  • Report:  #47017

Complaint Review: Consumer First - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
- Perth Amboy, New Jersey,

Consumer First
PO BOX 15386 Tampa, 33684-5386 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a letter in the mail 2 weeks ago stating that I was guaranteed approval for consumer first platinum card.

I first gave it a week to think about how wonderful and convinient it would be. I had been denied in the past from credit card aggencies , so i was very excited that i was finally approved.

i made a money order out for 55.00 instead of 45.oo because i didn't have my glasses on. when i had realized my mistake it was too late.

the money order was already signed to consumer first and sealed in the self addressed envelope. so i noted on the back that i would like to be credited for the balance.

it has been a week now and i started to get a little nervous. so i decided to go on the internet to get a phone number for the company so i could give them a call. only to see them listed as fraud. i am deeply disappointed in my poor jugement. i hope that i could now be reconciled for this rippoff.


Perth Amboy, New Jersey

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