  • Report:  #308221

Complaint Review: Cricket Wireless - Clarksville Indiana

Reported By:
- Clarksville, Indiana,

Cricket Wireless
509 Eastern Blvd Clarksville, 47129 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I would like to file a MAJOR complaint against Cricket Wireless Phone Co. I First became connected on Jan 11th and was tod that I receved a FREE month of service when I purchased a phone. The cost of the phone was $74.19 and the representaive typed me out a receipt for a $17.49 credit on my account. Explained that my bill would be due on Feb 10th in the amount of $54.70.

In the meantime my older son gave my younger daughter his old cricket phone and I wanted to activate that phone and have it added onto my account. When I called Cricket on the 25th of January I was told that this was an active accout and that they could not transfer this phone until the account was cancelled and inactive! Wait 2 days after the phone gets turned off then call back to activate.

I went into the office on Eastern Blvd. on Jan.28th to see agent 1437 Roberts and once again we called Cricket to try to have this non working phone activated. They representative stated that we could not do so because the resonsible party of that particular phone had not called Cricket and personally cancelled his account out! My daughter and I called my son and asked him to please call Cricket and cancell your phone as we cannot have it transfered until you do so. My son was busy t work bt did in fact call and cancell and then called my daughter and I telling us they said everything was fine now go ahead and transfer the phone.

We drove back "AGAIN" to Eastern Blvd. to see Roberts...and when he called Cricket...Once again your representatives told him that the phone now must be unactivated for 48 hours before we are going to be able to transfer this phone to my daughter.

On Jan 30 th I went into Cricket on Eastern Blvd once "AGAIN" ready to have this phone activated for my 15 yr old daughter..only to be told that this phone needs to have someone authorize the account is not active!!! I explained to them that my son did so already 2 days ago!! The gentleman told me that I am sorry we are showing no record that the phone account was terminatedBy this time I was HIGHLY DISTURBED very emotional, and my frustration level ROSE!!!

On Jan 31st I went back to the Cellular Store Cricket Sales office to see Mr.Roberts once again to have my phone transfered only to have another one of your representatives tell me that the phone still was still active and that the person who owned the phone I wanted to activate needed to call and have the account cancelled correctly! I was FURIOUS at this point!!!I asked to PLEASE connect me with one of your SUPERVISOR


I was then connected with Hernan who introduced himself

as a supervisor. I explained very CLEARLY to Hernan that I have been back and forth to Cricket on NUMEROUS occasions regarding the transfering of this phone

and that all I wanted was for "MY DAUGHTER" to have her OWn phone and have it transfered onto my personal account. He said that first he needed to speak to the individual of the phone, and I told him that my son was not here and did not live with me. I tod Hernan that he called your company YESTERDAY and they told me to wait 24 hours after cancelling before we could transfer the phone. Well it was OVER that 24 hours by now! He refused and said he had to talk to my son the previous owner of this old cricket phone.

I called my son who was at the hospital at the time with his fiance' as she was in the labor room getting ready to deliver a baby! The cellular rep Roberts placed my son on SPEAKER phone so that the supervisor could hear my son. He asked my son his name , birth date, and also if he wanted this phone terminated My son told him LOUD and clear TWICE this information!!!Then Hernan agreed to transfer the phone.

He explained to me that there would be a $15.00 actvation fee for changing the phone and that my daughters $30.00 plan plus $3.00 for voicemail and 3-way calling would total the amount of $37.76.He wennt on to explain to me that my amount on Feb 10th would be $54.70

and that y daughter's amount for her phone each month would be $37.76 and since i had another hone added I would receive a $5.00 discount to my account for March to be in the amount of $45.79,plus I had to pay the $15.00 activation fee as well. Her phone was then turned on.

My next trip to Cricket at the Cellular Mall on Easter Blvd here in Clarksville IN was on Feb the 8th (Friday)

knowing that the 10th my bill was due. I came in early to get it paid. and expected to pay the amount Hernan told me I had to pay. $54.70 Instead the rep

Roberts said Uh-Oh there seems to be a BIG PROBLEM here.....They are claiming you owed them $77.43 on Jan 10th!I was ABSOLUTLEY FURIATED at this POINT!!!How could I owe them $77.43 on Jan 10th when I didnt even begin my phone service until Jan 11th??? He called the phone company...and said Oh NO!! I think they have BLOCKED out your Birthdate because it keeps going to the automated servce??

