  • Report:  #1300106

Complaint Review: Deborah Christie The Christies Real Estate Team - Coquitlam British Columbia

Reported By:
Debbie - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Deborah Christie The Christies Real Estate Team
101-1020 Austin Avenue Coquitlam, V3K 3P1 British Columbia, Canada
(604) 936-0422
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am British, disabled and in a wheelchair. I am a Canadian permanent resident but was living in England with my father. When he died I decided to move back to Canada (Vancouver) and find a realtor as I had some inheritance money coming to me. I found the Christies Real Estate Team via google and liked the look of them as they were all members of the same family and sounded experienced.


I e-mailed them and asked them to send me listings of condos and Deborah Christie responded. She sounded OK when I was in England but she was different when I came out to Canada and met her. She was very abrupt, often to the point of rudeness and I felt very uncomfortable with her - it was like treading on eggshells. She also frequently threw back at me things she had done for me as part of her job, including the fact that she hired a wheelchair taxi twice to drive me around to see properties and bought me food from McDonald's once while we were out. She damaged the rental car on one occasion due to her careless driving and tried to demand repayment from me of the cost she incurred. She often swore and used foul language in front of me and my care aides who accompanied me, making abusive comments about other drivers and generally behaving inapropriately.


I was going to pay for a deposit on a condo via international wire transfer because I didn't have a Canadian bank account, but apparently her company was unable to accept this method of payment and as a result she shouted at me, threw her keys at my belongings and accused me of not wanting the property. On another occasion I arranged to meet her at this condo so that a designer could evaluate the kitchen and a renovation technician could bring samples to show me. She turned up half an hour late knowing full well that the first appointment was costing me $250, and then screamed and shouted at me when the second appointment went on later then planned even though it was her fault. She also cost me an additional $50 which she refused to refund me.


While I was in England a condo came up in my listings that I loved. Unfortunately just before I flew out to Canada it was taken off the market but Deborah said that it was going to go back on in March at a slightly higher price. When I came out in January she tried to get me an early viewing but was unable to because the sellers' tenant threatened to walk out if they showed it + in the end they decided they weren't interested in selling the property no matter what the price and however hard she tried to persuade them, so she told me to move on and find something else. I was really upset but she was adamant that it wasn't going to be relisted.


I found another condo I liked. After they had an open house Deborah told me they were expecting an offer and that I should put in an offer too if I liked it.  I did and it was accepted. On the day I was due to pay the deposit (3rd March) the first condo suddenly reappeared out of the blue in my listings. I was absolutely stunned and immediately called Deborah to tell her. She was really surprised too. I said I didn't want to pay the deposit for the second condo until I'd seen the first one but Deborah said I had to or the owners could sue me. I said I didn't care and she told me snappily that they could sue her, that I'd landed her in the middle of it all and that her reputation would be ruined. She threw what she'd done for me, ie the wheelchair taxi hire and food back at me again. She promised me that if I liked the Guildford Way condo then she would find a way to transfer the Westwood Street deposit over, glossing over the situation to induce me to go ahead and put down the $10,000 deposit which I relented and did.


I have since found out that she lied to me and the owners of the Westwood Street condo couldn't have sued her. She also completely changed her tune once I'd put down the deposit telling me that it was tied to the Westwood Street condo. There was a delay re viewings on the original condo because of the tenant situation again but they finally had an open house by appointment and she said she would only meet me there if I proved to her that I had the funds to buy both condos, that my sister was transferring the funds across from my father's estate, and that I got a lawyer and completed on the Westwood Street condo first. This time I didn't comply with her demands.


Because I am disabled and in a wheelchair I needed to make changes to the condo to make it accessible - flatten the threshold and change all the carpet to laminate so that I could wheel over both, also change both bathrooms - put a new bath, shower and toilets in and move the locations of these. I wasn't familiar with subjects as the law is different in England but I have been told since that Deborah Christie had a moral/ethical duty to protect my interests and advise me that my offer should have included a subject removal that I got permission from the strata company to make the necessary changes in order to protect me. If they'd refused to tell me until I'd bought my unit, which is what they said when I approached them, then that was my opt out. However, she encouraged me to put in a subject free offer as I didn't need a mortgage to encourage the sellers to accept my offer over the competing offer, clearly to get a quick sale.


To reiterate, Deborah Christie behaved unprofessionally and inappropriately and failed to protect my interests. She cost me my $10,000 deposit which was my inheritance money from my dead father to help me get out of a wheelchair and put a roof over my head. I have submitted a formal complaint about her to the Real Estate Council of British Columbia and advise potential property purchasers to STAY AWARE & BEWARE!


I also called the sellers' realtor: Jennifer Hood of Georgia Pacific Realty to try to plead humanitarian reasons and request that the sellers return my $10,000 deposit, and she heartlessly hung up on me and told me never to contact her again.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Coquitlam ,
British Columbia,
Debbie Pittel tries to baffle everybody with her fantastical complaints.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 15, 2018

We are done with this serial complainer and liar. If you want to know more about Ms Pittel, go on the previously mentioned Rip Off Reports to get the gist of who she is. We have been exonerated and have proven ourselves correct in this matter. We will not go on this site again as we don't need to hear anymore of Ms Pittels victimhood! 


United Kingdom
Lies & Slander

#3Author of original report

Thu, March 15, 2018

 Actually Deborah Christie is the one slandering me. If she'd taken the time to dig a little deeper she would have discovered that I have also posted several reports on the Internet about excellent people and places whose services I've used which I have put a great deal of time & effort into writing. My motto is actually praise where praise is due and I always reward by writing good things if I feel that this is due. As a journalist I also feel that I have a moral duty to warn other consumers too though and ripoff report is perfect for this and it is exactly what it's for and the message reaches such a wide audience, so yes I have posted other reports on ripoff but I have also posted other very complimentary reports on web sites such as facebook, google and others where appropriate.

