  • Report:  #1401858

Complaint Review: EZ Exit Now - Nationwide

Reported By:
Texasisit - Austin, Texas, USA

EZ Exit Now
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Editor’s Comment: 07/16/2018  Ripoff Report believes in transparency and the more information the better.  In this instance, there has been court action regarding this subject Report.  We believe it important to note that not all Court Orders are alike.  Many court orders are absolutely legitimate and we make no representations about this court order situation However, we want our users to be aware that sometimes courts enter orders based upon default which typically means that the defendant didn’t show up.  Sometimes a defendant won’t show up because they didn’t even get notice of the case proceedings in the first place and other times defendants may not show up because they don’t necessarily have the knowledge and/or the financial resources to fight.  Still, in other instances, a defendant may simply appear only to stipulate (settle) the case by agreeing to stipulate to a court order because they are being bullied by the plaintiff and whether what they said was true or not, they just want the matter to go away so they can move on with life and make the plaintiff go away.  Again, we make no representations about this particular court order situation.  We are simply providing you with additional information so that you may be more informed and, coupled with any additional research you feel is necessary, may make your own informed decision regarding the validity of this Report.  As always, we encourage our readers to do their homework and not just rely on one single source for information.  Google, through the Lumen Database, has provided the following document relating to this subject Report:


EZ Exit Now, LLC v. Michael Hourihan - Order Granting Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgment by Ripoff Report on Scribd





* BEWARE OF FRAUD AND SCAM!!!  EZ Exit Now or EZExitNow.org, facebook.com/ezexitnow/  Dan Cobb & Kristin Cobb (owners), Sydney Young, Jacky Cassity, and Crystal Sulzer. 888-276-6860, 832-919-8600

When one Googles the word “Scam”, is defined as “a dishonest scheme, as fraud. The verb being “swindle” “. “A guy who scams the elderly out of their savings”

Bingo! In my judgement both definition fit Ez Exit Now!


The information contained here is based on having been briefly employed by them under false pretenses. This information is based on my observations and opinions and is presented here to protect others from being defrauded by EZ Exit Now or EZExitNow.org, https://www.facebook.com/ezexitnow/  Dan Cobb & Kristin Cobb (owners), Sydney Young, Jacky Cassity, and Crystal Sulzer. 888-276-6860, 832-919-8600 Please call and voice your outrage!

We have little doubt that this company will put forth a rebuttal to discredit the information here. However, let it be known that I resigned 9/22/17 even after much praise from owner Dan Cobb just several days prior. I am hopeful in any rebuttal, they will provide a detailed rebuttal to each of my statements, observations and opinions and not lash out by using character assignation and try to divert attention away from the issues with his company’s fraudulent activities.

The aforementioned individuals are part of an organized effort to fraudulently deprive individuals of their money. They mislead senior citizens, elderly citizens, ill, uninformed and even their own employees.

For non-employees, the process begins with an unsolicited phone call stating that they work with a title company and TEAM or attorney’s. Funny, the couple months I worked there I NEVER saw either!

They say that they are calling because you MAY have expressed in interest in getting out of a time share. Not true! Here, as Sidney Young has said, EZ Exit Now is counting on the poor memory of seniors.

Next they start telling you about themselves, or at least what they want people to believe. They say that they have been in business for 10 years, that they have an A+ Platinum Rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and have never had a negative review all of which, based on the BBB website, are blatant lies. Additionally, I have been told that the positive feedback on that site were put there by their employees who got paid to do so and I do recognize initials and names of several current employees (example 3/25/2017 Michael B.) so that would make the rumor true.

According to their BBB site, they have been in business 3 years, only have an “A” Rating, and have had negative reviews. SEE Guarantee/Warranty Issues 


I contracted EZ Exit Timeshare Escape for $6000.00 (with a money back guarantee if not satisfied) to get me out of my contract and money back from my timeshare in Mexico in 2014. As of today's date 01/25/2017, I haven't received the contracted resolution. I seem to be passed on to different... entities and lately I have been contacted for information that had been provided in 2014 after at least a year of no contact by them. When I was contacted in 01/2017, I advised the individual that I was dissatisfied with the organization and asked for my $6000.00 back as in the written guarantee.

