  • Report:  #1255351

Complaint Review: Concorde Career College San Bernardino Campus - San Bernardino California

Reported By:
Black_Orchid91 - Yucaipa, California, USA

Concorde Career College San Bernardino Campus
201 E airport Drive San Bernardino, 92408 California, USA
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 When enrolling staff seemed nice, went to do LVN and was pushed towards Medical Assistant program. Was not informed that the curriculum was being changed and given a choice to wait to start when the new curriculum was implemented. I'm paying $17,000 to be taught old information. Several students were continuously being disruptive. This affects the learning of not only myself but others in the class as well, however the instructor told me she was working on it. Nothing was done. The new instructor came in two weeks into our Mod and was informed of the issue. Had to do 20 cheif complaints in 20 days that is not the problem the problems is when the instructors do not schedule time to go to wet lab to do this. As well as the troublemaker students refuse to let us do their vitals and cheif complaints; they finish all of theirs simply by exchanging information I and other students are threatened with being failed if we can't complete them. We are doing them the correct way and using each other but are told we can't use more than one person at a time. A new student starts the program 3 days late and was not given the same curtesy as the rest of us with instruction. Is marked as being absent 3 days which drops her grade by a letter instead of a B she received a C because of her attendance. This gets address and never gets fixed. the program director for the Medical Assistant program wanted to protect her instructor and deliberately started a fight between four students when She started by gossiping and telling lies. My friend and I were informed that we had issues with each other and we are confused because we never had a issue with each other but she continued to try to get us into a argument over lies. We didn't fall for it. A veteran was enrolled in class with us he has a disability in his right eye and had informed the class of it. Several of the troublemaker students deliberately hit him in the eye twice hurting him, another continued to whip her hair in his face on a constant basis. He goes to the instructor then the program director and finally the president of our campus. Nothing is resolved. Staff picks and chooses who they want to get in trouble and who they don't want to get in trouble. They harp on students following the code of conduct but they themselves will raise their voices and one instructor last name Carlin even came at a student. He should have not touched her or her belongings. Another Instructor exploded when a student said thank you for your time but just letting you know I will not be here on Monday as I am quitting. She grabbed her scrubs and pulled her to the offices saying well we have to speak with the program director as to why you are quitting right now. Very unprofessional. When the second instructor quit on us in the middle of the mod the program director took over for two weeks. Making up tests and study guides that did not have the correct information and some information was not even in the books. She was looking at houses to rent on her computer instead of teaching us about optimum a online coursework program that should have been started 3 weeks prior and a requirement for us to graduate. Constantly threatening students with if they leave they will still be required to pay back the loan and won't be able to take another loan for school at a different institute. Marking students who are not absent as absent or tardy when they never are. EVERYTIME a student comes in with a issue either with the instructors or with other students Program director starts off with well I have received complaints on you as well. Called corporate because the president does not want to deal with the issues at hand. The veteran (28 yr)who was being intentionally bullied and harassed by other students quit and was on the verge of reenlist ing this is how bad it has gotten. He has been overseas for the past 8 yrs and wanted to get a career in the medical field. He has rights to get a proper education just as the rest of us do and to not have these students and staff members disrupting our educations. Luckily he was convinced to not reenlist and to instead go to another school. Talked with corporate who "tried to deal" with these problems however once again they protect their staff members and continue with the famous saying of the troublemakers have a right to their education. Let's not include the "Real World" famous saying that the staff at the San Bernardino Campus keeps Refering to whenever there are problems. In the real world these are situations you will have to deal with. Well in the real world the higher ups would protect their employees when they are assulted or harrassed why is the school not doing so as well for their students. Went even as far as going to the senior vice president Jamie Fraiser who assured us that they are doing everything to resolve these issues. Don't know what happen with that but when her staff lies about the real issues she can't do anything about that except be biased. Once again issues are being twisted and put on the students who are not at fault. One student was also threatened with being kicked out because she called The program director a f**king B**ch which never happened. It is frustrating to know that a school we pay to go to is practically screwing us over. As of today 6 students dropped with the potential of more planning on leaving. Need to know who to contact about getting my loans back from them so that I can attend another school as they refuse to give it back as well as me wasting 3 months of my time. Need to also contact the state about their accreditation so they cannot do this to more students.

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