  • Report:  #1394771

Complaint Review: Eastwood Homes -

Reported By:
MMM - Clayton, North Carolina, USA

Eastwood Homes
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We purchased an Eastwood Home Aug. 192016. Prior to the 1-year anniversary of closing on our house, we submitted an inspection report (Aug. 10). We were told to complete the warranty form on-line.  We had technical difficulties loading the report in the manner on the form, and so e-mailed the report.  this was not a huge report.  

We received e-mail from Eastwood acknowledging receipt of report. We received call from Eastwood customer service and I noted that we had not heard back about when repairs would be made.

Today, 12 days after having sent report (sent twice prior to the 1-year date), I called customer service.  I was told that they do not accept e-mailed inspection reports. This is ironic, because BEFORE we purchased the house, the drywall inspection report, and final inspection report were e-mailed and there was no problem with those reports being accepted by e-mail...

However, now AFTER closing they can not accept an e-mailed report.  When I spoke to someone in customer service, I was told that they do not cover household maintenance.  Obviously she had not even opened the report. None of the issues were household maintenance.  

We have issues with the screen porch, siding, AC drain, door latch and concrete.  She said concrete is not covered.  I told her that the inspector said that 'spalling' is caused when there is too much water in the cement and that is what we have here.  

I feel like we are getting a run-around, excuses to not resolve these issues before even reading the report.

We have several new homes near us, and folks will be coming up on their 1-year inspections.  I would like to be able to tell my neighbors how happy I am with Eastwood honoring their warranty commitment, instead of letting them know in advance of the run-around and issues that we have experienced.


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