  • Report:  #1037105

Complaint Review: CSI-Chicago Storm Incorporated - Oakbrook Illinois

Reported By:
ChicagoRad - Chicago, Illinois,

CSI-Chicago Storm Incorporated
Oakbrook, Illinois, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
CSI-Chicago Storm Incorporated

I had a lovely experience with the gem of a company

The story goes..

Fresh off a job in a completely different field, I decided to start fresh and try my luck at sales.  I'm a college graduate with 5 years experience.  My resume isn't going to really going to translate well into the sales field, so I thought I could explain my lack of experience in a well crafted cover letter and any potential interviews. 

So, after applying to a few jobs and really no luck, I came across an ad like this, except it had a specific base amount of 26,000-50,000.  I applied because, hey, I like sports and I like people.  This ad made the company sound like a perfect place to get my feet wet in the sales business.  Wouldn't you know?  I got an email about 10 mins later and a number I could call to set up and interview (BECAUSE THEY WERE HIRING IMMEDIATELY).  Now, I'm not a stupid person, and I know that's not how the real world works, especially with someone as unqualified as me.  Skeptical, I ignored the email.  Then the call came.  They asked a couple of questions, basically; "are you 18 and do you have a car?  Yes?!  Well great!  Since we are looking to hire immediately, can you come in tomorrow?"  I obliged, whether purely speculative or maybe a tad bit desperate, I obliged.  So, with a validation email and a request of a resume and a list of three references I was on my way to Oakbrook the next day.   

When I first got to the company (a bit hard to find but located in a cluster of nice office buildings) I went inside.  A security guard looked at me and then went back to his coffee and paper, and with that I was in an elevator to the fifth floor.  I was a bit confused when the elevator doors opened because of both the options, neither was Chicago Storm Inc.  So, I guessed and I found my self in the front office of Regis.  I asked the secretary and indeed, I was in the right place.  My interview was at 1:30 and there were two people in front of me.  Was it a group interview? Nope.  They just conveniently got to me at around 2:15.  So, out comes a guy in his early 20's and ushers me into a room that looks like it was just moved in.  He has my resume and references in hand and briefly looks it over.. "Yeah, umm, this looks... a Chemical Engineer? Um, Yeah, this looks great.. So do you play sports?"  Surprised, I answered, yes.  Then he went into a tangent about sports and how he used to be a minor league ball player.   The interview ended on that and with that, apparently, I was the perfect fit and worth of a second interview. 

9:00 A.M. came and my second interview, with the same guy no doubt.  I was in a cafeteria, the interview detailed all the sports teams and promotions I'd be working with.  It also details a misleading salary base and commission. I was told I'd be guaranteed Monday for surviving the week and I'd also apparently be working Saturdays.   Still, I was a little excited for the presentation and decided I'd take the job, which was offered on the spot.  It's easy to be gullible when you're a tad bit desperate for a career change.

I started the following Monday.  I was excited but still skeptical of the company.  I researched and found nothing bad, not really anything other than the information that was on their website.  I get to work, and I am doing the normal paperwork dance and since I had absolutely no experience is sales, I thought I'd be ushered into training..  Nope.  I was ushered into a room full of people.  A single room where it looked like this company was based.  It had one desk, a dry erase board and that was it.  I was welcomed in some sort of pseudo frat house initiation chanting and yelling and then taken to my corner for "training."  My training consisted of reciting two lines:  "We are with make-up essentials, with some major promotions! We have some gift bags, do you like make-up?"  Yes, I WAS SELLING FREAKING MAKE-UP!  Not only that but it was all commission based until you were promoted.  God only knows how long that would take.  Shortly after my lengthy training session, I was paired with a resident hot-shot (he was there 4 months) and off we went with the kits of makeup.  

We literally drove an hour away on his gas (the company offered nothing in a way of transportation and expected you to pay for it), which I should have just ditched before, and camped out in a local town.  We went door to door of businesses that clearly had enough of solicitors -WITH BLATANT NO SOLICITOR SIGNS!  Rejection after rejection I listened to the same tired, annoying, and desperate sales pitch of a product the consumer didn't need and frankly, a product I had no idea about, make-up.   I was embarrassed I'd fallen for the scheme and a little sad for my partner, who would be moving soon to make money for his boss, a classic pyramid scheme.  

Moral of this story.  This company isn't a "SPORTS MARKETING FIRM"  they sell make-up.  They mislead and do everything to get you in and do little to keep you.   I left after a full day, no pay, and never returned.  They didn't call, email or anything.  I'm guessing this happens a lot.  DO NOT EVEN ENTERTAIN THIS COMPANY.   

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