  • Report:  #1254219

Complaint Review: Couchsurfing International Inc. - San Francisco California

Reported By:

Couchsurfing International Inc.
340 Kansas Street San Francisco, 94103-5130 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Couchsurfing International Inc. Is Run By A Bunch Of Angry, Racist, Bigoted Individuals!

May I say more?

I was referred to Couchsurfing International Inc. by some other travelers in the past, however, what they did Not tell me was on How Poorly Run This Website Actually Is and.....How Abusive Their Staff Are To Their Users, such as myself!

I have kept Silent for quite some time about this, but it is about Time To Spill The Beans!

The owner of the website is Mr. Casey Fenton ([email protected]) and he Deliberately And Purposely Allows His Staff The Power To Pick And Choose Who They Want To Keep On Their Website And Who They Want To Block And/Or Throw Off For Good Reasons, For Bad Reasons and/or For NO Reasons!

If they don't like your looks, race, sexuality, sexual orientation, job, living situation, hobbies, lifestyle, etc., they Can Get Riid Of You For Any Reason!

I had NO problem using the website at all, but I must Warn You, there are some users/hosts that are involved in Illegal Activity which Includes Drugs and of course, I personally would Not want to stay with them and they obviously should Not Be On Their Website, but Couchsurfing International Inc. does NOT screen all of their users!  Absolutely Not!

Sometimes I would write a Bad Review on these such hosts that were involved in Illegal and/or Inappropriate Activity and sadly for retaliation purposes, they would in turn write a Fake Review On ME.

Furthermore, if you try to Complain to their POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT which does NOT EXIST, they will Not Do Anything About It!

This company is trained to Keep All Published Reviews About Anyone, Whether They Are Good, Bad, True, False or Fake Online And Permanent!

They do NOT Care what people really have to say about each other, unless they are saying something inappropriate i.e. using violence or foul language or threatening bodily harm to somebody, etc.

If it is a Clean Review Using Dictionary Language, they will Ignore Any Disputes Against It!

In My Case, somebody from within this Poorly Run Company was a PURE HATER AGAINST ME and kept on Removing My Profiles with No Reason Given!

If they had any Common Sense and did Not Remove My Legitimate Profile to begin with, then I would NOT have to keep on Making and Creating New Profiles.  Obviously!

Please NOTE:  I NEVER did anything illegal, nor do I have a criminal record and I know that it was something very Personal and the owner Casey Fenton ([email protected]) was most likely involved in it because he could have put a STOP TO THIS HARASSMENT that I received a very long time ago when I wrote to him to please fix and/or correct the situation and of course, he did Nothing About It!

There is absolutely Nobody from within their company to turn to if you wish to fix and/or correct a problem of any kind!  Nobody!

It is that Bad!

At this point, they have Permanently Blocked ME from even accessing their main website and when I type in couchsurfing.org, I get something that says the following:

City (eg: San Francisco)




Howard S.

Sorry, we're having technical difficulties at the moment. Please try again later. 

For questions contact support or visit out Help page. 

Now, I could understand if I did something against the Law, but I did Not!

I am more than sure that they have done this to other people, however, most of their users are too scared to Speak Up on behalf of this horrible website to Tell The Truth, however, I am Not!

Please NOTE:  It is funny that they are always asking for Financial Support and/or Donations, but can Not Afford To Offer Any Real Customer Support Or Service.  

In Addition, they have Purposely And Deliberately Made Their Website More Non-User Friendly To Navigate And/Or Get Around which is Quite Sad!  Remember, if You try to Complain to them about Anything, they will just IGNORE YOU!  Hint!

Once Again, the Only Thing That They CAN Afford To Do Is To BLOCK Anybody That They Do Not Want On Their Website For Any Reason Because They Are Haters And Bigots And Very Prejudice People! 

Please NOTE:  I would Not Give Them A Penny Anyway!

Thankfully, if I ever decide to Travel Again, there are at least 20 other Websites Which Are Much Better Than This One That Actually DO Care About Their Users and DO Offer Excellent Customer Service by the way, whether they are Free Or Not!

So folks, if You are ever looking to be Hosted, do Not Bother Using The Worst Website when You Can Find Much Better Out There!

Thank You.

PS:  Yes, I am the First Ex-Member To Write Them Their Very First Real, Honest Review On Yelp.com and it is about Time!

The End.

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