  • Report:  #1093558

Complaint Review: Debra Diane Brock - Wichita Kansas

Reported By:
Gary - Wichita, Kansas,

Debra Diane Brock
7623 E 26th Ct N, Wichita, Kansas 67226` Wichita, 67226 Kansas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Hey everyone, I know you may have worked with Debra Brock, however you need to know that her real name is Debra Dian Brock - McGrath, Social Security Number (((ROR redacted))), Born January 17, xx, Enid, Oklahoma to Royce and Mary Ellen Kapeller.  She changed her name seven years ago when we got married in Wichita, Kansas, but she was already in the process of changing her name because she was being fired by the NCH corporation located in Fortworth, Texas.  Every time a background check and work report was completed on her this issue would come up and then she would be either disqualified from the position of simply dismissed.  I am her current HUSBAND and she has basically drawn me into a marriage so she could act and look more professional than she is.  She was fired from NCH and is now working for Volt Technical Services.  I also have records that shows she has been fired due to extra dealings on the side as she never can stay loyal to a company because she does not want to work.  She usually latches on to a Senior executive who protects her from getting fired until he catches on as well or is terminated himself.

I know her well and even though she talks a big game however she has only closed minor placement deals for Volt.  Jorge Garcia protected her for many years until her was fired from Volt for misconduct with Mrs. Brock.  It was my understanding that his wife suspected this affair for some time and eventually reported her to the head office, only to have Jorge Garcia fired instead of Debra Brock.    Another individual who was close to Debra Brock and eventually received the axe was Michael Kucharski.  All of these individuals trusted Debra Brock and then had her turn on them playing the poor hurt woman routine.  Believe me I know this woman and she is far from innocent.  Debra Brock currently lives in Wichita, Kansas, however I have recently found out that she is using my mother's name to forge credit cards and bank loans, charging over $85,000 dollars in credit card bills.  She used to own a 2003 Hummer H2 that was being foreclosed upon until my family loaned her $12,000 dollars to pay it off, she then immediately refused to turn over the title or repay any of the money owed.   This woman is not to be trusted in any way.  Her family learned this years ago and stopped having anything to do with her over 13 years ago.  Even after her mother and father passed away they refused to even ride in the same vehicle with her and virtually cut her out of their lives.  She is now currently in a lawsuit with her brother and sister over her Dead Mother's possessions, feeling that she didn't get enough, or as she called it her share. 

We have a 10 year old son together and I am a Christian man and have just found out that she has been cheating on me with multiple partners for many years.  Even during our divorce she was seeing the Mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma as-well-as his brother Dr. Ed Myers, Newton, Kansas.  She recently stayed with both of them at the Mayors Mansion to see which one she like best.  She threatened each of them that if they told me she would either go to their wifes or to their bosses and claim sexual harrassment.  Yes, she's that type of person.  She has called the police on me multiple time and then thrown herself on the floor claiming domestic violence, each of which have been thrown out by the court system after learning about her character.  I am sorry for this to happen to such good people, but they all wanted to jump into bed with her and understand her reasons later.  Debra Brock does not have any money, or anything to speak off except the house that my family purchased.  That was given to her in the divorce by the State of Kansas. 

Even while with Volt she has continuously interviwed with many companies, HGS, Defiance, JW Financial Services and even her competitors PDS Staffing.  When she was fired from NCH for indescent liberties with a youger co-worker I had to serve as a person of reference saying that she worked for my organiztion the Worldwide Financial Network, Inc., I had to serve as both a professional reference and a personal reference, since she had not one else to tell anything good about her except her close friend Donna, who pretended to be part of the NCH HR Department.  Her entire career has been a huge lie and it just goes on and on.  As her interview with JW Stokes, President of JW Financial Services went, she always wants to run the company or her department atleast and of course answer to no-one in the process.  I flew her into Warrenville, IL to meet with the President of HGS and they refused to hire her.  I talked the President of Defiance to meet her and she acted like a real tool in front of him.  She wants everyone to treat her like a Queen when she's really something else.

She always wants me to stand up for her while she takes all the credit, telling everyone I was a Dallas Cowboy Semifinalist, not a finalist but a semi-finalist and the only reason I moved her was because of love, the only reason she moved here was because no-one else wanted to be around her.  She takes massive amounts of pills, and has a real drinking problem so she will not work for any amount of time, unless she's all cranked up on some kind of speed.  She has no 401K to speak of and continuously blames everybody else for her bad choices in life refusing to take any form of resonsibility.

So Anuway you do have a right to do business with this person but you should know who she is prior to getting involved, there are multiple complaint letters on the Internet about her from engineers.  Debra Brock is a patholigocal liar and all of her friends no it so they never call her or come around since they have to listen to the same old story about who she claims to be.  In 2006 I even changed my name in an attempt to get away from her and her way of life.  She has been arrested for planting a real bomb at her house and then blaming the entire event on me as the culprit, the DA from the City of Wichita, through her out of his office and told her to never come back.  She is simply not to be trusted.  She has also scammed getting food stamps under the name Debra McGrath while he was living with me here in Wichita and I was supporting her.  This is all in court records along with drug possession, etc.  

I have even found pot here in the house with my newborn son sleeping upstairs, she has real mental issues but refuses to see a counselor.  When people look at her face on facebook she has enough enemies under the name Debra McGrath that she worries that someone will eventually finger him.  I will be reporting his income tax evasion in Texas and abuse of prescription drugs to the proper authorities.  I hope you will not give a person like this a chance because she lies and everyone believe her until it is too late and it comes time to prove it.  Please let me know if you need anything else from me.  I would like to keep this woman from hurting anyone else, as you see she did out smart the court system here in Kansas and she will do the same to you if you let her.  Now I know why her first husband Dennis McGrath tried to kill her with a knife, her was finally fed up with all the lies and tourment that she couses.

