  • Report:  #804078

Complaint Review: Dogs Deserve Better Inc. Tamira Thayne - Smithfield Virginia

Reported By:
FormerDDB Employee - Tipton, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Dogs Deserve Better Inc. Tamira Thayne
1915 Moonlight Rd Smithfield, 23430 Virginia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
From Paid Employees of DDB Who Worked Directly With DDB Founder Tamira Ci Thayne In Thayne's home office in PA (all wish to remain anonymous at this time):

"Several of Tammy's accountant's resigned or were fired because they didn't agree with Tammy and her way of doing business and improperly keeping of records. Tammy often berated and talked down to them. Tammy didn't care if they were doing everything legally."

"All rescued animals were kept at the home office. (Yard and basement)"

"The animals were NOT separated. Many dog fights broke out because of this and many suffered injuires and some even died. Several instances where a cat was killed by a dog."

"Tammy is NOT an animal lover... She has NO patience with the dogs. It is ALL a PR move. Tammy would get mad at one of the dogs and scream, curse, strike, kick and shake the animal."

"Tammy would only approve the minimal vet care for her rescues. Rabies shot only in most if not all cases. They were not chipped and not given heart worm prevention meds. When the dogs got into a scuffle and had injuries, she would not take to the vet."

"Tammy used DDB funds to pay for her house payment, utilities, car payment, etc. She felt she was justified to use the funds in this manner. (She would also just take money for groceries and other personal expenses.) The reps were always badgered to raise money, but had to send all funds to home office and wait for Tammy's approval to use any of it on their dogs. She rarely approved funds for the reps."

"Tammy was disconnected with the reps. Often refused to answer the phone and said she didn't have time or just didn't want to talk with them."

"There really is no Board of Directors. Tammy makes ALL of the decisions. (Tammy was quoted in one of the Vick articles that she "got permission" from the DDB Board of Directors in order to purchase the Vick property. Just another lie and cover up.)"

"The local Pa. Humane Society and local vets who Tammy used were at odds. NOBODY liked Tammy."

"I should have just pulled my camera out when I saw Tammy kicking the crap out of the dogs."

"I dropped out of the DDB circle when I quit in November. My daughter still works for DDB from her home in Erie she does the data entry & emails so I have to behave myself when it comes to speaking negative about DDB. I don't want to jepardize her job. Shannon is Tammy's new patsey. I guess the woman that took my place is moving to Virginia with Tammy I can't believe it. Tammy will own that girl believe me I know."

(From Former DDB VP)

Paid DDB employee was fired by Thayne because she refused to return a foster dog to the DDB home office in Pa. AFTER he was badly attacked by 2 of her dogs, and was left without Vet treatment for 3 days. (under Thayne's "care" while she was off for the weekend.) Dog's throat was bit from one side to the other and badly infected, oozing pus and blood when she got into work. Thayne reluctantly allowed her to take him to the Vet. Thayne said not to let Vet do any surgery, but it was obvious that he needed it! So she let him provide the necessary treatment. This dog was in horrible shape and she refused to take him back to the DDB home office to be attacked again. They had a big argument and Thayne fired her. Per former DDB employee... "She makes all sorts of decisions on a whim, mostly based on any insult to her power....Good riddens to her....Kharma is a b***h, Tammy Grimes. [now Tamira Thayne] At least I know I saved his life. PS. The dog is now living happily in my home, where he will stay for the rest of my life."

"The story below is when she fed all the dogs together (again...), and she tried to move a food dish with her foot away from another dog that was eating, and Cyclone, a black Chow, launched himself at her and attacked her. Her son, who was about 14(?) at the time came into the room and jumped on the counter and started banging pots together and somehow it made Cyclone stop. Tammy went to the hospital by ambulance and had to get stitches, and she had Cyclone put down....Chow rescue was pissed as hell at her, and so were the former owners."

March 3rd, 2007, 3:34 pm

Dog put down after attacking canine activist. State plans to cite Tammy Sneath Grimes for six unlicensed animals on her property By Mark Leberfinger, [email protected]

An investigation into a reported dog bite will lead to citations against the founder of Tipton-based Dogs Deserve Better, a state Agriculture Department spokesman said Thursday.

Tammy Sneath Grimes was bitten by a dog, spokesman Chris Ryder said. State dog wardens arrived at her home at Box 620, Tyrone RR 5 Thursday morning after receiving a call the day before."

From Former Rep Chris Williams:

I have no idea what is going on here..but I will tell you this..for a VERY brief time I was a Rep. with DDB..VERY brief. My reason was the owner - Tamarai or whatever her name is now - seemed to REALLY push for money..when she was trying to raise money for Vick's old place and sent an email basically blasting everyone for not giving money..that was it for me. Some of us HAD donated and others wanted to but couldn't because they found themselves unemployed etc. because of the economy. The secondary reason I decided to step out of it is because there seems to be a LOT of disagreements, fights, etc. in this group - not just the people who subscribe/support it but the people who run it/volunteer etc. What REALLY upsets me is all the dogs that are not getting the treatment/care/attention they need while all this bullshit is going on. I was in it SOLELY to help the dogs - The leadership of this group - some of them anyway - seem to have forgotten MOST of the people involved DONATE their time - and given MOST have families, jobs etc. that's a pretty big deal. Yes, financially supporting an organizations needs is important BUT the email, some of you may have got it, was..berating. I stayed on FB page to try to keep up w/any dogs near me that needed homes/help etc. and/or to help w/the laws BUT not after this..obviously things have only gone from bad to worse. On a side note, for MONTHS I tried to get someone from DDB locally to meet w/the animal control director (she was MORE than willing) to get things in place to make chaining illegal where I live. NO ONE EVER followed up - even after multiple promises they would. Sad, sad, sad. IF (and I'm saying IF) the goal was for Tamara to place herself in the mansion and that was it..she will not be able to maintain it without income....

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"Trust me, there are sooooo many reps who have been unhappy with ddb and tami for a very long time. When I was reg coord for those 2 regions, I listened to an awful lot of complaining."

Email Conversation Between Thayne and Former Rep Caroline Anderson

> > On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Tamira Thayne wrote:

I can answer that, since all the donations come to me. 10. 10 people out of 100. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these 100 people who claim to represent this organization? Yet 90% won't even give their milk money to make a center happen for our dogs, a center that we all know we need, desperately. And yes, even if you live so far away that you can realistically think none of your local dogs will make it there, aren't we supposed to be a team? What's good for 500 East Coast dogs a year will be good for ALL the organization, giving us ALL a better name and more kudos and clout. And then maybe we create a West Coast center, and a Midwest Center. But it all has to start with the first one. How then can we expect others to support if our own people don't? We are all connected, that is the theory with human beings, but it's definitely the theory with our organization. We truly are all connected, and when one of us brings the team down, we all get brought down. When one of us does something great, the whole team is brought up. We have 17 days left to make this happen. What can you do? How can you contribute? How can you get others to contribute? I know you all were excited by the idea of a meet and greet, but that just can't happen until we get on the ground. And we can't get on the ground unless and until we start acting like a team. A team who gets out there and makes things happen.

Let's do this thing!

Tami Tamira Thayne

Founder and CEO Dogs Deserve

>> On Mar 4, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Caroline Anderson wrote:

Why do you paint us all with such a broad brush? Just because only 10 of us have personally given money, does not mean that we haven't been helping. Since this process started I have referred several people to donate, and I am sure at least a few of them have. Today I was given a $60 cash donation. I have over a $1000 vet bill balance, but I am sending that money in as a donation for the center because I DO care about the project.

I give ALL my milk money every day to these dogs -- in my dog's bellies and vet care, in blood sweat and tears stemming from the work I put into my local dogs, and in paying for a roof over the dogs' heads that I have already rescued, repairs on the house that they destroy as they learn to be good boys and girls, and into the car that drives them to and from their abusive homes, the vet, and to their new forever families. All of my money goes to DDB. I have no savings, I have no nest egg. I have my dogs and the work I have done and continue to do, and I feel grateful for every day I have to give to the dogs. Just because I haven't personally given a donation to DDB for this project does NOT mean I don't care. Please don't say we don't care just because you haven't seen our names on a donation.

Caroline Anderson

Dogs Deserve Better Area Representative

Oswego County, NY

>> Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 09:08:51 -0500 Tamira Thayne wrote:

Subject: Re: [dogsdeservebetterreps]

How many reps have donated even $5 to the rehab center?

I'm sure every person who hasn't given feels they care. But caring means you give that $5, even if that's all you have...because it's symbolic. Because you are showing your support, even if you can't give even $20 or $50. It's just like in any relationship.

Showing up means you show up. Without excuses.

Please don't spend time arguing with me about it. I don't have the energy for that. I'm busting my a*s trying to raise $600,000, and I have

to listen to you tell me I'm a b***h because I'm wondering why all the reps haven't ponied up even $5? Please...

Just please.


From Former Employee Wishing To Remain Anonymous

" I could go on and on and tell everyone horror stories about the way she personally treats the dogs, and about the dogs and cats that die or are killed by each other while in her personal care. I would love to get the word out there, but somehow, everytime I post something about her somewhere, she has the post removed. The irony of this whole thing is that I and others who worked closely with her on a day to day basis have seen her mistreat- as in kick, hit, and swear at- the foster dogs. She is great at pulling the wool over the eyes of the public. It's really sickening that people have donated money for her to move into Michael Vick's mansion... "

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

" She is NOT the kind,compassionate person she strives to make people think she is. I and others have seen her kick,punch,and grab dogs,and swear at them,calling them the "C" word,and telling them she "f-ing" hated them. I would absolutely testify to this. I'm not the only employee who saw this. Donations do not pay for all of what people think they do,but Tammy is great at PR,and she has so many people fooled that it makes me sick.I've know her personally since the very beginning of DDB,and her main focus in life is notoriety- for herself."

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"Tammy is fooling many innocent people into believing that she is doing something good with their money, and that she is a kind person who loves the dogs".

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"Several times I have posted things on our local news site--and Tammy(Tamira) reported them and had them removed! I saved all of them though, and the threatening emails she sent me. She even once had her now husband email me pretending to be someone else so that she could hear what I was going to tell people...Our local Humane Society hates her and will not even associate themselves with DDB. I'm honestly not making any of this up.I know of other former employees, reps, and even local Vets who could give you an earful. Tammy likes to fight just to say she won, and that once she heard there was a Facebook movement to Bring Joel Home, for Tammy it assuredly became just a fight she could say she won, and had nothing to do with Joel's best interests. Tammy was bullied a lot as a teenager and I'm not sure if that's why she feels the need to act like one herself, but she doesn't really have any real friends because everyone is afraid of her because she is very demeaning to them--to the reps as well."

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"I've known her for almost ten years, although we no longer speak. We were friends as well as coworkers. I actually already went to court( although it was only to testify at an unemployment hearing) for another fired DDB employee. I have nothing to hide at all, but she has much, and she knows it. That's why she has had my local news posts removed. She sent me an email threatening to send out all of these fabricated things about me, which I refuted because none of them were true. She has even gone as far as saying that my husband iis abusive-which he is not, and saying I am a horrible mother because I did not breast feed my youngest daughter), and saying that another employee's husband was abusive as well and he was probably a "child molester"! I have saved all correspondence with her since I was terminated there for saving Hunter(the Beagle)."

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"Tammy can be a force to be reckoned with. I am not intimidated by her in the very least. I have battled with Tammy many times, and I know how she is. She is smart for sure, and vengeful. I met her as DDB was beginning. I worked with her and saw her on an almost daily basis for years. I have so much to tell, certainly too much to type. I told her when she was firing me for taking Hunter to the Vet and taking him to my house instead of returning him to be attacked again--I do dog rescue for the dogs, not for Tammy Grimes."

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

" I feel sick that Tami has pulled the wool over the eyes of SO many--and now living in the Vick mansion to boot. I feel the place should have burned to the ground."

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"I have donated money to them, and have not yet received receipt...I have a friend that attended a conference, Tammi attended the same one, she had a $500.00 check for DDB, when she tried to go to Tami to introduce herself and give her the check, Tammi just blew her off, and wouldn't even take the time to speak to her for a minute."

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"I have MANY problems with ALOT of what they are doing these days & the way they basically abandoned the reps & their dogs, I did not see the funds that were allocated directly for my area from Chain Off 2010, appx $1000."

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"I have been in touch with Rose & have confirmed that DDB has offered NO assistance. I can't even tell you how that makes me feel. There are no words!! I am SICKENED & ASHAMED by the lack of concern DDB has for THEIR dogs. I have considered raising hell with DDB about this, but that will probably accomplish nothing other than to get me blocked from their page & become their next "target". I feel helpless!!"

From Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

"It was the "suspension" of the rep program that did it for me. Plus, I never liked the idea of wasting SO much $$ on that d**n house. It was stated that we were to focus on education & legislation while they were moving. I say....you can legislate & educate until you are blue in the face, but the dogs will still be dying. Even with good ordinances in place, they suffer tremendously. And you can only educate those with a desire to learn. I am a more "in the trenches" kind of girl."

Phone message from CURRENT Foster Coordinator Shari Strader

http://www.mediafire.com/?c77k0uv4am5yrhw (actual message - copy and past to your browser)

Dictated: Shannon this is Shari Strader in North Carolina calling you back..um..I promise I won't call you again, this will be my last message. I just saw your email I guess on Bring Joel Home about resigning and um, I just wanted to um I just really wanted to talk to you about it because um, I quit Dogs Deserve Better after Tami promised me that I would be the dog trainer there and I spent a lot of money. I wanted to be a dog trainer and address specific issues that chained dogs have. Then when I went there she basically um she basically just told me to go screw myself. Um anyway it has been really hard for me to defend Dogs Deserve Better lately you know with that in the back of my mind but you know I continue to think about how it is for the dogs and you know that is the most important thing. I don't care that much about myself just as long as the dogs are safe. Um, anyway, I just wanted to say um, that it has been really good working with you and keep me in your loop because I am going to be doing rescue and I am sure you will be too hopefully and um take care, bye.

Email message from former DDB Rep Holly Lyttle

Hey Shannon,

Please call me. I respect you very much and the fact that you resigned today really makes me question why I am still supporting this group. I would love to be filled in on the truth as it stands. Please call me.

From former Regional Coordinator Katheryn Louise:

I just saw your resignation note.

I am shocked to say the least.

Kudos to you for seeing the light.

