  • Report:  #275082

Complaint Review: DREAMSCOPE - JULIE ZAZUETA AKA JULIE ABRAMS - North Hollywood California

Reported By:
- beverly hills, California,

253 VALLEY ST North Hollywood, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Julie goes to out of town showcases- finds a kid who looks (a pasty) like they have some time and money to waste- then she uses the same old tired line on them " YOU COULD BE A SUPERSTAR" but I can't work with you here- only if you can come to LA." Then they come to LA and she gets them to perform in a show case for around 1,500.00. ---which is such a rip-off. not many goes on auditions. WHY because MS. Abrams has one of the worst reps as a manager in the business I was in shock to hear the things that agents knew about her. They laugh at the cards she sends out for her lame showcases- no one goes in fact she had friends to come just to fill the seats up of course the parents or kids does not know this but I knew. Because I was there....I know you all want to believe she is helping but she is not in fact agents and casting director do not respect her it is a known FACT. They don't like her nor do they want to work with her. I work with several casting directors so I know first hand. we see her management co on the resume and we put them in the trash, because we DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH HER she has to many enemies in this business. to ever make it or ever help any of her clients to make it.........BEWARE SHE IS ONLY OUT FOR HERSELF. consider yourself warned.

J Paul J

beverly hills, California


16 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 19, 2008

The girl that night that you are referring to is Heide the intern. She thinks Julie is her friend as she stated in her "book" above. But, I would think a true friend would tell you that your back fat and butt crack is showing on a stage. It proves Julie of Dreamscope is a scam artist, she scammed people in Florida and she is doing the same thing in LA. Sorry, Heide to use your own words against you, but, YOU ARE TRULY CRAZY, if you think your stage appearance was not inappropriate. Maybe, after the internship is over you can get the job of your true calling, a plumber! Face the facts, Julie of Dreamscope ripped off many people before ( which I was there, so I know what she did) and I'm sure she has not changed. Many people from before, I have heard, are getting together to form a class action lawsuit against her.


North Hollywood,

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 18, 2008

I went to that showcase with a friend, neither of us are in the movie business. We were stopped on the street, and given tickets. Sorry, but, we both were pretty much bored.The highlight for us was, when, one young lady, was on stage and after her scene was over she got up to walk off the stage and there was a roll of fat hanging out, and her butt crack was showing, not pretty!!! We could have lived the rest of our lives without seeing that.That is what we remember about the show,and that is not something you would want someone to remember. Sorry, but, I must agree, seems to be a big scam. I can not believe the young lady paid to show her butt crack on the stage, that is sad.

You Are All Wrong

Beverly Hills,

#4Author of original report

Mon, February 18, 2008

J. Paul J. ATTENDED the showcase as a guest. He/She was NOT in the showcase. LEARN TO READ guys.

Julie A Rip Off Manager/coach

FORMER employee

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 18, 2008

Hello, I was an employee of Miss Zazueta, (Or Miss Abrams as she goes by now), in Florida I am now in LA. I have spoken with many agents, and casting directors about, Miss Abrams and they all have negative things, to say about her position as a personal Manager. Most of them know Miss Abrams directly or indirectly, none have said positive comments, in fact, One agency said, "we worked with her all of 10 seconds before we realized what she was doing to her clients." Oh, Intern Heidi, if you have worked for her for that long, then it is about time you get that stapler thrown at your head (I was there I saw it), or maybe she has already thrown a stapler at your head and eaten away at your ego, now you feel as if you will be lost if you left her. Also, casting directors throw away headshots ALL THE TIME. To talk about someone's posting, that's only trying to warn others, well Intern Heidi, others have lives and can not write a book, like you, our egos' are intacted. I'm with you, J. Paul, Miss Abrams, is a crook. It is sad we only try to help others, and they don't look at the light and see what is really happening, but when most are getting scammed, few realized it until it is to late.