She has not seen her family in over 14 years and he is doing the same thing to me with my son.  Attempting to allienate use from each other. She has also threatened suicide on multiple occassion hoping someone would feel sorry for her and forgive her actions.  YUou never know when her pills are going to kick in so beware of this person, she is a jeckle and Hyde of the recruiting industry.  She has gained a tremendous amount of weight over the years and weighs almost 200 lbs.  Even though her picture makes her look like a thin model.  Believe me she's not that anymore at all. 

She has alot of problem and reallyneeds an intervention to save her this time, I am sorry for her, however her loyalties are only to the Meth that she continues to use in secret.  Cheaters and liars may change their spots and their names however this one still has the same character and lying abilities as she feels she can get away with it.  I am once again really sorry and yes I am hurt that she has or could lead you to this action.

Report Attachments

9 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Tue, April 15, 2014

Over the years things happen to people where they separate and find themselves in the worst of conditions.  I think this is what has happened with Debra and myself.  We have found ourselves in the best of times, but also in the worst of times and adding to the fact that we have a support group of approximately zero doesn't really help.  Everyone has an opinion about who we are, hiding their opinions behind screen names and comments without credit.  But I want to advise that everything within this document in certainly and clearly false.  Debra Brock is an extremely hard worker and a great mother and is certainly more successful at her position than anyone I've ever known in my past.

I would like to apologize to Debra if any of the words within this document has hurt her in any way and let her know that she is always on my mind.  Know matter what the distance is that separates us, it should be made aware that the things written were out of pain and confusion rather than a direct attempt to hurt.  There will always be a special connection between us and I hope that I have made myself clear as to the extent of this posting.  I'm certainly SORRY and wish Debra only the best in her quests in life. 

I know her friends will support her in good times and bad and will always bring a smile to her face.  Debra is one of the most honorable and upstanding people I've ever met. 




A True Previlege

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 28, 2013

I wanted to write a letter actually addressing the statements that were written regarding Debra Brock, both on the Volt page and as a mother, I still adhere to the fact that I didn't waste my time or energy writing this trype but if the so called people who know me so intimately want to feel I did, then that's OK.  

Not lets take a moment to set the record straight.  I currently felt some honesty needed to be injected into this forum of letters coming from all the anonymouse wild rebuttals from victitious club owners, Christians in Christ both Brothers and Sisters, (most of which would't know Christ if they stood next to him at the actual event of his passing) and other well meaning parties that I have supposedly trusted my entire life history to.

Most if not all of what everyone has written has been crap with only an attempt to push a deeper wedge between Debra and myself, sorry that didn't happen.  The so called individuals who know me so well are victional, I actively avoid knowling people in Wichita like a plague and pride myself in not having involvement with any of them.  I do not have brothers or sisters in Christ, I do not have personal friends who know my life story accept for the rumor mill and when I met Debra she was the only person that I had felt confortable with for most of my life.  So believe me when I say I would not spend this amount of effort hurting her of my son.

My so called ex-friend who has written articles about me is a female that I've known for 35 years but refused to build a relationship with due to that fact that she became so involved mentally in playing ministry that talking to her was like having my leg torn off by a Pitt Bull, and with her now actions of condemnation toward me I can see why she picked the Church as a profession, she's so good at it.  The club owner is also victitious, I know only one club owner and I've never worked for him in 20 years, good musician, good guy but still no one I would find myself hanging out with, I'm sure on both sides of the coin.  The only other person I know who even runs of band or club is a past friend, let's call him "P" from years ago that I wouldn't at this point walk across the street to put him out if he was on fire.  No hate, just find him to be as fake as most of the people I've known from Wichita, Kansas.  Not saying i havent been difficult in my life, I have but at least i freely admit it.  

One last thing, anyone with (ages 8 up) a minor amount of intelligence who wanted to find out every intimit piece of information about any of you both personal and professional it could be accomplished in a matter of moments.  Not just names, but everything! So please just shut up about what you know and don't know, because it's obvious you know nothing and have such patethic lives that this was of just great entertainment.  

And finally Teri, thank you for showing me early on what a waste of time it was for me around you, being sincere and caring about your massive illnesses.  When you cried on the telephone saying everyone else had turned their back on you and wouldn't speak to anymore because you were the poor sick girl, and that you were so alone and scared in the hospital  I stepped up and tried to helped.  Anyway I 'm glad I did, Ididn't expect anything from it and hopefully gave you someone to talk to other than Boomer and Bailey.  Whatever it did, I learned you were a waste of time and energy.

Anyway, enough of that.  Debbie and I have traveled a great deal together both domestically and internationally and like most couples have had good times and bad, mainly good I think.  And I must admit that we are much better off when were away from Wichita, she's a Dallas girl and I've worked with multiple international companies and I remember we used to laugh saying that there's a giant black cloud hanging over this place, and now I feel it lifting.  yes kind of like Petton Place, and I remember our emotions would sore when we watched the city fade from first class.  

Debbie and I have surely had a fairy tale life, meeting under extreme circumstances, falling in love, traveling to Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, Florida, Colorado, Minnesotta, Palm Springs, Chicago, California, Key Largo, Cozumel and Cancun only to mention a few.  Getting married on Princess Graces personal yacht, swimming with the Dolphins, high roller packages in Las Vegas.  The dream story goes on an on, so when I say that whoever wrote this article didn't have a clue of the fairy tale life Deb and I have lived is just touching the service. 

