  • Report:  #144722

Complaint Review: Essay Relief - Internet

Reported By:
- Coventry, Europe,

Essay Relief
Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Essay relief have a very professional looking site that completely fooled me. I trusted their money back guarantee. What a fool I was, paid 349.65GBP to receive a pile of junk that was nothing like my specification. I am still trying to recover my money and if any one can please contact me. These people are scum they are preying on vunerable kids who cannot get at them and may even be to ashamed to tell anyone what has happened as they are trying to cheat. Through this scum I missed my deadline and have failed my degree. Everyone out there do not be fooled they will not help you to get your grade and will not give you back your money. I will fight on.


United Kingdom

26 Updates & Rebuttals


West Virginia,

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, November 21, 2005

i know we all go through problems in life still no reason to cheat. doesnt matter if you paid and expected a non plagerized paper. the fact that you turn it in as your own work even though you knew others have done the work is still considered plagerism. as one person suggested go to your professors or dean with your partner dieing im sure they would have been lienient (sorry if spelling is off). what they did as a company is wrong but if people would actually do their own work instead of finding every excuse in the book not to then they would not be in business.


Del City,
I agree that what Essay Relief did is wrong, but I also find this as humorous as two other things I have seen ..Another Response for Tom and Wendy

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, July 20, 2005

To both Tom and Wendy - I agree that what Essay Relief did is wrong, but I also find this as humorous as two other things I have seen in my lifetime: one is where someone calls the cops to try and have someone arrested for stealing their drugs. The other was a time when a man's house got robbed. Where was this man at the time? He was out robbing someone else's home. So, while these type of companies are wrong for their behavior, most of us have little sympathy for the behavior that caused it in the first place. Remember, most of the original respondants reported they had to do it the hard way... themselves. And guess what else - I'm sure many of them were going through their own personal crises at the time. Most college students are to one degree or another at some point in their college life. The important thing here is that the lessons are learned (much more important lessons than even the original essay that was assigned).


I repeat:

#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 13, 2005

Rip-off report: 'Rip-off Report is also not accepting comments like those found on many sites that have "threads" with meaningless comments, ..in most cases using foul and insulting language against others, similar to those assaults on victims who have come to the Rip-off Report for justice.' 'NO trivial comments will be accepted' Cory: 'I love the French. They can rationalize just about anything. Like they won WWI and WWII without our help. God bless 'em.' Enough said.


New York,
New York,
True justice would be.......

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, June 13, 2005

that Wendy need the services of a cardiologist, surgeon, whatever, that cheated his way through medical school. Enough said.


San Antonio,
I Love The French

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2005

I love the French. They can rationalize just about anything. Like they won WWI and WWII without our help. God bless 'em.


Tom's final word Responses welcome (without personal attacks).

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 12, 2005

To whoever wrote it, no i have not cheated or used 'essay relief' for any purpose. I only came across the name as a result of coming on this website. I commented because i felt that the resposes to Wendy's situation were largely subjective, self-glorifying rants about the morality of cheating and were not focussing on the point of the post- to scrutinise the website in question. Consequently, the majority of the comments made fall outside the guidelines set by this website, which are as follows: 'Rip-off Report is also not accepting comments like those found on many sites that have "threads" with meaningless comments, ..in most cases using foul and insulting language against others, similar to those assaults on victims who have come to the Rip-off Report for justice.' 'NO trivial comments will be accepted.' I do not have particular sympathy for Wendy's methods. She should not have cheated. But surely the point of this website is to investigate fraudulent websites. In response to a comment made about plaigiarised documents- look at the other complaints made of the website, others have reported plaigiarisim, or copy/paste cases. If the information on the website it is copied from is copyrighted, then is it not still illegal to sell it? If so we should be concentrating on highlighting its bad business. Responses welcome (without personal attacks).


La Canada,
Tom meet Wendy, Wendy meet Tom

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 12, 2005

Question for Tom and Wendy, purely hypothetical as I doubt you use drugs, but what would you do in the following situation: If you were staying in a very nice hotel in Paris and while at the hotel and your supply of marijuana that you bought off the local street thug, to help you get over the loss of a friend was taken by the maid would you report the theft? YOU JUST DID REPORT IT! There is no reason to buy a term paper for background research off the net. The net was designed to provide resources for research for university work by universities! Lets not forget that one big factor here. Wendy please help us understand here, how much have you paid to go to school? Where do you go to school? What is your major subject? What class was it for? What was the term paper in question about? How many other papers did you buy for other classes? Would you go to a doctor to do brain surgery who in school used the same services? Getting Ripped Off for ANY reason is not good. Support RIP OFF REPORT! I want my ROR TV!


Cheating is Cheating

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2005

What if I cheated while I was working on my Social Work degree? Would I carry the knowledge and tools necessary to deal with clients? NO - What if I cheated on my Social Work licensing exam! Well how would I deal with a client without those tools - My field is working with Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and other Violent Crimes - So if I had cheated then I would not serve my clients well would I? Lesson learned - No sympathy for you You made your choice now you must suffer the consequences for your actions


Another response to Tom

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2005

You are probably a cheater too. Why else would you defend a lame sucker like this unless you are of the same stripe? I bet you suck at life as bad a clown number one.


