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CMS Consolidated Media Services deceptive company ripoff refused to cancel mags Atlanta Georgia
I had my first telemarketing call from CMS about a year ago. The telemarketer said I would receive some magazines free, and others at lower prices. I didn't really want any more magazines, but their telemarketers were high pressure. I reluctantly agreed.
When I changed my mind, I did not have their phone number to call them back. When they called again to verify my order, I tried to cancel, but they refused. I had already given them my credit card number. (Fortunately, I cancelled that card soon after this, and they were unable to charge my card more than once).
I had no idea they were ordering subscriptions for 4-5 years out! I would never buy that much all at once! I have made five payments of $58.24 (totalling $291.00) but recently I checked the subscription costs for one year, directly from each publisher. The total cost for one year of these magazines is only $150.38. It may even be less through Publishers Clearing House!
When I did a web search for CMS, I found this "rip-off report" site, and the FTC at
I could not believe it! I am not the only one to have been defrauded by this company! I feel like such a sap for falling for this. I will never buy anything over the phone again. I have caller ID now, and I won't answer unknown callers!