Debra is a great mother, but more than that she's a TREMENDOUS recruiter.  Does that sound strange, well then listen again, Debra is a Tremendous recruiter and a fabulous mother.  If I had my choice of working with Debra or working with anyone else, I would easily choose her, she's committed, and a true super star at what she does.  Gary and I are both exptremely proud of her for her untold countless accomplishments and awards will only continue for the years to come.  I only wish I had the ability to be as focused at my career as she had had in hers.  But I haven't and I still don't.  But times they do change.

I'm not going to drag on about these articles, but I wanted to let the people that have been involved know that your all pathetic, especially whoever really wrote this story initially.  For you see I have a lot more skeletons in my closet to talk about than this school yard crap that your addressing.  Debra Brock is a wonderful person, a great mother and a tremendous recruiter.  We had a fairy tale marriage, a story that none of  you could or would ever understand.  I've had the honor of being married to Debra for 13 years and assoicated with a true lady and readily thank the creator (whoever that might be) for the opportunity to have known her just for a single day, more less a life time.  

OK, that's about it for now, happy reading.






In God's Name...

#4General Comment

Wed, December 18, 2013

In speaking with Debra at the church last night she basically said how lost this family is and was personally having forgiveness issues with information you posted on the Internet.    Gary this is not you and I know you love your family.   If it is too far gone to get it back this is not words from a Christian that will go down in history for the rest of all of your lives.   This was an evil spirit that took hold of you when you were weak.   Please as a fellow Christian brother, repent and undue this evil spirit that hangs over your family's heads.    I am speaking as an angel of God and do not feel my name matters so this is not a cowardly message to you and I pray as we all do that you will find the goodness and the love that you have for this woman and your son and let this evil internet vessel die.   We love you brother and pray for you a speedy recovery.  In God’s name.


30 year friends speaks out on Cody/Brock

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 16, 2013

 These were e-mails sent to Debra when a friend that has know him for 30 years was trying to counsel me and let me know that Christopher Cody/ Gary Brock has always had these issues with women.   I want to keep this person confidential so that Chris/Gary would not go and threaten them, however again I thought this should be know from someone that has known him 30 years.  Go ahead Chris, rebuttal and blame everyone else instead of getting the help you need.

From a friend of Gary Brock:Gary has some poor patterns and repetitive behaviors in his life.  By saying crappy things, I know he's only redirecting the truth, by placing the blame on me, or someone else.....but essentially what he's doing is avoiding the underlying issues & problems, that simply point out that he needs to address some issues and work on himself.  After 30+ years....(I know, dummy me!).........I'm tired of all his nonsense.....this has got to stop.  I can't deal with it....or listen to it any longer.....it just makes me sick.

Gary needs to do the work on himself, and he can start that out by taking accountability for his own poor actions & behavior towards others.  Beneath this tough exterior, otherwise seen as his "big ego"  is some sort of deep-seeded, underlying hatred, disrespect, and disgust for ALL women.  But the reality is, it's only a foggy mirror of an image of poor "self."    He's mutilating others for what he doesn't like about himself, and showing up in the physical realm.  It taken a life in the form of his womanizing, lying, cheating, stealing, conning, etc...    Somewhere in his past, something dark has happened, causing him to downward spiral.  It's his internal grief, pain and inner conflict....and it's always directed from the enemy.  Gary needs to go to reach out towards the light....

From Gary/Christopher Cody written to this long term friend when he found out she was trying to help me.  Funny how he accusses every single woman, Rebecca, Debra and now this friend of having slept with everyone.  Obviously he has some kind of sickness that thinks that is all women do.  Again please see the pattern of how he has talked about everyone that has come into his life and ended it with him.  Even this long term friend who is the only one that stuck around to help. 

Cody to long term friend:

I've made a lot of mistakes in my life the primary one being you.  You say you stood by me, well I can't think of anything that you've ever done for me not one thing, nothing, you've always simply looked out for yourself and slept with anyone and everyone who tried.  I'm sure you didn't mention to Debbie the hundreds of men that you've slept with over the years, with people catching you giving head in the Fireside parking lot and all the Cocaine and other drugs you have been involved with.  You paint this picture of a religious person when in actuality your nothing but a reformed hooker that has finally tried to make up for her past indiscretions.  You know I never truly loved you in any way, I've always chosen anyone over you and still to this day I would readily choose Debbie as a partner than ever having anything to do with you.

 I see now that Debbie is ten times the person you are and is certainly in a different class of people than you.  Admit it you've never been around my mother at any time except for when she ran in to you while you were working an estate sale.  You've never talked directly to her at any time.  She's always told me why would you want to be with such a woman when there's so many prettier women out there for you to meet.  I guess that's why when you told me you wanted to meet her I pushed it off knowing that she knew the type of person you were in the past and still are today, you can attempt to hide YOUR past but like mine it's going to come to light.  It's funny that you actually think you can build a ministry to help people, when your entire life is based on a mountain of drugs, sex and indescretions.  Very sad that you tried to hurt Debbie rather than uplift her and be of some assistance.  

Debbie is a good person, I'm glad you had an abortion 30 years ago, even if it was mine, which I doubt, I would hate to think I was forced to be attached to you simply for this error in judgment.  That baby could have been Don Leavells, either of the Ball Brothers, Micky Estes or any black guy that came into the club at that time, I guess thats why you acquired the nickname of xxxxxxx, something you could actually do that was of some benefit to so many guys.  I can't count the number of times that I came by and found you in bed with someone, even KIM your best friend didn't sleep around as much as you did, so let's call you what you are a w***e that is now clinging to God.  Maybe that is why you've been so sick all your life, failed to mention that to Deb I bet when you were spewing your so called facts.

