  • Report:  #844415


Reported By:
Sandy - , Other, USA

CRYSTAL,MICHIGAN Internet, Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Della Monroe called me about GETTING a puppy from me,she did not tell me that she breed 10 plus breeds of dogs.She poised as a small breeder looking to purchase a puppy.I agreed to let her take one of my puppies,prior to checking her out.I was NOT very happy about her deception tactics.WHEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT HER BEING A PUPPYMILL I OFFERED HER $$$ BACK,FOR THE NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT.

I TOLD HER,I DID NOT LIKE DEALING WITH BREEDERS ESPECIALLY SOMEONE such as herself who operated  a PUPPYMILL. See her website www.autumnbreezek9's.com .She refused a refund for the NON-Refundable Deposit on 4 different occassions. I told her on  several different TIMES that if she wanted a health certificate I would be more then glad to get one for her,NO PROBLEM,I have emails where this was discussed.As time got closer for her to pick up the puppy I started getting very concerned.Every time Della Monroe called me she wanted our arrangement changed.

I told her that she was making the situation VERY COMPLICATED,and that I was going to send her back the money,which I did issue a REFUND thru PAYPAL, REFUND dated 2/24/2012.TRANSACTION # 8E520732AU001735T, I told DELLA MONROE I would  send her back the NON-REFUNDABLE deposit,(as stated in my all my ads),If and when I was able to find a home for the puppy IN QUESTION. ALL MY ADS STATE that if I feel it is not in the PUPPIES BEST INTEREST and it is NOT a GOOD HOME for the PUPPY,I can STOP THE SALE AT ANYTIME,which I did. DO NOT SELL to this DECEPTIVE PERSON if you care anything about your puppies.

 SHE had her husband call me today trying to get me to change my mind. I told him to have her call me she never did. DON"T SELL OR BUY FROM HER YOU WILL BE SORRY! 

34 Updates & Rebuttals


sault sainte marie,
I purchased a puppy from Della

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, November 15, 2014

 I purchased a Shih Tzu puppy from Della a couple years ago. I have been in Della's kennels & her home. I was very please with the puppy. We had to drive 6 hours to pick up the puppy. Della was very profecional during the entire process. As a breeder myself Della took some time to talk to me about some questions I had on worming my puppies. She was kind enough to share with me how she treats worms in puppies. Today I use the same practise and all my puppies now go home worm free. I found Della's entire set up very profecional and I was green with envy over her amazing kennel. I would say that Della is a great breeder that loves her dogs very much. I have never witnessed a puppy mill but I can say 100% that Della is NOT running a puppy mill not even close. She loves her dogs & really takes time with her clients. Im not sure why all these people are targeting Della, maybe they are just trouble makers. In the day and age of shelters I think breeders should stick together and support one another. I would not hessitate to recomend Della and her puppies.

Della Monroe

Sandy Jean Goldschmidt Likes Control!

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 20, 2012

Just to make you happy Sandy or Jeannie will let you have the last word in!

Report Attachments



#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 19, 2012

DELLA MONROE was REPORTED to the POLICE for a REMARK she left on my VOICE MAIL.Which was "I AM GOING TO TAKE YOU DOWN" Now if she had said that in todays world, with what has been going on ,her a*s would have been in Jail.

When all is said and done I still would not BARTER/SELL or TRADE anything with DELLA MONROE. Her Lies just keep rolling off her tongue,as the PLOT THICKENS.My Breeder friend told me to send back the NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT, as DELLA MONROE was a PROBLEM waiting to happen,BOY WAS SHE RIGHT!!! CHECK ANY DOG/PUPPY SITE ALL ADS SAY NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT.

it'S almost a  year later and she is still,HARASSING,THREATENING,& STALKING me.If I am the horrible person she says I am,then she should be HAPPY the TRANSACTION fell thru. BUYERS & SELLERS BEWARE.




Report Attachments

Della Monroe

Sandy Jean Goldschmidt is Insane!

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 19, 2012

Sandy Jean Golschmidt, Is is Sandy today or Jean today!

Your crooked ,dishonest, lying issues can hurt a lot of people!! what you did to me filing this lying report on me is about the filthiest thing you can do to someone.

You dumb a*s, I posted to the public that I finally got my money back. Scroll back and read the rebuttals I wrote. I had to go through hell getting my money back. And your lying filth extorting GOOD people is unexcitable!

You didn't want to give me a clear vet check on a puppy ,before I was going to drive thirteen hours to pick up the puppy from you and this is what started this whole mess!

Now ,if you would have told me from the beginning that No vet checks , you get what you get from me, I never would have dealt with you!!!

Now, On Facebook a fellow breeder wanted to know who you were. I told them just what you did to me. They can make their own decisions from there. Any one that gets involved with you gets burned! You had several dogs end up in rescues( I can prove it!!!) You move around all the time in hiding, so people can't find you. You called the Gainsboro police on me because tons of people rebuttal the lying post you made and you were not in control!!!!

