  • Report:  #155074

Complaint Review: Ecampus.com - Fayette Mississippi

Reported By:
- Mississippi, Mississippi,

P.O.Box 1029 Fayette, 39060 Mississippi, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I placed an order with e-campus.com on 8-24-2005 for the below information an have not received a conformation number. The order seem to have taken my VISA credit card. After filling the electronic information I received a thank you notice and said I would be receiving a conformation notice through e-mail. when checking my account at eCampus my order states no orders under this account. Please let me know if my credit card has been charged because the electronic data seem have process the information. I need to know as soon as possible. I have tried to call, fax, and chat with someone from eCampus, none of the mehods advertised works. I have spent over 40 minutes waiting for a customer service representitive that never answers .Please cancel any orders associated with Gregory Harris account. My work number is 601-437-6275.

Thank you

Item Detail

Staffing Organizations

Edition: 5th - Author(s): Heneman, Herbert G., III; Judge, Timothy A.; Judge, Tim

ISBN: 0072987227

Format: Hardcover

Pub. Date: 7/21/2005

Publisher(s): MCG (Manual)

New Copy: Usually Ships in 2-3 Business Days

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Mississippi, Mississippi

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