I'm not going to hurt Deb in any manner, she's a good women and doesn't deserve this from you or anyone.  I would always choose her over you and you should know that upfront

 From Cody to long term friend:

> During this email I eluded to some events that might have been somewhat hurtful to Debra Brock for this I am deeply apologetic.  I have been under a great deal of pressure lately and things finally came to a boiling point last night coupled with the fever and illness I stepped over boundaries.


> These types of statements are not part of my makeup or desire and hopefully can be forgotten or at least over looked.  My family is of the utmost importance to me.  I am still very ill and have been unable to stand or move since early this morning.  I am still unable to move and will not return home for some time.


> Thank You for your attempt to understand.


> Gary Brock


E-mail from friend to Debra:

I understand....I can't say that I don't blame you....he appears to be a great liability at this point in time... spending money foolishly, especially when you don't have it is just being irresponsible. I think G is materialistic because he is bored.  He needs to focus & keep busy.

G has a lot to work on Deb.....it's not going to change overnight.....  he has problems that are going to take great effort, especially on his part.  You or I cannot fix him. Our job is to prayer for him.  He, has an individual choice of whether or not he wants to work on areas in his life that need improved.

I think it is more or less the financial position that he is in.....he needs support. It is as it always has been.  I think at one time he really did love me, but this has always been his issue with me.....I cannot provide this lifestyle he is so accustomed to.   Yes, he did tell me he fell hard for Keri.  Love? In 2 weeks?  ugh? really?

He lies about things because he has a disease -it's called pathological lying.  You -nor I should trust or believe anything he says.  My friend Suave was the same way.  He was a great person in many ways, but he had this huge problem about lying.....it was never racking to everyone......

 Gary, at this point in time anyway, has all but given up on his faith in God....so he won't seek spiritual help in order to receive deliverance.  His only option is to get professional help from what this world has to offer.  Like the golfer dude, (name?) he needs sexual addiction therapy

in character?    Take some responsibility for yourself will you?  There is nothing that I told Debra, that you shouldn't have already told her yourself.  I didn't  trash you, I told Debra the truth......there's a big difference there you know?!

I am angry at the adversary, his lies that he tells individuals, how he tries to destroy the families...people....   

there was a lot of other stuff too.....I saw lots of dating on line crap.....emails from women at church.....his approaching an attorney woman in the elevator oh his way to court with you.....  then how he pounced on talking to you right after everything was done with court.....  I'm not stupid.... I think I've just about seen and heard it all.....  it's a mess, and many things need changed.


hey deb,

one more thing before I get to bed here...... you ask me about the video.  dark.  I was suppose to be helping G with some entertainment/bookings (use to book bands)....but this addition to his site was a turn-off.  I don't watch that kind of crap -not on TV, at the movies, nowhere.  I do not entertain demonic spirits.  That kind of stuff I take VERY seriously.  

Shortly thereafter is when I backed out of the deal......then he wrote me back that mean, disrespectful email.  How am I going to say that I'm a Christian and then work with that kind of demonic garbage.....!  It's not funny to me.   I wondered at that time where his mind was or what was happening in his life. 

 Spiritually speaking, he's lazy. Doesn't know the bible, and therefore assumes, criticizes others that do, or are learning such as myself.  It's plain selfishness and greediness.

I have never understood this. If he is telling everyone the truth about everything....then why hide?  This is that lying, deceivous nature in him we have to be on guard of.  That is something he really needs to address.  I told him to get help.  He said he's been to every kind of counselor there is....and when I ask, did you get help with this or that?....he says no.  Ugh, hello?!  So, I guess he's wasted his time and energy.  He has a lot of work to do on himself, but if he really wants to seriously change, I believe he can do it.  -b


I have been praying for G for years now.  He does have physical problems, which I won't rule out being a contributing factor, but a lot of G's problems are SPIRITUAL!  There's a battle taking place for his very own soul.

Stop trying to "fix" things only God can fix......PRAY.  The prayer of the righteous is powerful & affective.  You and little Gary just start praying together for dad.  He needs a lot of love, support, and encouragement in this area.

It is sad to hear that G was trying to pick up someone in the choir at church.....that, unfortunately is still the person we all have to be on our guard against.  Why, do you think I poised that question him as I did? To make him think!  Only he, has the answers.  He's very needy right now.....let him work through some things before rushing into anything.  Loneliness can be a good thing....it's where one can clearly see the realities of life & what they've done.....maybe in this place, they can change, get help, reach out to God....??    I've been alone most of my life it seems.....but I'm grateful I've spent this time learning to know the Father.  -B

I will confess, one thing I've noticed more profoundly different about G, especially this past year...."mental instability",  bi-polar maybe??  Perhaps, he's going through the "male" version of the change of life?  I'd get that checked out....

Christopher Cody

Cowards and Anonymous Reports

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 14, 2013

My name is Christopher Cody and I write this letter to address the cowards and anonymous postings on this issue.  If someone has an issue or point of view then please step forward be it man or woman and make it. State your name so you can be addressed, responded two and counted.  It's difficult to take your statements serious without a real name attached to it.  I will be glad to address these so called complaints directly and if honest you have nothing to fear.  Stop hiding in the shadows.

Best Regards, please show your face.


Christopher A. Cody


The Truth-My Story with Gary Brock/Chris Cody

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 11, 2013


This is Debra, Gary’s/aka Cody’s ex-wife.    I have refrained from writhing this mainly due to the fact that Gary/C hris will probably be very angry and I do fear for my life.  However I feel that since I am a woman’s advocate and do volunteer work for woman and domestic violence, I feel that I have to speak out about the truth’s to this man and let everyone else make their own judgements.    His first ex-wife Rebecca tried to warn me however I did not listen because of course we were in the infatuation stages and I didn’t want to believe her.  So I feel that I am doing the right thing to get the word out and let woman in this man’s life make come to their own conclusions.   