One more lie on the net about me and I will have a lawyer on you. I know you have nothing I can sue for, but I will put a end to your garbage!

Report Attachments


United States of America

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 19, 2012

It has been brought to my attention this evening as in the past few months that DELLA MONROE has told numerious BREEDERS/DOG PEOPLE that the REFUND check that I gave her for the NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT on the puppy I REFUSE to follow thru the sale on,BOUNCED at the BANK. I AM HERE TO SAY DELLA MONROE RECEIVED every penny of the NON-REFUNDABLE  DEPOSIT BACK. SEE BELOW COPY of SIGNED CANCELLED CHECK with DELLA MONROES SIGNATURE.

 It also has been brought to my attention that DELLA MONROE continues to SLANDER and harasse me,and it's been almost a year since I REFUSED to finalize a SALE to her. It is know by every breeder/dog person that at anytime you feel the sale of a dog/puppy will NOT be going to a good home you can STOP the SALE,which is what I did.Since Feb 2012 I have had to file a POLICE REPORT against DELLA MONROE,for VERBAL THREATS and Harassment.THERE is always 2 sides to every story,DELLA DON"T you think it's time to move on?

Della Monroe

White Hall,
United States of America

#7General Comment

Fri, August 24, 2012

I just clicked on this when I was searching my own name. Just to see what I found. So, Della Monroe of MI, after reading this, if I were in the market and the area I would definately check out your place and your puppies.

And for those who say I have to much time on my hands--I work 12 hours a day and ended up here on a whim while winding down after a long day.

Also, if you believe, you will be able to use your enemies as your footstool, steping up on them to reach the next level after you win the battle. :)  Why else would we have an enemy if not to overcome them?

Jim Boardway

United States of America
Beware of this Senior Advisor AKC-KC

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, May 29, 2012

Fact Number 1
Since in theory anyone can say they are a Senior AKC adviser when they don't substantiate their "title" with any support documentation to the same. I too, am a Senior AKC adviser since I have owned a dog for all of my adult life and I too am an expert and have successfully owned and raised all of my dogs with the most recent being a puppy that I purchased in December 2011 from Della Monroe (AutumbreezeK9).

Senior Adviser AKC Falsehood # 1
Pretty clear by reading all this that these people are animal abusers and their friends are getting on here to continue the abuse and lies.

Fact # 2
As a Senior Adviser AKC you have never seen the dogs I own,never been in my home to see the quality and care that my dogs get each and everyday and remember one of those dogs was purchased from Autumbreeze K9. The puppy I purchased in December 2011 was seen by my own veterinarian who is also a past breeder and commented about the quality of the "stock" of this puppy and yet  you think you have the right to call me an abuser.... it just may be you who is the abuser masking yourself as a Senior Adviser AKC.

Senior Adviser AKC Falsehood # 2

Nobody has that many dogs and isn't a puppy mill. Thats what a puppy mill is. They dont let that many little dogs run around free. The dogs are obviously all kept in cages. If you keep your dogs in cages all the time you are an abuser. If your dogs have defects on a regular basis you are an abuser. If you force your dogs into shows you are an abuser.

Fact # 3

You didn't mention in your response when you made a on-site visit to Autubreeze k9 ? Did I miss that fact, or if the "truth" be known (which you seen to have a problem with) you have never seen the facility, have no knowledge of how the dogs are taken care of, the living conditions that the dogs have but yet you are confident since you are a Senior Adviser AKC that it is a " puppy mill"

This is what I saw with my own eyes both times I visited Autumbreeze K9 so I guess that make me the expert not you. They have a state of the art housing facility, the adults dogs are not caged, they have a fenced in exercise yard not a pen, every dog was healthy, groomed, feed and very socialized. I played and held both the dam and sire of the puppy I purchased and sat on the floor of the owners home and played and had feed their other dogs.

It too bad that you didn't use your time and efforts to help prevent the tragedy that took place in April in Allegan, Michigan (see web link below) instead of spreading lies and false accusations about
Autumbreeze k9.

I'm just glad that I didn't come to you for advise as a Senior AKC adviser and their are quality breeders like Autumbreeze K9 still out their despite the efforts of yourself.



Kinda hard

#9General Comment

Sun, May 27, 2012

to be the lover of someone you DON'T know. once again I don't know Sandy. And second I was already on the website. I saw someone had made a response, turns out its someone with an axe to grind against a breeder and decided they didn't like me pushing for details in their rather thin(and apparently FALSE) complaint.

That said I don't have to be involved in anyway with Sandy to know something is wrong. Its called being educated.

Della Monroe

Cris G & Sandy Golschmitt Together

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 25, 2012

Why would you get on here right after the Lying senior advisor makes a false aligation? HMMMM

Are you Sandy's lover?

Report Attachments

Della Monroe

AKC say's no such thing as a Senior Advisor

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 25, 2012

I don't have time for your garbage. All of my dogs are only approved by my vet for breeding. You are lying of your identity as a AKC Senior Advisor. Any body can call and ask them, I just did. Looks like you have a pretty sick mind. So get busy and do something positive and constructive.
LEAVE me the hell alone you sick, twisted idiot.


