  • Report:  #1176486

Complaint Review: DPS CPSDCFS-Lake Elsinore/Riverside - Nationwide

Reported By:
Children as victims - Lake Elsinore, California,

DPS CPSDCFS-Lake Elsinore/Riverside
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

The system only works if you have the finances and persistence to make it work.  I am involved in two separate cases and have had my massive exposure to the department through my children's lives.  The first would not have worked for the children if I did not have the financial resources and persistence.  I have 6 children-2 step and 4 biological, 3 are attending college, one went on her merry way, however two are having difficulties. 

Let's start with the first.  Though I have been told by many other mothers and children how great a mother I am, my daughter decided drugs were going to be her lifestyle, after her husbands complete exposure of his perversionary touchy/feely lifestyle she sought sanctuary in drugs.  At first she thought about her child and left her child with me in a stable environment.  However, when her husband reappeared, she decided she was going to yank her child into her world of drugs and exposure to her uncontrollable husband.  I had to walk my grandchild into a CPS office.  The intake worker lied on much of the paperwork, however the bottom line relayed the danger to the child. 

Younger in my married relationship, I had one of those crazy in-laws, receiving a total of 24 false/unfounded allegations (all in seven years).  Unfortunately, trying desperately to give relief to my children from all the emotional and physical damage the harrasser was inflicting on our family, I sent my children to their Aunt who was a devout Christian and ran a State licensed (Texas) childcare in her home.  My children, at a very young age were molested by her teenage son.  The very system I tried desperately to protect them from led to their molestation.  I eventually filed harrassment charges against the harrasser and the allegations stopped.  However not before the damage was done and 6 years later my children finally revealed what had been done to them.  We went through the system, all because of the system and nothing was done to the perpetrator.

After relinquishing my grandchild to CPS, the child was put into foster care.  They did not want to place the child with me because of all the allegations, Unfounded/Unsubstantiated or not (like the worker's really know what each mean, because when I ask, most have no idea what the difference is.  However, they are in charge of classifying them).  I had to hire an attorney, which after 4 months and my tremendous persistence, finally placed my grandchild with me. 

Through all this, mom gets pregnant again.  This time drug tested through her pregnancy.  Needless to say, I received the new baby out of the hospital.  The CPS wanted to withold approval of the home and remove the already approval of the home for the first grandchild, based on the same thing that was already hashed out through the attorney's only the previous year (though the baby was already with me 6 months).  This time I did not have the monetary resources.  I appealed and finally received approval, only to have to go through another appeal for the funding portion of the matter, which I am still awaiting results (baby born in early 2013).  Mom is still on drugs, so here goes the adoption.  They want to deny me based on the same thing they had previously denied me on AGAIN!  I am contemplating switching to guardianship for now because of the next paragraph and the intensity of time it is requiring of me.

Second comes a daughter that was such a good daughter, wife, and mother (her friends nicknamed her Martha Stewart).  She decides in her mid 20's to get into drugs, something snaps and later marries a man who learns she is coming into a large sum of money.  This man is a refutted, documented Mexican Mafia gang member with 23 years of felony time (this she did not know when she married him). 

When the verbal abuse towards the children started from him the CPS was called by neighbors of hers.  CPS did nothing.  When they moved to Lake Elsinore, I informed CPS of her state of mind and his abusiveness.  NOTHING WAS DONE.  I did not interfer for 1.5 years, I had no idea of what was happening and as I had already had my life threatened by him and I could not expose the grandchildren I was caring for to this relationship.

After 1.5 years I find out that he has been beating my daughter and grandchildren.  I immediately called CPS Lake Elsinore, only to find that she had finally called the police.  The police made a report, took pictures but DID NOTHING (though he already had two warrants out for his arrest, one criminal and only 9 months before that was arrested on burglary charges).  The CPS went out, but again....DID NOTHING.

One month later she has a complete break down, trying to kill herself in the house.  They made her move out of the house-even though the domestic violence on her had already been documented 1 month prior.  Though she demands they place her 3 children (two of which are not biological to the step-father) with me. The CPS DOES NOT.

