  • Report:  #1470466

Complaint Review: Federation of ROYAL MAYA KING PHILIP IV - Garfield Arkansas

Reported By:
Arkansas-Washington Fraud Report - Washington; Oklahoma; Arkansas, Missouri, United States

5457 Ashmore Dr. Garfield, 72732 Arkansas, United States
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BEWARE- Federation of ROYAL MAYA SCAM, KING PHILIP IV, aka Philip Joseph Cotrone (((REDACTED))), Garfield, Arkansas (((REDACTED)))   

This "King Philip IV’” Scam has been running since 2016, and has fooled, and taken in, even the most experienced of investors, businessmen, and those that want to believe in the "Fantasy”, Royalty, and a new sovereign country.   The story goes something like this:  A new sovereign nation, located on three islands on the north side of Cuba, appeared in 1997, per an alleged sovereign treaty with Cuba. Out of no where, Cotrone, an adopted Haitian immigrant living in the hills of Arkansa, comes into possession of this property and a "nation”, creates a Constitutional Monarchy on his computer, and declares himself King of a sovereign nation with no citizens or residents.

He further claims that various sources have "given” him gold assets, bonds, and other treasures that he will be utilizing to restore his Mayan indigenous peoples in the Caribbean, and drive a humanitarian, peaceful, and growing "Kingdom” for "his people” on the islands of Royal Maya. The man, by all accounts of those interviewed, is apparently extremely persuasive, a born salesman, charismatic (over the phone, as no one generally meets with him), and extremely articulate.   

Here is where the story stops, and the unfortunate truth is eventually exposed to all that he "Sucks into a Vortex of his Royal Illusions” and has lied incessantly to everyone he meets.  

Ripoffreport Report Image

1. There is NO sovereign territory, Our sources have investigated thoroughly. Philip doesn’t own any such territory, and he has NO title to it. All he had are a few copied pages of a "temporary term lease” for the limited use of the undeveloped islands, still beholding to Cuba. More importantly, the alleged lease has been defaulted on for at least 3 years since no lease payments were ever made.  

2. Even if this individual, and his live-in girlfriend (Princess Alexandria), Angela Rice, whose rented mobile home that he lives in (located in the hills of Garfield, Arkansas ), owned the territory, which he doesn’t, it further requires fee simple title, and recognition by the United Nations, and at least one other nation to be even close to a "sovereign nation” standing. Furthermore, such recognition could NEVER be obtained, as a piece of alleged sovereign territory without residents or citizens, would be nothing more than a private vacant piece of land, NOT a Country. None of that is true. Apparently, it is a total Royal Fraud.  

3. By all accounts, Mr. Cotrone has NEVER been to these islands. NO one lives on the islands, and the only alleged development was a small gay nudist colony back in the late 1990’s, per sources.  

4. Cotrone, aka King Philip IV, has allegedly claimed to have recognition from multiple nations including the United States, the Territory of Puerto Rico, Mexico, Russia, and the United Nations, as well as the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta. All are lies, illusions, and fabrications of this man’s amazing and convincing imagination. He has not, and cannot produce any valid evidence of such. Another Royal Fraud.  

5. Cotrone, aka King Philip IV, and his kingdom, apparently have NO bank accounts, he has NO job, and NO home (he allegedly lives off of his divorcee girlfriend, Angela Rice aka Princess Alexandria). He does not travel to Royal Maya, or anywhere for that matter.  

6. The "King” has created this illusion on Twitter and the internet, and uses it to convince unsuspecting donors, off-shore government officials, and business people and non-profits to help him, and fund him to achieve this altruistic goal. However, soon they discover that the humanitarian cause is a sham, as the first thing the "King” wants to do with funds that he believes the Kingdom is to receive, is to purchase multi-million dollar mansions, palaces, million-dollar Lamborghini(s), and an army of security, and to have the ability to blow-up those that are trying to usurp his alleged natural resources.   

7. Cotrone’s scams included a fake "Knights of Malta” land sale for millions, which apparently turned out to be a fake group selling titles, which he sucked people into believing in early 2018, and has had published on the internet. The unfortunate part of this scam, which all victims have apparently learned, is that many have expended hundreds of thousands of dollars on Cotrone and his fake Kingdom’s behalf, expecting that the King and his alleged assets would reimburse them on behalf of Cotrone and his fake Kingdom.  

8. Cotrone also claims to have a gold-back CURRENCY developed by others, which is phony. He apparently stole bonds from others, was forced to return them, and claims to others that he owns billions in gold for his new found country. Per our sources, certain non-profit companies and law firms suggest that he has most likely committed several federal crimes, and possibly international crimes, involving securities theft and material misrepresentations, while perpetuating this dangerous bond-scam to fund his Royal illusion and fake Kingdom..  