Please view my beautiful place!!!

Report Attachments


Senior AKC Advisor

#12General Comment

Fri, May 25, 2012

Exactly HOW does pointing out BS make me an abuser? Oh wait it doesn't. Neither does supporting GOOD breeding practices. Well at least not to anyone who hasn't drunk deeply of the kool-aid from a certain animal rights organization. I have never abused an animal in my life. Hell the current fuzzy PIMA is spoiled rotten kitten who was left on the street in her carrier by her last owners.

If you are gonna sling dirt do it correctly. Not ONCE do I stick up for anyone clearly doing wrong, not here nor on any of my other replies(if you had half a working lump of gray matter you'd see that). The only "sticking up" I have been done or close to that was on another complaint that was at best vague and at worse FALSE.

While I did say she may or may NOT be a mill I did point out she wasn't close to a "good breeder" by the standards of REAL dog fanciers.

Della Monroe

Show your identity you lier!!! Lying piece of Trash

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 25, 2012

  How dare you get on the internet and try to destroy my reputation. Your lying of your identity. I am inspected by AKC. licensed and inspected  he state of Mi. And who ever you are your not a a senior advisor of AKC!! I am not a nasty puppy mill.

 You and Your friend little in Tennessee the original piece of s**t that started the lies about me, is up to her nasty garbage. And I see who ever you are your just as trashy.

 If are not lying you would tell the truth of your true identity. Call me if you have the guts. Better yet come see my beautiful dogs and clean ,right now, nice a cool facility. OOHHH to much of a dishonest piece of trash trying to destroy me.

I'm sure you viewed my website and can tell it's a CLEAN program. I own 18 dogs, here full time every day. Play ground, no sleazy cages, dental rinse daily on my fine canines, every one gets groomed on a weelky basis and share play time in the house.

 Call me 989-235-5709

Report Attachments

Senior AKC advisor

United States of America

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, May 25, 2012

Pretty clear by reading all this that these people are animal abusers and thier friends are getting on here to continue the abuse and lies. KRIS G is an abuser for sure. Thier posts on this site all all aimed at sticking up for animal abusers?? Why? These people are clearly abusers and anyone that sides with them are too.  Nobody has that many dogs and isnt a puppy mill. Thats what a puppy mill is. They dont let that many little dogs run around free. The dogs are obviously all kept in cages. If you keep your dogs in cages all the time you are an abuser. If your dogs have defects on a regular basis you are an abuser. If you force your dogs into shows you are an abuser. Ill be reporting this kennel to the ASPCA animal cops and they can go do a check on them. And they will.  Im guessing they have a lot to clean up from the looks of things. Too many dogs, deformations, imbreeding, bad conditions, trying to buy puppies from other breeders to put into slavery. These people should be removed from the face of the earth.

Della Monroe

Stop the Lies Sandy Golschmitt

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, March 10, 2012

What you just did was cold and heartless. I was telling you how I stand behind my customers in certain situation. The puppy that had the Michigan State report on it was totally out of any ones control. This was total fate and nobody's fault And You know it. The other puppy that I hand delivered to Louisiana was neglect (sugar dropped) and never willing to sell them another puppy. And you know it!!

Bottom line. Am I compassionate for my people? Yes! Speaking of my mix breeds, you want to get a maltese also for raising the sugarbear. Your exact words to me. As for paying me back you had a fit because I wanted a clear vet check prior to driving 12 hrs to Tennessee. You sent my 50.00 via paypal back because you did not want to follow through!
As for the NON Refundable deposit. I have a email saying you will only give my money back IF you sell the puppy. Didn't fly with me.

So I call you on March 4th informing you I finally tracked you down and got your address. WOW ! I got my 300.00 Non Refundable on March7th CERTIFIED. Take note the date march 5th the very next day after my phone call and the zip code!!  You are in violation with the tennessee laws with the harassment and slander you have imposed on me over the internet. I have my lawyer on this. So you just need to leave me alone!!

A Caring Breeder

Report Attachments



#16Author of original report

Fri, March 09, 2012

I decided not to sell DELLA MONROE a Puppy, because of what Della had told me HERSELF, had happened to 2 puppies she had recently sold,both ended in death before these puppies were 12 weeks old.I choose not to put my puppy in harms way.Della Monroe came on this site and stated that I would not get a Health Certificate/HEALTH CHECK for her,false I offered that the very first time we spoke.

If that was the case then DELLA MONROE received a refund  thru  PAYPAL for no reason? Della Monroe was told I would refund the NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT when I sold the puppy in QUESTION.I did exactly what I said I was going to do. DELLA MONROE has her NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT in hand,sent to her by CERTIFIED MAIL that she signed for,and has cashed.I choose not to put my puppy in this situation it was my choice! Seeing that Della Monroe has MULTIPLE BREEDS as well as MANY DESIGNER(MIXED)BREEDS, I was not comfortable knowing this..AGAIN it is my choice,and I can live with it.WHY CAN"T YOU? 