Another response to Tom

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, June 11, 2005

Self righteous? I don't think so. Indignant would probably be a better term. Everybody falls on hard times. The true test of integrity is how you deal with the day-to-day when you are faced with something that is entirely not day-to-day. For those of us who choose to struggle legitimately to carry on our routines in the face of adversity, the attempts of another to use hardship as an excuse to cheat the system are completely unacceptable. I spent half of my sophomore year driving three hours, twice a week, to attend my classes, and three hours back to be with my daughter as she recovered from a liver transplant. I did my schoolwork in a pediatric intensive care ward. The thought of cheating never entered my mind. Throughout my law school career my wife's epilepsy continually worsened, and made things very difficult. I never thought about cheating my way out of my difficlties. It seems to me that someone with roughly $700 to throw away in avoidance of classwork has some serious lessons to learn. Hopefully she has learned at least one of them. "The legal fact that you all appear to be missing because of bathing in self-reflective glory, is that several people who have been ripped off by this company report having receieved a plagiarised document, copied from a published journal article available on the internet." The legal fact that YOU seem to be missing is that, when you engage the services of someone who scams for a living, you assume the risk that you may not end up with a useable product. There is no redress for the crackhead who is sold a vial of soap chips, there should be no redres for the cheater who gets a plagiarized document. "If it was a book or a magazine that someone was copying and selling without permission than everyone would be in agreement that it was illegal, but because this is for a 'cheating' purpose, suddenly essay relief are exonerated because of moral issues." No, they're not exhonerated. This report is not a claim of copyright infrnigement. If it were, we would hold the company appropriately culpable. This is a complaint regarding an efort to cheat gone wrong. As far as I'm concerned, this company is teaching people a much needed lesson: DON'T CHEAT. "I don't think the purpose of this website is to 'help' people by writing comments such as 'well you shouldn't have been so stupid, should you?'" Unfortunately, sometimes the best advice is "don't be such an idiot next time."


Response to Tom.

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, June 10, 2005

Tom, While I agree that scam companies like this should be reported here and to the authorities, I do not agree that Wendy should deserve our sympathy. If she (and all the others) were not trying to cheat their way through school by having someone else do their work, companies like this would not exist to scma people in the first place. The web is a powerful tool. But it is also a dangerous marketplace, full of scams (more so than ever in history). These reports are as bad as the ones from those who tried to obtain a fake ID, then make the excuse that it was a novelty purchase. Who is going to drop $100-$200 on a fake ID just for the fun of it. I digress, bottom line is, Wendy tried to cheat, and got burned for it. Life's way of saying be honest.



#13Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 10, 2005

Unlike the other self-righteous, unsympathetic 'commentators' - i have genuine sympathy for your situation. Looking at your comments, i can see that certain individuals clearly have nothing better to do than browse the internet exerting their own moralistic views. These people are in no way helping by saying 'nice to see the cheater got cheated', because this is not going to stop other people using the company in their hour of need and getting scammed. The legal fact that you all appear to be missing because of bathing in self-reflective glory, is that several people who have been ripped off by this company report having receieved a plagiarised document, copied from a published journal article available on the internet. If i am not mistaken, this constitutes copyright fraud which , regardless of what purpose the article is being used for, is illegal. This alone should be reason for scrutinising the company and having it checked out. If it was a book or a magazine that someone was copying and selling without permission than everyone would be in agreement that it was illegal, but because this is for a 'cheating' purpose, suddenly essay relief are exonerated because of moral issues. Unfortunately for the unsympathetic amoung you, your supercilious comments are unlikely to be viewed by anyone that hasn't already found out the hard way- so perhaps presenting some attacks against the company, instead of personal attacks, would be more beneficial. I don't think the purpose of this website is to 'help' people by writing comments such as 'well you shouldn't have been so stupid, should you?'. This company is obviously operating illegally, and it only takes 'write' and 'essay' to be typed into google to get it top of the list. For this reason, it clearly presents an overt threat and should have at least some pressure placed on it. Wendy, i wish you all the best for the future, and i hope you learn to never ask for help on the internet again.


Excuse making cheater

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 04, 2005

Totally lame. I was buying the paper to get background material for my real paper. Get real.


United Kingdom
Thank you rip off report - Sites like Essay Relief do not just attract worthless cheats they suck in the desperate and the hopeless.

#15Author of original report

Sat, June 04, 2005

I do feel I would have given up on my consumer rights if not for Rip off Report. When you are at rock bottom and you take a wrong turn you are without friends or council. I know most of you feel I should have failed and I did but at least this site gave me information and some support. I got a small portion of my money back but my self respect and dignity may never recovery, but the child I carry will know that for what ever reason; your own efforts are always best. Perhaps I can now give my all to my unborn child. Sites like Essay Relief do not just attract worthless cheats they suck in the desperate and the hopeless. All of you who cast stones should look long and hard and realize that no case is without merit and no one needs to be the victim of conmen, they only catch the week and desperate. For the few who were kind thank you and to Rip off reoprt thank you.


