  • Report:  #1295859

Complaint Review: Closet Factory - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
HOWARDSHORE - Los Angeles, California, USA

Closet Factory
904 South Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, 90031 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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Do Not Waste Your Time With Closet Factory And You Will Find Out Why?



It started off on a good note whereby I spoke with Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) at the Very Beginning who was Very Professional and able to make me an appointment which was great, but Honestly, it was NOT her who was the Main Problem!  It was her DesignerJacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108).


After speaking to Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 

Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225), she sent over one designer and for some strange reason, her designer was Not able to connect, nor reach my tenant and so she had to send over another designer on another day who was a Very Big Problem to deal with (Personality Speaking) at least towards me!


Yes, the second designer did make the drawings and give the price which was extremely OverInflated to say the very least because when I spoke to Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) over the phone at the Very Beginning, I had made it Very Clear to her that I did NOT want to go over $1,000.00 at the very most and she understood that, but her second designer obviously did Not Care!


Anyway, going back on the day of Tuesday, March 22, 2016, I had one of my first opportunities to speak with the second designer, Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) and he definitely was NOT an easy person to deal with, period!


Number One:  As mentioned in my earlier paragraph, he tried to purposely and deliberately Rip Me Off by trying to Upsell His Closet to my tenant, even though Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) gave him Clear Instructions that my budget was only $1,000.00 and he as I had stated before simply Did Not Care and went Over The Price!


Sadly, I had to go through Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) in order to get the price down to where it was supposed to be and by right, I Deserved A Further Discount for 

Jacob "Jay" Haralambous'sDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108Negligence in Failing To Respect And Abide By His Customer's Wishes in which was NEVER granted to me!


Please NOTE:  During my discussion with Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225), she was at first going to take accessories away from my closet in order to push the price down (Which Was Not My Fault And You Know Whose Fault That Was) and I told her NOT to do it and to just keep the price at $1,000.00 and she did agree with me which was fine so far.


However, dealing with Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) has been nothing, but a Big Nuisance and a Big Bother!


For Example:  Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) wanted ME to sign this document and that document when he knew for a FACT as previously explained to him by Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) that I was in Brasil and without a Printer; especially staying in an area that is classified as Third World, but he really Did Not Care That Much, but he did tell me that he would try to think of a solution in which I was hopeful.


During that day he asked me to email him my Personal American Express Credit Card informationBilling Address4 Digit Number On The Front Of The Card, etc. and I did as I was told.


Sadly, the situation got only Worst!


On the very next day being Wednesday, March 23, 2016, I received another email from Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) and he said to me that he needed more documents to be signed and I responded back in telling him that I, once again do NOT have a Printer and then he responded by telling me that he will ask Kory TaylorMy Assistant to sign  whatever documents that he needs and he also stated to me that he still needs to get Permission and Consent from the Corporate Office in order to Process My Legitimate American Express Credit Card.


I found this Whole Thing to be Quite DramaticDisgustingRidiculousUnprofessional and Very Time Consuming Just For A Small Closet (Since I Am NOT Buying, Nor Building A House!) to 

Say The Very Least and...Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) and his company Should Be More Than Qualified To Deal With Customers And In Getting Their Paperwork Filled Out For Their Customer's On Their Behalf (With Tape Recorded Verbal And/Or Emailed Permission And/Or Consent Given) (Whether Or Not They Are In The United StatesAnd To Properly And Professionally Process Credit Cards Without Giving The Customer Any Additional Paperwork And/Or Legwork And/Or Stress which in My CaseSadly Happened!


Please NOTE:  I Also Can Not Understand Why Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108Was Trying To Handle The Credit Card Billing When He Is Supposed To Be Just A Designer And Not A Bill And/Or Payment Collector For The Company?  How Ridiculous?


Do You Think That The Disaster Is Over?  No Way!  


I did receive another email from Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) telling ME that he could NOT reach Kory TaylorMy Assistant and in his letter he said that "This Is Becoming Quite Difficult" which is Only A Sign and/or a Signal Informing Me That He Is About To Walk Away And Give Up On My Project Altogether!


His Behavior Is Classified As Another Method Of Low Class Unprofessionalism, Non-Compassion, Including A Lack Of Dedication, Nor Commitment To My Small Project On His Part!


In Reality:  The ONLY person who is being Extremely Difficult is Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) himself and Nobody Else with his once again, Horrible Unprofessionalism and Very Poor Manners which comes along with his DisgustingPitifulSelfishNon-Caring Attitude!


Please Note:  When I received Jacob "Jay" Haralambous'sDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) second last letter, I called up Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) to Seriously Complain about Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) and his Very Poor Method On Treating And Handling ME as his customer and How Poorly Managed he has Handled My Project so far, however, when I called up Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225), she was NOT available and then I ended up speaking with Erin PerdomoHer Assistant.  During my brief conversation with her she informed me that I need to speak to the Corporate Office if I have any Billing Questions, but when I asked her for the Phone Number and Name of the Billing Manager, she Refused to give it to me!


We now have at least Two Employees from the Same Company who just do NOT Care About Closet Factory's Customers!  Great Going!


Please Also Note:  During the whole conversation with Erin PerdomoHer Assistant, I was NOT rude, nor did I yell at her, but instead, i just asked her to please ask Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) to just return my phone call (which was Never Done) and that was ALL!