Jim Boardway

United States of America
What's in this for you Kris G

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 09, 2012

My question to you Kris G. is what is in this for you???????

Why would you get involved in an on-line conversation such as this unless you have a hidden or personal agenda.

Since you seem to be spending a fair amount of your personal time on this website I suggest you use this site to look up Rip off Report: #768725 "BearPath / Mystic Aussies Bad genetics, bad placements, intentional breeding of dogs with health issues Internet" and use your knowledge and good intentions for the industry to correct this breeder instead.

Thanks for implying that  I am not a genius like you to" read the standard and comprehend". I still stand by my decision to purchase from Della Monroe and Autumbreeze K9 and it is me who has to live with my decision not you.


Battle Creek,
United States of America
Kris G.

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, March 09, 2012

God deserves a Capital G, by the way.

I feel sorry for you and I have nothing more to say to you and don't care to read anymore drama.



Jim & Sunrise

#19General Comment

Fri, March 09, 2012


I noticed you didn't mention whether you saw the OFA(Cardiac and Patellar luxation) and CERF(the big three, everything else is optional) reports on the parents of your pom's parents. And take note I did say just because she didn't have the information listed didn't mean she hadn't done them.

I also never stated I had all the facts about her kennel and my OPINION was based on the information on HER website. You don't like my opinion? too bad. It doesn't take a genius to read a breed standard and comprehend what is written right there. Maybe you and everyone else jumping on me for pointing out FACTS as far her dogs' and how the fit the standard, should actually read them. Partis are a DQ in Schnauzers, she's got a couple Shih Tzus under the standard, hell she even goes so far as to use the term Imperial on her facebook photo album for sindie. Here is what the breed club has to say about that.

Yes she states she has a five year guarantee. As long as she stands behind it 100% of the time, then good for her and great for her buyers. That was never an issue raised by me.

Don't have a website because currently I don't breed. And for qualifications oh let's see 18 years of growing up with two show breeders in the family(Cockers and APBTs), a thirst for knowledge which has led to reading multiple breed books, breed standards etc. Talking with other breeders and dog handlers. Again it doesn't take a genius to read the standard and comprehend.

If you want talk, fine we'll talk. I'm gonna ask about very specific things you should know IE Health clearance results if not have copies on hand.


I love when people bring god into things like this. If god is going to punish me for sharing my opinion, then thank the goddess I'm a pagan. And for the last time, i do not know Sandy and have nothing to do with her. If she lied about her report that is between her, her ethics and Della.


Battle Creek,
United States of America
Kris G it is time to stop the drama

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, March 09, 2012

Time to stop the High School Drama, it is just child play, bullying. You don't know Della and have never meant her. SO STOP.

God has promised that what was meant for your harm he will turn around and use for your good. Not only will he bring you out, but he will bring you out better off than you were before. So I believe that no matter what Sandy and Kris G are trying to accomplish here they will fail. The truth will shine through all the drama.

Stop the faults drama and focus your life where it will do some good and make you shine, because this is not it.


Jim Boardway

United States of America
Kris G call me i will set you striaght

#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 09, 2012

Kris G,
 I challenge you to call me- I gave you my name and cell in an earlier post so you can get your facts straight and questions answered once and for all.

 As I stated previously, long before I purchased my Pom from Della Monroe I spoke to her vet about the dog, saw a heath certificate on the dog and also had a copy of the breeders 5-year genetic heath guarantee provided and I also signed a wavier giving the breeder the option to request copies of annual heath records on the dog from my vet.   Just because you don't see these documents on her website doesn't mean they do not exist or aren't being utilized by the breeder,

Kris G. it's time for you to admit you don't have all the facts, and stop harassing this breeder. Since you profess in your responses to have all this wisdom on her dogs and business operation why don't you share with us your what your credentials are and a link to your website so we can critique you.

I will be waiting to see what your credential and website are and talking with you on the phone, It's time to put-up or shut up Kris G.


Michelle & Mary

#22General Comment

Thu, March 08, 2012

Nope don't know Sandy at all.

Now your comments

1. None of the breeds she produce come anywhere near $5000 for PET quality pups. Hell even show potentials cost that much. Her prices that I saw on her site are well within the NORMAL price range of the breed from a good breeder.

2. While pictures are not the best way to evaluate a dog. Even a remote understand of a breed's standard and actual experience with well bred dogs does give one an eye for things as far as structure. As far as SIZE and COAT color though - she is breeding dogs who are out of standard. i'd love for you to prove me wrong.  the shih tzu standard calls for 9lbs at minimum. Not 7. A max of 16 NOT 12. The Mini Schnauzer standard calls for "salt and pepper, black and silver and solid black." NOT Parti colors.

3. Show dog look-a-likes implies she's actually producing show quality dogs.


1. Nope the Pom standard still calls for a fox like expression. Yes the pom was bred dog year ago. Well aware of that fact.