United Kingdom
What to do next, simply cancel the transaction

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 04, 2005

Wendy, my suggestion to you will be to call your bank and simply cancel the transaction. You will get your money back and they will learn their lesson. You should tell your bank that you have paid the money and the service you received was not the one they promised to deliver, therefore you are unsatisfied.


Something is not right.

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2005

Wendy, My condolences also, but something is not right with your story. First, you say they caused you to miss your deadline and fail your degree because the essay was "not to your specifications". Then in your second post, you said you were going to use it as the groundwork to get to your final piece, but then got to your final piece with no assistance. Well, if you got to your final piece, how did you miss your deadline? So which is it? I think you either missed your deadline because you couldn't turn in the garbage they sent you, or you turned in your final piece, and failed because your rushed work was garbage when Essay Relief did not provide you a quality product. Instead of warning consumers about this particular company, you should be advising that students do their own work, and this would not be a problem. I'm seeing way too many reports lately regarding these types of companies. If this is the trend in college now, then I'm afraid the world will be going to hell in a handbasket within the next few generations. All I have to say is I hope I'm not around to see it. I just love it when a cheater gets cheated.


New York,
While I have sympathy..

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2005

Wendy, While you have my sympathy and my condolences what you did was still wrong. Life always throws curves. How you respond shows what you are made of. You took the easy way out. Did you go to the president of the school? Did you sit and talk to your teachers? Why didn't you just withdraw from the course?? Have we all made mistakes? Your d**n righe we have. The right moral and ethical decisions are never easy. Now you have to live with the consequences of your decision.


United Kingdom
when we are down and desperate, that does not mean we should be free targets of companies that prey on uor weaknesses

#19Author of original report

Thu, June 02, 2005

Thank you to those people that have labled me a cheat. Firstly I wanted the essay to do the ground work for my final piece and secondly I had got to my final piece without any assisatance and thirdly I have suffered the death of my long term partner in the last two weeks, which here in England does not count as extenuating circumstances because it was not a close family member or my partner through marriage. I might be in the wrong but does that lessen my rights as a consumer? Does that mean it is OK for this company to continue to trade in this way? We all make bad choices at some time in our lives, mainly when we are down and desperate, that does not mean we should be free targets of companies that prey on uor weaknesses. I also want to alert any other individual out there to these companies trading practices.


Wait a minute here...

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 02, 2005

You were cheating by not writing your own essay for class? And now you are mad because you paid someone to write your essay and the messed it up? Am I missing something? How about do your own essays next time. You are responsible for your class failure, not whoever you paid like a fool. Dumb de dumb dumb... I don't know what your degree is going to be in, but man, I wouldn't want to work with a cheater in any field...


Don't expect alot of sympathy

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2005

Here's my advice: Consider the money lost to be the price paid for a few very important lessons. 1) There is no honor among thieves. 2) Don't let something as important as your degree ride on the product of professional scam artists. 3) Karma can be a real b***h sometimes. The rest of us worked our asses off for college degrees. Don't expect alot of sympathy for your backfiring attempt at an easy ride. Call your daddy, tell him college didn't work out this time, and hope to god that he's willing to foot the bill for your second try.


Here's a Though: Why dont you do your own homework?

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2005

Good you got ripped off. You only are cheating yourself and the education system by paying someone else to do your homework.


Here's a Though: Why dont you do your own homework?

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2005

Good you got ripped off. You only are cheating yourself and the education system by paying someone else to do your homework.


Here's a Though: Why dont you do your own homework?

#24Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2005

Good you got ripped off. You only are cheating yourself and the education system by paying someone else to do your homework.


Valuable lesson you just learned a valuable lesson:

#25Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 01, 2005

I think you just learned a valuable lesson: cheating in college will get you nowhere. I doubt you will find much sympathy from anyone, since your intent was also to perpetrate a scam. Fortunately, you were unsuccessful. Next time, do your own work. Besides, it's better to fail one class than to be expelled for submitting plagiarized work.


Boo Hoo.I can't understand

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2005

I can understand someone getting fooled by a con artist using the oldest trick in the book because the mark was unaware of the tactic. What I can't understand is people who use these essay sites to cheat in school, then come on here to complain they got ripped off. So they got you for 350? Wow, that's the most I've seen so far. All I can say is, serves you right for trying to cheat. If it weren't for people like you, these places would not be in business to prey on unsuspecting consumers. And by the way, you will get no sympathy from anyone here, except maybe by others who did the same thing. Stop cheating the education system and do your own work. Glad to see you failed, you deserved it, as you failed to do the required work. What will you do in the real world, find a website to write your business reports for you too?


New York,
Another lazy person gets ripped off...

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2005

You failed your degree becuase you wanted SOMEONE else to do your work. You do not deserve to have a degree!! Next time, try doing your own paper. You can not go through life stealing someone else's ideas and work.

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