From former rep but current supporter Amanda Green:

Hey! So Angela told me you resigned with DDB. The rescue world is quite a crazy place sometimes! You certainly don't owe me or anyone else an explanation regarding that. I was just wondering why you deleted me as a friend on FB. Angela read me your post on BJH while I was on my way home from work tonight. I share your concerns over how fundraising for the dogs went capute after the idea was put out there to buy the Vick house and how Tami showed very little support for the reps in the program. I just never knew both sides of the story with Joel and BJH and always felt attacked anytime I went to them seeking answers. You and DDB were the only ones providing solid proof as to what was going on. Also with the recent Two Loons issues of Irene and BJH, I thought there were issues there. But I have always, always respected you for how bad you worked your a*s off for DDB. This does not change that and it never will. Tami let me down when the April tornadoes came through Alabama and I was trying to get support from DDB, financially and a foster lined up for the dog that was chained up and everything around the dog was blown away by the tornadoes. I was told that I had to come up with the finances and everything for that dog. Do you remember that dog's picture?

So I just want you to know that many aspects went into why I resigned from DDB, not just school and family, while they were the main reasons.

I've got mad love for you girl!! So please add me back as a friend on FB or I'm gonna be sad!! :((

Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous

Hi Shannon, I'm sure you've heard this a lot, but I give you a lot of credit for standing up to DDB. I was a rep a few years ago, for a short time, when someone tried to destroy me and my reputation and sent staged photos of dogs in my rescue chained to a fence. I was humiliated, removed as a rep without even an email or phone call to check the validity and for a time black-balled by the rescue community. So when I see someone standing up for what's right for the dogs against DDB, I just have to say - Thank you!

Former Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous

good for you shannon!! I despise tami thayne and DDB!

From Former Rep Tiffany Citino

Shannon, wish I could do more to help you!!! I was told to euthanize "Kiddo" (the husky I rescued in Nov 09) because she was a "biter." I'm so close to losing my house and hanging on by thread right now, but DDB doesn't care about that either. Kiddo has needed dental work since Nov 09 which is $500 and they contributed nothing.

From Former Rep Amanda Torbett

It seems to me that this is a bit abrupt, and that as soon as the organization gets more "attention" and gets into that expensive property, we all get dumped! Please remove me from all future dogs deserve better emails. I thought I was doing a good thing, with a good group. I am up to my eyeballs with trying to help the dogs in my community and now you say oh well! This is all very fishy.

From Former Rep Holly Lyttle

What exactly do we tell people who want our help, but our fundraising wont cover it? Im just curious to know if theres a chance the program is really going to be reinstated or if the focus will only be on the dogs in/near the property. Im also curious to know what the big donors will think to hear we can no longer rescue, but we just spent a lot of $$ on the property. Im wondering if the large sum of money would have been better spent on rescuing dogs across the nation versus purchasing a property that will benefit only the dogs that will get a chance to get into the house. These are just questions I have been pondering the last few days.

From Former OH Rep Wishing To Remain Anonymous

Hey there. So you resigned?? Wow. That's not something I would have expected. Geesh. I'm so discouraged about DDB now. Where is the Rep program now? I'm not going back, but you were such an asset. Of course, there in lies the point. It is like everyone is coming to the same conclusion. I don't have any problems withe reps. I feel that dogs are falling through the the cracks and that is what kills me. I witnessed Tami trying to use DDB funds to take a group of us out to dinner when dinner was already made by another rep a block away. And now a mansion has taken over the rep program. And I hear if you question Tami about anything she blackballs you. I've tried to stay neutral but now the dogs are really the losers in this drama.

From a VA Rescuer Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

Shannon: If you have a moment I would very much like to know what has happened with that group DDB. I have always had my suspicion about that woman. Right after I had my one and only phone conversation with her several years back. I would love to see Tami fry. She is a charlatan, and exploits people and animals.

From a Rescue Watchdog Group Wishing To Remain Anonymous:

We have had our suspicions about Tami ever since she capitalized on the Doogie situation. I have never seen anybody that likes to talk about themselves, write about themselves, photograph themselves, and video themselves more than she does.

From a former DDB paid employee wishing to remain anonymous:

I tried to message Shannon but wasn't able to. I wanted to let speak to her about her allegations of money misspent and incorrect donation solicitations. These are issues that I made Tami aware of in 2008 and that is why all the emails came from me regarding people not soliciting donations as they had done in the past. Tami told me that she didn't care what the law was and that they should be allowed to solicit as they always had. This was one of the reasons that Tami and I parted ways. She didn't want to hear what the laws were and that she was breaking them. She would not even let me approach the Treasurer about investigating the law. Could you let Shannon know that if she needs someone to back this up for legal purposes I might be willing to do so? (A note on this employees departure: we were not told that she quit, just NOT to email her. I thought that this was suspicious so when I found out that she had left I asked Former Rep Coord why and her reply was, "Don't worry about her, she is a b***h."

From Peaceful Planet Pets

I have removed myself from all things DDB. I am so disheartened by them.

From Former Rep Rose Gladish

Thank you Shannon for sharing Levi's story. Its funny how reading all these comments, I was told the same exact things!! That I personally, not DDB, was giving up on on Levi. How I personally, not DDB, was abandoning him because I could not afford to care for him. I was also told to euthanize Levi because he bit someone and the "center" is only her home and they can't risk taking a biter in. I worked and tried to get the Chain off in Mentor Ohio 2 years ago at my then husbands work but was stalled and stalled repeatedly. Needless to say the chain off never happened. Valuable funds could have been raised for the dogs. I also was shocked when I tried to contact all my former reps and found that all had left DDB. These women and men worked hours and hours and to realize they were used and abandoned, shocked. Thank you from Levi, myself, and all other abandoned and euthanized dogs!!

From Former Regional Coordinator Marion Van der Kuij

All I will say..having been with DDB for nearly 6 years I despise what they have become..it is really bad,now..the current DDB is NOT what it set out to accomplish..I do have to say, I did learn so much about the effects of chaining dogs, how to,advocate, everything else has gone into the garbage.
Report Attachments

70 Updates & Rebuttals


South Dakota,
United States of America
Leadership is the problem

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 11, 2013

Putting Thayne's racist remarks aside; everything that comes out of her mouth is rife with blame.

She has blamed Poindexter, Terry, Whitfield, Fiala, Allen, the man with the beagles, BJH, the Supporters page, Vick, the church across the street, residents of Surry County, and in one of her first interviews after she was charged, she blamed her CURRENT staff.

Read her Cinderella blog (http://lifeinthemansion.wordpress.com/); if she is not blaming someone for her woes, she is defaming anyone and everyone that has told the truth.  And when she is not doing that she is whining about having to run a rescue and taking care of dogs.  And when she is not doing that she is begging for money.  And when she is not doing that she is taking photos and videos of herself.  My God, who sells underwear with photos of themselves on them?

Why can't a supporter ask an innocent and relevant question on DDB's FB page without one of four things happening; DDB blames the "haters", DDB deletes the comment, DDB bans the questioner, DDB's mob squad attacks the questioner?  Anyone reading this, I dare you to try and ask an innocent question on DDB's FB page.  What happened to Riley?  What happened to Mary Jane?  Where did the funds come from to defend this cruelty case and how much did it cost?  Where did the funds come from and how much did it cost for the Fiala/Joel case?  How many reps do you currently have?  Ask, and see if you get direct answer. 

The public knows more about Thayne than the dogs.  Why is that?

She has thrown her employees, her volunteers, her friends, her family, and even a kid that she had trouble with in grade school under the bus as means of collecting donations using her "nobody likes me everybody hates me" sob stories.

She can take all of the screenshots she would like for her mythical defamation suit but for every finger she points she has ten pointing back at her.  She is not innocent and has not taken the high road whatsoever.  She had committed her share of defamation.

Thayne accused Estlow and Allen of being hoarders.  She accused Fiala and Allen of chaining their dogs.  She accused Whitlow and Allen of theft.  She accuses everyone that quit on not so good terms of being crazy.  She accused Cambell's dad of being a child molester.  She accused Estlow of being a drunk.  She accused Estlow's husband of being abusive.  She has released private employee information.  Her and her friends have harassed these whistle-blower's family, friends, and employers.  I could go on.  Do you not see a pattern?

How do you explain 100 employees and volunteers of quitting after the purchase of the Vick house (before the cruelty charges)?

And Jay, if DDB is BIGGER than ever explain why did the yearly Chain Off that used to bring in $36,000 bought in $25,000 in 2010, $13,000 in 2011, and only $8,000 in 2012.  This decline began BEFORE the Vick house purchase and BEFORE the cruelty charges.

It is apparent that the general operations of DDB are lacking.  You can blame the Joel situation, you can blame the "haters", you can blame the cruelty charges, you can blame the Vick house purchase but the fact is; DDB has been declining in both donations and volunteers for many years.  Leadership is the problem.


On the Bring Joel Home page

#3General Comment

Mon, March 11, 2013

OOOOH, racist language!!  We'ze is racist, derogatory talk according to the posts above, yet they use it on their page!!  OH NOES!!

Report Attachments

Give it up

Sheriff Harold Brown is Black: Tamira Ci Thayne still racist

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, March 10, 2013

My, again with the name calling.  Not very nice calling people a Bozo.

I'll be damned, you actually got one thing right.  The problem is that you didn't know you were right when you firsted posted, otherwise you would have included this picture.  Sorry, no points for a right guess.

As for your quote, if you had added the emphasis to make it more understandable, then you would have indicated that.  If you were concerned that someone couldnt understand the point you were trying to make then how would you expect them to know that you had added the emphasis?  Wouldn't it have been easier to provide proof instead, like the picture you just posted?

No, you tried to pass your quote off as the original because you had no proof that the Sheriff was black and you got caught.

So yes, you are still pathetic and desperate to lie and invent quotes thinking you could get away with it, but if you suffer from some mental illness, then you still have my sympathy.

Blacks can be racist, whites can be racist, transgendered women, bisexual men, all can be racist.  You still apparently can't understand the point.  A white woman claiming racism is not the same as a black person claiming racism because a WHITE woman is NOT A MINORITY. 

When that same white woman has half a dozen other reasons why she was charged, then her claims of racism are a load of crap and makes her racist.  There is a real problem with racism in this country and for this woman to play the race card in the hope of getting away with a crime is disgusting.

Mr. Poindexter has no long history of racism.  You don't stay in an elected office for 12 years if you're racist, epecially in the South.  It is absurd, ignorant, and ridiculous to keep claiming it.

I don't know why you keep on and on about malicious prosecution.  I doubt you're qualified to speak on it.  Thayne can always file a civil action if she doesn't mind being laughed out of court.

Thayne won't do a d**n thing though.  She knows there are people waiting around the block, just waiting to have their experiences heard in court.  She'd be ruined.

You''re a Bozo

Try Again Bozo

#5General Comment

Sun, March 10, 2013


Fight it all you want, Sheriff Brown was black.  READ THE CAPTION.

Go ahead and say Poindexter will prosecute based on words posted on this page.  Because that's malicious prosecution.  Please, provide him with this page as it will just show the world how he used these words to charge Thayne.

Yes, the "who is black" was emphasis mine as you are too THICK to understand without it.  I can produce several more articles that state he is black if you really need them.

As for your explanation, I guess there are no blacks that are racist against whites, mexicans rasist against whites...only white people can be racist.  Whatever.  What a ridiculous statement, and a moot point.  Poindexter has a long record of racism.

But you go ahead and beat this into the ground, as it's about as relevant to your cause as any other of the crap you post.

Report Attachments

You''re a Bozo

Try Again Bozo

#6General Comment

Sun, March 10, 2013


Fight it all you want, Sheriff Brown was black.  READ THE CAPTION.

Go ahead and say Poindexter will prosecute based on words posted on this page.  Because that's malicious prosecution.  Please, provide him with this page as it will just show the world how he used these words to charge Thayne.

Yes, the "who is black" was emphasis mine as you are too THICK to understand without it.  I can produce several more articles that state he is black if you really need them.

As for your explanation, I guess there are no blacks that are racist against whites, mexicans rasist against whites...only white people can be racist.  Whatever.  What a ridiculous statement, and a moot point.  Poindexter has a long record of racism.

But you go ahead and beat this into the ground, as it's about as relevant to your cause as any other of the crap you post.

Give it up

DDB is out of control, rife with racism

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 10, 2013

Bozo?  That is not a very nice thing to say.  You seem to be losing it, as if you had some mental issues. 

You're still not getting it so here it is again: Playing the race card doesn't work if you are not a minority, just makes you a racist.  Pretty stupid thing to do when you can still be charged.  How difficult is that to understand?

About that ex deputy ranting about racism?  He was accused of planting cocaine in a case that was nolle prossed, one of the reasons he was fired.  A loser, much like Thayne, always everyone else's fault.

About Sheriff Harold Brown being black, funny, I went back to that very article and it seems to have changed:


Brinkman said that his boss in the Western Tidewater community, Sheriff Harold Brown, told him a week into the investigation last spring that Surry Commonwealths Attorney Gerald Poindexter wanted him fired.

Magically transformed:

Brinkman said thathis  boss in the Western Tidewater community,  Sheriff Harold Brown, who is black, told him a week into the investigation lastspr ing that Surry Commonwealths Attorney Gerald Poindexter (who is black) wanted him fired.

BTW, this is Sheriff Harold Brown, looks pretty white to me.

How pathetic and desperate do you have to be to lie and invent quotes then think you can get away with it?  Unless you suffer from some mental illness, then you have my sympathy.

Gerald Poindexter has been the Surry County District attorney for 12 years.  So again, if you are an elected official in a southern rural county in a southern state, you don't get elected, don't get re-elected and don't remain in office for 12 years if you have issues with whites.  How difficult is that to understand?

Mr. Poindexter is the prosecutor, he only prosecutes, not punishes.  The judge punishes.  I'm sure Surry County, Mr. Poindexter, Ms. Terry are all quivering in fear of Thayne and her huge lawsuit.

As for your race card garbage, you're going to have to blame Thayne on that one.  After all, who is stupid enough to stand in front of the TV cameras and accuse the prosecutor of racism when the case isn't even closed?

Report Attachments

You''re a Bozo

It Must Be Hard To Be You

#8General Comment

Sun, March 10, 2013

Charges dropped, you and Thayne just don't get it. Playing the race card doesn't work if you are not a minority, just makes you a racist.  Pretty stupid thing to do when you can still be charged.

LOL!!  A racist can be ANY color.

Main Entry: racism

Pronunciation: r-siz-m

Function: noun

1 : belief that certain races of people are by birth and nature
superior to others

2 : discrimination or hatred based on race

A scorned ex deputy is fired after a week on the job.  Sounds like a loser
who has to blame someone else for their troubles, just like Thayne.  
One fired deputy lashing out and a rant by a sports columnist is not a long
history of racial issues.  Cop on.

Kind of like all the scorned ex-employees of DDB, right? Those ex-DDBrs sound like losers who have to blame someone for their troubles.  Ex-DDBrs lashing out and a rant by a scorned fostersound familiar?

By the way, not all of the examples posted were from a pro-sports forum.  One was from Richmond SPCA, the other from Virginia Pilot.  Do your research.  Ex-DDBr on.

