  • Report:  #1406021

Complaint Review: Deepest Beauty Care - Nationwide

Reported By:
Tree - Etlan, Virginia, USA

Deepest Beauty Care
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

On Tuesday October 10th 2017 while window shopping in Pentagon City, Arlington, VA  and walking toward Nordstroms to sight see, I was approached by a tall gentleman by the name of Chris who handed me a packet of "free" body butter by some company with the name of Dermogenica. He proceeded to ask questions, such as my name (I gave only first) and where I was from. I said out of town. He proceeded to walk with me chatting about "as one gets older one needs to take more care of  their skin." As we approached Nordstrom, in the corner was a very" Rodeo" decorated boutique like store. He asked me if I was interested in a free eye treatment that  would take off years from my looks. As I was just window shopping and it was offered "free" I said what the heck having no intention of buying.

When I entered the store though, I was given over to a male gentleman by the name of Shay Kay, who they claimed was an internationally known skin care expert and he was just visiting from out of town to run a skin care show at the Ritz Carlton near the store. He would be the actual one doing the collagen eye treatment. He was very nice and persuasive but he never stopped talking. He proceeded to give one eye a treatment, never stopping talking and finally exclaimed that he had never seen anyone respond so rapidly to the treatment in his entire career and that it was amazing. He did the other eye and although not as amazing he declared that my skin was unsual. He told me that I only had to to do the treatment weekly for 6 months and then I would not need it again. He quoted me the cost of the treatment at $399.00 (there are no prices on the products in the store.) He then asked if I used an exfoliate for my face which I stated I did not. He then proceeded to tell me that it was a crime not to use one, but because I responded so well to the eye therapy, he would "comp" me an exfoliant which he gave to the store manager Jennifer.

During this entire time he kept telling me about a topical face lift that would take about 10 years off my looks and repair sun damage. He stated that it was a 2 year process but that it was far better than botox or going under the knife. He said he was 46 and had done it at age 39 and that" I could see that he did not have any wrinkles." I did not see wrinkles however I could not confirm his age. After I purchased the eye therapy with my one comp of exfoliant and received my receipt which had on it a claim of a 2 week exchange, he continued to marvel how well I had responded to the treatment and stated he wanted to see how well I would respond to one treatment of the face lift and that he would have that done" Free" too. I told him I could come back on Thursday and they said I would be seeing someone else for the "free" treatment. However, the store manager looked down to see that Shay's schedule was open that night and would I want to stay and have it done. As I did not have anything on my schedule, I agreed as it was "free." The entire time he kept telling me how amazing I responded. He then did the treatment in 2 stages, one side and then the other. My face looked wet and pearly but not 10 years younger. However, he said it was miraculous appearing and he became excited and asked if I would work with him as his" guinea pig like model", that he would love to photograph my face over the time of the treatments that I would be doing at home. He stated most folks come into the salon and do not do it at home but that I could show others that they could have the same results at home. I cautiously said yes I would consider it and he left the room for about 10 minutes (enough time for me to call and speak with my husband, telling him that I was having a facial near Nordstrom and to drink a bottle of water offered to me by the store manager). She also said that it was amazing that Shay was taking such time with me as he was very busy and his clients were celebrities and Europeans and that he flew all over the world doing this sort of thing) He returned again very excited and proceeded to tell me that customer service, as a "favor to him" agreed to drop the 2nd year price and reduce the first year price for the treatments from $12,000 to $10,000. He kept telling me that I looked amazing and that it would be the best money I ever spent. Thinking that I would be paying for each treatment separately( as one does for skin care products) over the 2 years and although that was horribly expensive, I reasoned that it was cheaper than other alternatives, I agreed to give it a go thinking I was being given something different as I was going to be part of "their team as they put it" telling me if I ever needed anything I was just to call them and they would mail it to me right away, I promised to take pictures of my face before and after each treatment to send to them for them to share with their trainees in skin care. I then gathered my pocket book and previous purchase and went out into the store.

By this time, Chris from previous encounter was giving 2 gentleman who were clearly from their accent not Americans, the eye treatments. While standing at the cash register, I was asked to put in my email once again as it is very long. Shay then continued to exclaim how awesome I looked with just the one treatment and" he would change his flight" out of town on Thursday in order to do another treatment on me on  Thursday with the product that they had put in a bag away from me on the other side of the cash register and close to the other clients. He then proceeded to engage me in conversation about facial cleansers and lotions and what did I use. At the time the store manager ran my  credit card but then proceeded to tell me that I needed to put the charges in on two cards. I was amazed that I would have to do this as I should have had enough credit on the one card for thousands of dollars for one treatment, but what they told me stunned me, they said it was policy that the entire $10,000 needed to be paid up front and that all customers who purchased the face lift put their purchases on 2 cards. For whatever reason, I did not stop at that point and tell them no but thank you no and walk out of the store. I proceeded to sign both credit cards with my stomach now in knots.

