  • Report:  #213125

Complaint Review: Dick Smith Hyundai - Drivers Choice Financial - Greenville South Carolina

Reported By:
- fountain inn, South Carolina,

Dick Smith Hyundai - Drivers Choice Financial
825 Congree Rd Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.A.
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I went to d**k Smith Hyundai looking for a reliable car to drive back and forth to work instead all i got was lies!

My sales man named Billy showed me some cars but the very fisrt thing he wanted to do was get me inside to fill out an application for approval i told him i have to like something first so i looked around the lot and i found a used pontiac grand am i liked and he told me that it was probally out of my range because i told him i had slow credit nothing what so ever to brag about so he showed me a small cavalier and i told him i wanted a 6 cyclinder i didn't want a 4 i mean i was going down from a mustang 5.0 V8 i could and wouldn't be happy with a 4 i really need a six he said he understood

So he shows me this really ugly yellow sunfire and i said no right away but down at the start of the lot was a blue hyundai sonata with wood trim i looked at it and i liked so he opened the door and i was fixing to get in it and he told me that it was a 4 cyclinder so i shut the door and i told him i really needed a 6 and i was not willing to settle for less regardless of the look it to me is not the power it is the resale value anyway he lead to tell me about another sonata he had that was silver well i wasn't crazy about the dull color but he said it was a 6 cyclinder straight drive well i said ok show it too me

so he took me over to the new side and showed it to me he swore it was a 6 cyclinder i was loving it because i really wanted a straight drive plus he said that it was the managers special of the week and that was why it was so cheap so i believed him well went went in and i was looking to get approved but i did with $1000 down

well i told him i didn't have a $1000 he lead to tell me that my boyfriend could put down $1000 check and within 21 days bring him the cash and he wouldn't cash the check well we didn't have $1000 in the bank and i told him that he told me not to worry it wouldn't be cashed so we did it

well then we had to see the financial man named mike and mike done our paperwork he types it up his self and i told him i was so suprised to find a V6 straight drive and i was thrilled he said yes mam they are rare but hyundai can make almost anything well he covered the top of the contract with his hand and i didn't think anything about it because they are a big car dealer and they wasn't trying to passoff a piece of junk this is a 2005 model well the price went up $2500 and i asked why he said finders fee for them finding a finaccial company that would take the loan out for us the only catch he said was that we had to get gap insurance there right then so we did to get the loan i mean we had to or they wouldn't give us the loan that is what mike said

well then we met the sales manager todd he seemed really nice and then back to the salesman billy he told us he would get us black floor mats with hyundai or either sonata wrote on them he said they are really nice and a book just in case and last but not least some touch up paint on the driver's handle i told him i didn't know how to do that he said bring it back i will get my body man to do it at no cost to you well i was happy and i will admit i left happy

well my little sister works in greenville and she called me to come pick her up so i did and she wanted to go and see if they had something for her so i took her up there to d**k smith and my salesman billy was already gone and we spoke to another salesman and he kept telling me that my car was a 4 cyclinder i kept arguing with him and finally he popped the hood and showed me how to tell i was so mad i told him to tell my salesman to call me the next day

well he didn't call so i called him but he was busy the first three times the forth time he said that he was walking out the door and he would call me back or i could come up there my first day off so i did just that and when i did i brought the $1000 cash gave it to him only after he told me that he was going to have something done about his mistake and he was sorry for the inconvience i told him that was ok just fix it well the blue sonata ended up being the 6 cyclinder and it was gone and the grand am was still there but billy said he had to talk to his boss to give him until tomarrow and he would fix it

so we left confident that it was an honest mistake and they was going to fix it

yeah right!!! when we called he never would get on the phone and we would always get disconnected somehow go figure right?