Desired Resolution

I would like a refund of $6000.00 as guaranteed because nothing seemed to be resolved since 2014.

3 years dealing with EZ Exit Now or EZExitNow.org, https://www.facebook.com/ezexitnow/  Dan Cobb & Kristin Cobb (owners), Sydney Young, Jacky Cassity, and Crystal Sulzer and apparently still not resolved? It seems clients get out of one costly dilemma and into another costly dilemma with EZ Exit Now or EZExitNow.org, facebook.com/ezexitnow/     ! BEWARE!

 Even on Facebook it appears they have used paid posters to boost their reviews SEE moneypantry.com/get-paid-to-write-reviews/. One would have to ask, if you are a reputable company, why all the lies, deception and fake reviews? Shouldn’t a company be able to stand on its own merits unless they don’t have any.

And lastly, this company by their own admission, employs the ”not so well off”. Is this done from the bottom of their heart to help those in need? NO! It is our strong opinion it is done to exploit and enslave them. Many have medical, financial, and legal issues and given a very small wage and MANY times NOT PAID AT ALL FOR THE WORK THEY DO!

Although I am a strong proponent of giving those who have made mistakes a second chance, I do not believe on giving them a chance with senior’s sensitive information. EZ Exit Now or EZExitNow.org, https://www.facebook.com/ezexitnow/  hires convicted criminal and FELONS. Would you want your elderly mother’s information handled by a FELON?

 In regard to Sidney Young of the Woodlands Texas, if you are reputable why did you hire someone who is already known as a scammer ripoffreport.com/reports/houston-sales-team-sidney-young/houston-area-texas-/houston-sales-team-sidney-young-scamp-fraud-ripoff-lies-do-not-trust-them-they-will-868882  and someone who often uses racial slurs? Unless you wished him to counting the practices for you? It seems after having been exposed as a scammer in one company, Sidney simply moved literally down the street and set up shop continued his games again with EZ Exit Now or EZExitNow.org, facebook.com/ezexitnow/  

Jacky Cassity HR, check writer and who knows what else, is the person that hides information for the owners. Trying to get information regarding why your pay check is several dollars short she invokes blame and disinformation, doesn’t answer email request etc, etc. If you complain, you’re fired.

In summary, and in my opinion, this company along with its management team of Dan Cobb & Kristin Cobb (owners), Sydney Young, Jacky Cassity, and Crystal Sulzer are all liers, cheats conspirators and now under investigation by the STATE OF TEXAS and guilt of fraud against senior citizen nationwide and the citizens of Texas and should be held accountable and run out of Texas if not imprisoned

While many here were in the midst of one of the worst hurricanes ever and lost cars, homes, worldly possessions including all their clothes etc., Dan Cobb & Kristin Cobb (owners), Sydney Young, and Crystal Sulzer devised way to rip off their employees and threatened workers to be at work or lose their jobs, some did, others had their pay reduced in half and others got no pay for the hours they worked at all, despite having loved ones that they need to provide for and needed help.


Report Attachments

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Cause No. 2017-64469 Harris County, Texas

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 27, 2017

A lawsuit has been filed against Michael Hourihan,


Cause No. 2017-64469

Ez Exit Now, et. al. v. Michael Hourihan,

125th District Court, Harris County, Texas.  

The application of Plaintiffs, EZ EXIT NOW, LLC., DANNY L. COBB AND KRISTIN J. COBB, for Emergency Exparte Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order was presented to the Court on this 29th day of September, 2017.  Defendant is MICHAEL HOURIHAN. The Court examined the pleadings and affidavits of Plaintiffs EZ EXIT NOW, LLC., DANNY L. COBB AND KRISTIN J. COBB, and finds that Plaintiffs are entitled to a Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order forbidding the Defendant from entering onto the business property of the Plaintiffs and from posting negative or derogartory information on the internet whatsoever, as the facts set forth in the Plaintiff’s Original Petition and Injunction.  The Court having read the pleadings along with the exhibits and sworn affidavit attached thereto, found that there was cause to issue a restraining order on September 29, 2017 and extended the restraining order on October 13, 2017.   


This case is on going.