I BEGAN to really get MAD!!!!I handed Ray my receipt from the purchase of my Cricket phone and it totaled to be $74.19 and since I was suppose to get a free month he deducted my monthly fee from the cost of the phone and gave me a $17.49 receipt credit! He said all I can say is for you to pay me $57.70 and come nac on Monday and we will see what we can do about getting your bill straightened out? He handed me my receipt and I left.

I have tried numerous times to call you Cricket Corporate offices the one on 3125 Broadway and left two messeges on their recorder to please return my call that it was IMPORTANT! I also called the one on Dixie Hwy and left them messeges as well...and still no return call???

I was told yesterday by representative badge #2689

Keisha That I still owe the amount of $68.47 and that I may have it placed onto my next months bill. and that the amount for my number is now....not$45.79....she claims it is...$50.93??? And that I still owe Cricket


Now whatever happened to my $5.00 credit I was suppose to receive when I had another phone added to my account? Where is the $17.49 that I should have received in credit when I purchased my phone? Why did I have to pay $57.70 when Henan the supervisor told me that I owed $54.70??? Keisha told me that my daughter's monthly amount was $32.20.. not $37.76????

Let's see here is the amount I feel I owe March 10th:

-$3.00 (I paid $57.70 when I was suppose to pay $54.70-$17.49 (credit owed to me the day I purchased the phone I was told I would receive a $17.49 cedit as on my receipt) $45.79 My phone $32.20 xtra phone Totals to:

$77.99. If you deduct the -$3.00 -$17.49 totalling

$20.49 credit take $77.99 Tot -20.49 cr amt owed

should be$57.50 due on March 10th 2008.NOT...$68.47 owed

Nor our two phones do NOT come to the amout of $83.13 as stated by Keisha on Monday 2/11/08. She told me that my monthly phone should be $54.70 and my second phone $32.20

Bringing my monthly total to $86.90???

Look I just want to know what the truth is here...and to receive the due credits that I have rightfully coming to me!If they offer a $5.00 discount for adding another phone then they need to STICK to their WORD! If the customer s given a $17.49 credit when she opened up her account...then it should have been applied to her account way back when??? The monthly amount of the phone should not change every time I go in to pay my BILL!!!

When I call 1-800 Cricket I am sick and tired of getting the automated recorded meesage that tells me that their auntomated service can answer ALL my QUESTIONS

because it is QUITE evident...THEY TRULY CANNOT!!!

I want to have justice with this phone service TODAY!!

I have High Blood pressure and this has alread caused me SEVERAL panic attacks having to deal with people on the phone who have no idea what they are talking about in the first place?? And lstening to an automated recoding telling me all operators are busy and their sutomated service can HELP ME WHEN IT DES NOT!!!

I want action and I would like to see some type of ACTION done ABOUT this NOW!! Please hear me!!

CRICKET seems to me to be the HUGEST RIP OFF I have EVER in my entire LIFE SEEN!!!

Much Gratitude and thanks!!!


Clarksville, Indiana


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7 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 04, 2008

The $17.47 that you reciept showed is the activation fee that all Cricket customers pay. As for not being able to activate a used Cricket phone it is policy to run a phones ESN to make sure it is not stolen, if the phones ESN dose not go through we at the retail location can not activate the phone. you may want to try going to the coorprate store in Louisville



#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 04, 2008

The $17.47 that you reciept showed is the activation fee that all Cricket customers pay. As for not being able to activate a used Cricket phone it is policy to run a phones ESN to make sure it is not stolen, if the phones ESN dose not go through we at the retail location can not activate the phone. you may want to try going to the coorprate store in Louisville