Dreamscope Supporter

Los Angeles,
Completely Satisfied with Julie Abrams and Dreamscope Entertainment

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 14, 2008

The disgruntled author above scatters non-specific, negative comments all over the place, but his/her primary source of discontent seems to be the Dreamscope Industry Showcase of Spring '07. Therefore, I will direct my rebuttal to that issue. My child has been a client of Dreamscope for nearly one year. We participated in Dreamscope's Industry Showcase in Spring '07 (Julie's first showcase in over three years--hardly a money-making scam), and the total cost of my child's participation was about half the amount claimed by the disgruntled writer above. Was the experience worth it? Completely. The show was fantastic in every way, the talent was phenomenal, the scenes were unforgettable, and the applause was deafening. Enthusiastic attendance by a multitude of industry agents and casting directors led to countless interviews for representation -- over 10 interviews for my child alone! Within days of the showcase, we had signed with three well-respected agencies, and my child's auditions and bookings have been coming fast and furious ever since. Julie saw potential in my child, gave us comprehensive hands-on guidance on how to nurture an acting career, and spent countless hours coaching the most amazing performances out of my child and all the other Showcase participants. She made no false claims, she charged no unnecessary fees, she wasted no time, and she worked non-stop ... I don't think she even slept for days leading up to the Showcase. My child could have spent years in LA and still not gotten the widespread exposure the Showcase provided. We are completely satisfied with Julie as a manager; no one works harder to propel her clients to success. Good luck finding a better manager.


VERY Happy Dreamscope Friend

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, January 14, 2008

My son and I met Julie several years ago at a competion in LA. We had several meetings with her and went to a few showcases with her. After meeting with her, we decided that we wanted her to represent my son with his acting career. During those meetings with her she laid it all on the line about cost, rejection,sacrifice, and all the hard work that would be involved. She was totally upfront with us. She told us that we would be putting out alot more money than we would be bringing in for quite a time and if we weren't happy with that and on board then we shouldn't do it. She is all about hard work and lots of classes and learning of your craft. She is very connected with the industry and also I may add VERY respected. I had a chance on an occasion to go with her to several agents offices. She was going to see how they all were doing. I saw first hand that they love her. They meet her with hugs and lots of praise. They kept on asking for pictures of her newest clients because they know that when she sends them they are ready to book work. I had an agent tell me that he knows that when Julie sends him people that they have taken lots of classes and that they have learned there craft. I saw so much that day that I decided that I wanted to help Julie out. I worked in the office with her and helped her with submissions. I got to hear first hand what casting directors and agents think of her. And it is not at all what this person who wrote this terrible lie says. I saw a very caring, loving, hard working, person that thinks of her clients first and herself last. I have seen so much compassion and heart that it was inspiring. NOBODY works harder without much pay than Julie! Ask yourself.........how hard would you work without much money? She believes in her clients and works sometimes for years until they get a show, movie, commercial, without making a dime off of them. It is like going to school. You don't graduate in a month. It takes years. Sure some people go to Hollywood and become an overnight success but it doesn't happen very often. My son will be with her as long as he is into acting. If you want the best for yourself or your children, it would be an honor to be in the DreamScope family. I not only found a wonderful manager for my son, I found a friend that I am proud to have and I am very grateful for her and DreamScope.


Stop Attacking Dreamscope and Julie Abrams!

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, January 14, 2008

Julie Abrams has been my daughter's Manager for approximately one year and I can truly say that I'm sure there's no other manager out there like her. When my daughter started her acting career she was going to an acting school that was so expensive and when we met Ms Abrams it was such a blessing! She not only took on my daughter as a client but I can see that she really has a passion for wanting her clients to succeed. During one of her coaching sessions with my daughter she actually sat on the floor with her until she got her monologue to where it needed to be. Someone who does this is not in it for the money. She cares for her clients and attacking her like this is extremely cruel and inhumane. The showcase that Dreamscope held got great reviews and Ms Abrams worked very hard to make it happen for her clients. With such dedication she should be getting a medal of honor; not being slandered. The person that posted these lies about her apparently is not having much success and should take a look at their acting career because perhaps they're in the wrong business.