BTW, he was fired by his white boss.

BTW, he was fired by his black boss.

Brinkman said thathis  boss in the Western Tidewater community,  Sheriff Harold Brown, who is black, told him a week into the investigation lastspr ing that Surry Commonwealths Attorney Gerald Poindexter (who is black) wanted him fired. Brinkman said he was released from his position in December, with no explanation from Brown other than that he was going to make some changes and go in a different direction.

BTW, you don't get elected and re-elected DA in southern rural Virginia if you
have a problem with whites.

Its easy to win when youre the only candidate on the ballot. (Poindexter, the only candidate on the ballot, won with 1,657 votes, or 58 percent of the total. But voters cast 1,173 votes for write-in candidates, mainly Eddie Vaughn, a former Hanover County prosecutor who assailed Poindexter
over the Vick case.)

Do go on though.  The DA is sure to back off from resubmitting those charges when you and Thayne keep calling him a racist.  Yep, he won't dare now.

So youre saying that Poindexter will punish Tamira Thayne because her supporters post true articles written by others saying he has a problem with playing the race card?  Oh, I hope so.  Thats called malicious prosecution, and could mean a huge lawsuit for Surry County, the end of Poindexters career and a whole host of legal problems for him. 

You scorned ex-DDBrs pulled this race card out when you could no longer use the just wait until the trial was taken away from you.  You best move on to another topic.

Give it up

Thayne: still racist, Thayne Supporter: still not coping on

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, March 09, 2013

Charges dropped, you and Thayne just don't get it.  Playing the race card doesn't work if you are not a minority, just makes you a racist.  Pretty stupid thing to do when you can still be charged.

A scorned ex deputy is fired after a week on the job.  Sounds like a loser who has to blame someone else for their troubles, just like Thayne.   One fired deputy lashing out and a rant by a sports columnist is not a long history of racial issues.  Cop on.

BTW, he was fired by his white boss.

BTW, you don't get elected and re-elected DA in southern rural Virginia if you have a problem with whites.

Do go on though.  The DA is sure to back off from resubmitting those charges when you and Thayne keep calling him a racist.  Yep, he won't dare now.

Charges Dropped

Keep Trying.

#10General Comment

Sat, March 09, 2013


Ex-Surry deputy says he had uphill fight in Vick case

Posted to: Crime News
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Bill Brinkman

By Dave Forster
The Virginian-Pilot
April 29, 2008


A year after he first stepped into Michael Vicks dogfighting compound, the local investigator who helped convict the NFL star spoke Monday about

the friction he said he felt with the local prosecutor
during the case .

Bill Brinkman, a nine-year veteran of the Surry County Sheriffs Department , helped federal prosecutors convict the former Virginia Tech star and Atlanta Falcons quarterback along with three others in the dogfighting ring.

Brinkman said that his boss in the Western Tidewater community,  Sheriff Harold Brown, told him a week into the investigation last spring that Surry Commonwealths Attorney Gerald Poindexter wanted him fired. Brinkman said he was released from his position in December, with no explanation from Brown other than that he was going to make some changes and go in a different direction.Both Poindexter and Brown were re-elected in November. (the write-in candidate garnered 47% of the vote, Poindexter won by a small margin).

The Vick case was an issue in the commonwealths attorney campaign . A  federal grand jury indicted Vick two months before Poindexter brought state charges. Vick pleaded guilty in August to a federal dogfighting conspiracy charge and is serving a 23-month prison sentence. Three others were
convicted as well. The state case against Vick is scheduled to go to trial June 27.

Vick was raised in Newport News and purchased the Surry property in 2001. He admitted to financing a dogfighting ring that spanned six years at the Surry property and elsewhere. Vick sold the property last fall.

Speaking at his home in Surry County, Brinkman, 49, said that he worked with federal agents in the case largely because he was uncomfortable dealing with Poindexter. He said that Poindexter often brought up a racial angle during discussions about the case and made accusations that the investigation was driven in part by race.

Every time you met with him, it was a very unsettling, uncomfortable, degrading conversation, Brinkman said. Everythings wrapped around race.Brinkman is white. Poindexter is black.
Brown on Monday denied Brinkmans allegations. He shook his head no when asked about being pressured by Poindexter to fire the deputy.Poindexter denied saying that he wanted the deputy gone.

That is not true, he said. Does that even begin to sound plausible? Poindexter also denied making race an issue in the case, but he said critics of his handling of the case did. Brown said he told Brinkman in December that he had decided not to keep him on the force, but he said it wasnt a firing. He said the Vick case had something to do with his decision, as well as some other
matters, but he would not elaborate.

Tami's "racist" statement?  That Poindexter, after choosing not to file charges against Michael Vick (a black man), "had no problem going forward with a charge against a white woman who had the courage to take on the property and use it for good".  She only said what is true, that Poindexter has a long history of racial issues.

Give it up

Tamira Ci Thayne AKA Tammy Grimes: Still Racist

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, March 09, 2013

Thayne supporters: not too bright calling the DA racist and incompetent since he can refile.

Thayne supporter Charges Dropped: you didn't read your own post, did you? Its a copy paste from a user comment made on a football talk forum. PFT is ProFootballTalk.com.

You say the DA is racist because some sports jockey who is paid to rant thinks he is: not too bright at all.

Thayne makes racist rants to reporters on TV.

Thayne participates on a DDB Facebook page that makes racist rants.

DDB employees post on that page.

Thayne has employees that make racist rants.

Thaynes a racist.

Charges Dropped

Gerald Poindexter is the Racist

#12General Comment

Sat, March 09, 2013

OT: Commissioner Goodell may be the least of Vick's probelms - Feds taking over case

Even the NFLN, who has been rather circumspect and somewhat late to the fray, is sounding as if they think Mike is going down for the count. A Federal judge issued a sealed warrent today at the request of the US Agriculture Department investigators who then informed Poindexter they were searching and digging. Poindexter seems quite rattled to the point he's playing the celebrity-race card.

Some excerpts from PFT:
POSTED 10:29 p.m. EDT, June 7, 2007


Surry County, Virginia prosecutor Gerald Poindexter is providing even more justification for the decision of the feds to take over the Mike Vick dog-fighting investigation. Instead of shutting his mouth and getting on with his life, Poindexter is complaining about the fact that someone has finally begun to develop the evidence in the case...

And as we learned in law school, there's a big difference between factual guilt and legal guilt. A guy might have "done it," but in the eyes of the law he's not factually guilty until a jury returns a verdict based on the inherently difficult standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

We'd been concerned for weeks that the apparent factual guilt of Mike Vick would never result in a finding of legal guilt (or even in an effort to prove legal guilt via a trial) because Poindexter, a part-time prosecutor, didn't want to be snowed under by a dream team that would have made his life miserable for the next 20 months. We dismissed the notion that Poindexter was giving Vick a pass based on their shared race...

Tonight, we're not so sure. Poindexter is openly suggesting that the federal takeover of the investigation was motivated by race. And his Uncle Leo style resort to this presumption suggests that Poindexter perhaps was and is motivated by such matters in his own mind.

"There's a larger thing here, and it has nothing to do with any breach of protocol," Poindexter said after the investigation was wrested from him. "There's something awful going on here. I don't know if it's racial. I don't know what it is."

Poindexter had more to say:

"What is foreign to me is the federal government getting into a dogfighting case. I know it's been done, but what's driving this? Is it this boy's celebrity? Would they have done this if it wasn't Michael

"Apparently these people want it. They want it, and I don't believe they want it because of the serious criminal consequences involved. . . .They want it because Michael Vick may be involved."

In our view, it is about celebrity, but not about race. Martha Stewart was prosecuted based on celebrity, not race. Scooter Libby was prosecuted based on celebrity, not race. The reality is that, by periodically felling a tall tree, the feds can create a ruckus in the forest loud enough to let the rest of us know that no one is above the law, and that if we don't stay on the right side of the rules of society, we can get chopped down, too...

Now, they're commencing the process of determining whether they can show that he is legally guilty.

And Poindexter's tantrum tells us that, regardless of his motivation, he was determined to give Vick a pass.

POSTED 6:02 p.m. EDT, June 7, 2007


In yet another stunning development from a roller coaster investigation that has featured contradictory public statements from the part-time prosecuting attorney, federal authorities are searching Vick's Surry County, Virginia property.

Oh, and prosecutor Gerald Poindexter is off the case. Finally.

The search comes only a week or so after Poindexter and Sheriff Harold Brown put the kibosh (whatever in the hell a kibosh is) on a search warrant issued on May 25 by a Surry County magistrate.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the feds have taken control of the investigation.

Said Poindexter: "Mike Vick, is he the target? Who else would be? I never imagined such interest.

So why are the feds on the case? "Obviously if the feds come in, the jurisdictional basis is some sort of interstate violation," Poindexter said. "We don't know what it is -- the training of dogs, gambling
racketeering, whatever they want to call it."

Poindexter was advised at 3:15 p.m. EDT that federal agents and state police were at the property. Poindexter was told that a search was proceeding pursuant to a "sealed" warrant obtained by federal authorities.

Poindexter on Vick's Release Says race influenced feds
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009, 4:17 PM EDT

Published : Thursday, 26 Feb 2009, 7:04 PM EST SURRY COUNTY, Va. -

With word circulating suspended NFL Quarterback Michael Vick could get out of prison as early as May 21, WAVY.com wanted to find out what Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney Gerald Poindexter had to say. "Good for him...his sentence was fair and just...Am I glad he's getting out? I'm indifferent," Poindexter told WAVY.com.

Embattled Gerald Poindexter says in hind site he would do nothing differently. Poindexter has been accused of dragging his feet and not bringing charges quickly against Vick. "Not just dragging our feet, but doing something underhanded," Poindexter added. Wearing the scars of the Michael Vick Case, Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney Gerald Poindexter says Vick has paid his debt to society. "I assume that he has paid his debt. That's what the federal court imposed. That's why we agreed to a suspended sentence and that's the end of it," explained Poindexter.

Poindexter calls it "bothersome" the federal U.S. Attorney chose to intervene in the Vick case, suggesting "that the law enforcement in the county was corrupt or incompetent." Poindexter also blames race for the feds involvement. That he,the prosecutor is African-American. The sheriff investigating the case, Harold Brown is African-American, and Michael Vick is African-American. He said, "The feeling that these people are going to favor him and not prosecute him in the same way they would prosecute other folks because of his celebrity and because of his race."

Poindexter admits he's been hurt by the Vick case. Poindexter won the November 2007 election, but the write-in candidate received 42 percent of the vote. Poindexter noted that though the case against Michael Vick shouldn't have had anything to do with the election, but feels it did. He notes, "rumor and innuendo regarding [his] conduct and the conduct of the Sheriff" played a part. Sheriff Harold Brown won his race in November with 54 percent of the vote against a relatively unknown independent candidate.

After the hearing, Surry County Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter approached Vick's mother and hugged her, saying, "At least some of this is over."

If there was any motive to cover for Vick, I would be more inclined to believe it had to do with money or perhaps Poindexter was somehow involved or knew someone who was. While it does look suspicious that Poindexter failed to execute the warrant and the very next day the Feds executed one, this in-and-of-itself is not proof of a conspiracy.

Nonetheless, Poindexter and his team presented the evidence to the judge that was used to create such warrant. If the warrant was flawed it would argue Poindexter failed to do his job long before it was issued; especially after the Feds got and executed a warrant the very next day. Not only that but while Poindexter publicly complained about the warrant, he surely dragged his feet in doing something about it. You get a bad warrant in a very high profile case and you find the best action is to go on vacation?

Personally I see the race card being thrown as smokescreen by Poindexter to cover up his inability to perform his job. Whether or not Vick is guilty of being involved, we have yet to see hard proof however; I have seen strong evidence that supported that there was felony activity at that residence that would give a judge enough cause to create a proper warrant.

While people may be after Vick because he is a high profile person, this does not take away from the fact that Poindexter had enough evidence to get a warrant as to the general operation to begin with.

If Poindexter said the warrant was lacking and was waiting for it to cover more, I ask for what more did he want out of it here my suspicion would be to either tie Vick to the crime or drag his feet so that nothing was done... as there was surely enough evidence presented at the time to show a dog fighting operation.

Either way it makes Poindexter look very shady it very much looks as if Poindexter himself was trying to target a high profile person (which he denounced the feds for), is guilty of some sort of cover-up, or he is incompetent in his job duties.

Give it up

The racist garbage comes straight from Tamira Thayne

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

The racist garbage you see on the Exposing the haters page, all comes from Tamira Thayne.

You can see her racist rants on this video taken by her employee, Jay Gunn

DDB Employee Jay Gunn, with more racist garbage.

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Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Photo for above comment

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

Words of Wisdom From Dogs Deserve Better.

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Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Words Of Wisdom From Dogs Deserve Better

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

Lookie Ann, I can doodle too!


South Dakota,
United States of America
Charges not Dropped

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, March 06, 2013

Hey Charges Dropped, if the Commonwealth's Attorney doesn't intend on prosecuting then why didn't he just ask for a dismissal? It was him, not Terry, who asked for nolle prosequi which means charges can be re-filed. Get a clue.

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Who Are The Myth Makers Now

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, March 06, 2013

Of course anything is possible Charges Dropped it is also possible that after all of the intimidation and harassment by DDB that she is afraid to testify.

And please explain how there "isn't enough evidence" since Poindexter bought the case to court to begin with?

You are sure putting all of your eggs in the "missing secret witness" basket, especially since it is public knowledge who the witness is and especially since ACO Terry stated, "Several local witnesses didn't receive their subpoenas until Monday." 

It sucks when the truth gets in the way of your agenda and BJH and the "Thong" page was right and you were AGAIN, wrong.

I seriously doubt ACO Terry would re-file if the DA didn't intend to prosecute.  You are simply trying to capitalize on a minor technicality that may slow the case temporarily but not end the case for the good.

Nothing you have said is fact, only creations from people who have too much time on their hands.

And by the way haters page; contempt charges were not filed against the no-show witness as she didn't receive her subpoena in a timely manner, so you are beating a dead horse with that "epic myth".

Also, for your information, Allison Williams with the Daily Press has interviewed Thayne before.  I seriously doubt that Thayne would consent to an interview if Allison Williams and Shannon Allen are one in the same.  Either this another lie fed to you by Thayne or your are too dumb to figure it out yourself.  Another "epic myth".

And how much lower can Thayne go by playing the race card, a black prosecutor charging a white woman?  I had to rewind and listen to her statement again because I couldn't believe my ears.  She really is pathetically desperate isn't she?

And as usual, any body of government that calls Thayne out is "corrupt".  I think I heard the same words in the Doogie case and her multiple trespassing cases and every time she doesn't get her way.  It is all one big government conspiracy against Thayne isn't it?  Yes, everyone from the federal government to her little pee ons spend their every waking hour trying to bring Thayne down, because she is just THAT important.  NOT!

