  • Report:  #22275

Complaint Review: Cross Country Bank - Boca Raton Florida

Reported By:
- Pisgah Forest, NC,

Cross Country Bank
Boca Raton, FL Boca Raton, 33431 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Heres A Hint- If Cross Country bank keeps harrassing you and harrassing you over the phone- I've found that they really don't like it when you start singing to them. This will NOT stop them from calling but its a great stress reliever and it gets on their nerves.

Cross Country bank has approximately 100 complaints on here about them and only approximately 15 rebuttals- hmmmmm... makes ya wonder why. Maybe its because they know they are ripping people off. Oh and another thing- I just love the rebuttals that are on here- I bet their getting bonus' at their job for writing rebuttals.


Pisgah Forest, North Carolina

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Cross County Needs Stopped

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, February 28, 2003

Having once had the misfortune to accept??? a card from Cross Country (they never could provide proof), after trying to deal with them in a professional manner, I simply paid the card off. My comments are directed at the individual who "used" to work for them. Just some facts: 1. Cross Country does provide a bonus for funds collected, according to their own employees. 2. I would question why the Justice Department, Attorney General of Deleware, PA., Va. or ther states have not taken action to stop them. 3. They were brought up on charges as part of a class action suit, I know becuase I recieved notification that I could get a fantastic $30.00 back for monies they should not have collected. 4. I am very disappointed in the BBB, the Consumer Protection Agency, and other law enforcement agencies for not stopping Cross Country. 5. As for the employee who left, it the job was so great, and it is such a wonderful company, why leave. And only after a year????


Pisgah Forest,
Grrrr.... U people are not listening!

#3Author of original report

Fri, February 14, 2003

First off. I have asked to speak to a supervisor. They are always busy. And the only time I did get to speak to a supervisor is because the girl who called me was brand new and her first day working there so she obviously didn't know that she was suppose to say the supervisor was busy. Also- it has been MONTHS since I have spoken to the supervisor and NOTHING has been done. So don't bother telling me that it may take a while. I will be surprised if by the time I'm eighty they actually get around to doing their jobs. I will say again I NEVER activated the card so therefore they should NOT be calling telling me I have a 500.00 and something balance. As for me singing- yes I do and I will continue to. If it makes them mad then good. They should have listened the all the other times before what I had to say. And as for you saying that they don't call about 20 times a day- you are seriously wrong. If you want to you can come over here and listen to my answering machine. It gives the time and date of each call. So please don't try using that line on me again. I have the proof right here. Not only that if you start reading other reports on CCB you'll realize how many people complain about phone harrassment.


no not stupid

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, January 17, 2003

First of all no we are not stupid, second i do understand your anger if indeed you have never activated the card. Let me ask you, Have you ever talked to customer service or sent in a dispute about not activating the card? Yes again you do have to talk to someone, but i assure you that yelling and cussing doesnt hurt anyone but yourself. IF you did not activate the card most likely this problem wont disappear overnight, it does take time for paperwork and procedures to be followed before things happen. as said before in other rebuttles ccb employees are there to help. but hanging up, yelling or blowing air horns are doing nothing to help you.. If you want ccb to stop calling you at work you do have to have your boss or yourself to send in writing a ceice and desist letter and i guarantee you that the calls will stop. but we do have to have some # to contact you. I have talked to people who did activate the card and told me flat out that they never had any intentions of paying ccb back.... Yes there are others that have fallen on hard times, health, unemployment or death, there are programs to help. just talk to the assoc. and find out what the are... DONT HANG UP. as for the cccs programs and still receiving charges, often times i see in the memos that either a price was proposed and rejected do to not enough money was proposed .. ie offered $43 and needed $47.. but the cccs still sends $43 this is something that you have to speak with the cccs about... its not ccb's fault, we try to explain that if you just stay on the line and remain calm. as for calling 20 times a day. we do not! there are 2 shifts at applied card, first shift tries to contact you, in the day time and we do leave messages, second shift tries to contact you in the evenings, also leaving messages. my point is that (1)if we were called back and arrangements were made, there would be no calls and we would be out of a job. (2) there are other companies and telemarkerters that show up "unavalible" or out of area on the caller id. pick up the phone, see who it is and if its ccb talk to us, if its a telemarkerter and you dont want to by want they are selling ask them to remove you from their calling list. its that easy folks. as for asking for another payment. if a payment is made for example today is january 17, you made a payment on jamuary 3, to try to get the amount of your bill down we do often call and ask if you will or want to set up another payment for the middle of the month. we are not here to "harrass" you or bully you. believe it or not since you have fallen on hard time we are here to help. even a $35 payment helps... all im trying to do with this letter is to try to help. ask for customer service #, ask for ceice and decist address, try to catch up on your account the fastest way possible. and remember we are people too, and we treat you with respect if we are treated with respect. also remember that Jesus Crist is our lord and savior and all things are possible if you accept him into your heart and ask him for help. God loves you!!! :-)