Nothing's Easy

North Hollywood,
Own your own failures

#9Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 14, 2008

No one could ask for a harder working, more dedicated manager than Julie Abrams. Most managers don't do the submitting and pitching that Julie does for all of her clients. Her showcase was designed to get her clients to perform in front of agents and others in the industry in order to further their chances for auditions or representation. Based on the reviews I read, the industry people were overwhelmed with the high quality of the showcase performances. All of my guys have been called into auditions as a result of the showcase. In total there were upwards of 1,000 appointments resulting from the showcases last year. No one was forced to participate. If someone did not get calls from the showcase, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate whether this is the right career for you/your child. Or perhaps you should use another avenue for showcasing the talent - like with TVI or Actors Site. We have been exposed to many people in the industry who have nothing but good to say about Julie. If some don't like her, that's just the way it is. There are always hateful people ready to say an unkind word, often without even really knowing the person they are talking about! Like all things in life, this career requires hard work, talent, patience, luck, and perseverence. We all get tired, frustrated, and want to quit from time to time. At those moments we can only hope there is someone available to listen, to lift you back up and to dust you off. Writing false accusations on a blog to make yourself feel better is inexcusable. Sometimes the incredible can even happen - like getting off the "bus" from Kansas City and booking 2 Spielberg projects. It happened to my son, so it can happen to yours, too.

Carlee A

Sherman Oaks,
That report is totally FALSE

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, January 13, 2008

Julie has been my manager for about 3 years. She is the hardest worker I know in the business. Before the writers stike I auditioned an average of 4 times a week. I got great feedback and many auditions from the showcase alone. I can't beleive someone would write anything bad about the showcase. It was a great experience for all involved. I have never been turned away from an audition because Julie is my manager. I see some of the biggest cast directors in Hollywood. I have auditioned for shows like, One Tree Hill, The OC, Cavemen, The Suite Life Spin Off, Private Practice, CSI, Cold Case, Greek, Eli Stone, Gossip Girl just to name a few. I booked a recurring role on Veronica Mars. I audition for many features too. Julie's name is on all my resumes and I don't seem to have a problem getting auditions with any casting directors. So I am sure they are not just "tossing them out". Julie works hard for me and all her clients. All showcases cost money. But it was worth every penny. It was great exposure. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Julie will be my manager for my entire career. She is the reason I have a great agent and the reason I go on so many auditions. She works hard for all her clients. I hope this clears some thing up.


Happy Dreamscope Client

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, January 13, 2008

After reading the the story of Dreamscope as a rip-off, I felt the need to give our story. We met Julie at a competition in NYC, she was one of several people in the industry we met who expressed interest and a willingness to work with my child in the industry. After meeting with these possible represenatives we decided to partner with Julie as our manager. We participated in a showcase in the spring of 2007 and we received phenomenal feedback and several opportunities for agency representation. After several meetings with top agencies who had represenatives at the showcase we are signed with what is considered the top commercial/theatrical agents in the business. Over the last year we have been on several (sometimes too many) auditions. We have met several CD's and our representation was listed and our resumes weren't thrown in the trash. We have booked work and continue to do so. All of this said, we have spent several thousands of dollars, unfortunately that is what it takes to break into the industry. Fortunately for us we were told that in the beginning (by Julie and others) and we were prepared for this expense. Yes, we did move to the area, but to be in the industry you must make the move to be competitive. Throughout all of this Julie has been supportive and answered questions, not always the answers I wanted to hear, but the truth as harsh as it maybe at times. In our experience we have met several parents/children coming into the industry, this industry isn't for everyone, and sometimes when the industry doesn't show an interest it is taken out on the wrong people. I just felt the need to tell of the experience with Julie Abrams/Dreamscope as with all experiences/stories there are two sides to everything.