Regardless, this case will not address all of the dogs she has abandoned, the thousands of dollars she has wasted on a rehab center that isn't a rehab center, the money that has been squandered that should have gone to the dogs, the fact that she recruit quality volunteers, illegally fundraising for 10+ years, and the fact that since the inception of DDB HER issues and her need to be "noticed" have overshadowed the mission of DDB.  Guilty or not of cruelty, DDB is on its way out unless she moves on.

Charges Dropped

Spin Spin Spin

#18General Comment

Wed, March 06, 2013

The ACO can charge all she wants.  Poindexter decides if it gets prosecuted, and he's tired of no-show "witnesses".

We know you will continue to do your spin, as you couldn't walk away from DDB if you tried.  It's your life.  It's your spotlight, your focus and your only reason for existing.

If you didn't focus on Tami, your life would be empty.  It's pretty apparent that there isn't enough evidence to continue the persecution/prosecution of Tami. Neither the ACO or Poindexter could make a case without the "secret witness" who didn't show up twice.  It's possible she told Poindexter that she wouldn't testify, which is why he gave up.

Sure, they can refile, but this has gotten to the point of prosecutorial malice.  Even now, Tami has enough to file suit against the county, and we hope she does. 

Time to vote Poindexter out of office.

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Hardly a Victory

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, March 05, 2013

You need to educate yourself on the difference between "withdrawn" and "dismissed".  Dismissed means that the same charges can never be bought against the defendant under double jeopardy laws.  Withdrawal or Nolle prosequi means the prosecution has chosen not to prosecute AT THIS TIME.

Charges would be refiled "in the very near future," chief animal control Officer Tracy Terry said.

In regards to the absent witness; if he/she failed to show after receiving a subpoena (in a timely manner), the judge would hold him/her in contempt.  This is not what happened leading credence to fact that the witness did not receive the subpoena in a timely manner.

A witness not showing up is a cheap and temporary victory.

Either way, Thayne will be re-charged, so I wouldn't pop the bubbly just yet.

You Make Me Laugh

Nolo presso

#20General Comment

Tue, March 05, 2013

Poindexter drops charges against Thayne after witness no-shows for second time.

He has until August 2013 to decide to refile charges.  He has yet to file charges on his "witness" Deana Whitfield for embezzlement.

Charges withdrawn in Surry cruelty case

Updated: Tuesday, 05 Mar 2013, 1:00 PM EST
Published : Tuesday, 05 Mar 2013, 12:49 PM EST

Rachel West

SURRY, Va. (WAVY) - Two charges against the owner and founder of Dogs Deserve Better were nolle prosequi in a Surry courtroom Tuesday.

WAVY News' Ava Hurdle was inside the courtroom as the two charges of animal cruelty and inadequate care of animals against Tamira Thayne were withdrawn. Nolle prosequi means the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office withdrew the charges because there may not have been enough evidence for a conviction.

Thayne founded and owns Dogs Deserve Better, a group seeking approval to be a shelter or rescue in the state of Virginia and purchased the home used by Michael Vick for dog fighting.

She maintained her innocence to WAVY.com shortly after her arrest in September.

Charges against owner of former Vick house dropped
Mar 05, 2013 10:48 AM PST

Mar 05, 2013 10:48 AM PST

SURRY, Va. (AP) - Charges against a woman accused of mistreating animals at Michael Vick's former dogfighting headquarters have been dropped, at least for now.

Tamira Thayne's trial on misdemeanor charges of animal cruelty and inadequate care of animals was set for Tuesday in Surry County. According to media reports, the charges were set aside after a key witness failed to show. Charges could be refiled.

Thayne heads Dogs Deserve Better, a dog-rescue group housed in Vick's former home. She was charged in August after an inspection by officials who had received complaints that 10 dogs were not receiving adequate care.

Thayne has denied any wrongdoing. Vick, a quarterback with the Philadelphia Eagles, served 18 months in federal prison after pleading guilty in 2007 to charges related to a dogfighting operation at the house.

Information from: The Virginian-Pilot, http://pilotonline.com
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Tami's statement



South Dakota,
United States of America
The Faces That Deserved Better

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, March 04, 2013

Abandoned, ripped from their homes, injured, and missing....

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South Dakota,
United States of America
Dogs Deserve Better Unraveling

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, February 28, 2013

So DDB has suspended their area representative program because the founder cannot control the reps?  Rather hypocritical to say, "due to an inability to successfully monitor behavior and actions that have been detrimental both to the dogs and our organization" considering the founder seems to be the one that cannot monitored probably due to a Board of Directors made up of her best friends.  SHE is the one currently charged with animal abuse, SHE is the one that collected tax-deductible donations for over 10 years ILLEGALLY, SHE is the one who squandered donor money on a $600,000 house that has YET to become the rehabilitation center that the donors were promised, SHE is the one who has abandoned dog after dog after dog; not the area representatives.  Way to throw you volunteers under the bus, AGAIN!

Report Attachments

Give it up

Thayne endorses Exposing the Haters of Dogs Deserve Better

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, February 26, 2013

DDBRep, Tamira Thayne does know about Exposing the Haters of Dogs Deserve Better.  She posts on the page and she gives them insider information.  Here she is on this post, making light of the charges she is facing.  She is posting on the same thread as the admin.

Shes handed over DDB's reputation to the people running Exposing the Haters of Dogs Deserve Better.  If she wanted to have the page taken down, she easily could.  She knows the admins.  All the garbage, lies, and filth coming out of that page is on her. 

Report Attachments


United States of America
Not the Tamira I know

#24UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 26, 2013

I am a Dogs Deserve Better representative and though I have not been for long, I can say that Tamira has treated me with nothing but kindness and support.

It is very bad for an animal rescuer to be charged with animal cruelty and I do not believe for one second that she is guilty of anything you people are saying about her.  Why do you insist on pouring salt in the wound?  How would you feel if everything you selfishly worked for could possible be taken away because a few people don't like her?  She may not say or do everything to your approval but she is still a human being!  Have you no humanity or sense of kindness?

We are working together to try to get dogs off of chains, why do you have sunch a problem with that? 

Why do you insist on kicking us while we are down?  All I want to do is save animals.

The people running the exposing the haters page are NOT with Dogs deserve Better.  I wish they would take that down and if Tamira had anything to do with it, it would be taken down.  You all are only huring us.  You are no better than the pages against Tamira.


South Dakota,
United States of America
Jet, take a nap

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, February 25, 2013

Yes Jet, we are aware of the *many* Internet sites that you frequent for the purpose of stirring trouble.

No one is forcing you to read or comment on anything.  If you are "fatigued" I suggest you turn your computer off and find something less exhausting to do with your time.


Santa Clarita,
United States of America
response to #44

#26General Comment

Mon, February 25, 2013

I don't post to that page using this name. I also post to *many* other pages.

and in answer to #45, wtf are you talking about? You post a copy of a joke and that somehow proves Tami own's the page? Where is this employee info you're talking about? Should we assume that everyone posting on the anti-ddb page is a minion of Dr. Fiala, since they all posted in support of her on her page and she posted on your page? This idiocy is becoming fatiguing. AYOC?

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
DDB Owner Posting Private Employee Information

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

Thank you so much DDB, you have just proven the suspicions that the page, Exposing the Haters of DDB (https://www.facebook.com/ExposingTheHatersOfDogsDeserveBetter) is in fact a page owned by the founder as means to spew her hatred, vengeance, and ignorance.

You just disclosed private employee information (AGAIN) about a DDB employee.  You not only secured the position that that page IS owned by DDB but Tammy now has put her herself in a very good position to be sued under workplace privacy laws.  WELL DONE!

And for any of you to call anyone unstable is the pot calling the kettle black.  All anyone has to do is look at your incoherent rants and your childlike artwork to know that you are unbalanced. 

Further, here we have DDB employee, Shari Strader, commenting on the page.

So try to sell your "it's not a DDB page" stance somewhere else, because no one here is buying it.

For anyone reading this, I suggested you share this "haters" page.  Let everyone see what Dogs Deserve Better and Tammy Thayne is REALLY about.

You can tell all of the lies you would like about us former area representatives and employees, the fact remains that NONE of us have EVER been charged with animal cruelty or neglect.  That position within DDB apparently is only reserved for the CEO.

Report Attachments

Stop Racism

United States of America
i still find those comments offensive

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

i dont like being used as a pawn like i dont like being insulted so please stop.   i think you are trying to lie evangalineq.  i told you i thought they were insulting and 2 of you come back at me insulting my intelligence and just plain being nasty. there is no goofing around on that page, all hate full of hateful posts using ddbs name.i dont believe you when you say you are pretending to speak like a dog.  i  looked for where you talked like that before on that page and you havent so i dont believe you and everyone will see through your lie.

Give it up

Spreading lies and rumors, at a dogs expense

#29Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

The people behind Exposing the Haters of Dogs Deserve better are now trying to sabotage a dogs chance for adoption, by trying to spread a false rumor about alcoholism.  DDB trusted this person to foster this dog and to care for alot of other DDB dogs, but suddenly they're no longer trustworthy to adopt out to this person?  DDB has a history of doing this.

Thayne knows this page, posted on this page, knows the people behind it.

Report Attachments

Give it up

Attempting to spread lies on her enemies

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

From Exposing the Haters of Dogs Deserve Better, an attempt to spread lies about alcoholism.

It is 3:30 am in the morning now and these posts were made about 1am in the morning.  The person trying to spread the rumor is hiding behind their admin identity but makes another post under their own name at the same time.  Its 1am, and no other posts so you know who it is trying to spread the rumor.

Report Attachments


Santa Clarita,
United States of America
Reply to race baiter

#31General Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

AUTHOR: Give it up - (USA) doesn't appear to get reality. She sees no similarity in "Oh, noz! They duz be calling da LAW on us agin!" (and how is that disrespectful to the police?) and "ware is da button for elebenty","why are dere so dam many cat LOLz" and "Wen you duz hadopt a hooman you takes on sooper hooge responsibilities, likes soopervising thems barf time so thems duznt dizzolve." This is how we animal lovers write when we're goofing around. Did you expect is to quiver in fear at your  'threats and intimidation'? The fact is, you did call the law to complain about our fair use of the 'thong' page posts and some mild posts here that are far less threatening than those instigating others to call the law about them. Luminosity's posts go so far beyong bigotry, insults, intimidation and threats it's breathtaking. Her use of the word "dames", though, in addition to identifying her and insulting most of her own friends, is hysterically funny when combined with her palpable ageism. "Dames"? GMAFB. BTW you are using someone's graphic creations without permission. Please remove them. That *is* a violation, even on social media.

Please continue to post, however. Your and Luminosity's posts are making it crystal clear what kind of people you are. Goodnight, SEA. Goodnight Suzy. Goodnight Marionette.

Give it up

Put an end to racist garbage

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

More garbage
"And, dear person, just because you're a minority it doesn't make you immune to criticism or mockery for stupid, reactionary remarks. Thinking that *would* be racist." 

EvangelineQ  hiding behind the page for the stronger remarks.

DDB's main address is above if you want to send complaints about the bigotry on their page, http://www.facebook.com/ExposingTheHatersOfDogsDeserveBetter.  Thayne knows about the page and knows the people behind it.  These yahoos have taken it on themselves to speak for DDB, and Thayne is letting them.  Thayne can't afford to alienate anyone.  If you don't like the garbage coming out of that page, call DDB, call Thayne and complain.

Report Attachments

Give it up

Insulting rants when confronted about bigoted remarks

#33Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

Bitter, angry, insulting, bigoted  response when a poster told them it was offensive.

Report Attachments

Give it up

Pathetic explanation why they are not bigots

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

Jet Maier, get a dictionary, look up the word "advertising".

Good luck explaining how "dogspeak" sounds alot like stereotypical racist language. Given the rants on your page, not likely.

Good luck explaining why anyone would use "dogspeak" in an attempt to disrespect the police.

Claimed its "dogspeak" but insult a minority poster and post a literal FU picture.  All in the name of DDB and Thayne.

Report Attachments


Santa Clarita,
United States of America
Reply to #34

#35General Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

Those are quotes from posts made her by Luminoisity Stone. You lose. Thank you for confessing she's a racist, ageist and judging by the hysterical responses to the pic and quote of the renowned and respected Stephan Fry, I guess I was right about you being homophobes as well.


Santa Clarita,
United States of America
Reply to #32

#36General Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

"You dames have said, "So what if Tammy is a convicted felon", "So what if she was caught with 9 cans of mace and stun guns at a REHAB center", "So what if she abandons dogs", "So what if she steals dogs", "So what if she is charged with animal cruelty", "So what if she has been raising funds illegally for over a decade", "So what if she begs for donations to bail her out of her of trouble.""

None of those are quotes from any of us. Remove the quotation marks, please.

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
More Expressive Art From DDB's Finest - See photo above

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

Ann is doodling again.  How cute.

Give it up

No longer wackjobs but now bigots?

#38Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Ann Cardon finally figured it out.  Advertising themselves as Dimwits and Fruitcakes was not really a good idea.  Now shes advertising them as racist, stigmatizing, elderly-bashing, handicapped bashing buffoons.  A positive and productive use of her artistic abilities, sure to put DDB in a positive light.

Report Attachments


South Dakota,
United States of America
Shut up already

#39Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Whatever trouble Tamira is in is of her own doing whether it be because she is actually guilty of the charges or whether it be that she burned bridges with the people who would have had her back otherwise.  Either way, it is her cross to bear.  Pointing fingers, maligning people, harassing people, intimidating witnesses only makes her look guilty.

If you had a lick of sense you would be defending Tamira with positive stories in response to her critics but instead you engage in hostile and antagonistic derision further proving her critics point, that this is exactly how Tamira behaves.

You would do her and yourselves well by just shutting up.

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Haters page - Keep it up, you are helping the case against Tammy.

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Let me redefine "work for and volunteer for" - I mean in the capacity of an animal rescuer, someone that cares about dogs. 

I stand corrected, you do "work for" Tammy in the capacity of weak little minions, someone for Tammy to cower behind and someone to spew her vitriol and lies because she does not have the guts to face the truth.  She is using you, like she used 3/4 of her volunteers that quit.

Your little group didn't even rear it's ugly head until Dr. Suzanne Fiala had the "nerve" to ask why she wasn't being reimbursed for foster expenses, who had the "nerve" to ask why DDB was raising funds illegally.  Where were you before the sh&* hit the fan?  Were you out there daily pounding the streets and knocking on doors for the dogs?  Were you transporting or fostering for DDB?  Were you fundraising for DDB?  NO!  You were recruited by Tammy because of your weakness and low self esteem.  You are the people she preys on to do her dirty work.  People that put HER on a pedestal.  That is why the REAL volunteers and employees QUIT, because they put the DOGS on a pedestal, not Tammy.  And YOU are what remains, the bottom of the barrel.