2. True breeders who know their standard and are in it for the breed don't breed faulted colors.

3. Again don't know Sandy. I posted because the statement was that Della was breeding superior stock. Can't do that just breeding your average pet and dogs with faults against the standard.

And for the both of you I noticed neither one of you even addressed the issue of health clearances. Good breeders have no problem making this information avail on their websites. After all anyone who isn't an impulse buyer will care to know these things. I am not of course implying she hasn't done them, but that also doesn't mean she has either.

Websites can make or break and impression of a kennel. Let's put it like this, IF I was ever in the market for a well bred Pom, Shih Tzu or Mini Schnauzer, I wouldn't look twice at this kennel. I know what to look for in a breeder and nothing about that site says to me, contact this breeder and learn more.  Yes you can't know everything by a website and pictures, but they can make or break things. All it takes is being an educated buyer. 


Harrison Twp,
United States of America
Della Monroe

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, March 08, 2012

First and foremost Sandy, you have never seen her facility so you can not judge what her facility is like. Which while we are speaking opinions, here's mine: Her facility is immaculate! The dogs are well groomed and very healthy. Also, I have a question? Is it possible that those puppies with the cleft pallet had a birth defect, just like a human can have for no apparent reason. So to blame her for that is absurd.  Secondly, before meeting Della I have emailed her back and forth for weeks. She answered every single question I had in regards to the puppy I would be purchasing. She even provided be with references from other people who had purchased her pom's as well.

 I brought Chloe home on February 12th and I took her to the vet to insure she was in perfect health. Which she indeed was, as a matter of fact they could not get over how well taken care of she was. 

So therefore I find your report to be completely false. I still keep in touch with her at least once or twice a week. She is always available to help me if I have questions about Chloe and she never hesitates.

Lastly, you should be ashamed that you have this much free time to write something so horrible about someone, with out the facts and proof! Maybe you should take your time providing vet checks for your puppies to the future owners. I would love to know how  you treat and take care of your puppies and what you facility looks like. 

Please look at the pictures I have of my adorable perfect healthy little girl!

Report Attachments


San Diego,
United States of America
rebuttal Kris G.

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, March 07, 2012

If you have been to Della's home to see her dogs you could make comments like you have to discredit her dogs if they were true which they are not. If you know anything about dogs and breeding you would know that taking pictures unless they are professionally done and possibly touched up is very hard to do to get the true likeness of the dog.

Also, trying to get good quality, healthy dogs to breed or as a pet can be a nightmare since there are so many dishonest breeders out there both backyard and show people!! Even show people rarely find good quality dogs of their own stock to put in the show ring. Trying to breed to the standard can be very hard when you have dogs that have been bred down to fit into the "new" standards. Show people have done this for years and have changed the standards to how they see fit. Best example is the 30 lb, foxy faced Pomeranian which was the normal dog for many, many years. Today the standard is a much, much smaller dog without a foxy face . The "normal" dogs are in the background and also are the other breeds people have bred in to change the look and size so getting a consistant look to a Pom can be very hard. What hasn't been done is breeding in the healthy stock as well as much inbreeding hence all the health issues you can find with Poms as well as other purebred dogs.

Colors have changed over the years too which brings in the "exotic" colors. There is nothing wrong with these colors. Many times they are the healthier dogs since they haven't had all the inbreeding the dogs have had with the more popular show dogs colors - i.e. orange Poms.

So to make statements against Della for the dogs she has is just not right. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Breeding for a very healthy, great personality dog can be hard. Can we breeders have health issues with our litters due to their parents' breeders lying about health issues, etc? Yes! Do we ethical breeders like Della have the parent(s) spayed or neutered and find them a great pet home so the dog can live a wonderful life and not continue breeding? Yes! Beleive me I know first hand this doesn't happen with many breeders. I have bought many champion sired dogs only to have health issues that have cost me a fortune! Have the people I bought from (Show people) continued to breed the same parents and have more health issues that have continue to try to hide? YES!!!!  Granted there are good, ethical show people/breeders but they are not the norm.

People who love dogs and want a good healthy pet are lucky to have a breeder like Della to go to. There are so few good, ethical breeders left. I am sure you are a friend of the person who originally started all this slander against Della or you wouldn't have written. If you think what she (Sandy) does as a breeder is right and ethical then you certainly aren't thinking straight!

The point we, the people who know Della and think very highly of her, are trying to make is that Sandy's slanderous report is FALSE!! Since it cannot be removed it can do much damage to an honest person. This just isn't right.


Grand Rapids,
United States of America
Critic KrisG

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, March 07, 2012

Not that I care to get into a pissing match with you as I can clearly see that you must be friends with "Sandy", but I have to disagree with many of your statements. Internet pictures do not anything justice and your claims of unconformity are obviously biased by your unprofessional opinion. I certainly hope you are not an AKC judge as your tone may indicate that there may be a judgmental problem in your arenas.