Teri I definitely want to speak out to you as I hear you have been disturbed by some of this internet mess and you should be informed of the truth, again coming to your own conclusions.    I married Gary Brock and came into a mess with him and his ex-wife battling the court system.    Rebecca had told me about his pot and pill habit along with his cheating.  Primarily with the same girl that kept popping up in our life as I will get to.    When Rebecca filed for divorce the battle was on as it was with me.  This man does not take rejection very well and his way of winning the woman back is fighting in court and feeling like he backs them in the corner so they feel they have no choice.  That is what is happening to me now, however I am being brave and trying to have a new life with someone else. 

I will be enclosing documents so people can see for themselves.  Again I am a little afraid of doing this and do risk him hurting our threatening court, however I feel that if I don’t speak out, other woman can get hurt or used.    Christopher Cody came out and said he wrote none of the articles about me, however he is the only one that would have access to my address, cell, social, birthdate, parent’s name, maiden name etc.  I am a true Christian and do not have any enemies.  I am sure he was creative and changed e-mail addresses, however I have life-long friends and no enemies.    If you look at what he wrote about me on the personal website where he posted a swimsuit picture of me you will see that he copied and pasted information he got off of my computer that I had e-mailed to a life-long friend and a friend, JW Stokes that was wanting to hire him as this is a company that believes in second chances, so I really supported it.  Unfortunately they never received funding and Chris/Gary remained unemployed.    I only wrote this letter because JW is a Christian and reputations of individuals he hires for that company had to be very important.  I told Chris that I would be writing a letter to JW if he did not be honest with JW himself.  So some of the things that you see In what  he wrote you can tell he cut and pasted from that letter, failing to change him to her.       I am the one that is honest and have no secrets.   I have never ever done drugs and the reason why is because of my sister’s struggle with them and I saw the hurt she caused my Parent’s.     My sister and brother always called me the goody two-shoes because I lived my life how my Parent’s would want me to.   Which includes no pre-marital sex, drugs or even cigarettes.  So I didn’t care if my sister and brother to this day we do not get along because of that fact.  So as your read when I found drugs in the house with my newborn son I was horrified.   My first Husband by the name of D.  Mcgrath who Gary/Chris refers to as my name change was to him and I was married for 10 years.   I did not understand alcoholism and although he was the love of my life could not continue with that struggle so I did divorce him.   We are friend’s today as it did not end bitterly.    So you can imagine when I moved here and saw Gary/Chris driving his son Shane to school with a glass of wine in his hand how concerned I was.    These issues continued  throughout the years, coupled with the fact of his inability to keep a job.    I should have seen the signs because I met Gary Brock when I was here on business for the NCH corp. and interviewed him.  I questioned his job stability then and should have know.  However I have always said that chemistry is a god-given thing and really feel that is the one that God wants you to be with.  For some reason that came out with this man and he pursued me for months from my home town Dallas.  I have often told my friends that this man had the purest form of love that anyone could give because he did not have a job when I met him.  So girls anyone that has met him you see he is a charmer and portrays himself to be a Los Angeles producer, International Recording star.    He was great at getting positions because he would research and make up a resume and companies to get the job.  The problem was he could not ever keep a job.   I was raised differently that a man should work.    However I did stand behind my man.    He had to have the suits and shoes and cars so the majority of the money went towards his insecurities so he could “pretend”  to the world.  He has not worked in 2 years.  Not because of me, but because companies are more sophisticated nowadays and with all the advanced technologies cannot be fooled.   At one time he reached out to my life-long friend Donna, desperate to save our marriage.  So because he could not provide any references he asked her Husband Steve to pretend he was the Pres. of a made up company, I believe Strategic Solutions which is listed on Chris Cody’s linked in profile.  This is a totally made up company that he developed to market himself.      So when he referred to Donna making a reference for me it was actually her husband for Gary/Chris.

I know the Gary/Chris is confusing for people and believe me to this day is confusing to me too.  I married Gary Brock, my son is Gary Brock the II.    Several years ago because of the past that Gary Brock had could not get a job, especially after his felony charges for building a pipe bomb and leaving it at my doorstep in order to frame his first ex-wife, Rebecca.  You can read all about this if you google Gary Brock.   So the same lawyer that defended him worked to get him a new identity and social security number claiming it to be identity theft.  Well Gary Brock had horrible credit, arrest records, sued for food stamp fraud from first ex-wife, on and on.  No one would have wanted Gary Brock’s identity.    However he did get this name change legally to Christopher Cody.    So you would think this would give him a new start and a chance again to save his Family.  Worked for awhile as he was able to get jobs because Christopher Cody showed no credit and of course I helped him throughout the years.   We were actually legally divorced in 2002, a lot had to do with issues and court battles that he was going through with his first ex-wife Rebecca so it was recommended since she was going after assets for child support, etc. that I should get a divorce to protect my assets.   Back then we still loved each other, however there were problems, surfacing that I’ve already listed, drugs, alcohol, not able to keep a job that I was concerned about so although he asked me time and time again even up to one week ago to re-marry him I kept declining thinking I was safe.  If it worked out great and if it didn’t then  my assets were protected.   So we had a son together and for the next 13 years had an on again off again troubled romance until I could not take it anymore and last year about this time due to our relationship, me wanting to leave, the threats became unbearable.  So I filed for a PFA for the courts help and finally broke down and told my closest friend the truth about everything as I was becoming afraid.  You have to understand throughout the years I tried to move on and he would sabotage my relationships as he is trying to do now.    My friend was  completely shocked when she found out that I was the one throughout the years that paid for everything and he walked around saying he was VP of this and VP of that actually trying to recruit her several times for questionable positions which she refused to do. 

