty." I guess there is no recourse other wise. LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE TO PAY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. This is the same to me as saying, "screw you". OK. I am going to fax Leslie more than she has asked for. Will report back on anything new.



Mission Hills,

#76Author of original report

Fri, October 01, 2004

I just got off the phone with Leslie at the DMV. I called her. I suggested to her that we ALSO request the aff/statement of facts from the owner of the plates i had recieved(7M08060), since he also got the wrong plates(7M08054). Since i was required to file a statement of facts explaining why i wanted new plates, i imagine he would have to do the same as well. She also asked me to fax her a copy of the citation, her fax number is 818-904-2488. I hope his statement has something good to say.... we will have to wait and see. What happens when you file a statement of facts is that the DMV puts it on microfilm and destroys the document, is what i gather. So we have to request the S O F from Sacramento, they will then send it out accordingly. But it takes 30 days she says. And the PVB gives you 15 days, that is, your payment must reach them in 15 days, not postmark within 15 days. So i have to keep playing the game of mailing that letter without payment. Weel, we get paid today at work, and if my 401k deductions are in effect, i will also fill out the poverty form and mail it in to them... DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THEY REALLY DIG INTO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?

I was just reading the poverty letter, it is so funny. IT IS INTRAPMENT! Here is what it says, " I hereby request that the City review this statement to determaine eligibility for a payment plan or waiver of immediate payment of a parking penalty." I guess there is no recourse other wise. LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE TO PAY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. This is the same to me as saying, "screw you". OK. I am going to fax Leslie more than she has asked for. Will report back on anything new.



Mission Hills,

#77Author of original report

Fri, October 01, 2004

I just got off the phone with Leslie at the DMV. I called her. I suggested to her that we ALSO request the aff/statement of facts from the owner of the plates i had recieved(7M08060), since he also got the wrong plates(7M08054). Since i was required to file a statement of facts explaining why i wanted new plates, i imagine he would have to do the same as well. She also asked me to fax her a copy of the citation, her fax number is 818-904-2488. I hope his statement has something good to say.... we will have to wait and see. What happens when you file a statement of facts is that the DMV puts it on microfilm and destroys the document, is what i gather. So we have to request the S O F from Sacramento, they will then send it out accordingly. But it takes 30 days she says. And the PVB gives you 15 days, that is, your payment must reach them in 15 days, not postmark within 15 days. So i have to keep playing the game of mailing that letter without payment. Weel, we get paid today at work, and if my 401k deductions are in effect, i will also fill out the poverty form and mail it in to them... DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THEY REALLY DIG INTO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?

I was just reading the poverty letter, it is so funny. IT IS INTRAPMENT! Here is what it says, " I hereby request that the City review this statement to determaine eligibility for a payment plan or waiver of immediate payment of a parking penalty." I guess there is no recourse other wise. LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE TO PAY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. This is the same to me as saying, "screw you". OK. I am going to fax Leslie more than she has asked for. Will report back on anything new.



Mission Hills,

#78Author of original report

Fri, October 01, 2004

I just got off the phone with Leslie at the DMV. I called her. I suggested to her that we ALSO request the aff/statement of facts from the owner of the plates i had recieved(7M08060), since he also got the wrong plates(7M08054). Since i was required to file a statement of facts explaining why i wanted new plates, i imagine he would have to do the same as well. She also asked me to fax her a copy of the citation, her fax number is 818-904-2488. I hope his statement has something good to say.... we will have to wait and see. What happens when you file a statement of facts is that the DMV puts it on microfilm and destroys the document, is what i gather. So we have to request the S O F from Sacramento, they will then send it out accordingly. But it takes 30 days she says. And the PVB gives you 15 days, that is, your payment must reach them in 15 days, not postmark within 15 days. So i have to keep playing the game of mailing that letter without payment. Weel, we get paid today at work, and if my 401k deductions are in effect, i will also fill out the poverty form and mail it in to them... DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THEY REALLY DIG INTO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?

I was just reading the poverty letter, it is so funny. IT IS INTRAPMENT! Here is what it says, " I hereby request that the City review this statement to determaine eligibility for a payment plan or waiver of immediate payment of a parking penalty." I guess there is no recourse other wise. LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE TO PAY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. This is the same to me as saying, "screw you". OK. I am going to fax Leslie more than she has asked for. Will report back on anything new.



Mission Hills,

#79Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 01, 2004

This is what this letter states:


*The cost of additional collection efforts and DMV registration hold fees may be added to penalties increasing the total amount due of the violation as provided in CVC Sec. 40200.3 and LAMC Sec. 89.60.

End of the bull....

This is the word for word on the Notice of Del Parking Violation that i recieved from the racketers. It has of course other crap on it, like the dead address address. Phone numbers, citation numner, my name and license plate number, ticket number due date, amount due if paid on time, and just some other bullshit. This is the red notice you get in the mail. The first notice, i guess.

So who gives them the right to civil judgement when they are wrong and you have little recourse?

Marylinn, i am believeing you more and more every day. This place (Los angeles) is a fraud. I am going to have to plead the "poverty" thing to go to the hearing. It seems to be coming to this since i am not getting much help from the DMV, they want me to wait at least 30 days for the AFF.

Let me ask all the readers this... who is going to reinburse me for all my time, travel, and other expenses i have incurred trying to fight this bogus ticket? The taxpayers? YEAH RIGHT...

Los Angeles... are you awake yet?

And by the way, my local Council Member and President Alex Padilla has NOT yet called me. Nor have i recieved a response from the Mayor of L A. This is how they treat their cizitens and visitors to L A. Believe me, they do.

And they have the balls to ask us homeowners/tax payers/abiding citizens for tax increases on the coming November Ballot? Are they crazy? Forget it, i am gonna vote against it and i encourage all readers who vote within to do the same. L A needs to learn how to traet people in general with respect and dignity. NOT LIKE CRIMINALS. and spend our tax paying money more consciously.

So ,let us see: L A has the highest paying officials in the nation with no accountability to its' citizens? What's wrong with that picture? We need more people like Arnold in L A Government! A peoples people.

Let me ask this....
since i have a brand new truck, i have covered the VIN number, taken that new car dealer thing in the lower right hand coner windsheild off and not put on my new plates. My car is just about invisible. What can the PVB do now to give me a ticket? With the holidays just around the corner, i plan on having fun with these bastards! HA HA....


obvious collusion there between the DMV and City of Los Angeles and/or ACS

#80Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

Oh wow, Richard. Just read your last post. This REALLY smells. There is obvious collusion there between the DMV and City of Los Angeles and/or ACS. For a DMV employee to tell you "go to the LOS ANGELES hearing" etc., etc. and then all those threatening statements about YOUR registration emits an unbearable noxious odor.

I do believe it calls for a criminal investigation by those (state or federal) empowered to do so.

Who's getting the kickbacks or payoffs -- and from whom????


Mission Hills,

#81Author of original report

Thu, September 30, 2004

OK. I just got a call at work from a supervisor named Leslie from 800-777-0133. She tells me that there is nothing "she" can do until they/she sees' the affidavit i filled out when i got the exchange plates. She explained to me that there may not be much they can do (go figure, they send me the wrong plates, and mine to someone else who got the ticket and there is nothing they can do?). It all depends what is on the aff.

If i remember correctly, i put the details down. She said "if" she gets something back in 30 days she will call me. I asked her "if"? NO! You will call me in 30 days and give me an update. She said no, i will call you "if" i get something.

Talk about leaving me in limbo? I had to raise my voice and tell her that she will call me back no matter what happens in 30 days. She said she would. THEY ARE OF NO HELP TO THE PROBLEM THEY HAVE CREATED FOR ME. She went on to say how Donald was doing a poor job and had contacted his supervisor. B F D! Where does this leave me? She suggested that i pay the ticket and go to the hearing.

I explained the whole process to her, she had no idea of it. I suggested to her why doesnt the DMV pay the fine i have incurred for their mistake? Real funny... HUH? This was after i told her of the timetable. She told me if they hold up my reg for next year, there is nothing they can do... except take my money for the overdue fines etc etc etc. Remarkable.