Additionally, there is no mention of producing show quality dogs on any of her advertising that I have seen as Della has chosen to improve the stock of pets as the majority of customers seeking purebred dogs are not able to spend $5000 to acquire a "pet" from a showdog stock. Thank you Della for being conscientious of those of us who love "show-dog look-a-likes" without having to pay the showdog price. 

While I support and encourage freedom of speech, libil is is a civil wrong (tort) and can be the basis for a lawsuit likely resulting in monetary damages.

I hope that "Sandy" understands this and discourages her friends from continuing this shenanigan!


She may or may not Be a puppy mill, BUT

#26General Comment

Wed, March 07, 2012

She does NOT breed to improve the breed nor does she breed "superior stock.

How so??
-She doesn't even know the correct standard for the Shih Tzu breed. Her site - "The suitable size for a shih tzu is 7 to 12 lbs. " The standard set by the breed club - "Ideally, weight of mature dogs, 9 to 16 pounds."

3 of her Shih Tzu's are not to standard.

-She uses the term "imperial" in reference to one of the dogs on autumnbreeze's FB page

-Her poms are a lil over the place when it comes to conformation

-All of her Mini Schnauzers on her page are of improper coat color.

-No mention of what health clearances she does and their results

-No mention of showing her dogs not that I saw anything on her page remotely show quality.

She breeds pet quality dogs. So again, she doesn't breed superior anything and breeding faulted/disqualified dogs doesn't improve anything.


Grand Rapids,
United States of America

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, March 06, 2012

There is NO way that a person that has never visited Dellas home, could be so convinced of her own lies to post this nonsense!

As a past and future customer of Autumnbreeze K9s I would like to set the record straight.  Della is somebody who breeds in order to improve the breed, breeds only superior stock, and isnt in it for the money. Her dogs are healthy [mentally and physically], she feeds top of the line human grade food, gives above and beyond grooming care and never stops learning or teaching. Her full-time job is caring for her dogs and it shows in the way that they greet you when you visit her home. I spent hours around her dogs without more than the initial Hello bark. Her home was clean and so was every dog in it.

Best of all, Della stands behind her puppies for life. Those cleft palette schnauzers (Mickey and Elsa) wouldve had no chance had they been born in a puppymill. Della spent weeks tube feeding those babies and researched every option in caring for them, including surgery. Mickey was given to a great family and will likely live out a perfectly normal life and Della and her husband fell in love with and decided to keep Elsa. I have never known a breeder to go to such extremes, many would have had them euthanized.

It is unethical breeders that refuse to take their pups to a licensed veterinarian to be checked that allows these kinds of traits to get into the lines of dogs. Vast majority cant be trusted to tell of problems with a dogs genetic history and honest breeders fall victim only to learn of problems when a litters fate is in their hands! It is a shame that there arent more honest breeders like Della out there as we may be able to weed many of the genetic diseases out there in the dog world!

Report Attachments

Jim Boardway

United States of America
Don't belive "Sandy's" Slander of Autumbreeze K9

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, March 06, 2012

If you are reading this response I encourage you to contact
me by phone at (517) 256-8092 so I can share with you first-hand why I believe
the alleged statement(s) made by Sandy that BEWARE of DELLA MONROE, she is a
BACKYARD PUPPYMILL IN CRYSTAL, MICHIGAN are totally inaccurate and false

Let me tell you why !

First, Sandy has not made a personal visit to the Autumbreeze K9
establishment in Crystal Michigan and I fail to see how Sandy can accurately
describe this breeders establishment as a backyard Puppy Mill which it is
clearly not. I have personally visited the facility twice.

My name is Jim Boardway from Williamston, Michigan.  I am filing a rebuttal response to an
alleged complaint posted by Sandy in regards to her experience with Della
Monroe from Autumbreeze K9 of Crystal, Michigan. 

After researching multiple on-line breeder websites in Michigan as well as
talking to the breeders over the phone. I recently  purchased a
Pomeranian puppy from Della Monroe (Autumbreeze K9) in Crystal,

Why I (and you should)  choose Autumbreeze K9?

  • From my very first phone conversation with (Della Monroe) she encouraged me
to visit her facility in Crystal, Michigan before I made my decision to
purchase a puppy from Autumbreeze K9

  • Della Monroe provided me with a list on previous customers and phone numbers
to contact. I spoke to each of her customers on the phone and asked them
to share their opinion of her facility, care of her pets and her
knowledge of the breed

  • Della Monroe also provided me the name and phone number of her vet who cares for
her dogs and puppies. I made the call to her vet and was pleased that her
vet took the call and talked to me about her dogs and facility for over 15

  • Della Monroe also provided me the name and phone number of her vet who cares for
her dogs and puppies. I made the call to her vet and was pleased that her
vet took the call and talked to me about her dogs and facility for over 15

I made two personal on-site visits to Autumbreeze K9. The
first visit was on December 18, 2011 to tour the facility and visit with the
Pomeranian puppies she had on-site.

