  • Report:  #239236


Reported By:
- Las Vegas, Nevada,

STAFFORD, FREDERICKSBURG, 22554/22555 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was never married to this dead-beat, but I left because of physical abuse and drug related problems he had. He never contacted his child nor did he ever try. When my child was two I met and married someone who had children of his own and took care of mine as his own as well. When my child was about ten years old he began asking alot of questions about his biological father and I had no answers for him. I refused to demean my son by bad-mouthing his biological father.

So, with the blessing of my husband I searched high and low to locate the sperm donor (!) I found him in a Virginia prison for domestic violence...I wrote him a long letter detailing th history of his child's life and the questions that had arisen about him. I went on to tell him he needed to play some part in his child's life.

He called very sporadically, but never visited. Then there was a long gap, and again I searched for him and found him in Florida..the support came very sporadiclly as did the phone calls. He married and had more children, living the life on a sprawling ranch in costly home. The wife was also very aware of my child's existence. The payments again very sporadic if never. Apparently they have divorced because of domestic violence and have moved back to Virginia together to evade his support obligations.

My child is very well taken care of with everything life can afford him. He does not need the money. But my child does deserve the responsibility of both his parents to take care of him and his future. This man needs to be held accountable for his neglect. Aren't we held accountable? My husband has always taken care of his responsibilities. I was diagnosed with cancer last year and finances have fallen short. Everyone does their part but this dead-beat!