Thu, January 16, 2003

First off the 800 number was NEVER called and the card was NEVER activated. So are you just so stupid that you couldn't read that in the first place or can you just not read? They have hooked on phonics for people like you. Secondly- harrassment is when you keep calling someone and leaving messages like "Hey this is Shawn I had a great time last night pick up the phone...." That is total bullshit that CCB employees don't harrass people. I've told them give me a time and # the card was activated- but can they do that? NO. I've told them give me a time and where the card was supposedly used. Can they do that? NO. Because the card was NEVER activated in the first place. I have NEVER been late on my credit card bills before. I have a job. And if you people at CCB think you are going anywhere with your life you are so sorry. And as for the people who got on here and said smartass s**t- at least I have the guts to say who I am and where I am from. Obviously your so full of bullshit and don't support your company enough to say who you are. As for the person that said I needed to pay my bills- If I owed the money I'd pay. But being that I NEVER activated the card- CCB is NOT getting a dime. And I dare them to put it on my credit.

Pisgah Forest, North Carolina


Phone Calls/ Harrassment

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 13, 2003

I worked for Cross Country Bank for over a year. I've read a few things about Cross Country Bank that really aren't true. One being that it is an "entry level job", the second being that cardholders are harrassed and the third being that it is cross country bank's fault for everything wrong with their credit.

Anyone who does their research before ranting and raving would find out that the employees of Cross Country Bank are paid well above and beyond the 'entry level' wage. Cross Country Bank takes care of their employees - examples: very nice benefits, catering for overtime days and compensate well for holidays.

I've been reading these rip off reports for awhile now and have come to a conclusion. The everyday deliquent, meaning overlimit and past due, cardholder needs to also include in each of their complaints about Cross Country Bank that they curse associates, blow whistles into the phones, threaten associates physically as well as verbally, and then there are the ones that simply don't care. Granted - there are some associates that go over the limit with their collection teniques, but if you have done your research you would understand just how many sites/employees cross country bank has. Not every associate is the same - just as none of the cardholders are the same - yet the cardholders continue to abuse the associates because they are embarrassed that they have fallen behind on their bills. For the record - harrassment is a call without purpose. Our purpose is to collect on a debt that -you- as the cardholder owe. Understand when you signed the cardholder agreement -or- swiped the card for whatever you needed at the time, you were legally bound and obligated to pay the money, that Cross Country Bank loaned you, back.

Lastly, Cross Country Bank is a first party collection agency. Cross Country Bank is a second -chance- credit card agency and work with Applied Card Systems. Being that they are a second chance credit card agency, there are reports made to the credit bureau on a regular basis. Cross Country Bank has more cardholders that -are- paying their bills than aren't. The ones that are on time and under their limit have established good credit because of Cross Country Bank.

I am no longer an employee of Applied Card Systems/Cross Country Bank. They are, however, a very good company to work for and they do take care of their employees. Cardholders need to understand that a first party collection agency is under different terms than a third party collection agency. Perhaps more research should be done before spouting off at the mouth?

Thanks For Agreeing.


Sat, January 11, 2003

I've never met a messed up company like CCB. But believe me if they call or harass me anymore I will take them to court. So all of ya'll out there who wants in let me know and we'll see what my attorney says.



#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 02, 2003

Read my report from a few days ago. CCB has been calling my house for over a month for someone that I do not know. They have the wrong #. Started blasting an air horn in there ears. They must be deaf because I can usually hear them afterwards saying sir! sir! I hang up!

Call the Delaware State Bank Authority and file a complaint. I did this today said that they would fax letter to have my number removed from there system.