During this time the receipt invoice for the purchase came out of the register but the store manager said something was wrong with the receipt as it did not give the total and that she would send it to me by email. She then stapled the receipt invoice with the 2 credit card receipts that I had signed and placed it in the bag on the other side of the register. I was not given the receipts as I had been done with the original  receipt and purchase. Once again they exclaimed at how great it was that customer service was willing to work with Shay on setting me up as a guinea pig and how wonderful I looked. As I was walking a long distance, I did not want to carry 2 bags esp at night alone, and asked them to hold the bag with the face lift material in it and I would return on Thursday. They then told me it was against store policy for them to do that and that I had to take it with me. Again I became alarmed but thought well I am returning on Thursday and if there are problems, I have 2 weeks to return my purchase. I left the store after being given their business cards but advised I should not call customer service with questions, only them.

While walking out to the mall to the Metro station I looked down at my phone to realize that my husband had called twice which he never does. I existed the Metro station to go above to find a quieter place to call him. It was then that I found out that my UVA Credit Union CC fraud team had called my home residence to alert me to potential of fraud. I told my husband I would look into it as I had difficulty hearing him on the phone and he to me due to noise. I got off the phone. I then reached down into the bag with the face lift products (3 in total) to find my receipt. It was at that time that I realized that they had stamped the receipt in red with "sales final" on all 3. I never saw them do this and there were no signs in the store stating sales or any policy relating  to the sales. There were no prices on anything in my bags either. At this time I knew that I had been had and became physically ill. Somehow I made it back to me hotel. I immediately called the one credit card (cc) company who had called and asked them to keep a block on the card and they did but said it would be lifted in the morning and nothing could be done until charges were posted. I called the other cc company who stated that until things were posted nothing could be done. And there I sat waiting. I looked at my emails and there was the email receipt with invoice and total but nothing on it that states sales final.  As I had their business cards I took a shot and sent a text to both letting them know of my shock and concern stating that I did not agree to sales final and did not know that was their policy and that nothing was posted in store. I have the documented texts of Shays response, but in a nut shell I was told "tough, I walked out of the store with the product and that I could not return it with sales final on it and that no refund would be returned to me." I then threw up. I continued to plead my case asking for help and he said he would try to help me in the morning but wasn't sure he could but he would try. He stated his job and Jennifer's were on the line.  He said he would have someone call me at noon on Wednesday.

Never sleeping, I got up on Wednesday morning and attempted to take some control by calling the Better Business Bureau and Consumer Protection of Va both of whom were unwilling to listen and stated couldn't give advise unless a report was filed. I waited for that phone call. It did not come and I started to send more texts to Shay. Eventually Shay responded. I told Shay I needed help and if I did not get it I would have to resort to calling my Cc company to file a complaint. At that point he told me that if I did they would not help me nor speak with me again. He also said that his company would WIN no matter what I did and that it was useless to try. I finally talked with someone from "customer service" who said he would try to get a refund of 50% for me but that would be about all that could be done. I requested a full refund as I did not want the product and that I was more than willing to personally carry, have a courier or guard carry the product back to the store as long as the charges were refunded. He said that it was company policy that no refund be given for sales final and that he was going over company policy to give me even half back. He said he would call me again on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday night I once again attempted to get help from both cc companies who once again said charges needed to be posted before helping and to call back later. Wednesday afternoon, I asked a peer of mine who said they were going to visit the mall if she would look into the store for me to see if she saw signs posted of store policy or sales policy. She agreed to do so after I told her part of the story but not all. On Thursday morning, when seeing her she told me that she was thankful that I had told her about this place stating that as soon as she approached the kiosk where Chris was stationed, he approached her in the same manner, walked with her down the aisle toward Nordstrom and had her convinced she needed an eye lift; she went through  the same pressure sales only this time it was Chris and not Shay. She was also going to be "comp'd" a face peel but her charges for the collagen eye gel was only $300.00. Given that she knew I had been scammed she declined but stated had I not warned her she too would have been taken by their professional high pressured sales pitch. She wondered why Pentagon City let those types of merchants in a mall.

On Thursday at noon, still waiting for the customer service person to call. I finally called the cc company who said the charges would be posted on Thursday which they had. I asked to speak with dispute division and gave them my story 2 times by to different representatives who said they were sorry but I signed the cc receipt and that I was responsible. I advised them that I did not sign a sales receipt I signed a receipt without notice that there was sale. They said signing a cc receipt is consent and there was nothing they would do nor would do and that if the company was willing to work with me I should do that. I was floored and flabbergasted by their response. I have in my possession, something I paid for, and 3 items for $10,000 dollars and there is no recourse. I then texted the customer service representative back and begged for help and he offered the 50% off refund and would "try to get the other refunded" later. I gave him my card number that I wanted refunded and had him send me something showing that it was done. He sent a picture of the cc refund . I am now waiting to see if this was refunded. I am not holding my breath as I do not have much left. I assume I will hear the same denial from the other cc company when I call them today.

I truly have lost faith in consumer protections and feel any claims made by any consumer protection company is false and misleading. There is no such thing as disputes being handled by your cc companies and by the way the cc company who refuses to help me, is Citi Bank. How ironic! This skin care company should be shut down and closed and those who manage Pentagon City and allow them to operate should be sued. They are pariahs on the unknowing.

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