  • Report:  #433183

Complaint Review: Enrique Echaniz - Study Coordinator Baxter Bioscience Research Across America - Plano Texas

Reported By:
- Wylie, Texas,

Enrique Echaniz - Study Coordinator Baxter Bioscience Research Across America
6020 W. Parker Road, Suite 400B, Plano, 75093 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is a vaccine study by Baxter Bioscience subbed out to Research Across America, who uses the clinic operated by Dr. Jeffrey Adelglass and located at:6020 W. Parker Road, Suite 400B, Plano, Texas. Enrique Echaniz - Study Coordinator

Gotcha #1. In my copy of the patient consent form the location for Baxter Bioscience is shown to be: One Baxter Way, Westlake Village, CA 91362. This whether due to plain incompetence or deliberate obfuscation is false. I called there and nobody had a clue what I was talking about. One nice lady there said they did not do vaccine research out of that location but would ask around and see if she could find the proper location. Eventually she called back with a Maryland address and phone number.

Gotcha #2. In my copy of the patient consent form it states:


"You will receive $100.00 for completing each study visit and $50.00 for completing EACH [emphasis mine throughout] telephone call. If you leave the study before finishing all of the visits, you will still be paid for each visit that you did complete. You will receive payment after EACH completed study or telephone call."

This did not happen. I received cash the first visit and a check the second visit sure enough. I walked away compensated as promised. However, my first call was in January when someone named Theresa called and asked the prescribed questions about my health and any medications I had taken, etc. The call was totally about what she needed from me. There was no mention of what I had coming from them. OK, I thought. I'm not going to beg here. Maybe it's so routine and there will be a check in the mail tomorrow, so she didn't bother to even go there.

Wrong. There was no check forthcoming. Some time later I got a call from this Enrique who said I needed to come in and sign a new patient consent form. HUH? What was wrong with the old one, I wondered? The old one was eleven pages long and should have covered everything. Was it the compensation clause that he needed to change?

So I asked this Enrique why I had not received a check for the last phone visit. He said he was not required by law to pay me after each visit and intended to withhold payment until the final office visit in order to discourage people from dropping out of the study.

I asked why the caller did not bother to volunteer this information and he said he was not required by law to do so. Not by a sense of ethics or by conscience either, obviously. Nothing in his "code of ethics" required him to be the least bit forthcoming about his deviation from the written compensation clause. Nice.

[Now some sleazy snake of a crooked lawyer could stand in front of a judge and argue that it does not say how long after each phone visit the compensation would be forthcoming. One could argue that the time period is ambiguous here. But if the judge had any sense, he would ask what was the purpose of wording it like that was, and what did they hope to get me the hapless participant to think with this wording.]

Here it is March 11. 2009 as I write this, and this time Nan called for the second phone visit. I answered her questions dutifully and then asked why when it plainly says in the patient consent form that I am to be paid, I wasn't. She said she would look into it. It sounded like she was going to look up the consent form I signed, but instead she merely put Enrique on the line to give me his usual BS story. He even had the effrontery to rather impatiently remind me that we had been all over this once before.

I told him straight out, "Look. Just because you tell me something verbally, that does not negate what I have in writing, nor does it make it true just because it comes out of your mouth. You can tell me that under the law you can do whatever you goddam please, but that does not make it so. But since you wish to engage in these shady tactics I will not grace your crooked study with my participation any more. Don't look for me to keep my appointment for the final visit."

His response? "Then you lose your money."

There's a saying: If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Not only is pathetic Enrique the dimmest bulb on the dusty chandelier, he can't even baffle worth a flip. He concocts an idea in his head and that is all he needs to make it believable in his own mind

He reminds me of this study regarding sociopaths and psychopaths I did for my banker son to put him wise to con men out there. Both groups share some of the same characteristics, but the ability to lie as easily as the rest of us breathe seems to be common among both groups.

I quote from the study:

Inability to distinguish right from wrong, fact from fiction, truth from lies, existing inside their own minds.

This fits this character to a 'T'. He has no doubt been talking his way out of jams since he was a kid. I mean how can any sane person say that there is no legal obligation to do stuff when it says so in the very agreement he shoved off on me?

Me? As a layman studying mental problems and illnesses I would put Enrique in the psychopath class rather than the sociopath one, since sociopaths are glib and go out of their way to get you to like them and trust them. This character fails on all the above.

Now I can just hear the pro-criminal element saying how dare I practice psychiatry without a license. Well they better not ever have diagnosed their children with the cold or flu and prescribed for them without consulting a doctor first or they need to be thrown in the slammer for practicing medicine without a license.

Actually I don't care what label the shrinks would put on this guy. I have dealt with him and I don't need a degree to see that he has no ethics, no code of conduct, and no regard for the patients under his care. No respect for the truth either. It's only about the money and what he can derive for himself.

Well, I got news for Enrique. There are some of us who value human decency and a caring humanitarian society over monetary gain. So he can keep the misappropriated $200.00 and I will not sue him in small claims court.

Instead I will take my claim straight to his Creator and petition HIM to get busy and start cleaning up His putrid creation which He has allowed to fester with types like Enrique who step on others to advance themselves, and hope He will also include those who agree with him, who assist him, who aid and abet him, and who remained silent about this abuse for their own gain.

And speaking of shrinks, they know better than to try to treat a psychopath. And no wonder. It has been my experience that when someone develops irreversible mental problems later in life, it means that person's Maker has written off such a one and has declared him as good as dead.

C'mon God. Isn't it time You got Your broom out and started cleaning house? Where is YOUR "code"? You judge them but will not feed them to Your disposal unit until You are done using them? You leave them around as irritants so You can do the good-vs-evil thing at the victims' expense? Where's the humanitarianism in that?

We humans know enough to bury our dead. How about You?


Wylie, Texas


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Who Is This Lying Sack of Sub-human S*** Named Raul?

#2Author of original report

Sat, June 20, 2009

Who is this lying sack of sub-human s*** named Raul? He doesn't say. (But he does say it's OK that we engage in name calling.) He can't even refute my report, so resorts to calling me names and telling lies that he makes up inside his sick mind. Just to set the record straight, I denounce all fascist liars and abusers of mankind wherever I find them, whether they be named Raul, Enrique, or Cheney. Decent people are invited to see my review of We Were Soldiers here: http://www.amazon.com/review/R2D53E8N54H7NF/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?%5Fencoding=UTF8&cdMsgNo=6&cdPage=1&cdSort=oldest&cdMsgID=Mx315XVTL99ENK7#Mx315XVTL99ENK7 It will show just how insane this rebuttal is. You may need to scroll up to the top to see the actual review. Comments follow. And yet there is an element of truth in what it said above, and that is that I have time on my hands, and so I can spend it denouncing the abusers in and of society, instead of just shrugging it off and going on my way in search of the next elusive buck.


Arthur unvieled

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, May 27, 2009

Arthur in Wylie, To spend the time on such a petty issue indicates one of two: you are retired and bored to tears, or two you are just a shallow mind looking for controversy wherever your simple mind takes you..The fact that you use obstrufication would indicate you have some command of the English language, or a good thesaurus. In any event, your fascist friends are surely proud of you, along with d**k Chaney. Raul

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