You dames have said, "So what if Tammy is a convicted felon", "So what if she was caught with 9 cans of mace and stun guns at a REHAB center", "So what if she abandons dogs", "So what if she steals dogs", "So what if she is charged with animal cruelty", "So what if she has been raising funds illegally for over a decade", "So what if she begs for donations to bail her out of her of trouble."   You say that Tammy is a "pioneer" in the anti-tethering movement.  Really?  Name me one rescue group that is PRO tethering.  Rescuers were unchaining dogs before DDB and they will continue doing it after DDB.  The difference in these rescuers and Tammy, is that they do their jobs without all of the sensationalism.   They rescue more dogs with less resources and they do it without resorting to cheap and tacky publicity stunts.  This shows how little you know about animal rescue and how little you care about animals.  In that sense, you and Tammy make a great team.  Why do you think 100+ volunteers left in the span of a few months?  Maybe because they actually care about dogs and want to work for someone that actually cares about dogs. 

If that page doesn't belong to DDB then you tell us why personal DDB employee information has come into your hands to be posted publicly on that page?  You tell us why a photo taken of Shannon Allen that was taken by Tammy is in your ImageShack album?  You tell us why complaints made to the medical review board on Dr. Fiala, complaints made by Tammy, made their way to your page?  You tell us why emails between Tammy and her volunteers have been posted to your page?  If that page doesn't belong to DDB,  tell us why your "leader" has made comments on that page?  Anybody that knows, knows that she is behind that page. 

But keep it up, PLEASE, you are only helping the case against Tammy. 

To Stop Racism - I highly recommend that you and your friends report the page for using hate speech https://www.facebook.com/ExposingTheHatersOfDogsDeserveBetter.  See the attached photo.  THIS IS WHAT DDB DOES!  They mock, stalk, harass, and bully anybody that dares question them.

To the Haters page - Thank you for proving my point that you are all psychopathic paranoids, "And I think I there is more than a hint of Ms. VanDerCujo at work here". 

It was Marion in Library with a knife!  Bwahahaha!

Report Attachments

Give it up

Quit with the racist garbage

#41Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Have to love that Jet Maier.  Telling minorities how they should feel.

That is so 1930s.  You are making a racist out of yourself.

Stop Racism

United States of America
why all the hate

#42Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

ann cardon, what have i or any other african american done to you?  why all the hate? 

your so full of ignorance and spite and why is dogs deserve better not doing anything about you? if your speaking in their name, all your doing is making people think of ddb as racist. 

the only hate your exposing with that page is the hate in your own heart.  i dont think anybody with that much hate could be a happy person.


Santa Clarita,
United States of America
Reply to "Mocking Racism"

#43General Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

"This is what DDB does". We aren't DDB. According to you, none of us has ever worked there nor know the owner. And, no, we aren't mocking racism. We're mocking you and the manufactured outrage we see. We will, doubtless, continue to do so.


Santa Clarita,
United States of America
Reply to #25

#44General Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

More threats? Will we 'rue the day' we crossed your bad selves? We're still waiting on the lawsuit and LE investigation Shannon promised for us using fair use quotes of the DDB Supporters Whatever page. We can reply to any post, mock anyone and quote lies and insults made about us to our heart's content, as can you. If you don't like the way the internet works, don't use it or call the ACLU (who works for Shannon).


Santa Clarita,
United States of America
dear african american lady message #21

#45General Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Please see David's First Mate or any other dog owned page on Facebook. Then look at icanhazcheeseburger.com. Racist? Re-evaluate your paranoia and false outrage. Race-baiting is so 1990s. You are making a fool of yourself.


Salt Lake City,
United States of America
African American Offense

#46Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Playing the race card...whaaaa whaaaa whaaaa

And I think I there is more than a hint of Ms. VanDerCujo at work here with all the Ageism replies. But ah well...fluster on. 

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Go ahead and laugh

#47Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Ann, you may make jest at the notion that you have a rat amongst you but we can now validate with 100% certainty who the admins of the page are and who is making what posts.  This is not going to bode well for at least one of you.

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
TheThe Truth About DDB From Former Employees and Volunteers

#48Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

The pro-DDB comments on this page are from people who have NEVER volunteered for or worked for DDB.

Here is the TRUTH from the people "in the know"


Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Mocking Racism

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Stop Racism, you have made their 'hit list'.  They are already mocking you on their page, this is what DDB does.

Report Attachments

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
DDB Supporters Are Delusional

#50Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Poor delusional Ann with your conspiracy theories and "epic myth-making".  No, this isn't the "Doktar" or "OCD Allen" or the "Thong Page" or "Fat Face Heather";  just another one of DDB's growing FORMER volunteers.  I tried to tell Tammy to remove that page but she never responded; which tells me and others that she condones and support your tactics.  You are doing the FORMER supporters a great service, now they know what kind of people are involved in that disgrace of an organization, and you further give credibility to those who have spoken the truth.

You credit Allen/Fiala with "bringing down" DDB.  You credit them with the current charges against Tammy, which is quite an accomplish for two "crazy, obsessed, loons".  Do you, in all of your wisdom, not see the contradiction in your own words?

You mention Tereza, Heather, Kim, and Kristi as being co-conspirators in this mission to bring DDB down.  Funny how every single former employee that had to deal with Tammy daily saw her for what she really is but you, someone who has never worked for, volunteered for, or even met Tammy; pretends to know more about Tammy than any of them.

I think everyone is starting to see her groupies for what you are; bored old ladies who need a leader.  What?  Did Tammy caress your egos and it was love?  So sad that you little people grasp on to any attention you can get and run around like sniveling minions, catering to Tammy because she is too much of a coward to defend herself and she has to send her little puppets.  Do you not get how pathetic you look, how pathetic you ALL look?  Let me guess - most of you are over 50; have no husbands or significant others; have medial jobs; and spend copious amounts of time online to get your 'feel' of social interaction?  Yes, that is what I thought.

Stop Racism

United States of America
yes it is a racist remark

#51Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

i am an african american woman and i find it very offensive.  anybody with normal smarts would see it too.

are you the same ann posting all over that page?  your very disturbed and very racist if you dont see anything wrong with it.

your trying to insult my intelligence? your the one calling attention to yourselves as wackjobs and dimwitted idiots with that poster.  i agree

Report Attachments

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Racism and more from DDB

#52Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

It is hard to say that that page IS NOT DDB's page considering that Tammy (DDB's CEO) has contributed to the page by making comments on posts and has provided information on her employees that is protected by Workplace Privacy Laws which has been posted publicly on THAT page.

Racism, stigmatizing the mentally ill, ridiculing the physically disabled; bullying anyone that contradicts her.  Folks, meet the founder of DDB.


Salt Lake City,
United States of America
Ageism and Rats

#53Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Lumosity Stone,

How bright your spirit shines in it's slippery cloak of self conceived cleverness, how quickly you digress to using Ageism to hurl insult after insult.  

Did you hit a nerve? No. It is impossible that you could have that kind of effect on me, because all I see is your willingness to take the lowest road possible. What you are attempting to do has no effect on me, nor is it based in reality.  So what if I don't know for sure who you are, I am fairly confident who you are. At least I posted here with my real name. I don't go for guessing games, if I can't know for certainly who you are or anyone else here, it doesn't matter because I read your energy, that is quite clear, it can't lie.  It is without substance and to argue with it is pointless. 

As for a rat, well goody!   Enjoy your entertainment.


Salt Lake City,
United States of America
Racially Insensitive?

#54Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

No, the post you have referenced here is NOT on any official DDB pages.  Further, what specifically is racially insensitive about this post?   That should solve the false dilemma for you, i.e.  the fake problem your trying to create genius. 

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Did I hit a nerve Ann?

#55Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2013

Oh, poor dear Ann.  It is always either Fiala or Allen isn't it?  Is this paranoia that you are experiencing or is it senility?  Give in Ann, give into your age.  Go back to your lift-chair, wrap your afghan around your cold brittle bones, and allow someone to wipe the drool from your chin while you scribble on your sketch pad.  It is okay to be old and senile, it will happen to us all.  It is just so heart-breaking to see you fall apart online for the world to see.  I hope, when I am your age, that I will have caring people around me to stop me from embarrassing myself.  Do you not have anybody Ann?

I must be honest, I rather enjoy watching you you old maids in a tail spin trying to figure out who is who and who is posting what.  I apologize for saying, that you aging dames have provided much entertainment for me during the last couple of years.  Was it Suzanne in the Kitchen with the candlestick?  Was it Heather in the Hall with the poison?  Was it Tereza in the Conservatory with the revolver?  Oh my, you crazy gals are just a hoot!

Look to your own Ann.  Your little club has a rat.

Stop Racism

United States of America
racially offensive posts on one of ddb's facebook pages

#56Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2013

why is ddb allowing these racially insensitive remarks on their facebook page?  who is running their  page.the page  its full of rants and hate.

i liked ddb but this makes me wonder.  that page is so out of control

Report Attachments

Dog Warrior

Knew you couldn't stay away

#57General Comment

Wed, February 20, 2013

Its better to be a 70 year old nursing home artist than a crazy fu**ed up doctor under court order for a mental exam because she's a stalker!

Lumosity Stone

United States of America
Know-it-all much?

#58Consumer Comment

Wed, February 20, 2013

Ann, for someone that has never worked or volunteered for DDB and for someone that has never met Tammy, you sure think you know an awful lot.  How embarrassing for you, a 70 year old woman playing high school games on the Internet.  Go back to your nursing home art classes.  You are a better artist than liar, and that ain't saying much.

Time to stop lying

United States of America
Agreed, Intimidation, Threats and Bullying

#59Consumer Comment

Wed, February 20, 2013

  • "Actually others know about what has transpired in full detail"
Obviously, "So Desperate / Supporter" posted the details here for everyone to see.  Claiming it after the fact is a bit silly.
  • "SA has used in her behind the scenes attempts to control, punish and ruin Ms. Bassett's reputation and livelihood"

Why would SA (Assuming Shannon Allen) want to control, punish and ruin Ms. Bassett's reputation and livelihood?  Behind the scenes? Is she a puppet master?

  • "You can speak for the prosecution now can you? I wonder what kind of a view the prosecution would take of these statements? Maybe I'll forward them for their review. "

Nope, only speaking for myself.  But Geez, do you really need a map drawn for you to see that?  Maybe you should see what Tami's lawyer thinks. 

If you want to forward them, be my guest.   I'm not the one trying to ruin his case.

  • "There you  have it, a perfect example of the kind of turnaround of cause and effect "

So let me get this straight, you saw an old link posted and were "forced" to respond?  I saw the page and it only has a little over 100 likes.  Not very popular, not a very big audience so probably no clout to force anyone to do anything.  What prevented "So Desperate" from responding on her own page?  Isn't that what its for?

Was she also "forced" to identify individuals?  "Forced" to assassinate their character?  "Forced" to attack the credibility of the main witness?  "So Desperate" knew the trial date, she posted it.  Are you actually asking people to believe that it didnt occur to her that it was probably not a good idea going after Tami's accuser so close to her trial?

  • "attempts were made to intimidate and bully using threats of police action to bring a case of copyright infringement against members and admins of the Exposing the haters of DDB page.  In that case SA was proven to be the instigator, cause we all knew the details"

Well, how could there be threats of police action unless some law was being broken?  Were they doing something illegal?  I mean, you could threaten me with police action or sending my statements to the DA.  Would I feel threatened?  No.  

How could SA instigate anything?  That would only work if Ms. Bassett was involved with the page.  And according to "So Desperate", Ms. Bassett is not involved in any DDB related pages. 

Unless shes lying.


Salt Lake City,
United States of America
Intimidation and Threats~Bullying

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2013


The information you revealed about the police incident between Barbara Bassett and Shannon Allen is too detailed and is only information that could be known by 3 people: Ms. Bassett, Ms. Allen, and the police officer.  Doubtful the police officer would bother posting here and since Ms. Allen is probably not trying to embarrass herself, well, there is only one candidate left...


Actually others know about what has transpired in full detail including recent and multiple use of police contact that SA has used in her behind the scenes attempts to control, punish and ruin Ms. Bassett's reputation and livelihood.  

Even witnesses are being intimidated? More heavy use of a heavy word...intimidated, so that you can throw around 'intimidating' thoughts and concepts such as;

"Prosecutors tend to take a dim view of people messing with their witnesses.  (And they tend to go after them)Prosecutors take that anger out on the defendant."  You can speak for the prosecution now can you? I wonder what kind of a view the prosecution would take of these statements? Maybe I'll forward them for their review. 


"Please, enough with the threats already.  They're not going to make a lick of difference.  You're just giving Tami and DDB a horrible reputation."

"Other comments suggested it was meant to intimidate witnesses." (emphasis mine)

"In case it is a form of intimidation, we are forwarding all information we have to the Surry Co. District attorney." (emphasis mine) 

Please, enough with the use of the ideas of intimidation and threats already. Even though your obviously posturing and internet chest butting, your just giving yourself and your supporters page a horrible reputation.  Although I know you can no more stop than quit breathing, it's addicting for you isn't it? That is the nature of the beast. 


On another note, it is the Supporters for the resignation of the CEO page that resurrected this report, yet above it is said;

"So why are they still being attacked?

There is only one possible reason these people are naming individuals that have nothing to do with the case.  They are attempting to intimate the witnesses that are supposed to testify against Tami.  You just have to look at the date.  This original complaint was made back in December 2011.  There is nothing for more than a year, and then they post today, a few weeks before Tami's trial."

There you  have it, a perfect example of the kind of turnaround of cause and effect that is constantly being employed by the Supporters for the resignation of the CEO/this poster whom I have every reason to believe are one and the same. Yes, recent responses have been posted as a result and reaction to the Supporters for the resignation of the CEO page resurrecting this report! In fact the supporters page has resurrected every report about DDB for the last several years and made a post about it! Then they have the audacity to act surprised about the responses garnished? Yet they seize upon this to twist it against the responders, as if they are the ones to have resurrected the arguments just two weeks before the trial. Oh and further, not only to twist it against the responders but to construct a fake argument about the responders motives, that they are trying to intimidate witnesses! The absurdity of this claim is quite clear.  This is the same tactic used on the Supporters for the resignation of the CEO page when attempts were made to intimidate and bully using threats of police action to bring a case of copyright infringement against members and admins of the Exposing the haters of DDB page.  In that case SA was proven to be the instigator, cause we all knew the details...

Time to stop lying

United States of America
Even witnesses are being intimidated

#61Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2013

Interesting, the first point "So Deseperate" responds to.  Hit a nerve?