USE CAUTION WHEN-EVER YOU GET NEW PLATES IN THE MAIL. CHECK THEM! MAKE SURE THEY ARE CORRECT! OTHERWISE YOU MAY WIND UP WITH THE NIGHTMARE I HAVE, FOR THERE PROBLEM. M, i will get you some other info you have requested in a previous post that i have not had a chance to do.


Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB

#82Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2004

Good for you, Timothy. Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB about contacting your former state's DMV. THEY (the LA PVB itself and/or LADOT) had that capability to notify you directly with cooperative govt. to govt. databases of auto registrations Believe me, honesty is certainly not the PVB's strong suit.

Richard, that is incredible that your thing is still dallying in never-never land. What the DMV did I regard as a very serious matter. You can imagine all the worst-case scenarios that can result from people's vehicles having incorrect license plates. Your thing has been going on for about a month if I remember correctly and should have IMMEDIATELY been taken care of. I would think that DMV would also notify all law enforcement agencies in the state of their screw-up. More later.


Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB

#83Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2004

Good for you, Timothy. Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB about contacting your former state's DMV. THEY (the LA PVB itself and/or LADOT) had that capability to notify you directly with cooperative govt. to govt. databases of auto registrations Believe me, honesty is certainly not the PVB's strong suit.

Richard, that is incredible that your thing is still dallying in never-never land. What the DMV did I regard as a very serious matter. You can imagine all the worst-case scenarios that can result from people's vehicles having incorrect license plates. Your thing has been going on for about a month if I remember correctly and should have IMMEDIATELY been taken care of. I would think that DMV would also notify all law enforcement agencies in the state of their screw-up. More later.


Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB

#84Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2004

Good for you, Timothy. Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB about contacting your former state's DMV. THEY (the LA PVB itself and/or LADOT) had that capability to notify you directly with cooperative govt. to govt. databases of auto registrations Believe me, honesty is certainly not the PVB's strong suit.

Richard, that is incredible that your thing is still dallying in never-never land. What the DMV did I regard as a very serious matter. You can imagine all the worst-case scenarios that can result from people's vehicles having incorrect license plates. Your thing has been going on for about a month if I remember correctly and should have IMMEDIATELY been taken care of. I would think that DMV would also notify all law enforcement agencies in the state of their screw-up. More later.


Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB

#85Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2004

Good for you, Timothy. Sounds like you reached a responsible person from City of Los Angeles to check out the claim of the PVB about contacting your former state's DMV. THEY (the LA PVB itself and/or LADOT) had that capability to notify you directly with cooperative govt. to govt. databases of auto registrations Believe me, honesty is certainly not the PVB's strong suit.

Richard, that is incredible that your thing is still dallying in never-never land. What the DMV did I regard as a very serious matter. You can imagine all the worst-case scenarios that can result from people's vehicles having incorrect license plates. Your thing has been going on for about a month if I remember correctly and should have IMMEDIATELY been taken care of. I would think that DMV would also notify all law enforcement agencies in the state of their screw-up. More later.


Mission Hills,
CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS TRASH? ..un-fair practice by the city of Los Angeles! Will the Meter Maids be informed of this?

#86Author of original report

Thu, September 30, 2004

(Here is another un-fair practice by the city of Los Angeles! Will the Meter Maids be informed of this? or will there be other un-suspecting victims of the Rackettering PVB? and have to deal with a non-legit nightmare citation? i guess they can make more off the tickets then a tax abiding citizen feeding it coins...) Hybird or not... we as cizitens should all have to pay equally ! !

This can be found here: http://www.lacity.org/mayor/myrpress/mayormyrpress27423655_09282004.pdf

September 28, 2004
Los Angeles Mayor Jim Hahn and City Councilmember Eric Garcetti today welcomed the Los Angeles City Council's passage of a program to allow gaselectric hybrid cars to park at parking meters for free. The program goes into
effect October 1, 2004.

Now people have another good reason to drive hybrid vehicles, in ddition to helping the environment, said Mayor Hahn. Every bit of
environmentally-conscious behavior makes a difference, and driving a hybrid car now saves spare change at the meter as well as dollars in your gas tank. We all ave better things to do with our spare change than feed a parking meter, and e all benefit from having cleaner air to breathe.

By letting clean motorists keep their pocket change, we can make real hange in our air quality, said Councilmember Eric Garcetti. As the air pollution apital of the United States, we can't shy away from fighting the battle on many ronts.

The City of Los Angeles already provides free parking at city meters for lectric and natural gas cars and trucks designated as Clean Air Vehicles by the epartment of Motor Vehicles.
Mayor Hahn, recognizing the success of this program and wanting to ontinue to promote clean air, developed a plan to extend this initiative to wners of hybrid vehicles.

Councilmember Garcetti introduced the motion in the ity Council last July to direct LADOT to begin implementation of the program.

The City Council voted unanimously today to pass the program.

nitially, hybrid owners will not need to do anything different to take dvantage of the policy. Parking enforcement officers will be trained to ecognize hybrid vehicles and will simply not cite owners of such vehicles for not
paying at parking meters. However, vehicle owners will still be required to omply with posted time limits. In addition, if the State of California and DMV ecide to include hybrids as Clean Air Vehicles, then hybrid owners would need o receive a sticker from the DMV to qualify for free parking, just as electric and
natural gas vehicle owners currently do.

Hybrids, which use a combination of gasoline and electric power, provide ncreased fuel economy on a miles-per-gallon basis and, subsequently, reduce air ollution. California has twice as many hybrids as any other state. Over 4,700
hybrid vehicles were registered in Los Angeles in 2003, more than any other city.

The City of Los Angeles is currently converting its fleet to hybrid and electric ehicles and also maintains a small fleet of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

The free hybrid parking pilot program will last for six months. At the end of that period, LADOT will analyze the program and make a determination of whether or not to continue the program.


Mission Hills,

#87Author of original report

Wed, September 29, 2004

Well here we are at about 5pm PST, and the guy from the DMV (Donald) has not called me back. Why does this not surprise me.... ? You just count count on these people. Well, i am going to go there and make a scene (very soon). Let's see what happens. Wish me luck.


Mission Hills,

#88Author of original report

Wed, September 29, 2004

Well here we are at about 5pm PST, and the guy from the DMV (Donald) has not called me back. Why does this not surprise me.... ? You just count count on these people. Well, i am going to go there and make a scene (very soon). Let's see what happens. Wish me luck.


Mission Hills,

#89Author of original report

Wed, September 29, 2004

Well here we are at about 5pm PST, and the guy from the DMV (Donald) has not called me back. Why does this not surprise me.... ? You just count count on these people. Well, i am going to go there and make a scene (very soon). Let's see what happens. Wish me luck.


Sherman Oaks,
Calling more people than needed

#90Consumer Comment

Wed, September 29, 2004

so i called my former DMV to see if they had ever received a notice from "the bureau". according to the people i talked to, they never had. so, i called the first person marilynn suggested i call, and they are going to investigate for me, and see if anything ever did get mailed out, and to where, and i should be getting a call in one to two days. we will see what happens next.


More outrageous dishonesty from an LA "Meter Maid"

#91Consumer Comment

Tue, September 28, 2004

For those that are getting updates on this particular report, take a gander at another ripoffreport that was filed tonight of a fraudulent LA ticket issued to the rental car of "Dave" in Venice Beach. And when Dave confronted her (with time still left on his meter)to show her the meter the dippy-doo only could say "Have a nice day." (Place the word "parking" in the box above the scrolling reports, then press "search.")

Parking ticket quotas have been prohibited by Calif. state law since 1/1/03. So what motivates these insane parking ticket issuers employed by the City of Los Angeles to issue false citations?