The suit can be viewed and tracked anytime here: http://www.hcdistrictclerk.com/Edocs/Public/search.aspx?ShowFF=1

Bill Clinton Defense

#3Author of original report

Thu, October 26, 2017

Can these people be sane? The are attempting to use the " Bill Clinton" defense as he did when Monica exposed his wrong doing. Attack the whistle blower personally and try to discredit them AND NEVER ADDRESS THE KEY CLAIMS TO WHICH THIS REPORT WAS FILED.

In this case however they will have a difficult time discrediting 8 former employees (so far) and 2 CURRENT employees who are preparred to support all of my claims, (including me telling them at 9:30am that day that I was quitting not FIRED) AND be a party to a class action law suit against EZ EXIT NOW as a company and the owners Dan and Christian Cobb individually.

Additionally Ms. Cobb makes claims of legal documents against said whistle blower though NONE have been received by anyone...MY ATTORNEY AND I ARE LOAO!!!~

She further makes claims of harrassment, but SHE is the one harrassing me when I envoke my rights under the 1st Amendment of our Constitution! It seems she just has a hard time not getting in the last word.

She finally produced a voice recording of a conversation prior to my departure. Unfortunately it back fired as it proved I was not fired and left on MY own and stated I DID NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT ORGINIZATION after that day AND that NO threats to individuals were made as they had previously stated here in writing, which now is a criminal charge as well as civil.

I have provided the UNITED STATES POSTAL INSPECTOR with statements and documents pertaining to the deceptive practices used by EZ EXIT NOW to deprive senior citizens of their pensions and retirement money. They are under review and we expect an investigation to begin very soon.

We continue to research any and all othere Governmental Agencies that may have an interest and juristdiction to oversee AND INVESTIGATE  a company like this. Our senior citizens need protect from places Like ez exit now. iTS OUR JOB AS WHISTLEBLOWERS TO EXPOSE COMPANIES LIKE EZEXITNOW.COM AT EVERY CHANCE.


Email showing identity of poster.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 26, 2017

This person emailed a copy of this posting to EZ Exit HR at 1:24am after he posted this thread 09/23/2017. He titled the email "Exposed...for all to see" and started with "now posting across the world wide web!". That is not rhetoric from a concerned citizen, it is from someone who wants to try to hurt someone else, in this case, a business. 

Report Attachments

Kristin Cobb

Michael Hourihan: You are in violation of the court order against you.

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 26, 2017

I tried my best to get you not to post Mr. Hourihan, you are now in violation of the court order. Please look at the "anonymous" post a second time, as you can see, the post has been made by the "author of original post", Michael Hourihan. 

The reason I'm posting in response to your post is for one reason only. I forgot to mention to our employees in my last response to, NOT respond to ANY false allegation made against the company. Once someone replies to an allegation, even if it is false, the response gives credibility to the statement when there is none. Since all the allegations posted by this person are untrue, there is no reason to address any of them. To shoot down each false claim by this individual will only show that you considered any of them.

Again, this person is being brought to task by the appropriate authorities. Mr. Hourihan please stand down, you have not hurt this company with your postings and you will not in the future, you are only hurting yourself and helping our case agaist you.

EZ Exit Now will assure that no false information exists online. As an upstanding company we will fight any person who tries to defame our upstanding pursuit.

Again: Michael Hourihan, thought he was posting anonymously, but clearly posted “anonymously”, “as the original poster”, Michael Hourihan. 

I would like to politely request that you cease and desist now.

Kind Regards,

Kristin Cobb


Anonymous ----Doesn't hold water

#6Author of original report

Thu, October 26, 2017

Obviously another entry by the owners or a paid employee. NOTE in ALL rebuttals, they DO NOT addresses the issues brought up by me. Instead hide behind they fake faith of being Christians just like all the Priests who too were supposed followers of Christ. Claiming to be Christians by them is nothing more than a marketing tool, another scam and try to divert attentioin to any other matter they can other than the claims brought forth in this forum...a true sign of scam artists!

I spent an hour on the phone with members of the State of Texas who assured me that they were investigating EZ Exit Now. Therefore I will let the state hndle the matter for now. Then pick up the ball after the complete their investigation and sanctions/liens etc.