Valley Village,
The DreamScope Showcase was a major success!!!

#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2008

To whom it may concern: I was a part of last years DreamScope showcase and as a result I had several appointments with agents and also successfully signed with one. As did many of the other clients and participants in the showcase. Many of the industry people that I met the night of the showcases I also have seen when I've gone on auditions and still they tell me what a great showcase it was! The reason anyone might possibly be disgruntled with Ms. Abrams is because they are mad at themselves for behaving so inappropriately at the showcase that Ms. Abrams was forced to drop them as a client. Now they only have themselves to blame. I have been working as an intern in Julie's office for over 2 years, and on just the one day a week that I am there I see how hard she works for all her clients! Even people she doesn't represent anymore just because she wants to help people's dreams come true. I assure you, she is not in this only for herself. She is a savvy business woman and could make a lot more money doing something else! But she sees in people what others might not see and she helps people believe in themselves. She's helped launch many careers for people in this town, but people in this town are selfish and see Julie only as a stepping stone, they move on to what they think are bigger and better managers, only to come back to Julie and tell her that no one else cares like she does! Julie doesn't just take on anyone as a client. I had to work in her office for several months before Julie invited me to attend a workshop she was coaching, it was only after that workshop when she saw my talent that she invited me to be her client. She scouts at many talent competitions and showcases to find the best and brightest up and coming stars. This is what most Managers and talent reps do. She only invites the ones that she truly thinks has what it take to be a client. That why her client base is so small. However, she will also take time away from her personal life to help out a handful of kids and parents every year who come to LA chasing a dream and she helps guide them in a direction that will help them get to the next level of their talent. Some people don't have a natural talent but have potential. Julie spends hours compiling lists of acting classes and coaches, head shot photographers and anything else that will help you market yourself and she does all that for free! Then to supplement her income she offers coaching sessions with her or the occasional workshop as does every Casting Director assistant or Manager or Industry Rep in this town. But Julie does it for a fraction of the price others do. Personally, I think if anyone is getting ripped off, it's her! She spends countless hours submitting and pitching to get her clients a string of commercials and episodic co-stars or what have you only to have that client drop her as a manager. What people don't seem to understand in this business is that it takes time and patience, no one is going to be fresh off the bus from Kansas City and have a starring role in the next Steven Spielberg feature! And it's going to cost quite a bit of money to get started and maintain. You have to think of it like you are starting your own business, the business of you! It will cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars investment into your business before you might ever see a return on it. Julie makes no bones about it when she talks to parents and young people just starting out. She says to them, if this is going to take food off your table you're better off staying where you are and saving up for this adventure. But so many times I've seen, even after hearing that, a kid and his mom will come out here having taken out a loan or something and they give themselves one month to book something that will pay for them to stay out here longer. That's a fools dream but sometimes you can only learn the hard way. Show business is not for the meek and weak minded. You have to believe in yourself, you have to work hard, you have to invest a lot of time and money. You HAVE to take classes. Julie advises all her clients in the same way, if you're not in class and/or you work so much you can't go to your auditions then what is the point of being here. You might as well have cheaper rent in some other city. And I'm sorry that it costs as much as it does. Believe me I of anyone wishes it didn't, but I find creative ways to make it work, the jobs I have are flexible so I can schedule around auditions, I intern at my acting schools in exchange for free classes. And I intern in my managers office so I can learn more about how this business works. Knowledge is power people and if you don't know everything you can possibly know about this business then it can be really easy to get taken advantage of. I assure you Julie has never taken advantage of her clients, if she did she'd be living in a much better apartment! I'm sure anyone who reads the uneducated slander of the person calling Julie a ripoff will see that a person who cannot even complete a sentence with proper grammar obviously doesn't know what they are talking about. And if it's who I'm sure it is, then believe me when I tell you this person is truly crazy! I can show you emails they sent to other casting directors and filmmakers to prove it because they didn't cast in their movie! And theres no way this person works in a casting office and throws away our head shots, who behaves like this? The bottom line is I have nothing but nice things to say about Julie, DreamScope and her clients. I'm glad to be working with her and that my career is under her guidance. And she is a good friend and confidant. Anyone in this town would be lucky to work with her!