9. It has been reported that Philip J. Cotrone aka King Philip IV holds a fraudulent Drivers License and fake Passport, wherein he claims to be 23 years, old, while he is actually 33 years old as his Kingdom’s "Lords and Princes” have confirmed on the internet in several forums. As a consequence, he has another set of major Federal Identity Crimes to add to his growing list of potential criminal activity.  

This is meant to be a FRIENDLY WARNING to unsuspecting, well-intentioned investors, do-gooders, business men and women, foreign nations, diplomats, and others that are enamored by royalty, and that really want to help others in the Caribbean or elsewhere:   


This person may either take your money, cause you to spend your money on his scam, unknowingly make you a tool to be used in his potentially illegal activities, and at a very minimum, waste your time.

Most believe that it is just matter of time before the "King” and his Royal Court- his Lords, Ladies. Princesses, Princes, and others that have claimed to be part of his fake Kingdom and have sworn allegiance to him, are going away. Potentially, if not to State or Federal prison, it may yet be to the Caribbean, but not the fake country of Royal Maya, but rather it’s more likely to be accomodations in the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba.                

Report Attachments

2 Updates & Rebuttals


District of Columbia,
United States
This whole post is very telling in the relationship........

#2General Comment

Thu, October 03, 2019

 Good evening readers. I find this very interesting that the poster copies and pasted his argument multiple times. He also edited his ripoff report a few times (I have been watching this King Philip guy) Interesting thing happened when I called and asked King Philip if he could sell me land. He asked for my legal team!

Good sign of not a scammer and he was open to sitting down with my company to speak. I honestly think the poster knows him because his accusations are close to the vest. Like he knows A LOT about the scam. We're you once a friend of Philip?? Like you totally knew him! Trolling isn't cool dude.

Get over your beef face to face but trying to destroy someone is not cool. Pretty childish tbh. As it goes for Philip, if he is real, this would be a pretty cool place if not, all criminals get caught and he will pay for these alleged crimes. Personally, he isn't asking for money and wants to speak to lawyers to arrange purchases, that's a good guy to me. Js. Ps. I am a retired investigator. Not the best, but pretty darn good.


Washington D.C,
Royal Maya investigation

#3General Comment

Wed, July 10, 2019

 Hello. I have been investigating this country for a while now and I want to point out a few things. First let's break down the accusations and I'll refute. My quotes are in " " the poster will say "posters report" Posters Report- There is NO sovereign territory, Our sources have investigated thoroughly.

"Mine have as well and I would beg to differ." Philip doesn’t own any such territory, and he has NO title to it. All he had are a few copied pages of a "temporary term lease” for the limited use of the undeveloped islands, still beholding to Cuba. " I have seen those as well. Now you admit there is a temporary term lease. We have read it as well.

Yes, the lease is for 99 years so that would put the LEASE returning to Cuba in 2097-98ish. So we agree there IS a lease. Concerning Philip's title. He actually does own title to it. Have you read his leasing agreement?E Plus according to you, he defaulted on it. Question, how do you know he defaulted? You must have been close to him to know his business that well." JS Report Poster- More importantly, the alleged lease has been defaulted on for at least 3 years since no lease payments were ever made.

"So you have read his lease and came to this conclusion. How do you know he defaulted? Are you inside??" Posters Report-. Even if this indievidual, and his live-in girlfriend (Princess Alexandria), Angela Rice, whose rented mobile home that he lives in (located in the hills of Garfield, Arkw ansas ), owned the territory, which he doesn’t, it further requires fee simple title, and recognition by the United Nations, and at least one other nation to be even close to a "sovereign nation” standing.

" My turn again, so you apparently don't know much about how to be a sovereign state. Yes you do need a sovereign member to endorse you. In the agreement with Cuba, THEY stated they recognized him. Completing the requirement. Second, the Cuban system will not allow a sale of land, so they LEASED it to be returned to the Cuban people 99 years later. Like Monaco was. blah blah." So yes it is owned by Cuba, just not now.

Pretty smart on Cuba's part. No embargo to Royal Maya." Report Poster- Furthermore, such recognition could NEVER be obtained, as a piece of alleged sovereign territory without residents or citizens, would be nothing more than a private vacant piece of land, NOT a Country. None of that is true. Apparently, it is a total Royal Fraud. Posters Report-. By all accounts, Mr. Cotrone has NEVER been to these islands. NO one lives on the islands, and the only alleged development was a small gay nudist colony back in the late 1990’s, per sources.

"I'm sorry, question have you read up on the history of Liechtenstein? Readers, go and look up about it. You would think they were a large back in the day of the Austrian Empire. Funny their Royal Family didn't visit them for like 600 years AFTER they were granted independence. So there is no rule stating you have to visit it. So it shouldn't be in your quiver. I get your trying to throw everything at him but read history first" Report Poster- 4. Cotrone, aka King Philip IV, has allegedly claimed to have recognition from multiple nations including the United States, the Territory of Puerto Rico, Mexico, Russia, and the United Nations, as well as the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta.