Mission Hills,
M - THX FOR THE RED HOT TIPS! Now maybe other people will get a glimpse of how this screwed up city/county works

#92Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 28, 2004

Marilynnww - Mesa, Arizona, thanks for the red hot tips. I will wait to hear from donald to see what happens. So i will post more then. This is so exciting. And intretsing. Now maybe other people will get a glimpse of how this screwed up city/county works. nine five nine. One. It was posted wrong if you know what i mean? OK. I cant tell you how helpfull you have been . THANK YOU! Will K I T. Richard.


Comments on ticket "data" ..LA and PVB procedures are deliberately cumbersome and uninformative (and some are illegal) to confuse

#93Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2004

As I mentioned earlier, the serial #213 of "officer" Juan Mota who supposedly issued the ticket, is a low number, indicating that he "knows the ropes" etc.

"Jewel" confirmed that the vehicle issued the ticket was red in color (volunteering the make as a Dodge) BUT that the space to be filled in for TYPE of vehicle was left blank. For someone like Mota, that is totally inexcusable. Was it "TR" (truck) or "PA" (passenger car)?...... or whatever other designations they use.
PARTICULARLY because he did not write a VIN#, writing that it was N/V (not visible) all other identifying characteristics of the vehicle would be particularly important to avoid erroneous claims by any party. (She also said ticket was issued on 7/22, something I was just curious about.)

I meant to ask her the Agency # (51, 52, 53, 54, etc.) but forgot. Agency # is the particular enforcement district these "meter maids" are assigned from. Again, get the letter or whatever from the DMV.

I and others are convinced that LA and PVB procedures are deliberately cumbersome and uninformative (and some are illegal) to confuse people and get money up front from anyone and everyone. Get with Donald or other person from DMV.


GET letter from DMV to give to PVB

#94Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 27, 2004

Okay, Richard. Before I even read your last 2 posts, I called the PVB from here. (spoke to "Jewel" at the 213-623-6533 phone#) I wanted some more info from the ticket data (like date of ticket and TYPE of vehicle, not make of vehicle)and then I explained fully to her that "a number of people were working on your behalf, that I was calling from out-of-state" and told her of the 7M08059 plates mailed to someone else, that it was DMV's error, that you'd erroneously rec'd 7M08060 plates, etc., etc. She said that the only thing on their records is your request for a hearing, but that it would be easily taken care of by a letter from DMV for YOU to submit then to the PVB. (This is something I thought was already taken care of, did not realize that the "Not my Car" report was strictly a DMV document. Anyway, I suggest again getting back with Donald, as you've already done I believe, and get something on paper to submit to the PVB.

If I read your last post correctly, it looks like that solution is now being worked on, so there's be no need to "plead poverty" etc. and all that red tape. Just get something from the DMV authenticating that the your original plates were mailed to the wrong party. More later.


Mission Hills,
STILL A BUNCH OF CRAP.. I will be in the state of shock if they accept

#95Author of original report

Mon, September 27, 2004

I got incontact with the DMV again today to see where we stand, since i have yet to recieve a call from anyone overthere as i was suppose to the other day. They told me that this guy Donald (mentioned before) was handling this matter for me (boy was i wrong about him in a sense). He must of forgot about the whole thing... and told me he thought it was a done deal. WHAT AN IDIOT! He never even called me back to tell me this is where we are at. I thought he passed the matter to someone else. But, i was wrong again. He tells me that someone at the top usually will email the PVB to release the matter, but in my case, are going to provide me with a letter (aint i special?) to provide the PVB with. I will be in the state of shock if they accept it. The girl at the DMV in Sacrament who will be writing the letter is out for a few days (nothing new) and Donald is supposed to get back to me on Wednesday when this girl gets back in (yeah right). So... do you think i should hold my breath? Will see. OK. TTYL. Will keep you up to date. If anyone ("M")of strong intrest here would like to contact me, you may at my TOLL FREE fax, 866-7929.


Mission Hills,
THIS IS SO FUNNY ..and they are so stupid!

#96Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 27, 2004

I recieved ANOTHER letter 254 in the mail on Saturday 09-25-04. It is the same old song and dance. Saying, in short, if i wish a hearing, i must pay the ticket first. I will sign it and mail it again with no payment to buy me more time. The last 1/4 of the year, i have adjusted my 401k deductions (for tax reasons) with my employeer to 80%. Thus leaving me with little income. I am going to file for a waiver to see if i qualify for the hearing. At the VERY BOTTOM of the letter, is states, "the city of los angeles allows individuals to contest citations (HOW NICE OF THEM) without first paying the fine, but only in cases where the individual can document that they qualify under guidelines established by the federal department of housing and urban development as a very low income household."

Geese. Where does the FDHUD fit into all this? I thought this was the PVB/ACS? I guess just another tool for them to skirt the law and continue their racketering. OK. I will sign it in a few days and mail it to the donkeys "again". It will by me another 7 days. How funny, they are so stupid they have not caught onto this.


Bogus LA parking violation notices hit Sacramento residents

#97Consumer Comment

Sun, September 26, 2004

Could it be that the DMV's mailing of one's new license plates to another vehicle owner, as in Richard's case, is a widespread problem? Or is this just business as usual for the City of Los Angeles?

As reported by R.E. Graswich in the 8/13 and 9/1/04 Sacramento Bee, bogus notices of L.A.'s delinquent parking violation notices have made their way to Sacramento via the U.S. Mails.

One such notice was mailed to an 82 year old Sacramento man who drives a brown Ford Escort and hasn't been to LA since 1952. The LA parking ticket was supposedly issued to a black Ford truck in February, but typically, the City of Los Angeles insisted the man was liable for the parking ticket. ("These facts didn't impress the L.A. city attorney.")

Immediately after Graswich wrote of the man's plight with L.A., he (the reporter) was contacted by about 100 other Sacramento area residents -- whose vehicles also were nowhere near Los Angeles -- who related similar experiences of receiving in the mail bogus "past due" delinquent parking violation notices from the City of Los Angeles.

It was only through the older man's lawyer and the subsequent public exposure of the scam involving so many Sacramento residents that the City of Los Angeles finally relented and dismissed the man's financial liability for the alleged parking ticket.

What does this say about the operation the City of Los Angeles has got going for itself?


Bogus LA parking violation notices hit Sacramento residents

#98Consumer Comment

Sun, September 26, 2004

Could it be that the DMV's mailing of one's new license plates to another vehicle owner, as in Richard's case, is a widespread problem? Or is this just business as usual for the City of Los Angeles?

As reported by R.E. Graswich in the 8/13 and 9/1/04 Sacramento Bee, bogus notices of L.A.'s delinquent parking violation notices have made their way to Sacramento via the U.S. Mails.

One such notice was mailed to an 82 year old Sacramento man who drives a brown Ford Escort and hasn't been to LA since 1952. The LA parking ticket was supposedly issued to a black Ford truck in February, but typically, the City of Los Angeles insisted the man was liable for the parking ticket. ("These facts didn't impress the L.A. city attorney.")

Immediately after Graswich wrote of the man's plight with L.A., he (the reporter) was contacted by about 100 other Sacramento area residents -- whose vehicles also were nowhere near Los Angeles -- who related similar experiences of receiving in the mail bogus "past due" delinquent parking violation notices from the City of Los Angeles.

It was only through the older man's lawyer and the subsequent public exposure of the scam involving so many Sacramento residents that the City of Los Angeles finally relented and dismissed the man's financial liability for the alleged parking ticket.

What does this say about the operation the City of Los Angeles has got going for itself?


Bogus LA parking violation notices hit Sacramento residents

#99Consumer Comment

Sun, September 26, 2004

Could it be that the DMV's mailing of one's new license plates to another vehicle owner, as in Richard's case, is a widespread problem? Or is this just business as usual for the City of Los Angeles?

As reported by R.E. Graswich in the 8/13 and 9/1/04 Sacramento Bee, bogus notices of L.A.'s delinquent parking violation notices have made their way to Sacramento via the U.S. Mails.

One such notice was mailed to an 82 year old Sacramento man who drives a brown Ford Escort and hasn't been to LA since 1952. The LA parking ticket was supposedly issued to a black Ford truck in February, but typically, the City of Los Angeles insisted the man was liable for the parking ticket. ("These facts didn't impress the L.A. city attorney.")

