  • Report:  #45698

Complaint Review: Cottman Transmissions On Westheimer * Dairy Ashford In Houston Texas - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Houston, Texas,

Cottman Transmissions On Westheimer * Dairy Ashford In Houston Texas
12641 Westheimer Road, Houston, Texas Houston, 77077 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I took my 2000 Dodge Durango into the Cottman on Westheimer and Dairy Ashford on the idea that Ronnie (owner) would take care of me since my brother ran a couple of shops for him in the past. After I called and spoke with Ronnie (owner) and explained that I didnt have alot of money and that I would work something out with him if I needed too. He said bring it in and he would work with me somehow. Ronnie said he was leaving but Dan (manager) would be there to help me.

I took my 2000 Dodge Durango into the Cottman Transmissions to get looked at. Dan (manager) called me and said that it would take looking deeper into the transmission which would cost over $200.00 & under $300.00. I gave him permission todo the evaluation only. Dan called me back and said that the Torque Converter had come apart and had plugged the filter, which in turn burned the clutch,OD, Thrust, Washer bearings, bands and other items up. He told me that Ronnie (owner) said that since he knew my brother that it would only cost $2100.00 for the repairs.

I told Dan (manager) I didnt have that, and then I asked if they finance. He said they go thru Wells fargo. We tried todo it thru Wells Fargo but they declined me. I told Dan that I would try to talk with my dad or my brother and see if they would help me. Dan (manager) said he had the transmission done, but couldnt put it into the car until I came up with the money. I asked to talk with Ronnie (owner), but Dan (manager) took my number and said he would give it to Ronnie (owner). I have not talked to Ronnie (owner) since the first day.

My father went a couple of days later and told Dan (manager) that he nor my brother were going to help me. Dan (manager) said he was going to put it in storage for the weekend. This was never told to me.

The next thing I know is that I am getting a letter from Cottman saying that the Vehicle is put into storage and that Cottman had nothing todo with it then. I had to talk with the storage facility. The total as of a week and a half after I sent it to Cottman was $2700.00. How could I afford that? And everyday it gets higher.

I feel that Ronnie (owner), Dan (manager) knew my situation and took advantage of me.

I never gave Dan authorization to fix the transmission. He would not do anything to it until I had money thats why we tried to get financing.

Now when I did get the money to get it out My wife went over to the storage facility and everything was taken out of the vehicle. The radio, DVD player and screen, spare tire, jack, all personal papers, DVD's, Music CD's, umbrella's, jackets, jewelry.

And there is a dent on the left of the hood and fender.

Why do I want to pay for something that is not complete.


Houston, Texas

1 Updates & Rebuttals


All Cottman Transmission repair facilities are independently owned and operated, my response is for the above location only.

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 27, 2003

Chad did bring his 2000 Durango to our facility for a transmission problem on 01/16/03. We performed our complete diagnostic procedure on his vehicle. We informed him that the transmission needed to be removed from the vehicle and inspected to determine the extent of the internal damage, he agreed. On 02/17/03 we called Chad and informed him of the total cost of the repairs that the vehicle. Chad agreed to the cost of repairs $2100.00. He also informed me that he might need "some help" with the repairs. As I have known other members of the family for several years, I felt that this would probably be acceptable. We repaired the vehicle. We called Chad to inform him that the vehicle was repaired and ready to be picked up. Chad said ok, but to my dismay he informed us that he did not need "some help", but that he did not have a dime!! We obtained his credit information and submitted it to the financial institutions that we use to obtain credit for our customers. He was denied by all, not only was Chad not credit worthy, but also had recently filed bankruptcy. He was also in arrears on the payments on the Dodge Durango. His father came by our facility a few days later and informed us that the family was not going to give him any assistance with the repair of the vehicle. His father also informed of that Chad was in arrears on the notes on the Durango and that, in fact, the lien holder was attempting to locate the vehicle for repossession. Upon obtaining all this information as to the character and reliability of Chad, in no circumstances could I justify releasing a vehicle that we had performed $2100.00 worth of repairs without payment in full. After getting the information that the lien holder was attempting to repossess the vehicle, we decided the best protection for our interest was moving it to a licensed and secured storage facility. We did this a few days later. According to state law the storage facility , not Cottman Transmission, informed Chad the location of the vehicle and the total amount of the charges. As far as we know nothing has been removed from the vehicle, nor has Chad personally inspected it for damage or missing items, neither has he attempted to pay the charges. The last information we have received about the situation is that the lien holder has agreed to pay the charges and repossess the vehicle.

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