#4UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 04, 2008

The $17.47 that you reciept showed is the activation fee that all Cricket customers pay. As for not being able to activate a used Cricket phone it is policy to run a phones ESN to make sure it is not stolen, if the phones ESN dose not go through we at the retail location can not activate the phone. you may want to try going to the coorprate store in Louisville



#5UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 04, 2008

The $17.47 that you reciept showed is the activation fee that all Cricket customers pay. As for not being able to activate a used Cricket phone it is policy to run a phones ESN to make sure it is not stolen, if the phones ESN dose not go through we at the retail location can not activate the phone. you may want to try going to the coorprate store in Louisville


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
Yes, A Texas PitBull Mami...you are right

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 20, 2008

You are right that Cricket only allows 5 or so customer service calls per month....that is PER NUMBER. They have an IVR that reads the phone number you are calling from in order to determine how many times you've called during the billing cycle. I could see them using this for tracking purposes in order to determine if there's a recurring issue. However, they use it to keep customers from calling them. You're right...it IS horrible, in the way they use it. REALITY: Customer Service reps cost money...and the less you call, the lower they can keep their prices. That's their methodology and logic...however crazy it may sound. ANOTHER REALITY: I've worked in different company's call centers for over 4 years. I hear a lot that "the customer service rep hung up on me". At least 80% of the time, this is NOT true. The TRUTH is that the customer's phone hangs up (especially if they're using a cell phone)....and we're left with dead air. The times when I see it the most is when a customer is upset and starts yelling, and they do notice that they've hung up the phone. Then they callback saying that "the rep hung up on me"...


The automated system.........

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

I was told by a Cdricket rep that if call into Cricket more than 5 times in one month they block your account from talking to a represenative because it costs Cricket money to allow you to talk to a person on the other end. That tells you what kind of crap this company is only allowing you a certain amount of customer service calls in a month, they dont even consider dropped calls or if their reps hang up on you!


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
I think I can explain some of your issues.....

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 17, 2008

You've definitely had quite an experience in the first couple months with Cricket!! I'm going to try and address your issues one by one. 1) You said that you activated a BRAND NEW phone, and the phone cost you $74.19. What was the actual price of the phone? Was it $69.99 + tax? Also, where did the $17.49 credit come from? Was it detailed on your receipt what it was for? As I see it, the $17.49 credit is $74.19 $54.70 = $17.49. Just a tip: when you pay for a NEW phone, your first month is INCLUDED in the price of the phone. THAT is what the rep meant by the first month is FREE, since you don't have to pay for a month of service upfront, like Verizon and other companies. What you don't know is that you're being billed a month ahead so the payment you make/made on Feb 10th is for Feb 11th March 10th service. Basically, when your bill is due, you pay for service through your NEXT due date, and NOT through your current due date. 2) Also, what plan did you choose? If your monthly bill is $54.70, it sounds like you chose the $50/month planwhich with taxes (depending on your state and local taxes) should come to $54.70. It's hard for me to tell based on the amount especially since I don't know your taxes. 3) Yes, Cricket reps were right in that you have to completely disconnect the old phone from your son before activating it under another account. It could have been that your son's phone was suspended due to non-payment at the time. I personally think it was HORRIBLE that the reps had so much trouble disconnecting your son's account. The CSRs at Cricket have gotten HORRIBLE...and Cricket's moved to having CSRs from India instead of having US-based reps. About 3-4 years ago, it was NOT that way...and Cricket had EXCELLENT customer service, at least on the phone (they have NEVER had good customer service in the stores) 4) For the billing, let me break it down for you: $15.00 activation fee - old phone (from son) $37.76 daughter's phone, *monthly* rate (remember, you called on 1/30/08 to activate the phonethis is VERY important) -$5.00 credit for having adding additional phone $45.79 it seems this is the prorate for adding your daughter's phone to your account on 1/30/08 (remember, billing is a month *ahead*, so the prorate will be MORE than 1 month) Basically, the "$17.49 credit does NOT exist because what you paid for your first phone INCLUDED the first month of service, since the service is billed a month in advance, as explained above. The first rep you spoke to didn't tell you correctly how the first month of service is free works. Just so I understand correctly, what is the rate plan you chose for your FIRST phone?

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