Trust Me This Whole Closet Factory Experience Keeps On Escalating And Getting Worst By The Day And/Or Even The Minute:  NOT Too Long After I Had That Conversation With Erin PerdomoHer Assistant, I received a Very Strange Email from Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) Asking ME to call him back immediately because this is Urgent.  I thought to myself, "How Urgent Can This Be Since Nobody Is In The Hospital And Nobody Died?"


When I called Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) back, he was Extremely RudeMean, Aggressive and he Wrongfully and Falsely Accused ME of "Yelling" at Erin PerdomoHer Assistant which was a Total LIE and then he Also Told ME To "Take My Business Elsewhere"!


Basically, Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108Just Used The Yelling At Erin PerdomoHer Assistant as a False And Pretentious  Excuse to Just Get Rid Of ME As His Customer (Because He Did Not Want To Deal With Me Anymore!) even though In RealityI Never Yelled At Her At All!


To MeIt Sounds like Erin PerdomoHer Assistant Basically Called Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108Back On The Phone after our Very Short Conversation and LIED to him about ME because she did Not Like Me Complaining About Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) at all and it Shows!


Before I Go On:  I Must Reiterate That It Is Simply Ironic That Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108Would Take Down By Email All Of My Personal Credit Card Information For My American Express Credit Card And Within One Or Two DaysHe Purposely And Deliberately Rejects My Business For Invalid And Untrue Falsifications And/Or Reasons!


Please NOTE:  If I Find Any Illegal And/Or Unwanted Charges Show Up On My American Express Credit Card Because Of Jacob "Jay" Haralambous'sDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108NegligenceI Will File A Fraud Report Against Him With The Los Angeles Police Department since this man NOW Knows My Private Credit Card Information when In RealityHe Had No Business Of Asking For It To Begin With since once again, he is Not A Bill And/Or Payment Collector For The Company!  


He Is Only A Designer!


Please Also NOTE:  If Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108) had any Common SenseEtiquette and Proper Business Education in which he Seriously Lacks, he could have asked ME Why I May Have Sounded Loud Over The Phone When Speaking With Erin PerdomoHer Assistant and I would have told him that I was in Brasil as 

Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) was Totally Aware Of from Our Very First Conversation and when I use Google Hangouts which is a FREE Service with Wi-Fi to call Long Distance from Brasil, the Volume Of My Voice typically Sounds Louder Than Normal and it is NOT Considered Yelling or Raising My Voice At All!


Sadly, because of Jacob "Jay" Haralambous'sDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108Poor Observations and Brain Mentality and Lack Of Customer Service And Social Skills, I NOW Have To Find Another Closet Making Provider!


No Problem!  I Can Find One!  I Am A Grown Man!  Not A Child!


In My Very Own Personal Opinion:  It Would Have Been Much Easier For The Closet Factory To Just Have Another Designer Work With Me Instead Of

Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108Since All He Did Was Chase My Business Away From The Company, but I Guess The Damage Is Now Done!


Final Thoughts:  Closet Factory Can Do Whatever They WantBut I Believe That It Would Be In Their Best Interests To Just Get Rid Of 

Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108And Hire A More Responsible Replacement who has ProfessionalismGood Manners And Social Skills Because If They Continue To Keep Him OnboardI Am Afraid He Is Going To Do This To Other Potential Customers And Cost The Company Money!


Jacob "Jay" HaralambousDesign Consultant And Closet Therapist (Jacob.Haralambous@ClosetFactory.com) (Cellular Phone:  714-697-4108), Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225) and the Rest Of Your Low Class, Uncaring CompanyYou Just Lost A GoodHonestRealLegitimate Customer who does NOT Tolerate AbuseGamesLiesNor B.S.!


Enclosed, in the Attachments, please find Copies Of Some Of The Conversations, via email that I had with Both Staff Members Mentioned Above For Your Reference And Further Review.  


PLEASE NOTE:  In The Final Letter Coming From Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225), Not Everything That She Says Is True Because I Was Only Turned Down By One Closet Making Company Because They Claimed That The Job Was NOT Big Enough And That Was All And It Was NOT Two Closet Making Companies That Turned Me Down And So She Was Wrong On Her Part!  


Please Also Understand:  Michele La Flesch, the Executive Project Manager/Showroom Manager (Michele.Laflesch@ClosetFactory.com) (Office Phone:  310-516-7500 x240 & Cellular Phone:  310-404-8225Never Told Me Anything At The Very Beginning About Having To Sign Any Amount Of PaperworkNor Was I Informed By Her At The Very Beginning That Any Signing Would Be Involved At AllEspecially To The Extent That It Was!  This All Came To Me As A Big Surprise Later On In The Process Before Being Rejected As A Customer By You Know Who!


Please NOTE:  In Her Final LetterShe Also Defends Her Designer By Stating That He Is Tempermental (Which Is A Lie Since She Was Not Even On The Phone With Him And I During The Conversations And Neither Of Them Were Ever RecordedAnd Of Course She Defends Her CompanyBut That Is Standard Practice And Behavior From Any Company!


You Would Defend Your Company Too If You Were In Her Shoes Whether You Are Right Or Wrong!  Obviously


Please Do Yourselves A Big Favor And Do Not Use This Company!


There Are Better Closet Making Companies Out There!
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