  • Report:  #105667

Complaint Review: ECommerce Online Stores Online Products CEOs Of Online Storefronts Cowardly Legal Criminals - cyber space Internet

Reported By:
- Nextdoor, Other,

ECommerce Online Stores Online Products CEOs Of Online Storefronts Cowardly Legal Criminals
You're Guess Is As Good As Mine cyber space, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ladies and Gentlemen,

While I sit in my Home Office, I find myself infuriated. Infuriated with the way shady and questionalbe companies enjoy doing business with unsuspecting and uneducated individuals across the expanse of cyber space and the world. Why does this have to happen? One of the most penetrating questions deep within my soul.

I have to wonder what took place in their lives that made them that way. Were they, too, ripped off and this is some sort of psychotic need for revenge? Were they so broke at one time that they found a scam that finally worked so they could feed their addictions? Why do you and I find ourselves having to resort to any methods at our fingertips to exact justice against such companies and individuals? You realize, of course, that if the same things happened to them or their family and friends, they would mount an all out assault of their own to get restitution.

So, in saying all that, I say this. It's high time for light to be shed into the dark and murky lives of these people and the companies they represent. It's so easy to come here, post your stories and sit back waiting for some sort of action. I say, get busy! Don't sit on your laurels waiting for the phone to ring or that letter with the phat check to come. Take decisive action through whatever comes to mind. Legally, of course. While you sit in your own homes and offices, relax, take a few deep breaths and allow your minds to be free to create other ideas. Then, if you think it, make it so. RipOff.com is just a cog in a larger, vast "machine". You never know what action will result in the turning of the tides in your own quests for satisfaction.

You can sit there starring at your screens waiting for them to post rebuttals. You can sit there in your own griefs and depressions hoping for a miracle. Or you can make your miracles happen by movement and motivation. Motivate yourselves to excellence and higher purposes. Make as many people aware of what you have just gone through. Create a better internet and life for the general population and future ones to come.

When we, each, sew a stitch in the tapestry of life, we are making a possitive contribution to the well being of the masses. When we educate ourselve, then educate others, we are empowering the planet. What a noble cause to persue. Collective and Universal Consiousness is an extremely powerful force. One to be reckoned with and one to have to answer to. You can't deny the compelling, diving power that this creates. Nor can you simply ignore it expecting it to just go away. It's sort of like throwing a pebble in a still, quiet pond. The ripples seem to go on forever. So think about the gathering energy and "ripples" a boulder could create dropped in the same pond.

So, join the choir and sing to the top of your lungs. Make your voices heard in as many "temples" and "cathedrals" as you can. You can't beging to understand who may hear or what can happen as a result. Then, when you feel the darkness beginning to cloak itself around you. When you feel like giving up. When all looks lost. TAKE HEART!!! You just may be five minutes away from your miracle. One last action may be all it takes to get your rewards and them their just desserts.

Here endeth Sermon #5

"Where there is truth and right, there is also justice and victory." "United we stand. Devided we fall."

Silverstar Reporter


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