So Teri, just so you know this long term friend who he refers to as BJB that has been the only one to help her out over the years even yesterday when he broke h is ankle.   She tells me that two weeks ago when he gave me the ultimatum that if I leave for Thanksgiving he would never speak to me again and wishes me dead.   Well yes I went and stayed at the Mayor’s house in separate rooms as it is a very Christian house.    He also refers to that as me having slept with the Mayor which is again just sick.    The picture of me and the founder’s of our company whom I introduced to them and he took that picture.  Basically saying that everyone I have slept with which is funny since he says I am so inexperienced.  I guess the point that I am making to you is, he is getting so desperate to pay his bills that he was reaching out to find his con.  Wherever and whomever he can find.    He says you have your act together, a Christian as he claims he is.  Problem is a Christian man would not have put that information on the Internet about the Mother of his child much less all the mistruths.  I have been with my current company for 8.5 years, previous to that 10 years , previous to that for 10 years.  I am the most stable person ever and it really hurts that he would lie about that.   I also had perfect credit until I married Gary Brock.   I will be honest when we had problems throughout the years and I wanted to end things he threatened “I will force you into bankruptcy”  I looking for the good in people didn’t believe it but ultimately it did happen when my industry dipped and I was so depressed living to pay bills.  Look at the veneers on his teeth,  I never spent that kind of money on myself.   I am confident in my abilities and never had to have the expensive shoes, cars, suits etc.  I earned and worked hard for my image whereas Gary had to have the “things” so people would thing he was someone he wasn’t.    I never broke the law, I have only one speeding ticket my whole entire life. 

So women please be careful when you come into his path.  He has not worked for 2 years which is a lot of the reason I did not want him back.    This man does not have a 401K plan and he is 60 years old which shows his whole life he has not kept a job for even a year.  I have 3 which again I can prove and in his info about me he is saying differently.    Don’t be used.   Please be careful because he has a history of falling in love with woman that have a job and saying he loves them in 2 weeks just to get them to pay his bills.  If you look at the Christopher Cody website it is saying he has booked shows in LA, etc. which is just not true.  It also says he has played with artist like Al Greene.   What he told me about that was that he was in a studio recording and Al Green was there.  He did meet him and was very proud of the fact that he stole an Al Green practice CD and said that it would be very valuable one day when Al Greene passes.  I thought that was awful.    That was in the house which he has since taken and hidden. 

Now this is just a little of our story since he opened our lives on the Internet.  Again I was afraid to do this however I felt if I did not warn people out there of what he is capable of then I would be ashamed of myself.       I am not a vindictive ex-wife and I will show through other e-mails and court docs that this is all true.   I never heard of rip-off until he posted horrendous things, however did feel it was an avenue to certainly warn people with only factual info.    The e-mails throughout this past year shows he has tried to get me back as I desperately try to move on.    So this is not me chasing him.  Teri he has said that he enjoys just sitting and watching movies.  Well that is all that he wanted to do with me too.  However I am a lot younger than him and have high energy and love life and that is all he ever wanted to do.  The last vacation we took which he snapped the swimsuit shot I had made the decision that this man is just too old for me as all he wanted to do was lounge around and not even go in the ocean with his son.    He does have major health issues now but even throughout the years he was always ailing of something again his way to get attention.    I will enclose information from friends that have known him for 40 years that do wish to remain anonymous, however during our court case stepped up and told the truth for the sake of our son, knowing that I was the stronger parent of morals and values.  The report from the case manager and court documents, literally saying that this man is a pathological liar and the court had never heard this much extreme, coupled with the fact that even back in 2002 he was living in his Mother’s basement and his Mother was supporting him.   So I agree with what he said that a leopard does not change his spots and this shows he has just entertained people all his life and never applied himself.   It will also show the case manager’s response that he has a history of blaming his ex-wives for his failures which in reality he has been this way all of his life.      When I really pushed him to get counseling he just said well he has not done bad, first marriage for 10, ours really two years however with the on and off again he went to court last year trying to take half of my assets if I did not take him back and pursued a common law marriage lawsuit against me.    Which again hurt due to the fact that I thought I was protected since I never married him again.  Because of the pressure, I did go ahead and sign a document to get us out of court system that the marriage ended in 2013, however he would keep what is his and I will keep what is mine.  Lastly he is still being investigated by the IRS for tax evasion.  He wants to say we were common law married, however since the divorce in 2002 he listed my deceased Mother’s address on his taxes and filed in Texas to avoid paying KS taxes.  That is why the KGB and Topeka would not issue him a DL.  Now I recently found out he was finally issued a KS DL as I do apologize to my friend for reporting this on her rebuttal, however that is what Gary/Chris has been telling me for the last year he did not have one due to me.   So up until a couple of weeks ago this statement was true.    He is still driving with tags that are from his repossessed Mercedes, which I only know about because I was in the car when he and his Mother were talking about it.  He also gets his poor Mother to go to the Doctor with his diagnosed illness to get him prescriptions since he does not have insurance and can’t afford them.    That is certainly insurance fraud.  Lastly I will also include case numbers against Christopher Cody that are a matter of public record to show fraud.  Because he does not have insurance when he called the hospital sometimes he would check in as Chris Cody other times Gary Brock.    He has numerous bill collector’s hounding him for money.  The sad thing is that this man had a second chance.  Brand new identity and ran the Chris Cody name into the ground also.  That is truly a leopard not being able to change his spots.     This was going to be part of  our evidence well sometimes he is married sometimes he is not depending on if he is Chris Cody or Gary Brock.    Gary Brock still has an outstanding  judgement against him from a lawsuit filed from his first ex-wife Rebecca for a book called Paperback Poison, of all the slanderous things he said about her when she decided to file for divorce.  She sued and won, so if he ever does get a legitimate job he will still be liable for $250,000 dollars owed to her.  Again please search Paperback poison and Gary Brock and you will see this for yourself.  Yes my name pops up because he and a ghost rider and mentioned my name in there, again to set her up.  No charges were ever filed against me.    The other thing he drug me into is when he built a pipe-bomb in the basement of my house to frame his ex-wife to get out of paying child support.  I only knew this because the bomb-squad found evidence in my house.  Gary wants to say I was a part of that even though I was 8 mths pregnant.  However since elements were found in the house my name was involved as an innocent bystander and no charges were brought against me when the facts came out.    So women be aware, don’t be his next con.  Nothing has changed with him.  Yes he is living in a $285,000 house that his poor mother sold other property to put down money on because he conned her into believing he would get a job.  She has told me that she lives on $1300 a month and does all she can do to pay his and her bills.    She tells me her and her Husband worked hard for that money and she was not able to buy a new house or do upgrades on hers.    I asked her why she just did not let him live in the small duplex she owned and Chris/Gary said that it was not good enough for him.  I told her she should have said too bad.  That is fine for a man that can’t keep  a job.    Chris/Gary at 60 has no credit cards and absolutely nothing in his name.  Everything is in his Mother’s and he has just about drained her.  What is sad is that she is paying for our son to go to a private school and she tell me that next year we may have to pull him out because she can’t afford to pay for everything.   I told her he has gone there all his life and it is like a second family for him, however to support Chris/Cody living in that house her son will have to change schools.  You would think as much as this man says he loves his son he would want to move out of there and not upset his own son’s world.   He can stop the image and live in an apartment or in a different area and stop taking from his son.  In all fairness maybe he has realized this as the house is up for sell so maybe he does have a conscious and will do what is right for his son I hope. 