well we went up there only to find out that billy no longer works there and they tried to cash that $1000 check after all well todd the sales manager at the time i bought the car was no longer sales manager and now it is william so i asked william what they planned on doing about this and he said as long as the car hadn't been funded they could do something he checked and said he couldn't get conformation on the loan that he would call me before the day was over at work or on my cell he never called so i went up there and he said i would have to speak to todd the sales manager then because he couldn't do anything without him well at this time i still didn't have a tag for the car todd sdaid that the car had been funded already so he couldn't do anything then william walks outside where we was and said that the car hadn't been funded yet that was why we didn't have a tag yet but they would have it overnighted to our house by dhl as soon as funding came in from the finance company i asked for the finance company's number and they said they wouldn't speak to me until all the paperwork went threw well todd comes out there telling us that he was going to get all of the paperwork in order because he knows the tag should have been there beacause the tag runs out in 2 days well we knew the car hadn't been funded yet and we asked him what he was going to do he said first things first lets get you a tag before you have no way to go i said ok because i thought they were going to do something sbout it

well i finally talked to drive financial and they said to tell todd to trade the car in that they know they was wrong and to call patrice back and let her know what was going on and what car i get if i need finacing

well i went up there yet again to talk to todd and he was rude he told me that the only choices i had was to get another car i said that is all i really want is a 6 cyclinder it don't even have to be a 2005 the grand am i was looking at wasn't that new then todd said and pay a cash down pauyment of between $5000 and $6000 down or you can quit whinng and make your car payment or you can do a first payment default and turn the car in

so i said so basically everyone i have spoken to so far has lied to me and you feel good about selling me a car that you know i didn't want he started arguing with me well why did you sign the contact i told him because i thought i could trust a big major car dealer and he said well look where that got you and he smirked a felt like smacking him in the face i was so mad and upset and i felt so used

he said take it up with the salesman not me i didn't do anything i told him my salesman didn't work there anymore and william said angela we didn't even get your down payment of $1000 so i don't know why you are complaining i said yes you did alomost twice he saud no billy went to vacation with your money and never came back and he will not ever be back i promise well i was in shock william walked away and i asked todd again to be a man and do the right thing it wasn't that i didn't want to buy a car from them it was that i didn't want a 4 cyclinder all iwanted was a 6 cyclinder car like i said the day i was looking for the car he said so do you have the money or not we are going to need cash i said no and he said well then make your car payments or you won't have even a 4 cyclinder i started crying i just couldn't hold it in no longer he was yelling and being so hatefull i had never been treated so badly

i slid the keys to the car across the table to him and i told him i didn't want it i could not pay that much for something i was tricked in to buying that everytime i looked at the car all i felt was bad memories and i know that i could not go make payments for years for a lie to stay alive i just couldn't do it and i told him with all the nice cars you have on this lot why do you feel like you have to lie about them it makes no since

well drive financial was contacted as soon as i got home i told them that the car and the keys were at d**k smith hyundai he said to turn it in if i didn't wabt it and i didn't so i turned it in

well kept calling for a payment and i kept telling them the same thing they said d**k smith hasn't contacted them at all about this car sitting on their lot well this went on for months

finally one night driver's financial called and it was a man and i told him the same thing i had been telling them all along he said to go back up to d**k smith and ask them to do a unwind contact since they have the car and the keys and they have had them both longer than i did and plus the car was funded so now they have the money the car and the keys he said they can't do that

so i go back to d**k smith and i ask to speak to the general manager gillard (i think that is how you spell it) anyway he sends todd outside to talk to me and i told him i didn't have anything to say to him that he could help me so about 45 minutes later we go into this office and this guy walks in my boyfriend says i ask that todd not be here the man said oh no this is between you and me before we even got started telling him what happened todd comes in there acting like he is looking for something bull! then he sits down with that smuge look on his face well the man said you know i have really hear enough you know what i will do for you i will wave the storage fee if you just get your car and leave and don't bother me again i said what are you not going to hear our side? are you going by what they say? isn't that one sided he said no that is life now if you excuse me i told him i guess i will have to get a lawyer and get this handled the right way i was trying to hamdle it the american way but since they didn't want to civil i didn't fell like i should be either so i looked him square in the eye and i told him that i didn't appreciate being treated like thia and i would let everyone know how i was treated i told him about the unwind contact and he said i told you i have heard enogh there is no such thing i don't know why drive would say that i told him because they have the car the keys and the money he said well where does that leave you i told him it leaves me to egtting a lawyer and getting something done or atleast being heard that they will lie to you try to double the down payment by takibg cash and then cashing your check and then won't fix anything don't do business with them

worst experience ever and no one will hum the owner's name


fountain inn, South Carolina

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