Immediately after Graswich wrote of the man's plight with L.A., he (the reporter) was contacted by about 100 other Sacramento area residents -- whose vehicles also were nowhere near Los Angeles -- who related similar experiences of receiving in the mail bogus "past due" delinquent parking violation notices from the City of Los Angeles.

It was only through the older man's lawyer and the subsequent public exposure of the scam involving so many Sacramento residents that the City of Los Angeles finally relented and dismissed the man's financial liability for the alleged parking ticket.

What does this say about the operation the City of Los Angeles has got going for itself?


Bogus LA parking violation notices hit Sacramento residents

#100Consumer Comment

Sun, September 26, 2004

Could it be that the DMV's mailing of one's new license plates to another vehicle owner, as in Richard's case, is a widespread problem? Or is this just business as usual for the City of Los Angeles?

As reported by R.E. Graswich in the 8/13 and 9/1/04 Sacramento Bee, bogus notices of L.A.'s delinquent parking violation notices have made their way to Sacramento via the U.S. Mails.

One such notice was mailed to an 82 year old Sacramento man who drives a brown Ford Escort and hasn't been to LA since 1952. The LA parking ticket was supposedly issued to a black Ford truck in February, but typically, the City of Los Angeles insisted the man was liable for the parking ticket. ("These facts didn't impress the L.A. city attorney.")

Immediately after Graswich wrote of the man's plight with L.A., he (the reporter) was contacted by about 100 other Sacramento area residents -- whose vehicles also were nowhere near Los Angeles -- who related similar experiences of receiving in the mail bogus "past due" delinquent parking violation notices from the City of Los Angeles.

It was only through the older man's lawyer and the subsequent public exposure of the scam involving so many Sacramento residents that the City of Los Angeles finally relented and dismissed the man's financial liability for the alleged parking ticket.

What does this say about the operation the City of Los Angeles has got going for itself?


Mission Hills,
What A Bunch Of Crap!

#101Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

I called the PVB in Los Angeles yesterday and asked to talk to a mnaager. I was told that there was not one available. I asked to have my call returned, i left my name and number. I was told it would. And guess what? Those "DONKEYS" did not return my call as PROMISED. So, it seems so true that there is no one to hold accountable. I even called my Council Memebr, Alex Padilla, who is president of the City Council... and he too is a "JACKASS". One of his field helpers took my number and that DONKEY has not called me back either. This is no surprise to how Los Angles treats its' law abiding, tax paying citizens. I just called and was told that it takes up to 72 hours to get called back. So why didnt the first guy yesterday tell me that? WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS (no surprise there)!


Address of Los Angeles Parking Enforcement

#102Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Some additional info. The Los Angeles Bureau of Parking Enforcement is under the umbrella of the Office of Parking Management, which is under the LA Dept.of Transportation (LADOT).

The address of all the top people in LA parking enforcement (including Chief Jimmy Price and his subordinates) is 555 Ramirez Street, Space 315, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

It is extremely frustrating getting any kind of a straight answer from the dunderheads on the phone that are employed by the private company called the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau. They are unacquainted with Calif. parking enforcement law but that doesn't stop them from giving out misinformation, being evasive, excercising circumlocution and making it up as they go along.

A top assistant to Price is (or was) Christine Mata (213) 847-9427 and another top aide is Rudy Carrasco (213) 485-2179. Again, these people are employed by the City of Los Angeles. Possibly they might be more helpful, because their identities aren't kept a deep dark secret, as are those who are employed by the PVB. Plus, they have a bit more of an understanding of the role of government in our society that those people on the phone with the PVB.


Address of Los Angeles Parking Enforcement

#103Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Some additional info. The Los Angeles Bureau of Parking Enforcement is under the umbrella of the Office of Parking Management, which is under the LA Dept.of Transportation (LADOT).

The address of all the top people in LA parking enforcement (including Chief Jimmy Price and his subordinates) is 555 Ramirez Street, Space 315, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

It is extremely frustrating getting any kind of a straight answer from the dunderheads on the phone that are employed by the private company called the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau. They are unacquainted with Calif. parking enforcement law but that doesn't stop them from giving out misinformation, being evasive, excercising circumlocution and making it up as they go along.

A top assistant to Price is (or was) Christine Mata (213) 847-9427 and another top aide is Rudy Carrasco (213) 485-2179. Again, these people are employed by the City of Los Angeles. Possibly they might be more helpful, because their identities aren't kept a deep dark secret, as are those who are employed by the PVB. Plus, they have a bit more of an understanding of the role of government in our society that those people on the phone with the PVB.


Address of Los Angeles Parking Enforcement

#104Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Some additional info. The Los Angeles Bureau of Parking Enforcement is under the umbrella of the Office of Parking Management, which is under the LA Dept.of Transportation (LADOT).

The address of all the top people in LA parking enforcement (including Chief Jimmy Price and his subordinates) is 555 Ramirez Street, Space 315, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

It is extremely frustrating getting any kind of a straight answer from the dunderheads on the phone that are employed by the private company called the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau. They are unacquainted with Calif. parking enforcement law but that doesn't stop them from giving out misinformation, being evasive, excercising circumlocution and making it up as they go along.

A top assistant to Price is (or was) Christine Mata (213) 847-9427 and another top aide is Rudy Carrasco (213) 485-2179. Again, these people are employed by the City of Los Angeles. Possibly they might be more helpful, because their identities aren't kept a deep dark secret, as are those who are employed by the PVB. Plus, they have a bit more of an understanding of the role of government in our society that those people on the phone with the PVB.


Suggestion for Timothy ..Jimmy Price is the LA Chief of Parking Enforcement, also employed by City of LA. His phone # is 213-847-1380

#105Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Another person (Ann) who filed a ripoffreport on the LA PVB (last updated 4/22/04) had out-of-state plates and was beside herself, because she didn't receive any notices of alleged parking citations. Anyway she finally got satisfaction from a City of LA employye, Patricia Cunningham, phone 213-485-4783. She might be helpful to whatever Tim's situation is with his previous out-of-state plates and supposed parking tickets.

Jimmy Price is the LA Chief of Parking Enforcement, also employed by City of LA. His phone # is 213-847-1380. A year ago person by name of Diane Cunningham (not Patricia Cunningham) was the "Parking Administrator" whose job is/was to coordinate the private/public partnership between LA and ACS, but I don't know if she still has that postion.

You might try explaining your situation to any of these people, all City of LA employees.


Mission Hills,

#106Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 23, 2004

AND THE SAGA CONTINUES.... i just got off the phone with the DMV in Sacramento. They are of NO help at all. The guy (or technician as they are called) suggested that i go to the hearing(sorry, not gonna waste my time). He thought it was that simple. He had "NO" clue on the practices of the PVB, how you have to pay before you go to the hearing and or court. I explained to him all the drama and the process. He was amazed himself, but to the rest of us, it should not be a surprise, this is Los Angeles. He was even more shocked when i told him i had to pay a $25 fee to go to court if i dis-agreed with the PVB hearing examiner's decision. (Boy do they, the DMV employees, have alot to learn). I asked him about the realationship between my new plates and the ones originally issued to me. The original ones issued to me are still traceable to me. Thus, i presume i will not be able to tell them that is not me (even though i never recieved them in the mail).

I contacted my local DMV office and they are escalating the matter. The guy who started to help me, Donald at the Winnetka DMV Office, appears to be lost in the dust or is M I A. as i have not heard back from him yet.

I signed the letter i got in the mail yesterday and sent it back to the PVB. You are supposed to sign it and mail the payment for the hearing. But the funny thing is, i keep getting these notices in the mail and signing them and sending them back without payment. They keep sending me another one saying that payment was not recieved and if i want a hearing, to send the payment and sign it and mail it in, and i do the same thing (sign and mail it without payment) over and over and over. They have not caught on yet and it is buying me time... (are they that stupid down there to not catch on to this?) anyhow, at work gotta go.