I found the Autumbreeze K9 facilities to be very clean and
well-maintained and spent time playing and interacting with her adult dogs in
her home. I found each of her adult dogs well
groomed and socialized in the presence of complete
strangers. I also found Della Monroe to be extremely knowledgeable in all
aspects of the care and development  of the Pomeranian breed that I was interested in.

My second on-site visit to Autumbreeze K9 was on January 14,
2012 when I picked up the female Pomeranian puppy that I had purchased.

On January 18, 2012 I took the Pomeranian puppy I purchased from Della Monroe to my own
veterinarian for a complete health check-up. My veterinarian, who is also a
breeder, said that the puppy was well cared for and in his opinion from outstanding stock.

Sandy? my response to you is first get your facts straight and second one has to question who is the deceptive person. It is sad to see a professional business person such as yourself,
discredit the reputation of  both your business and  reputation and well as someone else

Purchasing my puppy from Della Monroe (Autumbreeze K9) was the best
decision I could have made. See for yourself in personal pictures I posted.

Report Attachments

Jim Boardway

United States of America
Alleged Report against Autumbreeze K9 inaccurate !

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, March 06, 2012

If you are reading this response I encourage you to contact
me by phone at (517) 256-8092 so I can share with you first-hand why I believe
the alleged statement(s) made by Sandy that BEWARE of DELLA MONROE, she is a
BACKYARD PUPPYMILL IN CRYSTAL, MICHIGAN are totally inaccurate and false.

Let me tell you why

First, Sandy has not made a personal visit to the Autumbreeze K9
establishment in Crystal Michigan and I fail to see how Sandy can accurately
describe this breeders establishment as a backyard Puppy Mill which it is
clearly not. I have personally visited the facility twice.

I am filing a rebuttal response to an alleged complaint posted by Sandy in regards to her experience with Della Monroe from Autumbreeze K9 of Crystal, Michigan. 

After researching multiple on-line breeder websites in Michigan as well as talking to the breeders over the phone. I recently  purchased a Pomeranian puppy from Della Monroe (Autumbreeze K9) in Crystal, Michigan.

Why I (and you should)  choose Autumbreeze K9?

  • From my very first phone conversation with (Della Monroe) she encouraged me to visit her facility in Crystal, Michigan before I made my decision to purchase a puppy from Autumbreeze K9

  • Della Monroe provided me with a list on previous customers and phone numbers to contact. I spoke to each of her customers on the phone and asked them to share their opinion of her facility, care of her pets and her knowledge of the breed

  • Della Monroe also provided me the name and phone number of her vet who cares for

    her dogs and puppies. I made the call to her vet and was pleased that her

    vet took the call and talked to me about her dogs and facility for over 15


  • Della Monroe also provided me the name and phone number of her vet who cares for

    her dogs and puppies. I made the call to her vet and was pleased that her

    vet took the call and talked to me about her dogs and facility for over 15

I made two personal on-site visits to Autumbreeze K9. The
first visit was on December 18, 2011 to tour the facility and visit with the
Pomeranian puppies she had on-site.

I found the Autumbreeze K9 facilities to be very clean and
well-maintained and spent time playing and interacting with her adult dogs in
her home. I found each of her adult dogs well groomed and socialized in the presence of complete
strangers. I also found Della Monroe to be extremely knowledgeable in all
aspects of the care and development  of the Pomeranian breed that I was interested in.

My second on-site visit to Autumbreeze K9 was on January 14,
2012 when I picked up the female Pomeranian puppy that I had purchased.

On January 18, 2012 I took the Pomeranian puppy I purchased from Della Monroe to my own
veterinarian for a complete health check-up. My veterinarian, who is also a
breeder, said that the puppy was well cared for and in his opinion from outstanding stock.

Sandy? my response to you is first get your facts straight and second one has to question who is
the deceptive person. It is sad to see a professional business person such as yourself,
discredit the reputation of  both your business and professional  reputation as well as someone else.
Purchasing my puppy from Della Monroe (Autumbreeze K9) was the best decision I could have made. 

Report Attachments


San Diego,
United States of America
False Report against Della Monroe

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, March 05, 2012

I have known Della Monroe for a few years. She is one of the very few reputable and honest breeders left in this country. She takes excellent care of her dogs ALWAYS!! Nothing but the best of everything for them. When you get a puppy or dog from her you know everything upfront - no lies, no deceit!! I would highly recommend Della to buy a puppy/dog from at any time.

The person writing this report (Sandy) is the type of breeder you want to stay away from. I have talked with her (Sandy) about a dog she had for sale but knew from the conversation to stay away from her! The information she gave me told me she doesn't care what dogs she buys for breeding. She basically will breed anything not knowing the medical history of parents, etc. After researching her online I found many bad reports about her (Sandy). She is the bad breeder and puppymill not Della! She (Sandy) also has a history of writing false reports on her clients she has issues with.

She should give Della her money back ASAP! The only reason the sale didn't go through was because Sandy would not take the puppy in for a Vet check before letting him go. Every decent and honest breeder has their puppies checked by a Vet before letting it go to a new home!

