  • Report:  #146513

Complaint Review: Davison Inventegration - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Burbsville, Other,

Davison Inventegration
595 Alpha Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2911, USA Pittsburgh, 15238-2911 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Whatever you see here about this company is without doubt 100% TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE!

I came up with a brilliant solution to a problem, and having seen two of my previous ideas end up on the market by someone else, simply because I didn't take action, this time I decided to go for it!

Right from the start of contacting Davison Inc. I was made to feel like 'URGENCY' was the key word of the day!

I spoke to a guy called Steve (surname withheld for privacy), and WOW! Steve, you should be doing info-mercials on TV! Not only did this guy just not shut-up, be he practically changed my idea from a land-based conception to a swimming pool one within minutes!!

Even the moment I called, he claimed to have my 'paperwork right next to me as I was just going through it'. Sure you were!

Steve told me that to hang back on this idea would be a great loss of money for me. He asked me to fax in all documents I received, after signing them etc.

He also stressed that my idea was so great that he was going to start research on it immediately, even though I hadn't yet sent in my $685.

Approximately 10 minutes on the phone, and I hardly said anything - I couldn't get a word in edgeways! And when I did say something, I sensed total lack of care for anything I said.

After coming off the phone with Steve, I felt a little elated and yet somewhat concerned. Bells were ringing in my head. I thought to myself - Surely I could do the research myself for FREE? And I was right!

I jumped on the internet and did a search for Davison complaints (which I know, I should have done in the first place), and boy was I shocked! HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of them! Why oh why has this company been allowed to continue to do business?

One report in particular, came from the FTC, which basically helped me confirm my suspicions.

That's one report of MANY against Davison.

I emailed Steve, and told him I wasn't interested. I stated my reasons as being that basically, I knew that next, after parting with $685 (which I didn't), I would receive a COPIED 'research report' and after waiting a further 4 - 8 weeks, then be told there were 2 or more companies interested in my idea and that presentation was vital to success. In order to do the presentation, Davison would require any one of four possible payments ranging from $8000+ to $12,000+.


Then, I knew I would hear nothing, and that the royalties would be a joke and no-where near enough to pay off my possible $12,000+ of debt!

Steve - you deserve an award for persistance!

Not only did this guy completely IGNORE my letter, he actually tried to tell me that the FTC has no credibility, and seeing as how I live abroad, I should 'not listen to these one man companies!'. Ah, so now I'm a dumb foreigner who knows nothing about America!

Steve further insisted on marketing my product as quickly as possible, and that I should send in my $685 to do so.

"But...wait a minute...didn't you say that the $685 was for research?" says I.

"Initially" says Steve "it usually is, but in your case we can use that cash to build a prototype of your idea." he adds.

Okay, so now we've gone from at least $8000+ to build a prototype, to just $685! ???

I then made a suggestion: Why don't you guys take my idea, do what you need to do to get it on the market etc, and if it gets a licence from a major manufacturer, I'll give you 10% of all sales until eternity! OR, if you think it's going to be such a fantastic success, why not just buy the idea from me for a one time fee of say...$100,000! That's a more than reasonable fee to command for an item that's going to make MILLIONS! Right?

"Ah, unfortunately Mr.Davison would never go for an idea like that. If you're having problems with money, we can always finance you a loan. Mr. Davison knows what it's like to struggle."

Really? But he's a millionaire isn't he?

"Yes, but he was just like you once."

Really? Like me? So now you're implying that you know me and know what kind of life I live? Wow, you should market yourself on the internet as a psychic!

Anyway, I told Steve I wasn't interested in pursuing my idea, and that as per contracts, as we could not agree on it, contracts were null and void except for the CONFIDENTIALITY agreement. Also, I said that I would not mention him or the company to anyone, in order to comply with their policy on not damaging their reputation. (HA!)

Fair enough?

Apparently not! "You signed the contracts! They're legally binding!" Really? Funny that Steve, because I have BOTH sets of contracts right here on my desk, you have a faxed copy. Prove that I signed it!

I warned him that should my idea appear on shelves in the next 2 or 3 years, a full investigation would be sought out as to where the idea came from, and if Davison's name came up in ANY way whatsover, I would sue for the potential future income of that product.


Steve? Are you there?


"Okay ******, no problem, we'll leave it at that. Thank you very much for contacting Davison Inventegration. I hope we can be of some use to you in the future. Bye bye."



That should have been the end of it. But it wasn't.

The next night, I received a telephone message from...STEVE!

"Hi this is Steve ********** calling ******* regarding your fax. I have it right here on my table, and we're very excited about your idea! Please call me back as soon as you get this message on 800-544-3327 (even tho' he knows I live outside the USA and can't use a toll-free #)."


The whole time I spent talking with him, a LOT of what he was saying sounded so scripted!

Read the reports below, especially the 'insider' report below this one!

If you have an invention you would like to see on the market, do your OWN RESEARCH for FREE!

There are even inventor communities on the internet you can join for free and pay like $50 to for them to do research! And the best bit is, most of them will ask you for just 10% of your entire sales! If your idea is good, and there's a good marketer out there, they WILL NOT CHARGE YOU FOR RESEARCH! There may be fees to make a prototype, but if you make your own, you're most of the way there!

Stay well clear of this scam company.

The products they advertise on their web pages, do NOT exist in any store I've seen, say for the bag storage!

And if they send you literature with examples of successful items put on the market, beware. These are FAKES designed to make you think that no idea is insignificant! If you've ever received the one with the Swiss Army knife addition, know this. Alexander Presniakove did NOT invent the whistle on a Swiss Army knife! Alexander Presniakov is a poet who lives in California!, and he assures me he has NEVER invented anything more than poetry! Maybe another guy by the same name? Possible, but....

And check out MEDO on the internet, they market car accessories. But they don't market the one as depicted by Davison!

Read some of the reports you find here on ripoffreport.com about this company. Especially one that state Davison stole ideas and marketed them for theirselves!


Otherwise this company is going to STEAL AS MUCH AS THEY CAN FROM YOU! Thankfully I saw the light before it was too late!

Name and location changed for fear of reprisals!



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