Oh, my mistake, its no longer "So Desperate" but now "Supporter"?  That spam filter and its 8 hour rule can be a nuisance.  What was that about not using mulitple profiles and identities?

Again, "So Desperate/Supporter"'s report mostly nonsense, and still filled with threats.

  • "Since the only witnesses revealed were a vet and the ACO, we have no way of knowing who they are"

Thank God for small favors.  What happens after the trial though?  They're not fools and know whats going to happen once their identies are revealed.

Look what you and Tami have tried to do to Deana Whitfield.

  • "To think that posting here could intimadate someone who might testify well people who lie to have someone arrested might just cave when they actually have to testify and tell the lie under oath"

As you have already admitted, you don't know who they are, have not heard their testimony, and you have already determined that they are lying?  So you are determined to stop them before they even have a chance to testify?

Really, making posts like this.  Do you even understand what you are doing? 

Please, enough with the threats already.  They're not going to make a lick of difference.  You're just giving Tami and DDB a horrible reputation.


your city,
United States of America
Your Facts are not True Facts

#62Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2013

Seriously?  Known only to the three involved?  Get real.  Shannon involved several people when she first started her abuse, and names were revealed then.  Police reports have been shared with many people, media and attorneys.  So to state that only three people would know that information is as laughable as saying the anti-DDB crowd doesnt hate the ground Tami walks on.  There are many of us that support DDB who have endured the thong page abuse and threats.  You post threats almost every day.

"If the witnesses saw repeated use of stun guns and pepper spray, why did they say nothing"
Well, apparently they have, because apparently, that is why Tami was arrested.

We were asking before, not after.  If abuse had been going on all that time, why did no one say anything?  Why did they just quit?  Many of your supporters claim to have seen abuse first hand and did absolutely nothing. And one of your supporters was arrested AND convicted of animal abuse.

*"No,no one has ever been arrested and charged for a bogus charge. People can be arrested and charged with anything.  It's the proof and  convicting that are hard.  Being arrested and charge is by no way proof of guilt, and if you believe that, please don't sit on a jury."

True, but then I was clearly referring to evidence required to proceed with a charge and made no mention of guilt or innocence. So why you are going off on this tangent is a bit bizarre. 

Because your statement said Tami could never have been arrested and charged if there was not evidence.  She easily could have.  It's happened many times.You can continue to name people you "believe" are posting - as long as you realize the situation you are creating for your friend.  And while you think you may be anonymous, you won't be for much longer.  We have many supporters regardless of what you think.  Since the only witnesses revealed were a vet and the ACO, we have no way of knowing who they are.  To think that posting here could intimadate someone who might testify well people who lie to have someone arrested might just cave when they actually have to testify and tell the lie under oath.  That's perjury.  A very serious offense. Besides Tami has copies of all of these bogus ripoff reports and your pages to present to the court for how SHE has been defamed and harassed by you guys.

If telling you you have to pay for what you did is a threat then so what.  But its not a threat, its the truth.

Time to stop lying

United States of America
And yet more threats and intimidation

#63Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2013

Well, you are right, they do seem to mention trolls.  I guess if you were a troll, you'd probably feel threatened and intimidated. 

  • "Whitfield admitted to the charge."

Again, neither  the DA nor the police have made the status of the investigation public nor have they revealed the results of that investigation.  Ms. Whitfield has not been arrested and has not been charged since the complaint was made in August of last year, 6 months ago.   Ms. Whitfield has made virtually no public statements and has not made any public admission that she has commited any crime.  If she had admitted to the charge, she would have been charged and arrested.

Claiming Ms. Whitfield admitted to the charge is yet another, complete fabrication.

BTW, during that same time period, Tami was charged, arrested, had a first hearing, and had 3 hearings rescheduled.

  • "If the witnesses saw repeated use of stun guns and pepper spray, why did they say nothing"

Well, apparently they have, because apparently, that is why Tami was arrested.

  • "No, no one has ever been arrested and charged for a bogus charge. People can be arrested and charged with anything.  It's the proof and  convicting that are hard.  Being arrested and charge is by no way proof of guilt, and if you believe that, please don't sit on a jury."

True, but then I was clearly referring to evidence required to proceed with a charge and made no mention of guilt or innocence. So why you are going off on this tangent is a bit bizarre.

  • An attempt at humor or a severely lack of understanding of the word "platform".  Fiala's "platform" is to "take down DDB". 

Well, maybe it extends even further up the chain.  Maybe it's Tami's platform?  Because really, how does anyone screw up this badly?  A dog rescuer and rehabber caught with stun guns and large quantities of pepper spray? 

  • "Perhaps that explains why Ms. Bassett has not made any comments on any DDB pages under her own name?"
  • "Or not. "

Or maybe you're simply not being honest. 

The information you revealed about the police incident between Barbara Bassett and Shannon Allen is too detailed and is only information that could be known by 3 people: Ms. Bassett, Ms. Allen, and the police officer.  Doubtful the police officer would bother posting here and since Ms. Allen is probably not trying to embarrass herself, well, there is only one candidate left...

Out of morbid curiosity, do you really think you have helped Tami?  I ask because:

  1. You have tried to embarrass and discredit people who have spoken out against Tami.
  2. You have done this 2 weeks before her trial.
  3. One and possibly more of these people could be witnesses in a court trial.
  4. Prosecutors tend to take a dim view of people messing with their witnesses.  (And they tend to go after them)
  5. Prosecutors take that anger out on the defendant.

Finally, as if this should come as a shock, every single post made by "So Desperate" ends with a threat.  Go figure.




You Are So Desperate

United States of America
Intimidation and Threats Posted

#64General Comment

Mon, February 18, 2013

Need any more proof that the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/DDB-Supporters-for-the-Resignation-of-the-FounderCEO posts threatening and intimidating posts to anyone who disagrees with them?

Here is their latest post regarding the responses provided to their sharing of this bogus ripoff report.  They again claim that people were "singled out individuals", yet fail to mention the people they singled out in their comments above. 

DDB supporters are "trolls",  while Anti-DDB supporters are on the side of "good and right".


DDB Supporters for the Resignation of the Founder/CEO shared a link.4 hours ago Feb 18 2013

!! Important Information !!

We posted this link a few days ago which had been dormant until now but as a result of our link, it became active again. Several of the new comments were made by a troll that singled out individuals that post on our page and claim to represent the troll page. Other comments suggested it was meant to intimidate witnesses.

In case it is a form of intimidation, we are forwarding all information we have to the Surry Co. District attorney. We believe only one troll is responsible, the same troll we alluded to back in December.

If you are associated with the pending case and are concerned that you have been affected as a result of troll activity, we suggest you contact the Surry Co. Commonwealth attorney:

Gerald G. Poindexter
Commonwealth's Attorney
P. O. Box 358
Surry, VA 23883
Phone: (757) 294-3118

(757) 294-3560

If the authorities need more information, we can provide it, just pm us. Intimidation overload?  Encouraging their readers to attack people they tell them to?  Actions have consequences.

You Are So Desperate

United States of America

#65General Comment

Mon, February 18, 2013

"Voil!  Ms. Whitfield is accused of embezzlement, months after it was alleged to have occurred."

Whitfield admitted to the charge.

"There are witnesses to the continued use of stun guns and pepper spray on the dogs and this is included in the arrest warrants.  Tami could never have been arrested and charged if there was not evidence supporting the charge."

A. If the witnesses saw repeated use of stun guns and pepper spray, why did they say nothing?  Did Tami just come to town, taze a dog and leave?  First they say she is never at the faciliity,  then they say she's there all the time, but only to taze and spray dogs.

B.  No, no one has ever been arrested and charged for a bogus charge. People can be arrested and charged with anything.  It's the proof and convicting that are hard.  Being arrested and charge is by no way proof of guilt, and if you believe that, please don't sit on a jury.

"but they provided the platform for the DDB liars to speak."

This kind of logic does not make sense.  Facebook also provided "the platform", the power company, the internet service providers, all contributed to "the platform".  They do not seem to be a target though."

An attempt at humor or a severely lack of understanding of the word "platform".  Fiala's "platform" is to "take down DDB". 

""So Desperate" goes to alot of trouble denying that Ms. Bassett is using an alias, only to admit to it in the end.  Perhaps that explains why Ms. Bassett has not made any comments on any DDB pages under her own name?"

Or not. 

" "So Desperate" goes to great lenghts belittling the idea that her report is an attempt at intimidation, only to finish it with a threat. '

Actions have consequences.  When this case is over, People will be made to face consequences of their actions.  Not a threat.  Truth.

Time to stop lying

United States of America
More Intimidation

#66Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2013

I think most people will see "So Desperate"'s report for what it is, nonsense.

"So Desperate" denies and mocks the intimidation assertion and yet calls out another person on their "list".  They must think Tereza Marks is a witness.

Like I said, they will go after anyone who dares criticise Tami and DDB.

Only a few remarks in response, can't really be bothered dealing with the rest of "So Desperate"'s "truth" :

  • "because Tami had to go back in her files to provide information to her legal team. It was then she noted the overpayment claimed by Whitfield.  So charges were brought."
Well, of course thats what happened.  Tami is under investigation, meets with her legal team, and they advise her that the best strategy for dealing with a witness is to discredit them.  Voil!  Ms. Whitfield is accused of embezzlement, months after it was alleged to have occurred.

This was a strategy that Tami first  brought up on her "lifeinthemansion" blog when Shannon Allen spoke out.  She didnt have a chance to use it on Ms. Allen back then but she was prepared when if came to Ms. Whitfield.

  • "There has never been any physical evidence to prove Tami ever used a stun gun

    on an animal. "

This is a simple misdemeanor case, not CSI. Most likely, there will not be physical evidence.  They're not going to be "dusting for fingerprints", "comparing DNA",  nor all the other clever tricks that are reported in the media.  There are witnesses to the continued use of stun guns and pepper spray on the dogs and this is included in the arrest warrants.  Tami could never have been arrested and charged if there was not evidence supporting the charge.

  • "They say Fiala and Allen are not behind this cruelty action, which could

    possibly be true, but they provided the platform for the DDB liars to speak."

This kind of logic does not make sense.  Facebook also provided "the platform", the power company, the internet service providers, all contributed to "the platform".  They do not seem to be a target though.


  • "They manufacture alternate identities and say Ms. Bassett is behind all of


  • "Ms. Bassett hasnt been involved in this cause in over a year"

  • yet they bring up Ms. Bassett, who has not made a comment on any DDB related pages

    in over a year

  • "And you wonder why WE use aliases?"

"So Desperate" goes to alot of trouble denying that Ms. Bassett is using an alias, only to admit to it in the end.  Perhaps that explains why Ms. Bassett has not made any comments on any DDB pages under her own name?

I finish with this ironic observation.  "So Desperate" goes to great lenghts belittling the idea that her report is an attempt at intimidation, only to finish it with a threat.

PS Wouldnt it be funny if "So Desperate" was actually Ms. Bassett?  Just a thought...

You Are So Desperate

United States of America
Intimidation, thy name is DDB for the Resignation and Bring Joel Home

#67General Comment

Sun, February 17, 2013

And so the lies continue

Dr.  Fiala was a DDBf oster, who had fostered 11 dogs.

Fiala fostered these 11 dogs for approximately two hours each.  She was approved to adopt Joel until she turned in her agreement. In the agreement, she crossed out many items, one being surprise home visits and added that the dog would be penned for several hours a day.  Unacceptable, and her adoption was refused. In going behind her back to get Joel back, all DDB had to do was stop by the doggie day care Fiala dropped him off at another violation of her foster contract. 

Yes, Fiala spoke out.
She lied, and lost in court because of it.

Fialas followers picked out Barbara Bassett because she disagreed with the people ranting about Tami on the Bring Joel Home page.  Ms. Bassett has never been employed by, fostered for or even knew Tami  when she offered her support.  Shannon Allen stalked Ms. Bassett to the point she had to contact the police in Virginia to make her stop.   Allen then contacted Ms. Bassetts employer, posted her personal contact information on Ripoff Report and filed a police report stating she was being stalked. The police informed Allen that Ms. Bassett had just as much information about Allen stalking her and if she proceeded, Ms. Bassett could file a civil suit against her.  Ms Allen attempted to blame Marty on Ms. Bassett, along with several other profiles.  The cops dismissed it. Several months ago, she tried again and was told the same thing and advised not to allow her name to be used in rants against DDB.  We  know, we have the police reports.  Again, Ms. Bassett was effectively silenced in her opinion because of Shannon Allen and has no relationship with DDB at this time.

DDB Supporters have continually used Ms. Bassett as their own personal punching board, and Ms. Bassett hasnt been involved in this cause in over a year.  They manufacture alternate identities and say Ms. Bassett is behind all of them.  They say Fiala and Allen are not behind this cruelty action, which could possibly be true, but they provided the platform for the DDB liars to speak.

As for Tami not caring about Ms Allens embezzlement or OCD, there is no way she could have forseen the lengths at which Ms. Allen would go when she had a change of heart.  She still trusts Tami enough to turn her own dogs over to her when she could no longer afford to keep them, took $700 in gift cards, plus bags of dog food and toys back home with her to feed and care for her remaining dogs.  If Tami is capable of all this abuse,  why would she turn her own dogs over to her?

As for Ms. Whitfield, no charges were filed against her for embezzlement until she spoke out because Tami had to go back in her files to provide information to her legal team.

It was then she noted the overpayment claimed by Whitfield.  So charges were brought.

There has never been any physical evidence to prove Tami ever used a stun gun on an animal.  Maybe there will be at the hearing, we couldnt possibly know, nor claim to.

The animal control officer, per the testimony presented at the hearing saw a healed over scar and bloodshot eyes and said that it represented both a dog fight and possible effects of pepper spray.  At that hearing, a veterinarian stated she never saw any indications in any dog of pepper spray usage, and that dogs with scratches do not have to be seen by veterinarians, and that it was perfectly acceptable to treat on scene.

We look forward to the hearing in March to see what the witnesses bring forward.

Consider the following:

The case of Fiala vs. DDB was resolved over a year ago = in court.  Since then, until she was given court orders to appear for a mental exam, she has waged an online campaign against DDB.  She may no longer be in charge of the pages, but shes providing fodder for their mill.

Shannons lies about financial misappropriations were never pursued by authorities.  Consider the source.  Shannon has also waged her campaign online since then.

They claim neither Shannon nor Fiala have anything to do with Tamis cruelty case, yet they bring up Ms. Bassett, who has not made a comment on any DDB related pages in over a year.  Yet she is still dragged up anytime someone tells the truth about the bogus charges filed against Tami.

So why is she being attacked?  Because shes an easy target. She cant fight back.

Tereza Marks has been going from page to page discouraging people from supporting DDB in any way.   We posted today (weve had a page for over a year now on Facebook, and they are aware of it), yet claim we havent posted until a few weeks before the trial.  All you have to do is look at our page to see they are lying (Exposing the Haters of Dogs Deserve Better on Facebook).

