  • Report:  #1231105

Complaint Review: DivineWisdom444 - Internet

Reported By:
John Williams - Valley Stream, New York, USA

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Her Youtube channel: DivineWisdom444 seemed to me attractive. I wanted someone to read me for my life's purpose and spirituality. I visited her website which seemed sound to me, at least, at first. 
I contacted her asking if she was still available for readings, the next night I received an email confirming from her that she was. 
I requested an appointment for a reading and closed the email stating to expect payment for the reading the next day; a few hours later she replied suggesting a time and date and asked for my phone number.
The next day, Monday, I paid via Paypal.
I contacted her later with questions for the reading and the correct time for which I could do the reading on Wednesday, which was to be confirmed by her. I waited....
Indeed *before payment* her initial emails were prompt. As soon as I made payment on Monday there was silence.
Silence for the next 34.5 hours... At first I thought she...maybe...was busy. 
By Tuesday evening (7:30PM) I had become suspicious. I immediately called Paypal and notified them of this. After 15 minutes over the phone the Claim was staked and the emails sent to both parties.
With some women, when it comes to money, when there is the threat of it being loss or taken away, THEN they'll come back begging on their knees.
It was not more than 30 minutes after my Paypal claim did Katherine email me wanting to *finally* schedule our reading together for the next day, Wednesday! 30 minutes!!!! 
Here is her email:
Hi Tim,
Thank you for sending me your questions. I have you down for tomorrow at3pm PST/6pm EST, but I was just alerted of a dispute becoming a claim on PayPal. Would you still like a reading tomorrow? I will happily refund your money if you no longer require a reading at this time. Please let me know either way.

What had she been doing? Waiting by the computer the whole time, all day, at home? I was filled with more questions than answers.
I had thought, Well, if she were psychic she, having sensed my fluctuating energy through the cosmos, would have addressed my worries even before we reached this point. Nope! Didn't happen. 
I emailed her back:
I am sorry. I hate to be kept waiting...
Text me and call me tomorrow at the time we've assigned...

She replied with:
Hi Tim,
I apologize for the inconvenience, but I feel that a reading with me is out of alignment. I will issue you a refund via PayPal under your claim. Thank you in advance for your understanding. I wish you all the very best in your search for the perfect intuitive for you and ask that a million angels be sent your way.

It is apparent she saw me for my perceptive nature and "covertly" sought to rid of me. She said almost immediately, we were "out of alignment" and hence refunded me my money.
I mean come on, what'dya expect? She lives in LA, CA and is an "aspiring actress".
Of course anyone interested in a spiritual reading is looking for a deep sense of enlightenment. I checked her site again for testimonials, but there wasn't any standalone Testimonial page, say for the brief column on the right of the page/ Initially I had thought she was a beginner psychic and thought I should like to give her a chance. After all, I liked her Youtube videos as I found them helpful. But the written testimonials themselves now seemed suspect, what for that sparsity in description and in want of passion.
Let's face it, if it changed your life, I'd expect an essay.
I did more research on the Psychic Industry; turns out according to James Edwards (ex-"psychic" scammer) that 99.0% of psychics are frauds.

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