With regard to the Holiday Inn and the care agency I used when I was in Vancouver, I paid both a great deal of money which they both took from the credit card information I provided them with. The hotel took payment in full before I left Vancouver and the care agency also took payment on a regular basis and certainly didn't have to wait a year for payment. The fact that I might have had cause to question some of the charges - NOT as Deborah states ask fôr a full reversal - is my right as a consumer and totally irrelevant to this report. When I talked to Deborah Christie from England before I went to Canada I thought she sounded nice but unfortunately she was very different in person. Like I said she was rude, snappy, hysterical and screamed at me on several occasions. My care agency didn't like her at all and chose to be physically present more than once to protect me from her vicious tongue and violent temper which included throwing her keys at me. They strongly encouraged me to find another realtor and even put me in touch with someone they knew. I have used other realtors in the past and have never had cause to put a complaint about them on ripoff. There are lots of realtors out there and my advice is if you have a choice to use someone else.


United Kingdom
Lies & Slander

#4Author of original report

Thu, March 15, 2018

Actually Deborah Christie is the one slandering me. If she'd taken the time to dig a little deeper she would have discovered that I have also posted several reports on the Internet about excellent people and places whose services I've used which I have put a great deal of time & effort into writing. My motto is actually praise where praise is due and I always reward by writing good things if I feel that this is due. As a journalist I also feel that I have a moral duty to warn other consumers too though and ripoff report is perfect for this and it is exactly what it's for and the message reaches such a wide audience, so yes I have posted other reports on ripoff but I have also posted other very complimentary reports on web sites such as facebook, google and others where appropriate. With regard to the Holiday Inn and the care agency I used when I was in Vancouver, I paid both a great deal of money which they both took from the credit card information I provided them with. The hotel took payment in full before I left Vancouver and the care agency also took payment on a regular basis and certainly didn't have to wait a year for payment. The fact that I might have had cause to question some of the charges - NOT as Deborah states ask fôr a full reversal - is my right as a consumer and totally irrelevant to this report. When I talked to Deborah Christie from England before I went to Canada I thought she sounded nice but unfortunately she was very different in petson. Like I said she was rude, snappy, hysterical and screamed at me on several occasions. My care agency didn't like her at all and chose to be physically present more than once to protect me from her vicious tongue and violent temper which included throwing her keys at me. They strongly encouraged me to find another realtor and even put me in touch with someone they knew. I have used other realtors in the past and have never had cause to put a complaint about them on ripoff. There are lots of realtors out there and my advice is if you have a choice to use someone else.


Coquitlam ,
British Columbia,
Debbie Pittel has History of making unfounded complaints!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 15, 2018

In Debbie Pittel's  recent post she states that I was exonerated by The Real Estate Council of British Columbia because her complaint did not fall within the boundaries of the investigating agency. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Real Estate Council Of British Columbia is the body to whom all realtors answer to with regard to licensing, complaints, and sanctions for actions and behaviour. If it is not within the Council's boundaries, then whose is it?

I was required to send a report to the Council with regard to this complaint. In it I sent times, dates, and documentation including all correspondance, e-mails, telephone calls, and notes af discussions with Ms Pittel. The Council found no merit to her complaint nor any misrepresentation on my part. Unsatisfied with this, Ms Pittel has resorted to name calling and vicious insults which are hysterical in themselves. Not only did she set out to slander me, but I have heard from other people that have dealt with her, that she tried to have all charges at the Holiday Inn where she stayed reversed. Also care givers whose services she used for 3 months, had to fight for over a year to be paid.

With regard to the real estate transaction that she entered into with me as her agent, she surrepticiously decided not to complete at the last minute. Ms Pittel left the seller without a sale, the lawyer that had represented her with no payment,  and my services and out of pocket expenses also went unpaid. (these expenses included rental of a Specialty Van to transport her and her wheelchair.) In the end the seller agreed to give her back half of her deposit that had been held on her behalf for the firm offer that she signed.

She conveniently failed to mention this in her complaint.  She also chose to bad mouth the listing agent to this transaction who had done nothing wrong. Now I understand that Ms Pittel is disabled, but she seems to think this gives her the right to make a trail of complaints and nasty reports about people that either try to help her or those she employs to help. I have been selling Real Estate for over 28 years, and helped hundreds and hundreds of clients and their families to buy and sell their homes without complaint,... until I tried to help this woman.

With a little investigating on our own we have found other unsubstantiated complaints against other companies who have crossed paths with Ms Pittel. In fact she seems to have a hobby of making complaints against any manner of services.

You can see for yourself at Rip Off Reports #'s 202061, 690787,687830, 1316461, 1315724....


Deborah Christie - Realtor



United Kingdom
Don't Use This Realtor!

#6Author of original report

Tue, March 06, 2018

The only reason Deborah Christie was "exonerated" as she puts it is because the complaint I made about her doesn't fall within the boundaries of the investigating agency. Even without this she is rude, snappy, unprofessional and throws hysterical tantrums. I advise consumers to stay well away friom her and to use a different realtor


British Columbia,
Deborah Christie Complaint without Merit !

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 06, 2018

This complaint has been thoroughly investigated by the Real Estate Cuncil Of British Columbia. Deborah Christie and the Christies Real Estate Team have been completely exonerated as per the letter from The Council dated March 13, 2017, by Ryan DeLuca - Compliance Officer .  (letter available upon requeest)

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