While we wish we had the power to intimidate witnesses,  this statement alone is laughable.  If
they have legitimate proof of abuse, no intimidation should be able to work anyway. As for digging up private history, they are the masters.  They are the ones who took this off a little Facebook page and posted it on a site where information can not be removed.  They are the ones who posted contact information and intimidated Ms Bassett from continuing to voice her support for DDB.  They even posted about her brothers suicide, and her other brothers Alzheimers and claimed it meant mental illness runs in her family, posted her employer contact information,and home information.   You can see it for yourself right here on Ripoff Report. And you wonder why WE use aliases?

Intimidation?  By who?  Then they claim shes several other profiles.  Get real. The ones going after your livelihood, your family and others is their group,  not ours.

As for comment #2 Tami stated While I cannot prove to anyone that I'm not an animal abuser, everyone who comes to the center comments about how all the dogs follow me around like I'm the Pied Piper. From what I've seen, dogs don't follow animal abusers around. Typically two dogs sleep in my room with me each night, and the rest wish they could.

And Fiala, Shannon,Heather, Tereza and all those heroes on the DDB For the Resignation and Bring Joel Home wish they were Tami.

If youre going to continue to wage your campaign of bulls**t, stick to the facts and leave your personal vendettas behind.  Because in the end, when this is over, youre going to have a lot to deal with. 

Time to stop lying

United States of America
Criticise DDB and this could happen to you

#68Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2013

It's a shame these people supporting Tami can't tell the truth and they go after the people who do.

Dr. Suzanne Fiala was a DDB foster who brought up some concerns to Tami about DDB in Washington.  A week after she did this, DDB confiscated her foster dog, Joel, who was in the process of being adopted by Dr. Fiala.  They carried out a very carefully planned operation to go behind Dr. Fiala's back to take Joel without her knowledge and even had a lawyer involved that day.  Dr. Fiala tried to go through the courts to get Joel back but was unsuccessful.

DDB thought well enough of Dr. Fiala to foster 11 dogs with her and publically approved Joel's adoption.   They even praised her on Facebook the week before this happened.

Until Dr. Fiala spoke out...

During the Joel case, Tamira Thayne and Barbara Bassett organized a campaign to have Dr. Fiala reported to the Washington medical board.  Tami had DDB people and friends file reports with the board and Barbara Bassett created a Facebook page for that purpose.  "Marty" from Report #1 mentions the investigation they instigated back in 2011 (Guess who "Marty" is).  Ms Thayne, Ms Bassett and the others lived thousands of miles away from Dr. Fiala, never met Dr. Fiala, were never patients of Dr. Fiala.

Shannon Allen was employed by Tami and was DDB's most ardent supporter on Facebook during Fiala vs. DDB.  She had a change of heart and her good conscience forced her to resign from DDB.  She went to the media with her concerns about DDB and Tami went after her with a vengence (see Report # 2, Tami herself), and along with Barbara Bassett, waged a bitter internet campaign.  The campaign against Ms. Allen became so bad that the police had to get involved.  Tami also knew about Ms. Allen's past prior to hiring her, including her conviction and her issues with OCD.  It was never a problem for Tami. 

Until Ms. Allen spoke out...

Deana Whitfield was with DDB in California for years.  She was a rep and held very high positions within the organization.  She believed in DDB and the rehab center so much that she moved from California to Virginia to make it work.  She was with DDB for years but it only took months of working with Tami and being witness to her alleged misdeeds to resign from DDB and report Tami to the authorities.  They even had a going away party on her last day at DDB in June.  There were no allegations of embezzlement for 2 months.

Until Ms. Whitfield spoke out...

Tami made up the allegation of embezzlement in order to intimidate Ms. Whitfield into silence and damage her credibility.  Ms. Whitfield is the main witness against Tami but not the only one.  She filed the complaints in May, the ACO investigated in July, and arrested Tami on the charge of cruelty and neglect in August.  Tami reported the alleged embezzlement in August.  Do the math.

Tami has made up so many different stories about the stun guns but in a statement made in her last interview, she admitted that they did use them but pointed it up in the air to scare the dogs.

The DA prosecuting Tami's case of alleged cruelty and neglect, has not made the evidence available to the public and Ms. Whitfield and the ACO have not commented on or shared that evidence. It would be impossible to know the details.  Any statements or claims to know the nature of Ms. Whitfield's evidence is a complete fabrication.

The animal control officer of Surry County confiscated a dog that was at the center of the complaint.  The ACO observed injuries that were consistent with a dog fight and also observed the physical effects of pepper spray.  The injuries were healed over but the dog was never taken to a veterinarian.  The ACO did not witness the cause of the injuries but there were witnesses to these incidents.  The witnesses could not be made available for the first hearing but these witnesses will be available for Tami's next hearing in March.

Consider the following:

  • The case of Fiala vs. DDB was resolved over a year ago in favor of DDB.

  • Shannon Allen's media statement about DDB's alleged financial misappropriations were also made over a year ago.  Nothing came of it and the authorities never acted.

  • Dr. Fiala no longer runs any Facebook pages critical of DDB.

  • Suzanne Fiala and Shannon Allen have nothing to do with Tami's cruelty and neglect case.  They are not witnesses, never filed the original complaints and have never been to Tami's center in Virginia. 

So why are they still being attacked?

There is only one possible reason these people are naming individuals that have nothing to do with the case.  They are attempting to intimdate the witnesses that are supposed to testify against Tami.  You just have to look at the date.  This original complaint was made back in December 2011.  There is nothing for more than a year, and then they post today, a few weeks before Tami's trial.

They are sending a message.

The message?  If you say anything bad against Tami, they will do anything, say anything to keep you quiet.  They will dig up your history, your private issues, your employment history, anything and everything to embarrass you into silence.  They will go after your livelihood, harass you,  harass your family, all in an attempt to intimidate and discredit.

One final note.  Read Tami's own comment, #2.  She herself makes reference to the allegations of animal cruelty made against her years ago. 

By her own words, allegations of animal cruelty are nothing new for Tami.  This time, she has been caught.

You Are So Desperate

United States of America
And the desperation begins

#69General Comment

Sat, February 16, 2013

It's a shame that the people of DDB Supporters for the Resignation of the CEO are so desperate in their misguided, manufactured case against the owner of Dogs Deserve Better that they are resorting to pulling up years old reports to support their argument.

The facts of the matter stand. 

Dr. Suzanne Fiala started the crusade against DDB when she was denied adoption of a "boy in a dog suit" named Joel.  She was a poor foster, and the dog was removed and the adoption denied.  She went to court and lost.  She started "Bring Joel Home" and when that didn't work, she teamed with disgruntled employee...

Shannon Allen, who started her campaign of lies with several blogs, facebook pages and fake news reports.  She cuts and pastes emails to make them look like they come from several people.  She's a convicted embezzler (stealing (or "borrowing" as she calls it) $36,000 from Virginia Tech.  She claims she did this because she has a mental illness.  She also refuses to admit that she was charged with felonies and pled to misdemeanors, but does state that "all borrowed funds were repaid".  That's how she stayed out of jail.  Shannon hates Tami, says she's an abuser, yet has turned her dogs over to Tami to adopt, because she couldn't find them homes.  They are currently on DDB's petfinder page (see Ismay for example)  She also took $700 in gift cards, dog food and supplies when she turned over the dogs.  Shannon then teamed with

Deana Whitfield, who sent pictures of a dog that was thrown from a vehicle to Surry county's ACO, claiming Tami inflicted the abuse.  She claimed dogs were regularly sprayed with "mace" (even though it was proved that it was not mace, but a dog repellant called "Halt", and it was only in the office for the protection of the workers).  She claimed dogs are tazed, yet the stun gun found on site was given to Tami after she was attacked by a dog, and was disassembled when found.She claimed to be injured on the job, but reported it to no one until she contacted the ACO after leaving DDB.  Then she reported it to OSHA. Deana overpaid herself and charges of embezzlement are on the DA's desk for decision to charge.

The animal control officer of Surry County could not present any proof in the hearing (she depended on a witness to show up, and had no evidence of her own) and claimed that the only "abuse" she saw was a cut on the dogs face (which she claimed was from an "attack") that was healed when she arrived.  She saw cans of Halt (and called them mace) and a stun gun and concluded, with only hearsay evidence, no physical evidence, that both were used on the animals.  She also claimed the crates were "too small".

Remember, this is coming from the animal control facility that did nothing while Michael Vick ran a dog fighting ring and killed dogs on the site.  Nothing. 

Currently, Dr. Fiala is under court order to have a mental exam, as she has disregarded professional boundries, stalked and abused a patient involved with DDB and has been deemed a "risk to patient safety" because of her mental state.

Shannon is currently planning her own "rescue" and is asking for donations for 501c paperwork, even though she has a conviction on record and would never be allowed to have a 501c. But she took the money anyway.

Deana (and unknown "witnesses" will appear at the March 5 hearing claiming animal abuse against Tami.  The judge in the first hearing not only stated that there was no evidence presented for Jada that showed she was abused - in fact, in the time she was at Good Newz, she showed "an amazing job of being healed". 

While we cannot predict the outcome of the March 5 trial, we have no doubt that these carefully manufactured claims against Tami are false, and based only on a deep hatred of Tami.  Adoptions and rescues have had to be cut back severely as Tami wastes time dealing with this bogus case.

Their desperation has become so big that they are now going to anyone who supports DDB in any way and posting their page to get new followers.  It's sad and so heartbreaking that people who claim to love animals is doing everything they can to harm them.

DDB For the Resignation of the CEO and Bring Joel Home should be ashamed of the harm they are causing to dog rescue everywhere, and to DDB themselves. 


United States of America
"I KNOW Tami is about and only about saving animals."Shannon Allen, August 6, 2011

#70REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 07, 2011

"I KNOW Tami is about and only about saving animals."Shannon Allen, August 6, 2011

by Tamira Ci Thayne on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 7:00pm

"I wouldn't affiliate myself with an organization that does the things that BJH is claiming. I have a good relationship with Tami, that doesn't mean we don't disagree at times, but in the end I KNOW Tami is about and only about saving animals. If for one moment I doubted that, I would quietly move on. I picked up a chained dog around 4am one morning after receiving a call. Vespa had been mauled while chained and escaped. I don't know how long she was on the run with her injuries but was she severely septic. I asked Tami if we should let her go or try to save her. Tami said, "Save her!" Two days and $1500 later,
Vespa died at the ER clinic. Tami was there for me at 2am, 2 days before Christmas when Vespa died. I will always be grateful for that."Shannon Allen, writing about Dogs Deserve Better founder Tamira Thayne, August 6, 2011

(She's just got a funny way of showing her gratitude, that's all.)

I am under attack by former Dogs Deserve Better rep Shannon Allen, and as such I am speaking out about the Dogs Deserve Better Area Rep program, the expectations of reps who are in our program, and why Shannon Allen is misleading the rescue community and is, indeed, the only one abandoning dogs if that is where her intentions lie.

The Dogs Deserve Better Area Rep program is very unique, in that not only are we geographically scattered across the entire countryand sometimes even worldbut each rep has in the past been given the utmost freedom of choice and control over his/her area.

This meant that first and foremost a rep was required to be an adult, to behave like an adult, and to make adult decisions as to
her/his ability to rescue dogs, place dogs, and take physical responsibility for any dogs rescued in her/his area. In addition, reps
made decisions about talking to people with chained dogs, running educational booths, building fences, and starting grassroots efforts to change laws for man's best friend to prohibit chaining.

I never asked or told reps to go rescue a certain dog. I didn't feel that was my decision to make. Rescuing a dog is a big commitment, and I would make that commitment for myself and for myself alone. If I were able to take a certain dog into my home and foster him/her, I might ask a closer rep to facilitate rescuing the dog and getting him/her to me.

I typically fostered as many as six dogs at a time, out of my home, which also doubled as the organizational headquarters. There was not any kind of magic castle in which to put dogs who needed rescue. Either a rep took responsibility for them, I took responsibility for them, or we tried to network with other rescues for placement for the dogs.

If a rep made a decision to rescue Dog A, then it was the rep's responsibility to make sure that Dog A was physically cared for from that point on. If Dog A went to a foster home that was not with the rep, and that foster home fell through, they could certainly network with the other reps and myself looking for another place for the dog to go, but the physical responsibility for that dog remained with the rescuing rep, unless and until the dog was transferred elsewhere.

The reps who behaved as adults understood this from day one, and made sure when they decided to step down as reps that all their fosters were either homed or in foster homes which they would continue to monitor until they got adopted. For example, one rep who retired from DDB, Gayla Hausman from Nebraska, wrote this about her foster dogs: "I'm so proud of the work I've done with all of you, and the many many dogs I have helped to get a better life. I will remain forever passionate about animal welfare. I have my last two dogs leaving in the next week for adoption. Let me know if there is anything else I need to

And former rep Penny Gummo elaborates: "When I was with Dogs Deserve Better I was told I wouldn't get vetting paid without prior approval and I never assumed that any dog I rescued would be physically taken in by Dogs Deserve Better. I don't know why anyone else would think they could do anything they please without approval. Rescue WOULD be much easier if we could just give the dogs to someone else once we rescued them"

In fact, Shannon Allen typed April 2, 2011: "I feel responsible for every dog I adopt for the entire life of that dog. I assume at any given time an owner is going to call me and say they can no longer keep their dog. Maybe I am a control freak, but it is important to me to make sure that all dogs I adopt are safe, happy, and healthy for the entire lives."

Miss Allen, who was never an employee of the organization, but instead a subcontractor who worked from home, used her own equipment, and made her own hours, quit working with the org in September of this year.

We had been having trouble with her for a while with behaviors that were indicative of hoarding or at least an inability to judge how many dogs she could handle at any one time.

Even though I did not like to interfere in reps decision-making processes, I was compelled to start counseling Miss Allen about rescuing too many dogs for one person to handle. On April 5, 2010, I wrote the following: "I'm a little concerned that you're getting in over your head with the number of dogs. How many do you have right now?"

On February 7, 2011, I wrote her the following: "As I told you before, you personally cannot save them all. You have 19 dogs at your house, and you are costing the org a fortune in boarding. IT HAS TO STOP."

Yet Miss Allen continued to ignore me and created vet bills in the organization's name at at least three different vets that we had no knowledge of. No reps are allowed to create accounts in the organization's name, and Ms. Allen knew this, but she continued anyway.

When she quit the organization in September, 2011, she began attacking me and the organization on every website she could get her hands on. She then declared myself/Dogs Deserve Better responsible for her foster dogs, even though I had never seen any of these dogs in person, had never told her to rescue any of them, and had in fact told her she needed to cut back, stop rescuing, on at least three occasions.