Gotta run game is on!


Kristin Cobb

Whoa! Guys please don't respond to this person.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 26, 2017

I love you guys, you're the most wonderful group of people I have ever had the pleasure of working with! We are currently handling this matter with an attorney. When the case has been finalized, we will forward the final case report to Rip-off Report so they can take this posting down. 

I understand this may take some time to complete but posting anything to this site will only antagonize this person. Please don't reply to this posting or any other postings by Michael Hourihan. Please bring to my attention any continued harrassent of anyone in the office for our attorney to include in our case files or if you notice any further online postings. I appreciate what you're trying to do but by responding you are only inciting a reaction from this person.

Michael Hourihan has been court ordered to NOT post anything on the internet about EZ Exit Now or its emloyees and to take down anything he has posted. We would like to handle this matter with the appropriate authorities. 

I appreciate you guys! 

Kristin Cobb


Recording of Michael Hourihan trying to extort EZ Exit Now

#8UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, October 25, 2017


This is a recording of Michael Hourihan. He did say he would turn ezexitnow web site to porn if he did not get money. 


This really is just a disgruntled ex-employee

#9UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, October 25, 2017

I met this employee and he also tried to smear another company in the same way on this same site- here is a link. These 2 companies are about a mile away. Coinsidence? I don't think so.


 I heard what he said the day he was fired. He said he was going to turn the company website into a porno site. Also, he is from New York, Michael R Haorihan;


This peson is really just a bad egg. I love this company and the managers and owners and employees here support each other and motivate each other. We build each other up, not try to tear people down like this guy was doing. He was not nice to other employees including myself, he was a bully and was here for only a few weeks. He never belonged here. The people at this company are Christian people who volunteer a ton and encourage us to do the same. 


Like Dan said His dad was a liar and looks like he is too

#10Author of original report

Sun, September 24, 2017

We are still uncovering more of Dan Cobbs and his wife's lies. Note in their Craigslist ad "MAKE $1000 a week"!

NO ONE there is making a $1000 a week not even the managers. In fact they are sending out resumes and looking for side jobs too....LMAO Sidney was in the upper office trying to set up his own business on Dan Cobbs time/money. Chrystal stated she too was looking for less demanding work. 

Also, in the ad and in their phone scripts they promote "IN BUSINESS 10 years". REALLY??? Why then does the BBB site say only 3 years and Kristin Cobbs Linkedin page says only 4 years! *SEE ATTACHED SCREEN SHOT.  Ah what good Christians! Ah people in glass houses....LMAO

Nice try but your story doesn't hold water...lol

#11Author of original report

Sun, September 24, 2017

Our friends at Harris County District Attorney’s office, The State of Texas Attorney General’s office, The Federal Trade Commission as well as the Texas Workforce Commission have all been alerted and provided with documents, photographs and audio recordings to support our position(s). Additionally, Harris County District Attorney’s office has assured me that any false claims or reports made by Mr. Cobb or other parties will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of TEXAS LAW! This is not my first rodeo; I record EVERYTHING to cover my rear! My recording of the events of 9/22/17 will prove I had “quit” and was not fired as well as what actually transpired and allow for the prosecution of those making false claims and accusations.

Any and all our statements and claims are under the protection of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Lastly, as a consumer advocate it is my duty as a concerned citizen to act as "whistle blower" when I see wrong being perpetrated upon my fellow man/woman. Therefore, exercising my rights to contact any and all media outlets, including television, radio and the internet shall not be infringed upon or threatened.

Dan Cobb in open meeting in front of approximately 15 people stated “any sales that closed, while someone was employed there, would be paid for them”. OK where is my $5000?  He also stated his “father was a chronic liar” (sad someone would speak like that about their father in a room full of people). It appears the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

As expected the owner Dan Cobb is choosing to lash out INSTEAD of addressing the issues plaguing his company. 

All lies, no physical threats were made other than to expose their fraud. Their lies are very typical for this company. In fact, As the top producer for this company (see salesroom photo) I quit after being paid $132.00 for 2 weeks and being owed $6000 in commissions for which they said if I wanted to quit they would pay me Friday 9/22/17 at 3pm. Instead, I got a check for $132.00 and no explanation!

