  • Report:  #24935

Complaint Review: Cross Country Bank - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Port St. Lucie, FL,

Cross Country Bank
www.crosscountrybank.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I do not deny the fact that I owe this company money, that really isn't the problem I plan on taking care of my debt. The problem is the rude people that call to get the payments. I had a guy call me at my job and harrass me. He asked when they were going to get the money. I stated that I had sent out what the bill dated the 13th had stated. He says well you owe another 35 dollars. I said I will get you that as soon as I can. He says we can take payment over the phone. I told him I was at work and didn't have time for this. He says it won't take long.

Meanwhile, I have people in my office waiting for me to assist them. I told him "I am at work and I do not have time for this." Then I put down the phone. This was at 8:40am. The guy calls me back and I tell him again. "This is my job, you are going to cause me to lose my job." and put the phone down again. The guy calls back at 8:43, 8:44, 8:45, and 8:46. I don't know what they are thinking, but that is total harrassment.

They are not legally allowed to bother you at work let alone harrass you in a manner like the way this man harrassed me. I just want to say that if this happens again, I work in a homeowner's association with a lot of retired lawyer's that would be more than happy to take this issue to court. Believe me if it does happen again there will be no next time they will be paying me!


Stuart, Louisiana

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