Dogs Deserve Better DID cover vetting for every foster Ms. Allen claims has been abandoned by the organization. Ms. Allen made the personal decision to take these dogs into her home, therefore she is the one and the only one physically abandoning them if that is the path she so chooses.

I have made it a practice to help reps as much as I possibly can when they get into a jam. We have moved the organization from my home in Pennsylvania to The Good Newz Rehab Center, in Smithfield, Virginia, where we are currently operating out of a house while we continue to pay off the property. For the safety of our dogs and the humans who visit here, we cap the number of dogs we rehabilitate at any one time to 14.

The Good Newz Rehab Center's mission is to rehabilitate formerly chained and penned dogs. Our goals are to rescue chained dogs from nearby states, as well as support our reps who are out rescuing dogs.

Since moving here in July, we have supported the following reps, volunteers, or former reps by taking in dogs that they requested come to the center: Kristie Hendricks, Shelly Donnelly, Holly Lyttle, Miriam McCormick Hayes, Monica Severy, Rebecca Helwig, and yes, Shannon Allen.

The decision was made to drive over to Ms. Allen's home, 5 hours from the Good Newz Rehab Center, and take in three of her foster dogs, despite Ms. Allen's verbal abuse of the organization and myself.

We took as many dogs as we could responsibly take from Ms. Allen, and we told her we would continue to help her find homes for the others.But the bad-mouthing didn't stop. She claimed we took her three most-adoptable dogs, and instead of being grateful for our help in cleaning up her mess, she insisted we come immediately and take the rest of the dogs she had committed to.

People told me DDB should swoop in and take all the dogs. In theory that's a great solution, except that I have nowhere to safely put them, and the safety of the dogs we already have onsite and the visitors here comes first.

Here's what DDB CAN do for Ms. Allen and her foster dogs. To date we have adopted out two of the dogs we took from her, Storm and Rose. Cowboy is still at the facility. We currently have three spots open; however, one is claimed by Rebecca Helwig from Tennesee who has a rescued shepherd coming over within the week, and one spot may be taken by a local rottie. That leaves one space.

I will commit to giving that space to the foster dog of my choice that Ms. Allen has left in her home.

This, however, puts Ms. Allen in a bind, because she and cohort Ms. Estlow, twice-fired DDB employee from years ago who still has no life but to try to take me down, insist that I'm an animal abuser. Can she really give another dog to an animal abuser?

What would that say about her?

So will Ms. Allen admit that it's not true by giving me yet another dog (she's already given me three since she first accused me of being an animal abuser), or will she decline the help for one of her foster dogs she can't wait to get rid of?

I will even drive three hours to meet Ms. Allen to get the dog, and give her 10 bags of dog food for the remaining dogs in her care.

Ah, dilemmas, dilemmas.

Oh, let us not forget the DDB Sponsor a Dog Program, where Santa Paws will be matching donations so that every foster dog in the DDB program can get a $100 Petsmart or Petco card. I would commit to giving her one card for every foster she has remaining.

I will also say that if Ms. Allen had put the time and attention into trying to get her dogs adopted that she has spent on badmouthing me and trying to destroy Dogs Deserve Better, they would have been adopted out long ago.

What do we know about Ms. Allen? Who is the real Ms. Allen?

Ms. Allen accuses me of financial misdeeds with Dogs Deserve Better. Yet she herself has been convicted of embezzling $36,000 from Virginia Tech University. Convicted! EMBEZZLING! $36,000!!!!! She plea-bargained down from felony charges to misdemeanors by paying back the money. She then calls this 'borrowing.' Could she be projecting her issues onto me?

She has alleged that when DDB worked out of my home that DDB paid my mortgage, which couldn't be further from the truth. Anything of that nature would have been required to be filed in our 990 paperwork, which is readily available for public viewing. DDB never paid a dime of rent or mortgage the entire time we worked out of my home. When I sold my home, although I was left with only $5000 for myself, I still gave DDB $1000 of that money. (Yes, I have the cancelled check as proof.)

"I would actually love for there to be an audit however. It will prove that DDB operates legally. Then what will they have? The same thing they started with....a doctor with a major ego problem."Shannon Allen, July 23, 2011

I believe in this organization, and in the mission we are trying to accomplish. I am a proud supporter of Dogs Deserve Better, both financially and with most of my time and energy. Now that my house is sold, I am paying the organization $400 a month rent for my bedroom and bath, even though my office takes up part of my bedroom. I am also paying $200.00 per month toward utilities. I strive at all times to be more than fair and very supportive of Dogs Deserve Better and our efforts for chained and penned dogs.

DDB has an audit done every year, and we have nothing to hide.

Heather Estlow was fired not once but twice by me. Why? Because I was dumb enough to hire her back, of course. I would imagine she has a bit of an ax to grind.

It is she who accuses me of animal abuse, and at the time I knew her, she lived in an abusive home with a husband who drank every night and she told me he hit her son and their dogs. I remember her biggest concern was her ex-husband finding out, and not the well-being of her son. Could she be projecting her issues onto me as well? Ain't it funny how that happens

She once told me about a time that her dogs fought for two hours and she couldn't break them apart, no matter how much she kicked or hit them. She even broke a broom over their heads, and yet still they fought. If she ever saw me get physical with dogs, it would have been during a dog fight, when you can and must do whatever you have to do to break up the fight or you have a dead dog on your hands. Nowadays I favor pinning the aggressor down with a chair if at all possible, and
this works much of the time, but I wasn't as savvy when I first started rescuing.

I was, in the beginning when Ms. Estlow was around, very naive about dogs and the fact that they fought, often without warning from the perspective of inobservant humans. It was very terrifying to know that if I didn't step in and handle it decisively, we would be lucky to have an emergency trip to the vet's and not a dead dog to mourn over.

"About two months ago, she had a terrible set back. I had let her out of her room to play like I had done every morning and she
immediately attacked one of my resident dogs. She grabbed her neck and would not release. It was one of the most fearful moments as I really thought she was going to kill her. I tried to pry her mouth open and could not, I held her nose, I sat on top of her and put her in a choke hold all the while the other dog is flailing and screaming. I was finally able to wedge my fingers into her throat and choke her, and she released. The other dog ran and I picked Hokie up and put her in the nearest room with a door. I ran to check on the other dog expecting her neck to be ripped open as there was a lot of blood. Luckily she had on
her invisible fence collar, and though it was destroyed, she only suffered some bruising."Shannon Allen, February 27, 2010

I guess these two women are just as guilty of animal abuse, then. Or does the safety of the attacked dog warrant and justify any measures taken to save a life? I've asked quite a few trainers about what to do during dog fights, as it's always a grave concern of mine. I remember clearly one trainer telling me: "Whatever you have to do."

While I cannot prove to anyone that I'm not an animal abuser, everyone who comes to the center comments about how all the dogs follow me around like I'm the Pied Piper. From what I've seen, dogs don't follow animal abusers around. Typically two dogs sleep in my room with me each night, and the rest wish they could.

My current favorite rescue dog at the center is actually one of the dogs we took from Shannon Allen, a pit mix named Cowboy. I love nothing more than to curl up on the big dog bed with him for fifteen minutes before their bedtime, and just snuggle and kiss him to pieces. He's like a huge teddy bear. I adore him!

I do have a suggestion, though. If you think or believe that I'm an animal abuser, it's very simple: DON'T GIVE ME ANY DOGS.

That oughta lighten my load by about 1%.

Below are more quotes from Ms. Allen, which are in direct opposition to what she's is currently spewing on the internet. Doesn't it make you wonder who the real Shannon Allen is? Want to see absolute PROOF that she lies and it has nothing to do with me whatsoever? This link takes you to a discussion she has online when she was still with DDB where she is bragging about how she took down a dogfighter. (DDBNRV) Then someone comes along and points out that she is the same Shannon Allen that
embezzled $36,000 from Virginia Tech and maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. She denies it. She then builds another identity and comes back and says she's now 'the Real DDB' and the other one was fake. The people see right through it. That's some funny stuff!


How many people are living inside that head, Shannon?

This is one of my favorites, so it bears repeating: "I would actually love for there to be an audit however. It will prove that DDB
operates legally. Then what will they have? The same thing they started with....a doctor with a major ego problem."Shannon Allen, July 23, 2011

"If she thinks Vick's house is a mansion, I would love to see what kind of house she lives in. We have several sub-divisions here in middle class rural Virginia that makes Vick's house look like small. In addition quite a bit of land came with it. A lot of houses sell below appraisal, Vick's house sold below assessment.

Honestly, DDB has been fundraising for a rehab center for about 7 years although we didn't have a location picked out, it was decided early on that it would be Virginia. We looked at properties in Charlottesville, VA that cost this much for just the land.

I just makes me laugh that people who have had no dealings with starting a rehab/rescue center suddenly think they know about zoning, real estate, staffing, etc."Shannon Allen, July 26, 2011

"What infuriates me the most is them spamming other rescue pages. So many dogs in need posts are getting pushed off of the page. So mean and selfish! Many of the dogs only have hours to live and rely on the right person seeing that post. I wonder if they even care? That is why DDB starting deleting and banning them. If they want to trash DDB, they can do it on the BJH page. DDB's page is about dogs that need help, not psychotic doctors that need help."Shannon Allen, August 3, 2011

"There are other organizations, but I believe in DDB, our mission, and our leadership. I have learned and grown as a rescuer through DDB, I have met thousands of wonderful people, and have been able to so much more to help chained dogs through DDB. Even if I disagreed with DDB in this situation, which I don't, I still would not support Dr. Fiala. She has proven herself to be vindictive, unstable, and unreasonable (to name a few)."Shannon Allen, August 6, 2011

"BJH mocks DDB for doing the same things that thousands of rescues do. If they would have simply stuck to, 'Bringing Joel Home', they would at least be somewhat credible. But once they started calling names, attacking the center, attacking Tami's wedding, attacking Chain Off, etc. It was obvious that this had nothing to do with Joel. If you notice, Joel is mentioned less frequently every day."Shannon Allen, August 6, 2011

"This isn't a new rule which is why we are 'cleaning house' so to speak. Yesterday was the deadline for all current reps to re-apply under the new requirements and for us to review new applications. We have new rules and are reiterating old rules. This has in fact resulted in fewer reps but that is the point, to weed out reps that don't want to follow rules (like Marion), and to weed out the dormant reps (like Marion). Quality not quantity."Shannon Allen, August 10, 2011

"I would totally expect that type of verbal abuse from a pro-chainer but not from a fellow rescuer."Shannon Allen, September
16, 2009

"I just dont understand why she is so angry at me. I just hope that she doesnt treat others in DDB, other rescuers, or anybody for that matter the way she treated me."Shannon Allen, September 16, 2009

"Again, DDB is the best rescue organization that I have ever been involved in and perhaps I jumped on the resignation before thinking it through. Its just her words were so reminding of things my mother used to say to me when I was growing up. So perhaps [she] was correct in saying I needed help, help dealing with my mommy issues."Shannon Allen, September 16, 2009

"I am not as confident now as to whether I am worthy of being a DDB rep. So, I guess I want to get your assessment. I love representing DDB. This has been the most fulfilling opportunity. I want to be an asset to this organization, not a liability."Shannon Allen, September 16, 2009

This is from a former rep who's personal e-mail Shannon is exhibiting around, against this rep's wishes. She says: "I just want to
personally apologize for the part that I now "play" in the note that Shannon is sending around. I did send her that email when she first resigned because I thought "OMG is shannon is resigning, then there must be something really wrong." And I kept waiting and waiting for her proof... The proof was not there which is why I decided she was full of hot air."

Only you can decide who you believe in this mess. I say actions speak a LOT louder than words. While Shannon and Heather and their merry band of haters play Mean Girls on the internet, we have dug in and worked our asses off getting the Good Newz Rehab Center off the ground. We have installed 1500 ft. of fencing for our dogs, have found homes for six of the dogs, and committed to dogs to fill those slots as they leave. We have ripped up carpeting and installed rubber flooring, went
through two washers and dryers, and taken the dogs for two walks virtually every day. We've trained them, we've brought them back to health, and we've given them as much of ourselves as we possibly can.

We are putting our money where our mouths are, while they spew hatred, filth, lies, and destruction. I guess only you can decide how you want to live your life. I know I'm going to keep rescuing dogs and fighting against chaining. Because that's what I do, and I don't do it for Shannon Allen or Heather Estlow or Fiala. I do it for the dogs. It's really that simple.

Tamira Ci Thayne, founder and CEO, Dogs Deserve Better


United States of America
Fiala/Allen Stalk, Abuse, Post numerous pages

#71General Comment

Sun, December 04, 2011

Blind, unquestioning loyalty is very dangerous. People who
post degrading reviews without EVER have experiencing adopting, working,
or dealing with Dogs Deserve Better and base their facts on one OCD,
suicidal convicted embezler and one scored ex-foster can go onto
multiple websites and degrade a

fine rescue organization with no proof except
made up letters, doctored emails, innuendos and lies.

Watch the numerous websites OCD Shannon creates and posts on.  She is NEVER off the computer.
She has many dogs at her house that she must never pay any attention to because she's so
busy posting on five different pages, rants and photos and doctored receipts.

This same OCD person sided against Suzanne Fiala at trial, then
suddenly quit Dogs Deserve Better and claimed that she was stuck with
vet bills, when the dogs weren't approved to be taken in.  She has numerous "chip in"
pages posted because she "can't afford" to take care of the dogs, yet she has money to
donate to Suzanne Fiala's chip ins and personal paypal accounts. 

She claims Tami is a dog abuser, but her biggest complaint is that Tami won't take her own dogs into her shelter.

Anyone who posts as Edie T., Jeff Thomas, Warrior, A Volunteer or
who posts private emails is Shannon Allen. You can check out how OCD she
is by the amount she posts and the amount of websites she floods. She
even has a blog talking about how crazy she is.  On one of her facebook pages, she's
talking in third person - like an alternate personality.

Before you take ANY of what she says seriously, check out Shannon's
criminal record. She says it's a "misdemeanor".  It was a FELONY pled down
to a misdemeanor.  She stole $36,000 from Virginia Tech.  She got five years
probation, which she says she completed in two.  She committed herself
to a mental hospital.

Dr. Fiala is being investigated by the medical board
for her numerous postings about DDB, her hiring of a private investigator
to find "her dog", and for stalking. Check out the legal papers that show Dr.
Fiala ignored her fosters, threw hissy fits and promised to take down
DDB if she couldn't keep a foster she wasn't even paying attention to.

Fiala and Shannon both have restraining orders against them for their

There are people on facebook who believe anything and march behind Shannon and Fiala without thinking. They are called fools.

You may think you're doing a great thing by joining their bandwagon, but it just
shows you haven't done your research. 

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