All are lies, illusions, and fabrications of this man’s amazing and convincing imagination. He has not, and cannot produce any valid evidence of such. Another Royal Fraud. "I have been following every tweet carefully and he NEVER said that. Actually, he has an MOU from a large Russian company and a letter from a US former Republican representative. Look it up.

Which we all know their intelligence is better than our and they award things like that to scammers. Makes sense." Posters Report-. Cotrone, aka King Philip IV, and his kingdom, apparently have NO bank accounts, he has NO job, and NO home (he allegedly lives off of his divorcee girlfriend, Angela Rice aka Princess Alexandria). He does not travel to Royal Maya, or anywhere for that matter. "How does he scam people if he doesn't have an account to put the spoils?

As for Job, I'm pretty sure building a peaceful country from ground up IS his Job and the address, well I haven't been there to prove if he is there or not but I can assume you have been to be so sure." 6. The "King” has created this illusion on Twitter and the internet, and uses it to convince unsuspecting donors, off-shore government officials, and business people and non-profits to help him, and fund him to achieve this altruistic goal. " I have to jump in, I have a background in criminal justice. I can tell you by a shadow of a doubt, there is no way you can scam a foreign government. Oh since 2016 at that!

Yes an investigation can last a while, but the first 10k he received illegally, there wouldn't be a Royal Maya. Ever heard of INTERPOL? So either he is so good, he s** on *Catch me if you Can" or there is something real about this guy." As for the other groups, I don't know their story but the government accusation was weak. Let's continue..... Report Poster- However, soon they discover that the humanitarian cause is a sham, as the first thing the "King” wants to do with funds that he believes the Kingdom is to receive, is to purchase multi-million dollar mansions, palaces, million-dollar Lamborghini(s), and an army of security, and to have the ability to blow-up those that are trying to usurp his alleged natural resources.

" Okay now I'm convinced you know the guy. You are saying these things like your mad at him. Who cares what the individual drives. No money meant for the destitute shouldn't be spent on cars and I can assume with the accusations on this guy, he has enough sense to not tell a non profit he will spend their money on cars and homes. Lol That's like the bank officer from wherever institution you want a loan from asking you what you will do with the money and you say hookers and Vegas, then walk out being genuinely bummed you didn't get the loan!

Haha So the cars and homes is inadmissible and frankly childish. Okay moving on. Posters Report- 7. Cotrone’s scams included a fake "Knights of Malta” land sale for millions, which apparently turned out to be a fake group selling titles, which he sucked people into believing in early 2018, and has had published on the internet. The unfortunate part of this scam, which all victims have apparently learned, is that many have expended hundreds of thousands of dollars on Cotrone and his fake Kingdom’s behalf, expecting that the King and his alleged assets would reimburse them on behalf of Cotrone and his fake Kingdom.

"Wait, there is a fake knights!?? Oh wait, there are many fake knights so please elaborate which fake knights. The knight's that approached him are not the true knights. We looked into that claim as well, but there is no proof of continued business on his side. Also, why are you the designated whistleblower for these hundreds of people. Where is their comment? Again, you can only sell crack so long before you sell to an undercover.

" Posters Report-. Cotrone also claims to have a gold-back CURRENCY developed by others, which is phony. He apparently stole bonds from others, was forced to return them, and claims to others that he owns billions in gold for his new found country. Per our sources, certain non-profit companies and law firms suggest that he has most likely committed several federal crimes, and possibly international crimes, involving securities theft and material misrepresentations, while perpetuating this dangerous bond-scam to fund his Royal illusion and fake Kingdom.. "Okay so he stole phony bonds??? That makes sense.

About a year ago, King Philip's Twitter account released some info on bonds. He also tweeted a bill of sale. So since you know a lot about this case, why would the company represented in the bill of sale sell him phony bonds?" Unless of course they are real. Again, a matter for the International courts since you mentioned International crimes." Posters Report- 9. It has been reported that Philip J. Cotrone aka King Philip IV holds a fraudulent Drivers License and fake Passport, wherein he claims to be 23 years, old, while he is actually 33 years old as his Kingdom’s "Lords and Princes” have confirmed on the internet in several forums.

As a consequence, he has another set of major Federal Identity Crimes to add to his growing list of potential criminal activity. " When searching this man, he clearly is 24 year old as of May (my search) unless of course there is a double agent out there 10 years older. Here is my report to all the readers. This is clearly written by a 9th grader. Again, with my 40+ years in the criminal justice field, I can not find anything from this that is punishable.

Nothing is definitive either to skirt a slander case or a "friendly warning." I have friends who know leaders in Cuba and for those that have the same friends, ask about "Cayos Libre." Means Free Islands. There was and probably still exists a small faction that resented Fidel's leasing of the islands for the believed it was giving in to the embargo. Royal Maya has the capability of healing old wounds. It can be the vision of the future. Imagine a bridge between Cuba and the USA. I for one would love to see that.

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