Sherman Oaks,
out of state plates, and generic letters

#107Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2004

Richard, as you can see, they simply ignore your requests, and send out a generic letter saying the ticket is valid. after asking the collection agency how they handle problems, they said they contact an actual city official, and get their response on the problem, and then mail out a generic letter stating how the city official viewed the problem. which means, there must be some way to get to this city official, of course our friendly agency denies that we can do that. someone in city hall must oversee this agency, if not then this is a bigger problem than just some parking tickets.

i'm sure you have noticed, on this website, there are dozens more complaints (sorry about the grammar) about this agency. i plan on writing to the LA Times to see if they are interested in this monster. of course writing to you city rep, and one of the mayoral candidates might not be a bad idea also. just to simply state, there is a collection agency running the bureau, and the ability for a fair hearing is not possible because of a conflict of interest.

as for my plate problem, yes, i re-registered the car in cali, and i believe that is how they got my address and managed to send me my final notice. i understand how they are suppose to send my dmv, and then my dmv is suppose to contact me. somewhere in that chain, i never recieved anything.


extortion, blackmail, larceny by fraud or deception. Illegitimate booting or towing of vehicles for fraudulent parking citations is called auto theft

#108Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2004

No Richard, it is not a "circus act." It is extortion, blackmail, larceny by fraud or deception. Illegitimate booting or towing of vehicles for fraudulent parking citations is called auto theft. You name it, but it all falls under the category of Racketeering, and the City of Los Angeles has been getting by with it for over a decade.

YOU know your vehicle did not receive a parking ticket. You have proof from the DMV that it was their error in sending someone else your license plates. THEY (the City of Los Angeles and the PVB)know your vehicle did not receive a parking ticket.

You can have a heart attack over it, or spend thousands in attorney fees, to say nothing of your time and frustration, or you can ignore the whole thing. They do not have a VIN# to report to DMV that YOUR vehicle has an unpaid parking ticket pending to put a "hold" on your registration. renewal.

Welcome to the club. Its membership must number in the hundreds of thousands.


Mission Hills,

#109Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 23, 2004

Today i recieved another generic letter in the mail. I am not sure of the letter number. I believe it is in respone to the "Not My Car Report". They say it is validm the citation that is. OH MY! HOLY COW! GOD HELP ME !

Talk about a bunch of crap. Even after i filed the Statement Of Facts with the DMW about THEIR screw-up, the PVB still demands that i pay this ticket for who-ever got my plates in the mail and recieved this ticket. You want to talk about a circus act..... Boy, are you right M. There is no one to hols accountable. Even after filling out an affidavit and showing the guy at the DMV the wrong plates that i recieved... i still have to pay. Hell No! PVB, you bunch of DONKEYS! Kiss my Assets! Guess i am going to the DMV one more time and hash it out with the idiots over there. If i get no where, i just might chance it, throw my hands up in the air and see what happens when i try to renew my plates. TALK ABOUT A JOKE. THIS PLACE IS JUST TO MUCH! Now i see why California and Los Angeles have such a bad rap. I am so embaressed to say that i am a resident of L A. A lifer if that. L A, Get your crap together! Any suggestion anyone?


"Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation"

#110Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

While Richard is waiting to hear the results of his "Not My Car" report from the Los Angeles PVB, I have another question.

Richard, on your first posting you said you got a delinquent parking notice in the mail from the PVB, and I'm curious if Affiliated Computer Services (aka City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau) has changed the duplicitous and unlawful wording on those delinquent parking violation notices it mails out, or if they read the same as they did two years ago.

Does that notice you received say the following?

"Our records show that you have failed to respond to the parking ticket(s) listed below. Failure to pay the parking penalties due by mail or in person or to schedule an appearance to contest the ticket(s) in court prior to the DUE DATE indicated below will result in increased penalties, withholding of your vehicle registration by the Department of Motor Vehicles (CVC 4750), and may subject your vehicle to immobilization (booting) or impoundment (CVC 22651.7, 22651(i). In addition, a complaint may be filed in court against you and a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

You may pay by mail. You may post bail and schedule a court appearance by mail. Sent check or money order to the City of Los Angeles..." etc., etc. (Surprisingly, the notice doesn't also say that failure to pay the alleged parking citation may subject you to a 10 year prison sentence. In Iraq.)

Is that the text of what you rec'd in the mail? (Maybe in the last 2 years they've toned down their act.)

Also, because of what you related later, I assume that that delinquent notice you first rec'd in the mail for someone else's parking ticket did NOT include any kind of "Declaration of Non-Ownership" affidavit form (which would apply in your case) to fil out and return to the PVB if applicable. Correct?


In which state was car licensed?

#111Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

Oh boy, looks like another unnotified victim of the City of Los Angeles and its private "processing agency."
Timothy, in what state had your vehicle been previously licensed? They're required by California state law to notify by mail the vehicle's registered owner (in state or out-of-state)if a parking ticket isn't paid within 21 days. Then after you get that notice the registered owner (or anyone) has another 14 days to pay the ticket without penalties. It's all in the California Vehicle Code laws.

How did they get later get your address to notify and wrongly bill you in excess (double?)of the fine(s) for the original ticket(s)? Did you later re-register the same car in California?

Maybe there's something I don't understand here, but it sounds like another big time rip-off from the City of Los Angeles.


VIN # on parking tickets ..what law says

#112Consumer Comment

Tue, September 21, 2004

With regard to the requirement for the "officer"
to enter the VIN # (really the last 4 digits of the VIN #) on the parking ticket when he writes a citation, California Vehicle Code, Sec. 40202(a) states in pertinent part. "The notice of parking violation shall also set forth the last four digits of the vehicle identification number, if that number is readable through the windshield."

Apparently there is an assumption that the vehicle that was issued the ticket was also as new as Richard's vehicle with temporary information designating the VIN# also on the windshield. Who knows. Isn't there any way DMV could review its records and at least make an educated guess as to what vehicle owner rec'd Richard's original license plates...since, as I recall, the plate numbers were in sequence?


Sherman Oaks,
fighting a ticket too

#113Consumer Comment

Tue, September 21, 2004

I am also having a problem with the Bureau regarding a ticket and fines. I have already had an administrative review, though I was never told what it was. My problem resides in never recieving late notices, or the original ticket until i recieved a final notice, and 100 dollars in fines. You should recieve a letter, numbered 216 saying they reviewed your license plate #, that it is valid, that the ticket is valid, and that you must pay the fine.

i have just recently called to file a hearing, but you need to pay the ticket first before you can see someone, and if you win then they refund the amount you paid. I won't do that because who knows if they will ever contact you again once you've paid.

Another thing is, they send out generic letters, and it doesnt matter what your issue was, at least according to the rep I spoke to. They have told me they are not to be held responsible for lost mail, but that somehow makes me responsible???? my letter #216, states my plates were valid. there is some hope for you here, but very little since my plates were out of state, and have been cancelled for 6 mo's now.

i will continue to try to get to an actually city rep, not one of these "out-sourced" people.

the other thing i was told by the rep, is that because all my time has expired for fighting the ticket (regardless of whether or not i recieved any notices or not) that the ticket is out of my control, and completely in theirs (scary isnt it). good luck, and let's hope the good guys win this one


Mission Hills,

#114Author of original report

Sun, September 19, 2004

Since all this fiasco applies to my new tuck.....
you know when you purchase a brand new vehicle, how the New Car dealer puts that temp registration in the front windsheild? Well even after recieving the wrong plates in the mail, it was there at the time the ticket was issued (it is even there now as we speak). This temp registration has the VIN number CLEARLY visible on it.... so my VIN number is im plain sight. Since the other car was new as well, i suppose, would he have forgotten to take his off and the issuing officer not see this? We will never know. One thing i know, mine is still there and the VIN number is clear as day. Maybe the officers dont know about this? PRAY FOR ME PEOPLE OF THE STATE AS I GO UP AGAINST THIS 800LB GORILLA.