Valley Village,
The DreamScope Showcase was a major success!!!

#13UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2008

To whom it may concern: I was a part of last years DreamScope showcase and as a result I had several appointments with agents and also successfully signed with one. As did many of the other clients and participants in the showcase. Many of the industry people that I met the night of the showcases I also have seen when I've gone on auditions and still they tell me what a great showcase it was! The reason anyone might possibly be disgruntled with Ms. Abrams is because they are mad at themselves for behaving so inappropriately at the showcase that Ms. Abrams was forced to drop them as a client. Now they only have themselves to blame. I have been working as an intern in Julie's office for over 2 years, and on just the one day a week that I am there I see how hard she works for all her clients! Even people she doesn't represent anymore just because she wants to help people's dreams come true. I assure you, she is not in this only for herself. She is a savvy business woman and could make a lot more money doing something else! But she sees in people what others might not see and she helps people believe in themselves. She's helped launch many careers for people in this town, but people in this town are selfish and see Julie only as a stepping stone, they move on to what they think are bigger and better managers, only to come back to Julie and tell her that no one else cares like she does! Julie doesn't just take on anyone as a client. I had to work in her office for several months before Julie invited me to attend a workshop she was coaching, it was only after that workshop when she saw my talent that she invited me to be her client. She scouts at many talent competitions and showcases to find the best and brightest up and coming stars. This is what most Managers and talent reps do. She only invites the ones that she truly thinks has what it take to be a client. That why her client base is so small. However, she will also take time away from her personal life to help out a handful of kids and parents every year who come to LA chasing a dream and she helps guide them in a direction that will help them get to the next level of their talent. Some people don't have a natural talent but have potential. Julie spends hours compiling lists of acting classes and coaches, head shot photographers and anything else that will help you market yourself and she does all that for free! Then to supplement her income she offers coaching sessions with her or the occasional workshop as does every Casting Director assistant or Manager or Industry Rep in this town. But Julie does it for a fraction of the price others do. Personally, I think if anyone is getting ripped off, it's her! She spends countless hours submitting and pitching to get her clients a string of commercials and episodic co-stars or what have you only to have that client drop her as a manager. What people don't seem to understand in this business is that it takes time and patience, no one is going to be fresh off the bus from Kansas City and have a starring role in the next Steven Spielberg feature! And it's going to cost quite a bit of money to get started and maintain. You have to think of it like you are starting your own business, the business of you! It will cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars investment into your business before you might ever see a return on it. Julie makes no bones about it when she talks to parents and young people just starting out. She says to them, if this is going to take food off your table you're better off staying where you are and saving up for this adventure. But so many times I've seen, even after hearing that, a kid and his mom will come out here having taken out a loan or something and they give themselves one month to book something that will pay for them to stay out here longer. That's a fools dream but sometimes you can only learn the hard way. Show business is not for the meek and weak minded. You have to believe in yourself, you have to work hard, you have to invest a lot of time and money. You HAVE to take classes. Julie advises all her clients in the same way, if you're not in class and/or you work so much you can't go to your auditions then what is the point of being here. You might as well have cheaper rent in some other city. And I'm sorry that it costs as much as it does. Believe me I of anyone wishes it didn't, but I find creative ways to make it work, the jobs I have are flexible so I can schedule around auditions, I intern at my acting schools in exchange for free classes. And I intern in my managers office so I can learn more about how this business works. Knowledge is power people and if you don't know everything you can possibly know about this business then it can be really easy to get taken advantage of. I assure you Julie has never taken advantage of her clients, if she did she'd be living in a much better apartment! I'm sure anyone who reads the uneducated slander of the person calling Julie a ripoff will see that a person who cannot even complete a sentence with proper grammar obviously doesn't know what they are talking about. And if it's who I'm sure it is, then believe me when I tell you this person is truly crazy! I can show you emails they sent to other casting directors and filmmakers to prove it because they didn't cast in their movie! And theres no way this person works in a casting office and throws away our head shots, who behaves like this? The bottom line is I have nothing but nice things to say about Julie, DreamScope and her clients. I'm glad to be working with her and that my career is under her guidance. And she is a good friend and confidant. Anyone in this town would be lucky to work with her!


