  • Report:  #289701

Complaint Review: Dave Peaschek - Craig Lockerd - Automax - Linwood New Jersey

Reported By:
- Levittown, Pennsylvania,

Dave Peaschek - Craig Lockerd - Automax
2021 New Rd Suite 12-B Linwood, 08221 New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
One day in early June, I am sitting online on Monster.com looking for a job. I see this add from "Peruzzi Nissan" which I later found out to be an ad from Automax. Things like $500/wk, $90,000 annual earnings with no experience necessary stand out to make it seem like the dream job. Who wouldn't want that kind of money?

I applied and was emailed about a session to come in for an interview on Monday, June 11th. I was excited. I arrived at Peruzzi Nissan and met Dave Peaschek(was under the impression that this man was a Peruzzi employee, and had thought that until I got ripped off ) We do the interview thing, and he tells me to come back Wednesday for training. Ok, cool. I'm pretty much in. Why would they train me if they didn't want me, I thought. I soon found out they didn't want me per se, just my money.

I arrive on Wednesday, along with a few other people. Dave tries to sweet talk all of us immediately about how this was a great decision for all of us and telling us how much money we will be making. Everyone was excited (who wouldn't be?) He gives out packets and starts talking to us about the business. Half way through the day, he decides to tell us that it will cost money for us being there. He didn't want to say how much at first, but then someone managed to get it out of him. He said $499.00. I could tell everyone was shocked and hesitant. That was outrageous. Murad, the man next to me, asked him why we have to pay so much money. Dave responded like a snake and used the analogy "Well, you have to get certified. When you become a car mechanic, you have to play $2500 dollars, when you become a realestate salesman..etc" He went on with that. From that, he made it seem like the $499.00 dollars was for our sales license. If I had known otherwise, I would've never returned. So he went on with that gimmick, saying that if we don't pay the money, we will never be ceritfied, and if we don't get certified, we won't be allowed to sell cars. I figured, hey, I'll be making all of that money, what's the big deal if I pay it, I'll earn it back.

The next day of training was nothing that stood out, just more of Dave's slimey sales tactics, except he wasn't using them to have us buy cars, he was using them to take advantage of us.

The third and last day was the worst. He started collecting money from people. I gave him my check. Near the end of the day, he took me aside and gave me the "contract" to sign. I asked him again if doing this will get us our sales certificate, just to be sure, because I had bed mislead before. He kept assuring me that it would. I sat there, trying to read it, and he kept using his salesman facade to get me to sign it by saying things like "you've come this far, why don't you just sign it, and "Why don't you want to sign it, Don't you want to make all that money?" I felt pressured, as if he wouldn't let me not sign it, So I signed it, hoping he would shut up so I could read it, but before I got the chance, he took it from me. I was never able to read what it said, and I never saw it again until I filed a complaint with the New Jersey Office of Consumer Protection when Automax sent it to them, even though on the bottom of the contract I found it it says I am entitled to a receipt of a copy of the contract, which I never received until months later. Dave took off from the building shortly after, I never saw him again.

After that, one of the employees from Peruzzi interviewed me and said I got the job. I was confused for a moment because I thought that was the whole reason I was there in the first place. At least that's how Dave made it seem.

They tell me to come in to work on the Tuesday. I did. When I get there, The manager tells us that we need to go to Harrisburg and buy our sales license or we won't be able to sell cars. Wait a minute, I spent $499.00(money I couldn't afford to throw away)for what I thought was my sales license, and now he wants me to go spend an additional $75.00 that I didn't have to get something I thought I already paid for? Clearly I was mislead and screwed over. After work that day, I never went back. Dave does not return my emails or phonecalls. The owner refuses to speak to me as well. I am still trying to get my money back, but its unlikely because these people are very seedy and greedy.

I am posting this here to help others avoid what happened to me;

Please people, spread the word to everyone.

Avoid this company like the plague. They will lie to you and mislead you, just to take money from you. They aren't there to help you, they only want to take the money from the unemployed.


Levittown, Pennsylvania


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Should of got your license!


Mon, September 14, 2009

This "applicant" might have been a nervous nellie and should of seen it through all the way to the end to know the "full" story.  The dealer(s) are actually the ones paying the recruiting company "AutoMax".  How they do this is they have the employee front the money and then give it back to them in 90 days.  See, if the dealer paid the recruiter upfront then there would be no reason for the employee to "stick it out" through the first couple of weeks when it is the toughest.  I was hired this way with having a monetary investment in my future success.  I called it "tough love".  Dangling that $500 dollar carrot in front of my nose for the first couple of months to keep me from wanting to quit.  This is not a get rich quick job and my first 3 weeks in the biz I hadn't sold a car and wanted to quit but stuck it out to get my $500 back and the rest was history.  I've made over a million dollars selling cars and I never would have of if it wasn't done this way (which has been going on in the car biz for over 40 years).  If the dealer pays upfront and someone quits in the first week or two, then what did the dealer get out of it?  If someone pays the $500, stays 90 days and then gets it back, then what are they out?  Nothing!  You are not paying to get a job and you are not paying for training.  The dealer is, just 90 days later back to you.  What you are doing is showing your loyalty to the business that you are fronting the dealers money for the recruiting, advertising, interviewing, training, and placement.  If you would of paid your $500 and stuck it out you would have found out that even if the "host" dealer didn't hire you that the recruiter/trainer would have gotten you a job at a different dealer with all of the same stipulations.  Why should a dealer take the risk that you might "flake out" on them after they paid thousands of dollars for the newspaper ads, online ads, recruiters expenses, etc. to have you quit on them because you aren't selling 10 cars your first week in the biz and then they have to rerun all of the ads all over again to do it again?!  They would rather have these job fairs once a year instead of every couple of weeks because they are very expensive and they want the "committed" person working for them.  If they are going to pay for your drivers license test, drug test, background check, sales license, uniforms, etc. then they want you to stay because it really isn't fair for them to give you a chance when you have no experience.  So many people say that they are a "man of their word" only to quit, the way to prove it is that money talks.  Put yourself in the dealers shoes and realize why this is the only effective way to insure that they retain their employees, basically an "insurance retainer" that you will still be working there, plus what if another dealer see's the ad and sends their sales staff there for free training?  Since the bottom line is that you get all of your money back as long as you don't "flake out" on them, then essentially it is COSTING YOU NOTHING!!  NOT A CENT!!  Shame that you didn't see it through to the end and got a job at one of the dealerships and made the money that I and my co-workers have made in a great industry and easy job.  FD

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