  • Report:  #45737

Complaint Review: Consumer First Platinum Card - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
- Elk River, Minnesota,

Consumer First Platinum Card
Tampa, 33684-5386 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I applied for this credit card thinking that I would be awarded a credit card with a high credit limit. I didn't think twice about it and sent in the $45 application fee. As a single mom, I am extremely hurt and frustrated that a "company" could take advantage of honest, hardworking individuals. If ANYONE gets an offer from Consumer First out of Tampa Florida IT IS A TOTAL RIPOFF!

Some cheap a*s is out there trying to take your money. He took mine and now I'm out the money and no credit card. I could've spent that money on my children but this individual is probably sitting on the beach have a smoothy or driving his porsche down the strip.

I want my money back and if anyone knows how I can go about doing this, I would really appreciate it. If anyone else would like to join the fight against this terrible citizen, I am going to a lawyer to see what can be done. I know it is only $45 but that is $45 I no longer have and I received nothing in return like promised!


Elk River, Minnesota

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