  • Report:  #842087

Complaint Review: Education Funding Company - Internet

Reported By:
NickC - Gloucester, Ontario, Canada

Education Funding Company
4740 Chevy Chase Dr., Suite 200 Chevy Chase, Maryland 20 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
At the beginning of November of 2011, my current employment had downsizing and my paycheck took a big hit. 

I tried reorganizing my finances to be able to pay for my son's martial arts and myself at Bergeron Karate Center (School code 3066) but with a new born on the way and a new place with higher rent, I could not afford it (and since my wife doesn't work, the finances fall on my shoulders).

So I informed the owner of the school of my current situation. He informed me that he couldn't cancel my membership since he does not take care of tuition. He mentioned to call Education Funding Company. he gave me a name "Joseph" at 1-301-654-8677 Ext 205 and told me that they won't cancel my membership as it's their bread and butter (his own words) but I should try none the less, in case they can.

I contacted this Joseph and I explained my situation to him. He told me that it would be possible to cancel my membership but I had to fax my situation to them.

So I did just that, on the 28th of November 2011 at 11:23am, I faxed my situation, explaining that I could no longer financially pay for Martial Arts and was requesting a cancellation.

After a month I started getting automated messages from EFC asking me to pay. I was surprised since I had set up for a cancellation. So I called this Joseph(multiple times) once more,and left a message explaining that since everything was cancelled to stop calling and harassing us.

A month later he contacted me, left me a message saying he was replying to my multiple messages. So I called him and finally got in touch with him. He explained that it wasn't cancelled and I had to pay, that there was no way to cancel. I explained to him that with the newborn and my financial situation there was no money to give them. He then say "That's ok, You'll be placed in collection and since you can't pay, the issue will be over and done with". That is completely unacceptable, no collection agency will accept "I can't pay" and leave it at that. You mean to tell me that they refuse to cancel my membership, wait almost two months to tell me they wont and then put me in collection to tarnish my name with creditors? This was infuriating. I also told him that I never received any documentation that mentioned anything about the fact that the account was still active and I needed to still pay. They had my old address, so I gave him my new and I told him it didn't really matter because I had moved closer to the school. I told him my address wasn't the reason why I was cancelling but because I can't afford it.

So I went to the owner of the school and once again he explain to me that he could do nothing. He even brushed over my concerns about all the complaints about EFC on the net or the fact that they had an F rating with the BBB. He also mentioned that Joseph had called him and said I was cancelling because I had moved and he wanted to find out how far it was. Well the owner said I lived real close to the school...well of course... it's not like I mentioned that to Joseph,...oh wait, I did. So now this agent from EFC is making me look like a liar to the owner of the school.

I simply cannot fathom why this is acceptable. I would understand If my reasons to cancel were flimsy but I CANNOT PAY FOR IT. I AM FINANCIALLY INCAPABLE TO CONTINUE PAYING FOR THIS SERVICE.

How hard is it to understand. I keep getting the brush over on both side and neither is willing to help me and both are fine with screwing me out of my money and tarnishing my name. Thank god I had the intelligence to contact my bank on the day I thought I cancelled, to block EFC from taking more money or they would have continued and I would have been royally screwed for a lot of my bills or simply for food for my whole family. No where does it say on your membership that if you are unable to financially pay for the service that you will still be billed or that if you can't pay no matter if you request for a cancellation that you will be put in collection and get your name ruined.

What kind of scam company is this? And how is it they are STILL around after all this time of scamming people.

I am in financial difficulties as it is, I do not need this mental stress to top it off.

I will contact them once more but to inform them that I have reported them to Ripoff and other sites on the net and that if push comes to shove, I'll find a way to get a lawyer because this is clearly unacceptable and I will not be bullied in paying a service I no longer use.

If you plan on joining anything that requires a membership, please ask and educate yourself where the tuition goes because if it's Educational Funding Company, this might happen to you.

Avoid EFC if you know what's good for you.

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