Mission Hills,
told that it is still pending

#115Author of original report

Sun, September 19, 2004

After calling the PVB for a status update of the not my car report, i was told that it is still pending. The first person i talked to about this (when i filed the report) told me the same old song and dance.... you will get a notice in the mail of the outcome. I was told this can take up to 90 days. So, will report back when i get an answer and keep you all up-to-date on the PVB / DMC screw up. My CUSTOM plates are designd to coordinate with my web site of "W"orld "W"ide "W"eb. SEASONSLA (DOT) COM.



..The City of Los Angeles is a self-serving government entity unto itself at the expense of its good law abiding citizenry....and any outsider who dares enter its borders in a vehicle.

#116Consumer Comment

Sun, September 19, 2004

The owner of the vehicle that got the ticket possibly had a protective dash mat installed to protect the top of the dash, especially if it was a new vehicle (not uncommon here in AZ because of the baking, damaging sun). Or there could have been something else atop the dash obstructing the VIN #'s visibility for "officer" Juan Mota who's on record as the one who wrote the ticket. The broken sign at the address where the ticket was issued in Van Nuys points to the possibility that maybe that vehicle with your original plates didn't deserve the parking ticket either. (Juan Mota's low serial # indicates he's been around a long time, knows where to lurk, and is very likely an old hand at understanding LA's parking enforcement entrapment schemes.)

That IS bizarre, though, that the PVB guy would flare up like that at your expressed desire to file a complaint against LADOT's ticketing "officer" (who is employed by the LA Dept. of Transportation, not the PVB.) However, writing to the anonymous Correspondence Dept, (no named addressee or street address) is a waste of time and will end up just increasing your blood pressure. The Los Angeles PVB "people" on the phone (remember they're employed by the contracted private company, not the City of Los Angeles) are trained to tell demanding callers to write to the Correspondence Dept. at a P.O. box as a ruse to get you off the phone. They are only accountable to their profit-driven, private sector employer (who has contract4ed with the profit-driven City of Los Angeles) -- certainly not accountable to you and the taxpaying public. The "Correspondence Department" is equivalent to the dead letter office and is LA's inside joke. Nobody responds and nobody cares. Remember how NOBODY even informed you about getting a copy of the ticket info to help solve the problem when you conveyed the license plate screw-up? The later PVB agent was helpful only after you knew exactly what to ask for and after first being wrongly told that you'd already been mailed the ticket info.

The less you know, the greater their chance of conning you out of dollars that you do not owe. And, sad to say, that M.O. comes straight from the top of Los Angeles municipal government. Your ignorance of the law(s)is their bliss. And if you're on the undeserved receiving end of their insidious, threatening, demanding, insulting and unlawful parking violation form letters that they crank out by the thousands, you simply pay out of fear. (Another story entirely is LA's absurd administrative appeal process, totally void of due process, wherein the "accused" is judged by his paid "accuser.") That's what LA's parking enforcement "system" is all about.

Richard, you indicated that your last call to the PVB was to learn the status of your "Not My Car" report. What did the PVB fellow tell you? Sounds like a wise move that you ordered even different license plates. As you say, you don't need the SWAT team breaking down your door because the recipient of your original plates just robbed a bank. Does the DMV even realize the portent of liability from its slip-shod practices?

The City of Los Angeles is a self-serving government entity unto itself at the expense of its good law abiding citizenry....and any outsider who dares enter its borders in a vehicle.


Mission Hills,

#117Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 17, 2004

So when i called the PVB this morning about the ticket to inquire about the status of the "not my car report", i asked the guy who answered the phone how to file a complaint about the officer, (for not putting the VIN number on the ticket). Oh Boy! the guy who answered got real flared up..... (guess i am not entitled to do this). I guess the PVB has no accountability. Because if the VIN number were there, my liability would cease. You would think? He was NOT AT ALL happy about me mentioning the fact of filing a complaint. He almost made it like i cant, but i insisted i have to. He said write to the "Correspondence" address on the letter. And i am.

Who is accountable for this rip-off operation?

Should'nt they have rules and regulations (as any employeer) that employees should follow?

How do you find out about these rules and regulations? or are they ROP? (running their own program?)

Sorry i asked to file a complaint, but as a LIFELONG VALLEY resident (born and raised out here in the SFV) who pays his taxes and is a good citizen, arent i am entitled to this?

The PVB puts on one of the worst perceptions, that i am almost embaressed to say i live in L A. No wonder why we have tourist not coming over as much. Are they afraid to use rental cars? guess i can go on and on and on.......


Mission Hills,

#118Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 17, 2004

I hope that i dont confuse the yo-yos at the DMV nor the PVB, but i have ordered custom license plates as well for my brand new truck (CSONSLA) I had mentioned in an earlier rebuttal about when you get the plates in the mail how the stickers have a serial number on them, as people peel them off and put them on their car, so when looked at visually, it appears that they have a registered car when they dont.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

This serial number, as i am calling it, is ALSO printed on your registration,(maybe so when you get stopped, an officer can use this as an ADDITIONAL tool for verification). But when you buy a BRAND NEW vehicle, like i have done in this case, they do not use that serial number on the sticker/original issue tags/registration.

You simply get the plates for the vehicle and the tags. That serial number on the tags comes AFTER your first year (when you re-register your car) or in my case, went to the DMV and got a set of new plates to relieve myself of any liability. My point is this?... Why doesn't the PVB use this tool as well when issuing citations when possible? that is, the serial number on the tags.

By looking at the 209 letter (by the way it does say 209 on the letter, sorry about that), there is no place for this to be listed/posted. In this case, it would not be so, since the DMV does not put them on there until you re-register your vehicle. It is almost like the plates and tags (your first set for a new car, as in my case) are coming from somewhere else. the ACS? So, why doesn't the DMV/ACS or whoever is taking care of the plates, do this from the start? Is this a lost check and balance in the system? An in-compatible system? ... is this how they spend taxpayer money? or are they simply lame? By the way... is there an official form i can use to file a complaint against the officer who FAILED to put the VIN number on the ticket? Had he, i would have the ammunition needed to halt my fight.


Importance of VIN # ..DMV REQUIRES the VIN # in order to enter the vehicle in their databank

#119Consumer Comment

Fri, September 17, 2004

N/V stands for "not visible"

Earlier this year I was informed by a Calif.lawyer who was doing much thorough investigating into DMV's policies as they relate to parking violations that he was told by a DMV agent that DMV REQUIRES the VIN # in order to enter the vehicle in their databank of "holds."

Makes sense. VIN #'s are a certainty and permanent. Plates are portable, interchangeable and can be (mischievously) switched. So I imagine that while both plates and VIN# are in the DMV records, relying solely on a plate number to deny a person's registration renewal for his vehicle unless he forks over many extra bucks for delinquent parking citations claimed by an outfit like the PVB, would be a shaky matter. No VIN# on a parking ticket, no "hold" on regist.renewal.


Mission Hills,
For M... i got new plates with a differant number

#120Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 17, 2004

Yes i got new plates with a differant number that correspond to the registration with my name etc etc etc. Who ever got my plates is obviously a law braker and i wanted to release myself from the possibility of any other surprises. Thats all i need is the swat team running through my door cause some guy held up a bank with my plates. ???


You now have DIFFERENT (new) PLATES ..detailed info has been most helpful

#121Consumer Comment

Fri, September 17, 2004

Richard, this is getting more and more interesting, and because there's so much I want to relate, I'll probably be sending a couple posts in sequence here.

Your detailed info has been most helpful. But I want to make sure I understand correctly.
When you first went to DMV (your 4 hours there)didn't they give you NEW plates, with a NEW and DIFFERENT number? If so, that "old" number is no longer assigned to your vehicle.

So I would think that even if the PVB and DMV went ONLY by plate numbers to make you liable for an erroneous parking citation (which I'm told they don't)when it comes time for renewing your registration, your name is not connected to that license plate number. "Sorry, wrong number. Not me." To be continued.