He has put my cell phone out there so Teri or any other woman that needs answers or evidence please feel free to call  316-655-7455.  Don’t let this happen to you.   It is great in the beginning however when real life issues reality sets in on day to day life or the woman has to go to work and he does not understand that, or support that we have to get up at 6:00 a.m. while he sleeps to noon.  He will get bored and try to mess up your work as he has attempted to do with me to help him to launch another idea and get you to do the work while he just takes it easy.  I am sorry that will take it’s tole and that is his MO.  Nothing has changed as proof in the following documents all these years.

Teri I think right now you are the one he is focusing his next con on.  I will also include the texts that he has sent me saying that Teri is just a friend.  Which is okay,  however this whole year he has been trying to get me back up until last week.  He called BJB drunk saying he loved her,  however she does not have a steady income.  So the second I do not take his ultimatum then he tells people that he is moving you in the house that is for sale and that his money problems are over.   This is not love for you.  He even said  you were upset because he did not call you back when he was in the hospital.  You know why, because he was still trying to work on us.    He even told his Mother last week that he would get a job in hopes to get his Family back that he had changed.  When I had to get a current PFA because of what he did to me when I was leaving on Thanksgiving,  him wishing me dead and backing into me with the car.   Up into that point when I again was trying to move on, now you pop up and he says he is moving you in the house and you were going to be the step-mom of my son.   That is not true love.  It is very calculating that if we did not work out again that you would be his next target.  So he kept you on the back-burner this whole year as proof when I also post e-mails, he was constantly trying to get us back.  So you are a target, please beware. 

Good luck because he is very charming!

Christopher Cody

The Truth Will Be Told

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 10, 2013

Hello, my name is Christopher Cody and some reports have been made by my ex-wife Debra Brock linking me to some RippOff reports pertaining to her and her company.  Firstly, I would like to say that I've had nothing to do with these reports but will certainly have a direct input from this day forward on correcting the record.  Please understand that I am using my actual name in this report so anyone who reads it will know its a legitimate report and not an anonymous and cowardly individual just talking trash Like the report above.

As you would guess this matter is destined for legal action and I welcome anyone who has a real verifiable issue to step forward and make it.  I will be glad to address any complaint directly.  Anonymous cowardly reports like the one enclosed will be looked into by the proper authorities.

So, in order to keep interested individuals up to date in real time a BLOG Website is being developed by an independent firm which will contain both past and present legal documents for review.  I have nothing to hide and I am going to clear this issue up by having my attorney, Ms. Paula Casey read, present and approve all documents both past and present for postings.  No facts will be left out regarding individuals I have been associated with.  The truth will be told.  Please bare with me for the first court documents won't be issued and served until next week.  But rest assured they will be served promptly to the appropriate parties.

i wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  It's going to be a bumpy 2014 but this issue will be solved.

Best Regards,

Gary Christopher Cody


Christopher C

Refer to previous info being ruled as false from Wichita Eagle

#9General Comment

Fri, December 06, 2013

 Readers before reading this, please refer to Rip-off report comment from Wichita Eagle that information on author was false.  Obviously it is her ex-husband making all of this up and everyone who knows Debra understands that.   I mean this man posted her social, birthdate, address how cruel can someone be to do that to the Mother of his child.