Las Vegas, Nevada

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Las Vegas,

#2Author of original report

Thu, July 26, 2007

I was never married to this dead-beat, but I left because of physical abuse and drug related problems he had. He never contacted his child nor did he ever try. When my child was two I met and married someone who had children of his own and took care of mine as his own as well. When my child was about ten years old he began asking alot of questions about his biological father and I had no answers for him. I refused to demean my son by bad-mouthing his biological father. As my duty as his mother, and to give him all that life should have provided him and, with the blessing of my husband I searched high and low to locate the sperm donor (!) I found him in a Virginia prison for domestic violence...I wrote him a long letter detailing th history of his child's life and the questions that had arisen about him. I went on to tell him he needed to play some part in his child's life. He called very sporadically, but never visited. Then there was a long gap, and again I searched for him and found him in Florida..the support came very sporadiclly as did the phone calls. He married and had more children, living the life on a sprawling ranch in costly home. The wife was also very aware of my child's existence. The payments again very sporadic if never. Apparently they have divorced because of domestic violence and he and her have moved back to Virginia together to evade his support obligations. My child is very well taken care of with everything life can afford him. He does not need the money. But my child does deserve the responsibility of both his parents to take care of him and his future. This man needs to be held accountable for his neglect. Aren't we held accountable? My husband has always taken care of his responsibilities. I was diagnosed with cancer last year and finances have fallen short. Everyone does their part but this dead-beat! Even his "ex-wife" has taken to belittle our situation, and justify his actions that I am this horrible human being! .......................................... > > >From: "Jennie ****" (((email redacted))) > > >To: "Dave Wright" > > >Subject: BUSINESS LICENS REVOCATION > > >Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 17:28:40 -0700 Mr. Wright: PLEASE BE ADVISED THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATION IS CURRENTLY INVESTIGATING THE SUSPENSION OF YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS LICENSE :-) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER :-) ........................................... > >-----Original Message----- > >From: Dave Wright [mailto:[email protected]] > >Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:26 PM > >To: Jennie **** > >Subject: RE: BUSINESS LICENS REVOCATION Jen I really feel sorry for you. You are so consumed with this vengense of yours. I bet if you invested half the time you spend trying to get back at David for the percieved wrongs on you, you would be much better off. There is a fine line between love and hate. You must still be carrying around some serious emotions for David. The hate is eating you up. Let it go! Jesus, but you are pathetic and you let it show. Sincerely, Dorothy .......................................... > >From: "Jennie ****" (((email redacted))) > >To: "Dave Wright" > >Subject: RE: BUSINESS LICENS REVOCATION > >Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 09:45:17 -0700 > > Please, do not feel sorry for me I am not the one that needs your sympathy. I am not obligated to justify my actions or reasoning to you, but as a courtesy to you I will. Please, feel sorry for the children who do not know their father. Feel sorry for the children who feel unwanted or ashamed because their father's chose to pro-create and not accept responsibility. Feel sorry for the child who will no longer have his mother, because cancer has consumed her and taken her away. I have done nothing wrong, why do you judge me? Legally, I am well within my rights to accommodate my child with all the state has legally obligated to him. Unfortunately, for me I am on a time constraint to obtain that. I feel sorry for you that David has traveled your path. I apologize for not knowing you sooner and warning you of his prowess. It is easy to understand how you could be fooled into thinking that I am trying to get back at David for some perceived {sic} wrongs, but I let all of that go along time ago, when I left him and the restraining order expired. I moved on, very nicely, even after all he had done. But thank you for your concern none the less. I am concerned for you and the perception he has painted for you about his life here, take into account there are always two sides to every story! Nonetheless, that is not my concern but, do not ever say I did not warn you. This is no longer about me,nor has it ever been, but it is about OUR son and what he deserves and has every right to obtain. As you know he is a minor and cannot obtain what is legally due to him, so obviously I have too for him. David has an obligation to fulfill, why is it a (vengense {sic}) vengeance to obtain what is legally due to my son? Is the credit card company and the lien holder for his truck out to get him too? Why is it wrong to want everything life can afford him? Honestly, I question what kind of parent are you to be judging me for trying to give my child what belongs to him? I am very jealous of the fact that you live in a glass home and have the capabilities to name-call, judge, accuse, and convict as you please. God Bless ............................................ >-----Original Message----- >From: Dave Wright [mailto:[email protected]] >Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 3:51 PM >To: Jennie *** >Subject: RE: BUSINESS LICENS REVOCATION You know that you use an awful lot of words to say nothing. You're not dead right now. Take care of your son. Spend your energy on him instead on this very wierd vendetta you have for David. When or if you die maybe that will be David's time to step up. You should be glad that you were the only influence in his life since (according to you) David was so bad. Why are you complaining? I learned along time ago to rely on myself to provide for my children. I wouldn't even waste my time. If you are truely sick(terminal?) then maybe you should attempt to create a healthy relationship between David and Andrew. He may be messed up in alot of things, but, face to face, he is a pretty good Dad. You think he doesn't pay because he doesn't want to, but you're wrong. He doesn't pay because he doesn't have the money. Try as you may, I can't see you bleeding a turnip. David has never owned much of anything. In the last couple of years, what you claim he had was mine. I am sentimental, not stupid. I keep what is mine. I am a CPA. I document stuff for a living. You have absolutely no chance of proving what you wrote in that claim you filed with the courts. I will, of course, testify on his behalf. We are not together, but I am not mad at him like you are and I have no problem telling the truth. You are wasting your time. Actually, with the decline in the housing market I don't think he has been working at all. Pride won't let him admit it, but I believe he is out of work. Maybe the hearing will reduce the amount he has to pay. I don't know. Regardless, your focus is all wrong. Focus on what you can do, creating a healthy relationship between David and Andrew. In my opinion, if you are dying (as you profess), it is the right thing to do. It would be a much easier transition for Andrew if he knew his father. If you are not dying, then focus your efforts on Andrew and his step father and forget David. You have too much resentment for David for Andrew to have any kind of relationship with him with you around. That is just my opinion. Having said all that, this is not really my business anymore. So, take what you will and leave the rest. There is a popular saying, "Have the courage to change what you can, accept what you can't change, and the wisdom to know the difference." ........................................... >From: "Jennie ***" >To: "Dave Wright" >Subject: RE: BUSINESS LICENS REVOCATION >Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:59:32 -0700 Very motherly advice, I understand now why David married you, and you fight his battles for him too, wow, you are definitely a wonderful mom! I know you are a CPA and what you do to documents for a living, you are very good at it. Thank you for re-iterating that. What your back home education has failed to show you is that being um-employed does not excuse his obligations, the WaWa on the corner I know for a fact is hiring. Or did you not know that the turnip could face some jail time for choosing not to work? But in your mind you seem to have manipulated the situation into making David the innocent victim and forgetting the real issue, his obligations, very Davidesque! I won't complicate the conversation with big words you have a hard time comprehending, simply put whether I am dead, alive, or sick the rest of my life does not mean anything to y'all or lessen his esponsibilities, as a father, as a parent, as a human being! Just do me a favor, you might want to let my son's little brother know one day... why David chose to be father of the year to him and not his other children, if you don't, his brothers might! Believe me, Karma shows up when you least expect it to, and David knows that one all to well! I know David appreciates the wonderful mother-son relationship you to have, and everything you do for him. God Bless :) ......................................... -----Original Message----- From: Dave Wright [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 6:28 PM To: Jennie *** Subject: RE: BUSINESS LICENS REVOCATION Lets get this perfectly straight. Jacob has 2 brothers in Virginia and I doubt he will be having another unless Andrew is tired of living in Las Vegas with you and wants to move here to live with his dad. Brotherly love doesn't come from genetics, but from knowing each other and sharing life together. I heard that you seem to want to push Andrew together with his siblings, whether the siblings want to or not. Thank God Danielle is so level headed. If you had tried that with me you would have gotten a different outcome. I can guarantee you that you are too crazy to be a part of my life. Additionally, don't attempt to insult those who work hard for a living to get what they have. I have alot and all from my own fortitude. You don't even own your own home and that is not David's fault. Again, my advice is for you to change your focus. I know you have spent alot of money on lawyers. Imagine if you had invested that money instead. I also know that you try to do alot of the legal work yourself. Let me tell you that you can definitely tell the difference. Mother-son relationship, funny. I would have said he appreciated the sex the most, but if you say so! Feel free to email me any time you want further advice. And, no, you are not pushing my buttons. I am really enjoying this. This is better than going to the movies to watch a drama. It is all from you in your emails. Keep it coming. DW PS. Please be advised that the "DW" above stands for the initials of "Dorothy Wright," and in no way an attempt to impersonate David Wright. Haha. God that was great. Of course, everyone automatically knows what "DW" stands for. 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