Valley Village,
The DreamScope Showcase was a major success!!!

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2008

To whom it may concern: I was a part of last years DreamScope showcase and as a result I had several appointments with agents and also successfully signed with one. As did many of the other clients and participants in the showcase. Many of the industry people that I met the night of the showcases I also have seen when I've gone on auditions and still they tell me what a great showcase it was! The reason anyone might possibly be disgruntled with Ms. Abrams is because they are mad at themselves for behaving so inappropriately at the showcase that Ms. Abrams was forced to drop them as a client. Now they only have themselves to blame. I have been working as an intern in Julie's office for over 2 years, and on just the one day a week that I am there I see how hard she works for all her clients! Even people she doesn't represent anymore just because she wants to help people's dreams come true. I assure you, she is not in this only for herself. She is a savvy business woman and could make a lot more money doing something else! But she sees in people what others might not see and she helps people believe in themselves. She's helped launch many careers for people in this town, but people in this town are selfish and see Julie only as a stepping stone, they move on to what they think are bigger and better managers, only to come back to Julie and tell her that no one else cares like she does! Julie doesn't just take on anyone as a client. I had to work in her office for several months before Julie invited me to attend a workshop she was coaching, it was only after that workshop when she saw my talent that she invited me to be her client. She scouts at many talent competitions and showcases to find the best and brightest up and coming stars. This is what most Managers and talent reps do. She only invites the ones that she truly thinks has what it take to be a client. That why her client base is so small. However, she will also take time away from her personal life to help out a handful of kids and parents every year who come to LA chasing a dream and she helps guide them in a direction that will help them get to the next level of their talent. Some people don't have a natural talent but have potential. Julie spends hours compiling lists of acting classes and coaches, head shot photographers and anything else that will help you market yourself and she does all that for free! Then to supplement her income she offers coaching sessions with her or the occasional workshop as does every Casting Director assistant or Manager or Industry Rep in this town. But Julie does it for a fraction of the price others do. Personally, I think if anyone is getting ripped off, it's her! She spends countless hours submitting and pitching to get her clients a string of commercials and episodic co-stars or what have you only to have that client drop her as a manager. What people don't seem to understand in this business is that it takes time and patience, no one is going to be fresh off the bus from Kansas City and have a starring role in the next Steven Spielberg feature! And it's going to cost quite a bit of money to get started and maintain. You have to think of it like you are starting your own business, the business of you! It will cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars investment into your business before you might ever see a return on it. Julie makes no bones about it when she talks to parents and young people just starting out. She says to them, if this is going to take food off your table you're better off staying where you are and saving up for this adventure. But so many times I've seen, even after hearing that, a kid and his mom will come out here having taken out a loan or something and they give themselves one month to book something that will pay for them to stay out here longer. That's a fools dream but sometimes you can only learn the hard way. Show business is not for the meek and weak minded. You have to believe in yourself, you have to work hard, you have to invest a lot of time and money. You HAVE to take classes. Julie advises all her clients in the same way, if you're not in class and/or you work so much you can't go to your auditions then what is the point of being here. You might as well have cheaper rent in some other city. And I'm sorry that it costs as much as it does. Believe me I of anyone wishes it didn't, but I find creative ways to make it work, the jobs I have are flexible so I can schedule around auditions, I intern at my acting schools in exchange for free classes. And I intern in my managers office so I can learn more about how this business works. Knowledge is power people and if you don't know everything you can possibly know about this business then it can be really easy to get taken advantage of. I assure you Julie has never taken advantage of her clients, if she did she'd be living in a much better apartment! I'm sure anyone who reads the uneducated slander of the person calling Julie a ripoff will see that a person who cannot even complete a sentence with proper grammar obviously doesn't know what they are talking about. And if it's who I'm sure it is, then believe me when I tell you this person is truly crazy! I can show you emails they sent to other casting directors and filmmakers to prove it because they didn't cast in their movie! And theres no way this person works in a casting office and throws away our head shots, who behaves like this? The bottom line is I have nothing but nice things to say about Julie, DreamScope and her clients. I'm glad to be working with her and that my career is under her guidance. And she is a good friend and confidant. Anyone in this town would be lucky to work with her!


