  • Report:  #152616

Complaint Review: Eric Allen Walker - Bucyrus Ohio

Reported By:
- Bellefontaine, Ohio,

Eric Allen Walker
LKA Beverly Drive Bucyrus, Ohio, U.S.A.
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Eric Walker is a Fraud. He acts all godly, yet is a vindictive psycho. He used to have posting on his love for his kids, and how wonderful of a father he is, yet his son was adopted by another man and he never sees his daughter. He is also 30,000.00$ behind in child support, which he also lies about. He cons girls into helping him, he was abused as a kid, he can't trust people, he needs a good woman to show him that love is real.

Blah, Blah, Blah....what he needs is someone to take advatage of so he can be his 30 something unresponsible manself and continue interloping on the lives of others robbing them of what they have. He finds someone, usually when they are vulnerable, and portrays himself as this great person who has had bad relationships and understands, and want to make a better life.

He is also quick to the gun on marriage which made me a little weary as he had already been married twice. Luckily I didn't go through with it, as he soon began to show me his true side. Please take heed, he takes advatage of women, steals, lies, shuts himself off from the world obssessing in online video games going as far as to spend two straight weeks building a message board for his gaming clan, and when you are lucky enough to pull him away from this obsession and have a conversation with him you are completely lost because of his immature amazement of game concepts which he feels an adverse need to tell you about.

Because of him, I lost my job, had to file bankruptcy and me and my kids had to move out of our own house. My house, that I bought and paid for well before he came along. Prior to moving out I had asked him to leave, told him things weren't working out and he refused. He continued to live there like nothing was said. Then the kicker was when he blamed me on cheating, though I had told him I didn't want to be with him, I was talking to other people, but had never met any of them nor had I ever spoken to them outside of the internet.

He rigged my pc with tracking programs, intercepted my e-mails, obsessed with trying to catch me doing something. This man is an obsessive psychotic sociopathic liar. I felt guilty about talking to other people yet I had to have someone to talk to, seeing as how even when he was there I felt alone. Days would pass that he wouldn't speak a word, to busy playing games. I finally moved out and lived with the girl I babysat for for 3 months waiting for him to leave my home. Everytime I attempted eviction, he would tell me that he was leaving and not to bother.

He lived the winter there with no heat, stole my cell phone after I shutdown the services, and ran up a bill on both phones totaling (1587.00$)calling girls whom later left messages on my phone and spoke with me personally, they to thought there was something wrong with him, electric (380.00$)leaving lights on constantly, water (259.00$), cable & PPV (230.00$), when he finally left, he stole my t.v. and electric heater, and a very expensive quilt and odds and ends dishes etc.

When I began moving my things out of the house, it was awful. He had not done dishes for the 3 months he was there alone, the smell was terrible. He had not taken out the trash, he had burned a candle letting the wax run down the front of the entertainment center onto the new carpeting, he had done no laundry, cut all the wires to the surround sound system, stole my clothes, burnt cigarette holes in my sheets and mattress, left tons of junk in my garage, and broke glass table tops and other garage items, and stole the tools and remodeling items that I had bought for my house. When he would get angry at me because a utility would get turned off, he would threaten me by saying he was going to tell children services I was a bad parent and have my kids taken away, or that he would get me fired from my new job, he would tell me that he was going to take away everything I loved and I would regret ever knowing him. At that time, I already regretted I ever knew him.

I had received statements from my checking account to find that even after a few months had passed he was paying his bills with money from my checking account. In total before I caught it, equalled out to around 1600.00$ Will he ever stop? How low of a person are you when you will rob a single mother of three? Unfortunately I co-signed for a car for him, after paying out 1700.00$ to get his license back, I borrowed 2500.00$ from my dad to do this, and he never made an effort to pay any of the money back that I borrowed on his behalf. He of course never makes the payments on time and I am always receiving calls from the company in regards to the late payments. I told them to repossess it and explained, because of him, I already had to file bankruptcy so I didn't care if they tried to come after me for the money, I had filed to get my name removed from the loan when I filed for bankruptcy so they couldn't come to me anyway.

So I filed police reports on the stolen money from my checking, but nothing was done. This is why there are people out there who do things like this, because the people who are here supposedly protecting us rarely do anything. SO nothing ever made it to court, I was told to take him to small claims court. But it isn't the money, it is the idea that when you steal something you should have to pay for it right? I don't understand how it is that someone can steal a pack of gum and go to jail for shoplifting, but someone else fraudulently uses an account number to pay for their bills, transferring money out of a federally protected entity and they get nothing. Taking him to small claims court for stolen items and money is nothing, just something else to chock up to the fact that the person thinks he is so smart he can get away with what everyone else doesn't.

So please.....don't make the same mistakes I did. He is vindictive to the point that he will do anything to trash your life. He will lie to others who know you and say terrible things, anything from STDs to abuse and seglect of your children. And he doesn't hesitate, the moment you cross him for any reason he instantly will beat you down and begin his path of destruction.

It has taken 10 months for me to regain my ground and get back on my feet. I'm not angry, as I have learned a valuable lesson from this whole ordeal, I'm not doing this as a repayment, I just don't want someone else to end up going through the hell that I had to live through to learn what I learned.

My advice is that if someone is not at a stable point in life generally, then they aren't stable enough to maintain a relationship. And this goes both ways for any guy that is reading. It isn't worth trying to be a savior, worry about saving yourself. If they are broke, there is a reason, if you don't want to be broke, then stay as afar away as you can. Find someone who has their life in check, on their feet and ready to face the responsibility of life. A relationship is something you should have to put forth effort it, but it shouldn't be a chore. They should want you to be a part of the realtionship for you, not for what you can provide.

Not just for this one man, but for all men you meet, do the research before you invest anything. Would you invest 10,000.00$ on a cubic zirconia ring because it looks like a diamond?

And there is hope, as in the end I found man who has it together. He is an awesome father, and a wonderful friend. He pays his bills, owns a home, has a car and a license, doesn't have a record, isn't in debt, remains involved in our relationship talking and spending time together. He is close to his family and friends, and is a part of mine. He is a beautiful, kind, loving man with a future. And I am part of that future.

SO don't give up hope if you have been in the messes that I have been in when it comes to relationships. There is hope, but only if you find and use to your benefit the lessons that can be learned from it all.

I wish you luck!


UPSA, Ohio

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