Mission Hills,

#122Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 17, 2004

OK. So i got the copy in the mail today. It had the address of the violation. I went to go check it out again since it is just a few miles from here. And what do i find???? Another blunder by a PVB idiot. The day i got my replacement plates, i went to the Van Nuys PVB to talk to them about the ticket. One of the IDIOT's behind the glass window gave me the address of the violation, just around the corner from the Van Nuys PVB. So i went to it, and that was the church. But after studying the information i got in the mail today, it is a differant address than what the PVB idiot told me. So i went there. And now it makes more sense, that is, what they sent me and what it says. And what else did Richard Find? A broken street sign that says no parking bla bla bla bla... Thus, i only can imagine whoever got my plates in the mail did not see this sign and parked there. It is just across the street from the Van Nuys Civic Center. And you know that place is crawling with the PVB roaches', as they know this is an easy target/money for any stupid little thing. Even the broken street sign, which i must admit is questionable, cause who knows how long it has been like that for. But this is L A, so it has probaly been like that for awhile (it takes them nearly forever to fix things around here). OK, Richard has said enough. he has to go eat dinner. Any suggestions Marylinn ? Not for dinner, but about all this crap....


Mission Hills,

#123Author of original report

Fri, September 17, 2004

09-16-04. Today i recieved a copy of the ticket in the mail at Marilynns' suggestion. Actually, it is not even a photo copy of the ticket. It appears to be a print out from the DONKEYS at the PVB that has the date and time issued. License number. State, Month, Year, VIN, NV (what ever that is),Make, Type, Color, Location, Meter #, Officer, Serial #, Beat, Agency, Violation, Amount Due, Comments.

There is no 209 enclosed. How eveer, there is a letter with some political jiberish. It says to call one of the many numbers listed on the letterhead.

The letter reads:
Enclosed is/are the copy(ies) of the citation(s) that you requested.

If you believe the vehicle identified on the citation is not your vehicle or you otherwise wish to contest the citation, you must notify the PVB immediately at the number above. Otherwise, payment is now due and normal processing will resume.

If you are sending payment, please write the citation number(s) on the check or money order. *** do not send cash ***

Citation Number(s):
xxxxx xxxxxxx

Thats it.

It mentions something about a Dash Bus stop. I went to the location on the ticket before ( i got the address from the delinquent notice i got in the mail), and there is NO dash bus stop. It is in frot of a church.

MY LUCK... There is no VIN number on this (is there any rule about this?). The vehicle make and model is the same as mine, but a differant color. Oh my... (gonna be a fight).


Geese. What to do? I guess the fight continues.

But for all the jack"asses" out there that think i am trying to get out of a ticket, I AM NOT! I was at work at the time this ticket was issued as i have proof via the time clock at work. Not to mention the fact, it aint me. It was the DMV screw up by sending my plates to someone else. Holy s**t. Am i gonna have to take this to court?
With the dim-wits at the PVB, maybe Santa Claus can help me. Any more suggestiuons? My ears are wide open.

Oh and by the way, "I declare under the penalty of perjury that this was not me". Is this good enough? Cheese and fries!! Please help me fight the LA Bastards....


Mission Hills,

#124Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 13, 2004

This morning i had contacted the PVB on the advice of Marilynn - Mesa, Arizona, (Thanks for the info by the way). After contacting the PVB, i had requested a copy of the citation (i did not know i could even do this, thanks again Marilynn - Mesa, Arizona).

I was told by the person on the phone that they had mailed me one already (even though i had never requested it, knew i could do this, nor did i recieved it). I was told that they would send me another one... how nice of them. And she also suggested to me to file a "Not My Car Report' i believe they call it, which we did. After all the hoop-la, i dont understand why no one else mentioned this.

Not even the girl at the PVB's Van Nuys CA office. Not even the DMV. I guess this is a little know secret only to them. The gal on the phone said this could take up to 90 days, i dont have to pay at this time (how nice of them again), the ticket is on hold (no late fees i guess? who knows) and will be notified via the mail of the outcome, WISH ME LUCK ON THIER SCREW UP. Yes... THATS 90 MORE DAYS OF NO SLEEP!

Well, thanks Marilynn - Mesa, Arizona for the constructive help. With everyone else putting up a bunch of crap not so related or helpfull to my matter. OK.

Let the battle continue L.A. government! You bunch of IDIOTS ! ! ! DONKEYS ! ! ! (and other language not suitable for public viewing)etc etc etc...


Demand Copy of Ticket

#125Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 13, 2004

Richard, I thought you had copy of info from ticket, but you must have rec'd the info about the red car and general location of ticket from the PVB over the phone.

The PVB DOES have all that info, and you must demand it from them. Call one of those PVB phone numbers, give them the citation # and they'll send it, accompanyied by a "Letter #209" form letter which says,

etc., etc.

That will be your ammunition. A VIN# and vehicle that is not owned or registered in your name.

My suggestion is that after you get the info not to deal anymore with the PVB and go through that agony and frustration of talking with people who will say anything at all, and they DO NOT RESPOND TO LETTERS OF INQUIRY. (Been there, done that.)But that's up to you.

The guy at the DMV sounds reasonable. But hang on to what the PVB sends you to show to the DMV. The car that got the ticket (with YOUR originally issued license plates)is NOT your vehicle.


Mission Hills,

#126Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 12, 2004

Thanks for that info about the ticket and VIN Number. How-ever, in todays world, technology has come a far way. The ticket someone recieved is not like the one they used to give out in the old days. I recieved an electronic Delinquent Notice In the Mail. I have no idea who got the ticket since they have my plates. But it appears that everything is electronic in this system. So i am assed out. But, as i say, For Los Angeles, To Hell with those 'DONKEYS" i am looking forward to a fight! LOS ANGELES / CA DMV ARE YOU LISTENING?


VIN # on red car that got ticket??

#127Consumer Comment

Sun, September 12, 2004

This is for Richard. It occurred to me that when you rec'd the info from the PVB, you must have rec'd the details of the parking ticket attached to one of the PVB's letter #209's. Not only does this duplicate of the ticket have the Citation #, the license plate no., the type and color of the vehicle issued the ticket (you said it was a red car, and your vehicle is a white truck), the address where the ticket was issued, the registration expiration date, and the "officer's" name and serial number who issued the ticket, BUT it also is required by the issuing officer to write down the VIN number of the vehicle, which is located near the windshield, driver's side.

Unless the red car's VIN # was covered, that in itself is enough evidence that YOU are not responsible for that parking ticket.

Regardless of what you've been told by the money-grabbing PVB, with the blessing of the City of Los Angeles, the DMV goes by VIN numbers. If you have a Letter # 209 from the PVB, with the accompanying data from the ticket, I now believe that there is no way the DMV can collect for that ticket (to then remit to the City of Los Angeles). And there would be no legal way they could hold up your registration renewal for your white truck with a different VIN # than the red car.

Hopefully the VIN # of the red car was not covered....whether or not that makes any difference. Does the ticket show a VIN #?
Because you were issued new plates for your white truck in acknowledgement of the DMV's own foul-up, and you have that documentation of the vehicle's description, I now can't see how you should have any trouble with your registration renewal.

The PVB is infamous for violating more California Vehicle Code laws than you can shake a stick at, and that private agency along with its "mother" City of Los Angeles do blow a lot of smoke. In no way was that YOUR parking ticket.

For Pat, I really laughed at your comment about moving from one hellhole to another. That was funny. I am curious about what you can find out at work on Monday, as you indicated, about whether or not the Calif. DMV has also contracted with ACS.

Richard, hang in there.


I am not defending the City of LA here

#128Consumer Comment

Sat, September 11, 2004


No, I have not been to hell and back fighting a bogus parking ticket from the City of LA. I did have a similar experience in Philly though because my car had Florida plates. But that is beside the point.

I am not defending the City of LA here. I was only offering my knowledge of the LMIMS/ACS deal and a "possible" reason why there was a plate/registration mix-up. I will check at work again oon Monday for more details of which departments ACS has a contract.

By the way, it seems from your post that you have had similar experiences in LA? And now you live in Mesa. Looks like you moved from one hellhole to another.