Valley Village,
The DreamScope Showcase was a major success!!!

#15UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2008

To whom it may concern: I was a part of last years DreamScope showcase and as a result I had several appointments with agents and also successfully signed with one. As did many of the other clients and participants in the showcase. Many of the industry people that I met the night of the showcases I also have seen when I've gone on auditions and still they tell me what a great showcase it was! The reason anyone might possibly be disgruntled with Ms. Abrams is because they are mad at themselves for behaving so inappropriately at the showcase that Ms. Abrams was forced to drop them as a client. Now they only have themselves to blame. I have been working as an intern in Julie's office for over 2 years, and on just the one day a week that I am there I see how hard she works for all her clients! Even people she doesn't represent anymore just because she wants to help people's dreams come true. I assure you, she is not in this only for herself. She is a savvy business woman and could make a lot more money doing something else! But she sees in people what others might not see and she helps people believe in themselves. She's helped launch many careers for people in this town, but people in this town are selfish and see Julie only as a stepping stone, they move on to what they think are bigger and better managers, only to come back to Julie and tell her that no one else cares like she does! Julie doesn't just take on anyone as a client. I had to work in her office for several months before Julie invited me to attend a workshop she was coaching, it was only after that workshop when she saw my talent that she invited me to be her client. She scouts at many talent competitions and showcases to find the best and brightest up and coming stars. This is what most Managers and talent reps do. She only invites the ones that she truly thinks has what it take to be a client. That why her client base is so small. However, she will also take time away from her personal life to help out a handful of kids and parents every year who come to LA chasing a dream and she helps guide them in a direction that will help them get to the next level of their talent. Some people don't have a natural talent but have potential. Julie spends hours compiling lists of acting classes and coaches, head shot photographers and anything else that will help you market yourself and she does all that for free! Then to supplement her income she offers coaching sessions with her or the occasional workshop as does every Casting Director assistant or Manager or Industry Rep in this town. But Julie does it for a fraction of the price others do. Personally, I think if anyone is getting ripped off, it's her! She spends countless hours submitting and pitching to get her clients a string of commercials and episodic co-stars or what have you only to have that client drop her as a manager. What people don't seem to understand in this business is that it takes time and patience, no one is going to be fresh off the bus from Kansas City and have a starring role in the next Steven Spielberg feature! And it's going to cost quite a bit of money to get started and maintain. You have to think of it like you are starting your own business, the business of you! It will cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars investment into your business before you might ever see a return on it. Julie makes no bones about it when she talks to parents and young people just starting out. She says to them, if this is going to take food off your table you're better off staying where you are and saving up for this adventure. But so many times I've seen, even after hearing that, a kid and his mom will come out here having taken out a loan or something and they give themselves one month to book something that will pay for them to stay out here longer. That's a fools dream but sometimes you can only learn the hard way. Show business is not for the meek and weak minded. You have to believe in yourself, you have to work hard, you have to invest a lot of time and money. You HAVE to take classes. Julie advises all her clients in the same way, if you're not in class and/or you work so much you can't go to your auditions then what is the point of being here. You might as well have cheaper rent in some other city. And I'm sorry that it costs as much as it does. Believe me I of anyone wishes it didn't, but I find creative ways to make it work, the jobs I have are flexible so I can schedule around auditions, I intern at my acting schools in exchange for free classes. And I intern in my managers office so I can learn more about how this business works. Knowledge is power people and if you don't know everything you can possibly know about this business then it can be really easy to get taken advantage of. I assure you Julie has never taken advantage of her clients, if she did she'd be living in a much better apartment! I'm sure anyone who reads the uneducated slander of the person calling Julie a ripoff will see that a person who cannot even complete a sentence with proper grammar obviously doesn't know what they are talking about. And if it's who I'm sure it is, then believe me when I tell you this person is truly crazy! I can show you emails they sent to other casting directors and filmmakers to prove it because they didn't cast in their movie! And theres no way this person works in a casting office and throws away our head shots, who behaves like this? The bottom line is I have nothing but nice things to say about Julie, DreamScope and her clients. I'm glad to be working with her and that my career is under her guidance. And she is a good friend and confidant. Anyone in this town would be lucky to work with her!