Debra Brock - A very loving mother to her young son and very successful careerwoman

#10General Comment

Wed, December 04, 2013

I am speaking out as a very close friend and past professional associate that knows the inside truth on this original ripoff report that is written by a very bitter and vindictive ex-husband to Debra.  He actually goes by many alias names to avoid the law and legal system with State and Federal authorities, however the most recent name he goes by is “Christopher Cody" aka (Gary Brock, Gary Christopher Cody), when he had a name change done legally because of felony charges that included planting a bomb on Ms. Brock’s doorstep, to attempt to frame his first ex-wife, Rebecca Brandywine of placing the bomb at her doorstep while she was 8 months pregnant.  There are public records suing him for food stamp fraud, bankruptcy, firearms possession and a book he wrote called “Paperback Poison” written about his previous wife, Rebecca Brandywine about their life together that was full of lies, deceit and slander in which he was sued by Ms. Brandywine and she won and he spent time in jail (all of this is public record)

He is far from a Christian man than he claims to be in this report as he is the one who is a drug abuser and takes his mother’s prescriptions to treat his diabetes medical condition because he can’t get any kind of health care medical coverage and he is insulin dependent now.  He has had numerous dealings with the law and police in Wichita, Kansas.  He is currently being investigated by numerous agencies including the Kansas Federal Bureau of Investigation and other Federal agencies including the Internal Revenue Service for tax evasion and the State of Texas because of using Debra's deceased mother's home address to evade and avoid paying taxes.

Everything in this report is BLATENTLY FALSE- I personally know this as fact, but these rip-off reports are only an attempt on his part to try to get Debra's job in jeopardy which is not going to happen because her company is behind her back 100%.  Mr. Cody is only trying to do all of this because he is down on his luck financially and cannot get a reputable job because of the bad choices he made in working contract jobs for very "SHADY" companies in India that are if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is!  The problem is he couldn't keep a job which was a major problem in their relationship they once had.

Christopher Cody is the only person that would have access to put Ms. Brock’s personal information contained in this report (her social security number, phone number, address, professional email address, birthday and maiden name).  He is the biological father to their 10 year old son, however he sleeps in the same bed with his father and a judge at the Sedgwick County Courthouse has said this is unacceptable behavior since Christopher Cody matches up to the characteristics of a potential child abuser/molester.  He has exposed Ms. Brock's home address where the son lives which can certainly open the unnecessary harassment from strangers since he took the liberties to post this very horrendous ripoff report full of lies and slander.

All he does is take thousands of dollars from his only living relative which I believe this is called "Elder Abuse".  His mother Charleen, who is in her mid-late 70’s and he makes her pay him cash money for everything including a brand new KIA car he bought and put her name on which he drives exclusively.  The Kansas license #262FBG on the KIA vehicle actually belongs to a Mercedes Benz car that was repossessed by the bank several months ago for not making the loan payments and then he drives this car all over Wichita with illegal license plates on it.  Christopher Cody has NO VALID DRIVERS LICENSE since he cannot get one since he's like 4-5 months behind on paying child support.  He's made several trips to Topeka with no drivers license, but they continually tell him he cannot be issued one since there is an active investigation.  

Christopher Cody lives in a $300,000+ house in Northwest Wichita (that his mother signed and accepted the responsibility for the mortgage).  The house is at 8316 E. Oxford, Wichita, Kansas and is within less than 1 mile of Ms. Brock's personal residence (only so he can stalk her house whenever he wants to day or night).  His mother's money has practically been depleted because of the elder abuse inflicted on his mother.  His mother (who is older and has medical problems she deals with herself) pays his mortgage as well as all his other bills which are mostly in his mother’s name including his utility bills, but the heartbreaking thing about all of this is her money is practically gone.  He purposely set it up this way in order to evade paying taxes and should anyone come after him he could legally say it wasn’t his property or car.  Everything is about ready to go down for him though because because of his ritzy lifestyle he tries to portray to others as can be verified with the house being up for sale in the Wichita real estate market. 

This (which was in the original rip-off report) was taken from legal documents that Ms. Brock and Mr. Cody were dealing with in Sedgwick County in court proceedings, but he didn’t cut/paste and proofread because this is what Mr. Cody did to Ms. Brock when he was actively part of her life and shortly after their 10 year old son was born. Read this well and you will see he didn’t proof read this very well before he put this report on this rip-off report: Example:  If you read the line "I have even found pot here in the house with my newborn son sleeping upstairs, she has real mental issues but refuses to see a counselor.  When people look at her face on Facebook she has enough enemies under the name Debra McGrath that she worries that someone will eventually finger him. I will be reporting his income tax evasion in Texas and abuse of prescription drugs to the proper authorities and taking his mother’s prescriptions for his own use since he can’t get medical insurance to control his Type II diabetes. 

Regarding the accusations in this report about the Mayor of Tulsa Mr. Cody is a very jealous ex-husband and is doing everything he can to keep Ms. Brock from finding true love of which she has a very devout boyfriend, Dr. Ed Myers that does love her very much and they have been together for well over one year now as a couple.  He is the brother-in-law to the Mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma and that is where Mr. Cody’s accusations came from in this report to attempt to stir up trouble with the man that truly loves and cares for Ms. Brock, but until they make a lifetime commitment to each other there has been nothing more than a growing relationship of love and nothing more than that.

Regarding the house that Ms. Brock and her young son lives in she has made the mortgage payment all the years she has lived in it with her honest and hard earned money that she gets from her continued commitment and long term positions.  Current one 8 years, last two jobs 10 years.  Ms. Brock has very high ethical standards and she is very well respected among her peers and has always excelled in her career because of her ethics and hard work. Everything else in this rip-off report which I’m not going to go into (with the bathing suit picture) is all lies and slander in an attempt to discredit the woman who has very honest and Christian integrity and has established a very good reputation for herself. Mr. Cody for many years took the credit of Ms. Brock’s success with her life and the responsibilities she has undertook all these years in being a very devoted mother to her young son and paying all the bills during all the years when they were together as a family.  Mr. Cody is a very disgruntled ex-husband because Ms. Brock will no longer deal with him being a manipulative abuser in trying to control her life and take credit for all her successes.

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