  • Report:  #22990

Complaint Review: Dynasty International Associates Inc. - Dale City Virginia

Reported By:
- Seattle, WA,

Dynasty International Associates Inc.
4235 Dale Blvd. Dale City, VA 22193 Dale City, 22193 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought this package about a year ago, and I have been trying to get a hold of them for months, because I had some questions, but I have not been able to get a hold of anyone.

All of the phone numbers have been changed, and the website does not exist. I think that these people either went out of business, or they scammed me. I see that their are a lot of people on this website upset about this company, so I think that they have scammed many.

I just want to find out if they still exist, so that maybe I could still take my cruise, or if this whole thing was a scam then I WANT MY MONEY BACK!


Seattle, Washington

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Hope this helps...

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 20, 2004

Here's a link to the BBB page on Dynasty Intl. They list lots of other names the company goes by and several phone #s. http://www.orlando.bbb.org/nis/newsearch2.asp?ID=1&ComID=0733000024000175 Have you checked with your credit card company about having the charge removed? They will usually do so in the case of fraud. Good luck.

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