More info

#129Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2004

Keith's information is correct. Yes, Lockheed Martin IMS was sold to Dallas-based ACS in August 2001 for $825 million. Except for the monetary transaction, however, nothing really changed there. With the City of Los Angeles,ACS just continued with the same "Parking Management Support System" procedures, methods, and technology from the latest Lockheed IMS contract (which expired in Oct.2002) and didn't make changes in personnel. For example, Ann Muenster-Nuiry, the last of many Regional Vice Presidents for Lockheed Martin IMS, simply became the V.P. of ACS, same address at 606 South Olive St., 23rd Floor, in downtown L.A.

If what Pat says is true, that the DMV had also contacted with Lockheed IMS and now contacts with ACS, wouldn't those DMV "databases" also have come with the sale to ACS? And wouldn't those DMV databases also be compatible with the past and present technology of the City of Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau (also administered by ACS) for the contracted parking management support system in the City of Los Angeles?

Richard's experience alone uncovered THREE instances where Calif. vehicle owners had been mailed plates with the wrong number, so how pervasive is the problem and where are the CA DMV's checks and balances? He of couse deserves credit for alerting all CA vehicle owners to check theri plates and what can happen due to DMV's carelessness or ineptitude....to say nothing of lADOT's "trafic officer" who wrote the ticket and didn't check the plate number with the vehicle's description. In an automobile megapolis like Los Angeles, incorrect license plates can create never ending nightmares for a responsible vehicle owner.

Pat in Arizona lives in a world apart and obviously hasn't been to hell and back attempting to contest a bogus or erroneous parking ticket with the unaccountable Los Angeles PVB (ACS), the private company nurtured by the City of Los Angeles. If he ever ventures to L.A. in his Arizona vehcile and receives a "parking" ticket for "no front plate displayed" as have other Arizona vehicle owners he might understand what's going on over there.

It sounds like Richard may be making headway with a reasonable person at CA DMV. He knows all too well that if the parking ticket isn't expunged from the PVB's faulty record and he doesn't have written proof of same, the DMV will not renew his vehicle registration when the time comes without payment for the ticket plus more than double in added monetary penalties for the ticket. D

Good luck, Richard. Let us know if you were able to get your own matter straightened out with the DMV.


Mission Hills,
I feel so trapped by this screwed up system

#130Author of original report

Fri, September 10, 2004

I guess Keith just has to put in the last word. Obviously he is a lonely guy. I am in contact with a gentleman at the DMV, Donald. I do appreciate what he is doing for me, but it seemes like not much. People of the State... i hope this nightmare never happens to you. I feel so trapped by this screwed up system, that i just want to pay. But i am keeping to my power play rule. Los Angeles is one of the worst places to deal with when it comes to the government. We have so many political players and bullshit, an average taxpaying citizen like me is not heard or listend too. What to do. I am hold out hope (real funny). Let's see what happens. Wake up L A! Are you listening?


Los Angeles,
I am sure that ACS did purchase the IMS divinion of Lockheed Martin

#131Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 10, 2004

My comments about LMIMS and ACS were in regards to the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau, I have no info on DMV. However I am sure that ACS did purchase the IMS divinion of Lockheed Martin, completed August 2001.

You can view the following press release:

After the purchase what was known as LMIMS became known as ACS, so I don't think my statement of a name change was inaccurate. ACS did exist prior and if it competed directly with LMIMS I have no info about that. Prior to the purchase LMIMS was a wholly owned subsidiary of LM. My comment about perchlorate was irrelevent and I apologize for that, however I never said or meant to suggest there was "a conspiracy to take over LA."
My main point was that there is a for profit private company reviewing PVB disputes, and to go above them you may need to go to State court. There is also another company involved in the running of the PVB, known as PRWT. If anyone has some info on just how they are involved I would like to know.


Lockheed Martin Information Management Services (LMIMS) did not change their name

#132Consumer Comment

Wed, September 08, 2004

First, let me apologize that this is not related to the original subject, but I have to correct some information provided by Keith.

Lockheed Martin Information Management Services (LMIMS) did not change their name. They were originally awarded a contract by the DMV to provide information services to the DMV (meaning they ran the mainframe computers that store all of the DMV's databases). Recently, LMIMS lost the contract to Affiliated Computer Services (ACS). ACS is now providing the data services to the DMV.

Now, I'm not saying this is what caused the problem with the plate and registration mix-ups, but it is quite reasonable to think that the problems arose from an improper transfer of data from LMIMS to ACS.

By the way, LMIMS has nothing to do with any other arms of Lockheed Martin. There is no conspiracy to take over LA as you suggest.

Now, before you go saying that I am an employee of Lockheed Martin, let me assure you that I am not. I work for a third party software vendor who provides mainframe software to companies across the globe. From this is where I derive my experience regarding LMIMS and ACS.


Mission Hills,
The DMV is currently working with me on this.

#133Author of original report

Wed, September 08, 2004

Thanks for the response Keith. But please keep your rebuttal limited to the fact of the matter. The DMV is currently working with me on this. As far as my registration renewal, i dont give a horses a*s! I am up to the challange with this screwed up city (Los Angeles). And they wonder why i am so out-spoken about these "DONKEYS", if you get my point? I by NO means am responsible for the MAJOR blunder caused by the CA DMV. Nor do i have any intentions to give any of my hard earned money to these political bastards! So... let's power play people.


Los Angeles,
Private Corporation with profit motive. Lockheed Martin IMS (LMIMS.com) has changed their name to ACS, but the arrogance continues.

#134Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 07, 2004

In dealing with the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau it is important to realize you are dealing directly with a prive corporation making money off of the process, not the city of Los Angeles.

Lockheed Martin IMS (LMIMS.com) has changed their name to ACS, but the arrogance continues. These people really believe they can act in the name of the city and convict people without a trial where the accuser testifies against you. Furthermore they now believe that if you don't contest within 14 days you give up the right to contest. After an administrative review you can go the level of a state court and get some justice from a judge that understands the rights of the accused under the constitution.

But don't expect much from a puppet court run by Lockheed Martin, this is the same company that is paying people to ingest perchlorate in small doses for a medical study to demonstrate that rocket fuel in the ground water isn't really all that bad. (It was in the LA Times.) What we need to do is encourage our elected officialls to drop the contract with ACS, but we are up against well funded lobbyists.

Whether the ticket is valid or not they get to keep a percentage of that money collected, if you don't pay you cannot renew your registration. The only way out is state court and that takes so much time that people give up and pay in frustration. I went to state court once and won, the judge was very sympathetic and said the current setup was unfair.


Mission Hills,

#135Author of original report

Mon, September 06, 2004

Thank you for giving Sandra a piece of your mind. Obviously she did not read this to well noe does she understand english very good. I AM NOT TRYING TO GET OUT OF A PARKING TICKET! I am simply telling everyone what "HAS" happenend and what can happen to you. PEOPLE, CHECK YOUR PLATES WHEN YOU RECIEVE THEM IN THE MAIL. CHECK THEM AGAINST THE REGISTRATION SO THEY MATCH. And as for Sandra... you have no idea or senses on how Los Angeles and/or California works!


Los Angeles,
Always check the plates and cooresponding registration or title

#136Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2004

From what I read, the DMV pulled a major blunder with the license plate-registration mismatch, and that problem should never happen in the first place.

As for the Parking Enforcement guys, they are supposed to run those plates and see which plates belongs on what car when issuing a citation. So having read this complaint, it is very clear that you should not have been cited for an infraction that you never committed.

As for Sandra, how about reading the facts first before putting your lame two cents into the conversation. No one is trying to get out of paying a parking ticket. The DMV sent the guy the wrong plates, and they have been notorious for doing practices like this in the past.


Colorado Springs,
you're registration

#137Consumer Comment

Sat, September 04, 2004

Why didn't you show them you're registration paper. You said you're plate no was supposed to be 7mo8054 then you said the plates 7mo8059 where re issued out to someone else. Are you just trying to get out of a parking ticket?

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