Jenna Stone

The Honest Situation for DreamScope

#16UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2008

Hello - My daughter has been with Julie for 2 1/2 years now and we couldn't be more satisfied. Julie is one of the hardest working most honest individuals I have ever had the pleasure to come across. Julie has never misled anyone into giving her money. On the contrary, many of her clients have been able to showcase for next to nothing because she believes in them and wants to give them the chance to showcase their talent. Had my daughter and I not gotten involved with DreamScope and Julie, in particular we would have been eaten up by the industry in LA. Julie has never charged anyone for anything that wasn't told up front. Coaching and showcases aren't free, but for the training you get and the exposure from these showcases is extrememly cheap compared to most of what I have seen out there. Agents, casting directors and producers alike have always had wonderful things to say about her showcases and how professional they are and what talented clients she has. Just because someone didn't get the results that they personally thought that they might get from the showcase doesn't give them the right to slander a good person's name. My opinion, if you didn't hear what you wanted to hear by the results of the showcase(s) then quite frankly take more classes or learn to loosen up when the pressure is on and you are being watched. If Julie should ever consider taking someone on as a potential client they should consider themselves very fortunate. I hope who ever it is that is writing the nasty things about her on the internet will get over themselves and get on with their life and stop trying to ruin someone elses. Thank you, Someone who knows the truth!

Jenna Stone

The Honest Situation for DreamScope

#17UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2008

Hello - My daughter has been with Julie for 2 1/2 years now and we couldn't be more satisfied. Julie is one of the hardest working most honest individuals I have ever had the pleasure to come across. Julie has never misled anyone into giving her money. On the contrary, many of her clients have been able to showcase for next to nothing because she believes in them and wants to give them the chance to showcase their talent. Had my daughter and I not gotten involved with DreamScope and Julie, in particular we would have been eaten up by the industry in LA. Julie has never charged anyone for anything that wasn't told up front. Coaching and showcases aren't free, but for the training you get and the exposure from these showcases is extrememly cheap compared to most of what I have seen out there. Agents, casting directors and producers alike have always had wonderful things to say about her showcases and how professional they are and what talented clients she has. Just because someone didn't get the results that they personally thought that they might get from the showcase doesn't give them the right to slander a good person's name. My opinion, if you didn't hear what you wanted to hear by the results of the showcase(s) then quite frankly take more classes or learn to loosen up when the pressure is on and you are being watched. If Julie should ever consider taking someone on as a potential client they should consider themselves very fortunate. I hope who ever it is that is writing the nasty things about her on the internet will get over themselves and get on with their life and stop trying to ruin someone elses. Thank you, Someone who knows the truth!

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