  • Report:  #196089

Complaint Review: CountryWide Home Loans - Simi Valley California

Reported By:
- Middletown, Pennsylvania,

CountryWide Home Loans
450 American ST. Simi Valley, 93065 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Since purchasing my home in November of 2003, I have had nothing BUT problems with CountryWide Home Loans. First they misplaced payments and have been doing so ever since. They raised my payments with no explanation why. They have tacked on late payments but I have not been late. They put my money into other peoples' accounts. I have recieved monthly statements for payments due yesterday or the day after. This is not a problem with the Postal service. The time posted on the printout will be the day it is due and then of course until it gets to me it is late. Just another way they add late fees unlawfully. I have called about numerous problems but they will not respond. They transfer you to dept. after dept. Nobody seems to have the same information as anyone else that works in their company. I have spent countless hours on the phone with them as well as letters sent to no avail. This is against the law. They have 30 days to respond. But sadly, they never have. They just kept sending me foreclosure notices. I have bank statements to back up my claims. They however have never sent proof of theirs. They have said that they never recieved my proof of information even though someone had to sign for it because I sent it return reciept requested.

Also they have taken payments unrightfully out of my account and that has gotten my bank account in arrears. They have consistently said I am constantly 2 months behind. Yet I have made double payments and triple payments. I have made a payment every month and it is coming out of my bank account. I cannot get anywhere with them. This is ILLEGAL PRACTICE!!! After numerous "investigations" nothing has been solved. Everytime I call with an issue, they argue and talk down to you as well as threaten you. If you persist then they transfer you to another person and it starts all over again! One day I was on the phone with them for 4 hours! After transferring you around until they cannot anymore, they will put you on hold until you hang up. This has happened to me more than I can count. I was kept on hold for 2 hours one day. I hung up and kept calling back and never got an answer then. Also one thing they do then is say that it will be investigated and I will have an answer in 30 days. This does nothing. They never have any intention to investigate because there I am with all the proof and I fax it or send it to them and they say "OH WELL". They will tell you that while it is in investigation NOT to pay anything. This will get you behind more and more late fees. It makes a vicious cycle! They do this on purpose and unfortunatly many companies do it.

I have had my payments raised twice within 3 months and nobody could tell me why. They look over my payment history on the phone and ask ME why I sent so much this month and why I sent so much here. I tell them it is because that is what my statement told me to pay or that was what I was told by a representative of their company. They say "Well maybe it is because taxes went up or because of this fee and that fee". It is the law for them to send you notices if your payment goes up for any reason and they must show proof. They have not done this. They argue with me about the laws in Pennsylvania and when I start talking legalities they get mean or hang up. Also my month to month statements will not make any sense. The dates are wrong and past payments posted are wrong. It is like they get everyones account info mixed up. They also post payment really late so I get a late fee on my next statement.

I have hired attorneys that have gotten nowhere with them either. Here I am now pennyless and having to file bankruptcy because of those f#$*ers. My home would have been up for Sherriff sale next month. They have not shown proof of an exact amount I owe on my loan. The Bankruptcy court will make them but that still does not mean it will be accurate. And that's just the problem to begin with! I have had all the money they had once asked me to pay until I finally gave up and tried to pay then they switched it on me and said they wanted the whole $85,000; the remaining balance on my mortgage or foreclosure proceedings would start. THEY CANNOT DO THIS!!! This is ILLEGAL!! They also give out false names when you ask for their name and title. They all say then "There is no one here by that name". Or if I was told something and I tell that to another representitive or manager...they all say "They aren't allowed to authorize it" or "they lied to you". Seems ALL of them are lying!!

It seems to me that these people have no knowledge of laws and should not be working in that field. I believe and have heard that the employees are trained to do these things or they can lose THEIR job!! I have spoken to numerous mortgage companies and attorneys and consultants. They ALL know CountryWide Home Loans and they all tell me that they have been aware of their bad business practices for a long time. They say that there are different investigations going on but they keep finding ways out of them. No wonder CountryWide as a whole is so arrogant! They are! They are all very rude and very clueless about laws and their job descriptions. Their attitude is very "Holyer than Thou". I am afraid when my bankruptcy time is up. Then what? Then they can go back to doing this again?! And what if I DO sent them proper payment at the proper time and they play the same games with it while I am in Bankruptcy? I will lose my Bankruptcy benefits and it will be voided. I am hoping they will sell my loan to another company so I will not have to deal with them. STAY AWAY FROM COUNTRYWIDE!! NOTHING IS WORTH ALL THIS! Did I mention I have 4 small children and I could not afford to lose my home? I have heard and beleive that they market the regular working class citizens or the people that obviously work hard and live paycheck to paycheck. They manipulate us poor people and also the old or young people are screwed with this company. I should have known when there were so many problems just getting the paperwork set up for the loan. They got ALL our info wrong, including our social sec. numbers. They approved the loan based on some one elses info and soc. sec. number. They had to go back and get all our info and background check which took a rediculous amount of time. We were told then that going by our credit scores we would not get the loan but since they messed up so much that it was a gift to us. Looking back on it I wonder..Was it their game all along?

And for all the CountryWide employees that frequently get on here and give a rebuttal...you know you are being paid to do this. How can you sleep at night all the while your cutomers have their beds taken out from under them? There have been many cases of CountryWide employees admitting to doing everything I have mentioned. They also end up quitting because of unfair employee treatment and working conditions. Some still work for CountryWide for fear of losing everything like me because they say that the managers will treat them badly or worse than they already are and that also the company will try to forge ahead and ruin them as well. This company will come down eventually. It is inevitable.

It always happens when the company gets too big. This goes for their heads as well as demographics. It is just simple economics. I believe they purposefully get you into a loan and after a while make it impossible for you so they can take your home and resell it or whatever else makes them more money. This whole experience with them got much worse when my property values went up and my property was worth much more than I bought it for. I am told alot of mortgage comanies do this. I just got my credit report today and there are SOOOO many inquiries from CountryWide mortgage partners.

I believe that they try to jack up your payments and try to get more out of you because they know people cannot afford to lose their homes. Then they try to cut you a deal. A really crappy deal that is basically robbing you. They try to set you up with one of their partners or other organizations and then in turn they keep your account and your money and now all this time they make more and more money because of it. They charge you higher rates then and your payments are more because you are now a "higher risk". This is fraudulent and wrong to do. Unfortunatly there are not as many laws out there to protect us as there should be. They have tried to cut me many of these types of deals.

Of course then later they tell you that your loan now starts all over and now payments are higher! Its like "Look, If you thought I couldn't afford it before, then obviously I would not be able to make these payments...DUH". So obviously this is a purposeful thing. In my case, I could afford everything until they started lying and playing games. They do this to get you into that bracket where they can get more fees out of you and you will take a crappy deal so they can hang you by the balls. Please...who ever is considering CountryWide I urge you to RECONSIDER!! And to who ever is reading this and experiencing the same thing...I FEEL FOR YOU AND YOU ARE IN FOR A TOUGH BATTLE!! Hopefully you have better luck than I have had with them. But DO NOT give up your principles and dignity. Forge ahead and help bring this company to justice!


Middletown, Pennsylvania

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