They remand the children to the abusing, 23 year (9 years for VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER), felony step-father.  Now the judge has given him presumed father status.  This man wants my grandchildren because the 750K my daughter came with has been spent in the 1.5 years and they come with a social security check of $3500 a month (which though according to social security rules, felons cannot be payees for persons benefits) he is collecting.  I have informed Social Security but they have yet to change this (once the flow of money stops he will not want the children any longer).

A picture was produced at the original hearings of one of my grandchildrens beaten faces.  They said it couldn't be used because it wasn't date stamped.  The broken phone it was taken with was retrieved to show the date was in fact as reported. the initial social worker's supervisor advised me that the current supervisor should be requesting an ex-parte' hearing with new evidence found, YET... THEY ARE IGNORING IT.

Now, they won't use it because the child won't state the stepfather has done this (it took the mother in her mid 30's, 1.5 years to stand up to him, the child witnessed it and now the mother is gone.  If you were the child would you talk and CPS is supposed to be trained in this).  However, on three separate occasions he has stated that his brother and himself are afraid or intimidated (twice has been in the presence of a court monitor and once has been in the presence of non-case related persons-I have their names and numbers). CPS still does NOTHING and when I inform them of this, not only is the existing social worker now not employed there, but I am now not allowed contact with my grandchildren. 

All paperwork has been produced to the CPS.  The picture of the beaten childs face,the RAP sheet, the confidential Mexican Mafia affiliation, the falsified loan documents the man produced, stating rental income of my granchildrens ss checks, the bail papers from his previous (less than a year ago) burglary, the previously filed divorce papers-which included a protective order but was inadvertently not defaulted by her attorney's (whom dropped the case after the children were placed), the previously filed Emergency protective order (which she was threatened by him to withdraw), the domestic violence police report (the police won't release the pictures to her so she can show them in court and her court appointed attny should have tried to subpeona them, to no avail).

We were just notified that an unrelated molestation accusation has been received by the department (which by the way when this whole thing started he tried to say that my daughters young child had molested his young child and threatened my grandchild with juvenile hall).  Also this man has another open CPS case with another drug addicted mother and currently has impregnated another woman.  Though these cases have one common denominator (which again has been brought to their attention) Still the CPS DOES NOTHING.

Nobody listened until she ended up in the hospital, by her collapse from his beatings.  Does one of these children have to end up in the hospital or worse before the CPS-LAKE ELSINORE, WILL FINALLY LISTEN.  Last week he sold her house and stole the only stability these children have. CPS did not notify her that there was a permanent move being made regarding her children's residency.

I have informed the social worker (as the first one no longer works there), the social workers supervisor, her supervisor, the regional supervisor.  I have filed a complaint on the CPS.  I have contacted Social Security.  I am saving money for an attorney, because as you previously saw in the preceeding case, if you have money than county counsel wakes up.

What is wrong with this system that a grandmother (who besides false CPS allegations, has nothing on her record what so ever) who has had her grandchild 3 years and the other all of that grandchilds life can be given an attempted denial of adoption of permanancy for children that really require a permanent, stable, loving, secure home, must appeal after appeal decisions made.   YET.....

though I have been an active part of my grandchildrens entire lives (less the last 1.5 years and denied parent Defacto by the judge), My other grandchildren are given to a 23 YEAR FELON WITH VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER on his record and he remains very active in the illegal ways of the law and I am told that if my daughter does not get better he would get them for the remainder of their childhood.


2 Updates & Rebuttals

North Dakota,

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, September 28, 2014

You Stacey are a liar...  the CPS hands are NOT tied?  They have all the power, so don't come here on every CPS report and lie your face off...  and CPS workers are not underpaid either...  the whole CPS is all about money and too see how many cases they get, cause the more money they have...  so shut your trap...


Thank your Goverment

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, September 13, 2014

 They are the ones who set the rules and tie the hands of ALL caseworkers in regard to child abuse.  This agency has an extremely high turnover rate due to case overloads, low pay, uneducated employees and the list goes on.  Start placing blame where blame lies - with the mothers who have babies who are on drugs, in relationships with abusive men and choose to place these children in these situations.

These workers hands are tied!  Once again thank you Government for allowing these things to happen. 

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