  • Report:  #521124

Complaint Review: Educational Opportunities Unlimited in TopekaKs. - Topeka Kansas

Reported By:
jajaja1 - topeka, Kansas, USA

Educational Opportunities Unlimited in TopekaKs.
2348 SW Topeka Blvd Suite 101 Topeka, 66611 Kansas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This drug and alcholhol recovery and counseling facility is a scam. When I arrived , it was some old building that had formerly been a dog grooming parlor. The group therapy for youths that was in session was right in plain site thus having no consiseration for confidentiality. The lady that showed me around was chain smoking and hacking, her name Alexia Stanley.As the interview proceeded , she told me more of her life story than I wanted to know--for example: she was a former drug addict and did corner tricks to obtain her drugs of choice--which she continully stated was meth.( she was trying to demonstate if she a husler could make it clean, anyone could).  She was very forward toward the staff and was acting as if one of the staff was her significant other and kept refeing to him as "Best Friend"-- but then went on to say " he has a B of a wife" and "his wife is such a moron". This was sooooo not professional. I thought ,,well maybe it will be okay, shes just different. Later I found out she was in fact having an affair with several married men fellow employees. Needless to say hindsite is better than forsite, and it was all done to try to allure me in. She was okay looking  for an old lady who looks to have had  one too many a crak pipe and millions of cigarettes.


The tour and interview continued whereby she told me that if I claimed to have additional  alcholhol addiction and drug related issues ,then they would get reimbursed for more money from the medicaid people. She told me that what excess their company got ,she would split with a charity of my choice and or use to help buy me a car to get back on my feet.She said it was a legitimate use of the money when I asked if it was ok to do that. This sounded great to me ,however, I lost my drivers liscence in a DUI so coulnt use a car  but... she said she would hold onto the money for me and build credit. I never did get any money and I'm glad because I think that could be fraud.


I went through the treatment to appease the courts and to try to get better but felt it did not help me as through the entire treatment sessions she would make phone calls to friends and or eat and look at internet pictures of clothes she wanted to buy. In the groups she ran with some other guy she was constantly hanging on the male co- theripist as to elicit a resonse from him but he was visibally uncomfortable with it as was the group of us there for therapy.. It was very weird.


The kicker was when one nite after group, she called me outside to help her carry boxes to her car and when I got done she asked me if I needed a ride home. I was like..ok man. So she drives me out to this desolate area and proceeds to pull her clothes off. What made it worse though is she pulled out a bottle of Jim Beam and asked me if I wanted a swig. I refused and asked that she take me home. She said If I didn't have sex with her she would report to my probation officer that I submitted a dirty UA and then I would be locked up.


I have more problems now than I did when I started at SCARS now called EDucational Oportunities Unlimited, due to being molested as a child  by a older babysitter and so those issues and memories are haunting me again  and are part of my new treatment program at a normal place for therapy and Im struggling with sobriety even worse now.

The bottom line is, people beware, their buisness  SCARS INC.  went  under, but they reopened under the new name of EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Unlimited.  I'm afraid you will get an education , but not the kind you need. I  would be more careful in checking out a recovery center and go with my gut instinct instead of laughing off the behavior I witnessed and making excuses or rationalizing what I saw through the entire experience. hopefully they will get shut down before they destroy others This lady scared me sober that nte when seeing her nude for sure and it almost detroyed my faith in humanity.

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