  • Report:  #1140961

Complaint Review: Commonwealth Financial - Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Epicstone - Las vegas, Nevada,

Commonwealth Financial
Pennsylvania, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In 2004 AT&T took over Cingular wireless. I had Cingular wireless and AT&T never informed me they had bought my cell company. They changed the rules without ever sending me anything informing me of the changes. I found out AT&T had taken over when I got a $708 bill from them. I called them and said I did not sign up for AT&T. I do not like your business practices and so I demand you cancel my contract that you bought from Cingular and cancel my cell service. I would never ever pay them for stabbing me in the back and not sending me a letter telling me they now own my cell contract. So they reported me to the credit agencies and it fell off in 2011. Now in March of 2014 over 10 years later AT&T has sold this 10 year old debt to Commonwealth Financial. 

Commonwealth Financial called me in February saying even though this debt is past the statute of limitiations they are going to collect it from me. I told them the same story of never signing up for AT&T and that they can't collect it because its over 3 years past the statute of limitations. They said we will take this from you one way or another. So what did these criminals do? They reported me as being seriously deliquent on my AT&T account beginning in March of 2013. They reported total lies and ruined my good credit score. I reported them to the CFPB and opened a complaint againts them. CFPB got another fraud from GE PAYPAL off my credit history in 2 months. 

I have submitted disputes to Transunion and they removed it today the same day I called them. I reported it online to Experian., Equifax is harder to report to. I fill out the dispute and enter it and it says it can't be processed. I have had this same problem with Equifax since December of 2013 when I first tried to contact them. 

So AT&T practices frauds againts people as does Commonweath Financial and GE PAYPAL. All these 3 have laid damage on my credit report starting in 2004 and going on to this very day, April 22, 2014.

I hope the CFPB will do the same for me with Commonweath Financial that they did with GE PAYPAL. The complaint was just entered to the CFPB 3 days ago and so there are 12 days left for Commonweath to prove the fraud they have damaged me with. I had worked hard to restore my credit and was making great progress until Commonwealth Financial commited this fruad agaisnts me and reported it to all 3 credit reporting agencies.

They get to do this crimes againts us and they get no punishment for it. Is this n**i Germany or are we America? I cant tell anymore with the corrupt courts and police forces, the big companies scamming people out of their life savings. The Government waging wars by telling us lies and invading foreign countries like America is the world Police!

The only thing I see as good left in America is Costco. In Egypt Gasoline costs 79 cents a gallon! Our Goverment allows us to be overcharged for gasoline and adds mass amount of taxes to it as well!

I am sure the founding fathers would condemn this present system of things. But what can we do? happily the CFPB service is FREE. But the lawyers try to get us into $100 a month payments to work on our credit "ERRORS" as they so minimizingly call it. 

So we get to pay people to fix the frauds placed on us that are not punished when the fraud is proven. The only prize for all the fighting agaisnt these criminals is that the fraud gets erased from our credit history. Since our credit score is so important to everything we do in America why are these collection agencies given the power to ruin us with LIES? Is it so the lawyers can get rich from our suffering? What ever the reason is that reason is unjust and cruel and fraudulent, but it does the same damage to us as if it were truly honest.

When I am out of America in Europe or the middle east the only thing I miss is Costco and Clear eyes xtreme.

It takes 6 weeks to get one bottle of Clear eyes xtreme to europe. Next time I go I am taking a 2 year supply of all the things I use. 


Then I don't have to miss our country of lies with its cities controlled by street gangs while the police pull us over in speed traps sitting and waiting like trap door spiders. 


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