It is too bad this person has written this report on Della. Just totally unfair! Before people are allowed to do this there should be a check on them and what reports are written on them before allowing them to post!


Battle Creek,
United States of America
NOT A Puppy Mill

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, March 05, 2012

Shame on the person that put this report on here. So unprofessional. Della is not a puppy mill. She has a very clean, licensed kennel and all the animals have shots. She breeds three breeds of the dogs. You can call her Vet for reference of her animals care.  Stop and she her anytime, make your own judgment and you will be very impressed. Buy with confidence.

The person reporting this should just give the deposit back if she doesn't want to sell her puppy and move on. She has never been to Della home, so how can she know anything.

Remove this ripoff lie,



United States of America
Accusations against Della Monroe are FALSE!

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2012

This is in response to her cleft palate puppies. Their names are Elsa and Mickey! Whom she saved by tube and then bottle feeding, many trips to the vets and constant around the clock care. Most people would of let them die, she spent many sleepless nights saving these puppies in hope they would live, which they did. They are both healthy and happy!! How do I know so much about these puppies? I have their mom now, and was there to visit and see Della bottle feed and rub their bellies to make sure they knew they were loved!

Elsa and Mickey's mom wasn't as fortunate to of had Della in the beginning. She was dealt a bad hand early in life with other breeders. Della only raised this one litter from her, who knows what happened to cause the cleft palates but I do know it wasn't anything Della did! I've seen her stud and he's gorgeous!   Della taught my dog how to trust people again, as it was so obvious (and sad) she had lost that trust in humans early in life. She was truely blessed to of had the opportunity to live with Della and now with me. 

We've visited since then and Della owns one of the puppies and the other one was given to a wonderful home. She made sure of that! Elsa is so happy and energetic her mom thought she was too much for her! lol  PLEASE don't believe the negative report against Della. She has always had an open door policy, beautiful kennels with heated floors to boot! Go visit for yourself and see, her dogs and puppies are awesome!  I'm not a breeder, I speak as a human being with a big heart for animals and can see the obvious!

You rock Della!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Accusation against Della Monroe are FALSE!

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2012

I recieved a dog from Della in December and have visited her place several times in between. If I were a dog I would want to live at Della's! What a beautiful kennel and dogs she has! Della has open doors for anyone who wants to visit. She has never shown any deception and is a very square shooter when it comes to her dogs. She has given me so much wonderful advice to make sure my schnuazer gets the best (holistic) food, dental care, shots etc. Even sent me home with plenty of free goodies for her!

I couldn't be more grateful to her as she did so many "extras" to make sure her schnauzer was going to get the best care. We talked often in her transition stage from her place to mine. Giving me wonderful advice. I've seen first hand that her dogs at her kennel are all healthy and happy, given the best care and products out there. It saddens me to read the false accusations against her and her wonderful place. I just had to let people know out there that it is totally untrue!!  PLEASE don't believe it and visit her and see for yourself!

Concerned consumer in Michigan

Report Attachments

Della Monroe

United States of America
Della Monroe

#34REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 04, 2012

Please come visit us in crystal mi any time. Autumnbreezek9s. Sandy Goldschmitt is going to have a very serious civil lawsuit She is so angry because I won't back down from her. She chose not to give me my deposit back of 300.00 ,because I wanted a clear vet check before driving for 12 hrs to pick the puppy up. The money she did give back was 50.00 for the vet check and refuses to follow through.

Visit my wevsite PLEASE!! www.autumnbreezek9s.com call me for refrences 989-235-5709 or 989-302-2878. my vet John Cresswell has been here 989-875-3185. I own 16 dogs, here full time. my kennel is heated ,warm beds. Fresh water (chlorhexidene in the water for dental) , human grade food Lifes abundance and lots of fun playing.

There will be a lawsuit,I have Sandy's full address.

This malishious act is unexceptable!!!

I have tons of refrences. Call Sandy and see is she will let you in her home 931-268-2465

I didn't think wanting a clear vet check was asking to much!!

Report Attachments



#35Author of original report

Sat, February 25, 2012

 My concerns about this person are many but when she told me about the SCHNAUZERS she was raising that 2  had CLEFT  PALETS,and that she was selling them as pets, and at least 2 puppies dying from strange abnormalities after being with their new owners for a litte more then a few weeks,I knew that was not someone I wanted to be associated with. These are genetic defects THAT SHOULD NOT BE SOLD AS PETS OR BREEDERS.THIS WOMAN CALLS HERSELF A PROFESSIONAL DOG BREEDER.DELLA MONROE HIDES THE FACT THAT SHE HAS 10 DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DOGS.Do not buy from or sell to her Check out her facebo_ _ _ page where she has the CLEFT PALET puppy on her wall with a kotex on!!!! Something everyone should see. She has Maltese,Japanese Chins Yorkies,Shih-Tzus Pomeranians Schnauzers,SUGARBEARS TO NAME A FEW.

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