I had given notice of my intention to quit one week earlier to Manager Sidney Young once I received my commission check. He in turn informed Cobb and Crystal Sulzer. If Dan Cobb was not aware of my intention to leave his company, then why did Cobb just days before I quit invite me into his office and spend 2 hours praising me in front to Sydney Young, Chrystal Sulzer and Jacky Cassity begging me not to quit? Luckily IT WAS RECORDED BY ME.

Statements by Dan Cobb just don’t add up. Threats? Please. That is pure anger and criminal retaliation from him. I was fired?…laughable! After begging me to be a part of his scam and me being THE top producer, he would FIRE me? Yeah ok.  That would not be logical for his business to lose so much money. But then again this is far from logical!

I will not work for someone who does not legally pay its employees.

No threat of violence was made. I did record the complete conversation that day as evidence. I quit to report to the Texas workforce commission, which I did and they are investigating. This company is fraudulent which you should see by their own postings on your site. My statements are true and correct and protected under the 1st amendment of the constitution. I would welcome any legal response from them and an opportunity to subpoena previous employee who too have been deprived of their earnings. 

Our friends at Harris County District Attorney’s office, The State of Texas Attorney General’s office, The Federal Trade Commission as well as the Texas Workforce Commission have all been alerted and provided with documents, photographs and audio recordings to support our position(s). Additionally, Harris County District Attorney’s office has assured me that any false claims or reports made by Mr. Cobb or other parties will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of TEXAS LAW! This is not my first rodeo; I record EVERYTHING to cover my rear! My recording of the events of 9/22/17 will prove I had “quit” and was not fired as well as what actually transpired and allow for the prosecution of those making false claims and accusations.

Any and all our statements and claims are under the protection of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Lastly, as a consumer advocate it is my duty as a concerned citizen to act as "whistle blower" when I see wrong being perpetrated upon my fellow man/woman. Therefore, exercising my rights to contact any and all media outlets, including television, radio and the internet shall not be infringed upon or threatened.

Dan Cobb in open meeting in front of approximately 15 people stated “any sales that closed, while someone was employed there, would be paid for them”. OK where is my $6000?  He also stated his “father was a chronic liar” (sad someone would speak like that about their father in a room full of people). It appears the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!


 And as far as your threat of "Legal Action" my attornies find it laughable. By the time the Feds, state and local authorities get done with you you will be lucky not to be in jail and homeless! LMAO.....funny this all could have been avoided if you just did "right" and not "wrong" in life and business...Karma is a b****!


Harris County District Attorney’s office,

#12Author of original report

Sun, September 24, 2017

Our friends at Harris County District Attorney’s office, The State of Texas Attorney General’s office, The Federal Trade Commission as well as the Texas Workforce Commission have all been alerted and provided with documents, photographs and audio recordings to support our position(s). Additionally, Harris County District Attorney’s office has assured me that any false claims or reports made by Mr. Cobb or other parties will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of TEXAS LAW! This is not my first rodeo; I record EVERYTHING to cover my rear! My recording of the events of 9/22/17 will prove I had “quit” and was not fired as well as what actually transpired and allow for the prosecution of those making false claims and accusations.

Any and all our statements and claims are under the protection of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Lastly, as a consumer advocate it is my duty as a concerned citizen to act as "whistle blower" when I see wrong being perpetrated upon my fellow man/woman. Therefore, exercising my rights to contact any and all media outlets, including television, radio and the internet shall not be infringed upon or threatened.

Dan Cobb in open meeting in front of approximately 15 people stated “any sales that closed, while someone was employed there, would be paid for them”. OK where is my $5000?  He also stated his “father was a chronic liar” (sad someone would speak like that about their father in a room full of people). It appears the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Dan Cobb

Concerning Employee

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 23, 2017

     The person making the above report was fired on Friday, Sept 22 2017 after threatening to "take down the company" in serval detailed ways including internet smearing, calling our clients and insinuating violence toward all of the managers at EZ Exit if he was not paid $3000 by 3pm that day. We were forced to call the police and he fled. For any other potential employeers this persons name is Michael Hourihan and his behavior is concerning. 

Reports & Rebuttal
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