Are You Just Plain Dumb or What?


Thu, January 02, 2003

For ONE my husband recieved the stupid card in the mail and never activated it. And TWO just because we filled out the application DOES NOT MEAN that we accepted the card. Being that it was NEVER activated what gives CCB the right to call and harass us saying we owe them money?

When you ask for an itemized statement they say they can't send you one. When you ask the date and time the card was activated they can't give you this either. And when you ask to speak to a supervisor they give you the run around. What kind of business is that? And to be quite honest- I really DO NOT CARE if I give CCB employees stress or not because its their stupid fault for working their and harassing people.

By the way just so that you know- being that you seem to know it all- I have 3 other credit cards that HAVE been activated and have NEVER recieved a phone call.

I know how to pay my bills and I do it on time. And as for the rebuttals- ONE OF YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES AT CCB TOLD US ON THE PHONE YOU GET BONUSES FOR EACH REBUTTAL- So your lies do you NO GOOD.

Are You Just Plain Dumb or What?


Thu, January 02, 2003

For ONE my husband recieved the stupid card in the mail and never activated it. And TWO just because we filled out the application DOES NOT MEAN that we accepted the card. Being that it was NEVER activated what gives CCB the right to call and harass us saying we owe them money?

When you ask for an itemized statement they say they can't send you one. When you ask the date and time the card was activated they can't give you this either. And when you ask to speak to a supervisor they give you the run around. What kind of business is that? And to be quite honest- I really DO NOT CARE if I give CCB employees stress or not because its their stupid fault for working their and harassing people.

By the way just so that you know- being that you seem to know it all- I have 3 other credit cards that HAVE been activated and have NEVER recieved a phone call.

I know how to pay my bills and I do it on time. And as for the rebuttals- ONE OF YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES AT CCB TOLD US ON THE PHONE YOU GET BONUSES FOR EACH REBUTTAL- So your lies do you NO GOOD.

Are You Just Plain Dumb or What?


Thu, January 02, 2003

For ONE my husband recieved the stupid card in the mail and never activated it. And TWO just because we filled out the application DOES NOT MEAN that we accepted the card. Being that it was NEVER activated what gives CCB the right to call and harass us saying we owe them money?

When you ask for an itemized statement they say they can't send you one. When you ask the date and time the card was activated they can't give you this either. And when you ask to speak to a supervisor they give you the run around. What kind of business is that? And to be quite honest- I really DO NOT CARE if I give CCB employees stress or not because its their stupid fault for working their and harassing people.

By the way just so that you know- being that you seem to know it all- I have 3 other credit cards that HAVE been activated and have NEVER recieved a phone call.

I know how to pay my bills and I do it on time. And as for the rebuttals- ONE OF YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES AT CCB TOLD US ON THE PHONE YOU GET BONUSES FOR EACH REBUTTAL- So your lies do you NO GOOD.

Are You Just Plain Dumb or What?


Thu, January 02, 2003

For ONE my husband recieved the stupid card in the mail and never activated it. And TWO just because we filled out the application DOES NOT MEAN that we accepted the card. Being that it was NEVER activated what gives CCB the right to call and harass us saying we owe them money?

When you ask for an itemized statement they say they can't send you one. When you ask the date and time the card was activated they can't give you this either. And when you ask to speak to a supervisor they give you the run around. What kind of business is that? And to be quite honest- I really DO NOT CARE if I give CCB employees stress or not because its their stupid fault for working their and harassing people.

By the way just so that you know- being that you seem to know it all- I have 3 other credit cards that HAVE been activated and have NEVER recieved a phone call.

I know how to pay my bills and I do it on time. And as for the rebuttals- ONE OF YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES AT CCB TOLD US ON THE PHONE YOU GET BONUSES FOR EACH REBUTTAL- So your lies do you NO GOOD.


boca raton,
Immaturity costs jobs

#13UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 09, 2002

Well singing may relieve your stress but all it does is transfer your stress to the workers. Collection workers have weekly, daily, and sometimes even hourly collections goals they must reach and you being apathetic towards them really upsets them because if they don't reach their goals they might get canned. All because you refuse to pay your bill and seek to act like a child about it.

P.S. As far as I know we don't receive bonuses for rebuttals. If we did I'd have alot more on here

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