  • Report:  #1172329

Complaint Review: FedEx Office Print & Ship Center - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
unsatisfiedcustomer - Arizona,

FedEx Office Print & Ship Center
4040 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, 85018 Arizona, USA
(602) 667-5449
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

For starters, i'll give a bit of background on myself: I have been buying/selling online for over 13 years with over $34,000 dollars in total sales & I have worked in customer service for over 18 years. This is only a fraction of my background, but hopefully all of the above will bring home the fact that this report is not coming from some random nobody who knows nothing about good customer service &/or packing/shipping items. I usually ship with UPS but decided that I would give Fedex a try for this larger item after obtaining a total packing/shipping price TWICE over the phone (from the same store employee [“Ameer”]/for the same item). While never packing/shipping at this location prior to this particular day, I had visited this location NUMEROUS times in the past for laminates/faxes/etc. & had no major issues that I can recall. Like most cost-conscious consumers, i'm the type of person who likes to plan ahead when it comes to purchases: If you give me a SAME DAY price total over the phone after I give you DETAILED specifics in regards to the item I am shipping (dimensions/weight/requested add-ons/insurance/ship-to address), I expect that the total will be the same when I arrive (give or take a few pennies). Sadly, this was not the case on my latest (& final) visit to this location.  

I arrived at this Fedex location after picking up some groceries across the street. One thing I have always liked about UPS (the UPS Store to be exact) is that it is hassle-free whereas you bring in your item, you pay the total packing/shipping fee & you leave while they take on the rest of the work. You don’t have to spend the time (nor the energy) PACKING the item because they do all of this between the time you pay the total & the time their truck makes a pickup at that location. After being used to this type of convenience from UPS, my plan at his Fedex location was simple: Come in, drop off my item, pay the packing/shipping fee that was given to me over the phone & head home to put the groceries in the fridge (most of my food items were perishable).

That was the plan, & the first disappointment came upon realizing that I would instead find myself being forced to stand there & wait roughly 15 minutes (with perishable food items sitting in the hot car) while the very person I had spoken to over the phone packed my item as I waited. Initially, “Ameer” somehow convinced me that he was doing a basic arrangement of the boxing prior to me paying, at which point I turned around & began checking emails while he did whatever he needed to do (I didn’t feel like I needed to stand over him to ensure that he was doing his job). To my dismay, it turns out that he was literally doing the ENTIRE packing job right then & there (as I waited), which is not what I expected when coming into the store. Despite this, I continued to wait patiently. After about 15 minutes or so, “Ameer” had his partner print out the shipping form so I could fill it out (something that should have been done right away & I didn't know to inquire as I had never shipped with them before). As I now realized how long this was taking, I asked if I could take the groceries home to put them in the fridge while “Ameer” finished packing my item & “Ameer” then advised that he was nearly done packing.  

I filled out the form, then by the time “Ameer’s” partner rang me up, the total came to nearly $10 more than the amount I was given TWICE over the phone. By this time, the box was already sealed, & “Ameer” had oh-so-conveniently stepped from behind the counter to assist other customers (for those who don't know the "tricks of the trade", when you're up to no good, the best way to get away with a low-key scam is to walk away from the counter to assist other customers while you let your partner do your dirty work). Rest assured that “Ameer” knew EXACTLY what he was going to do as I stood there waiting with my back turned… After I inquired about the price difference, “Ameer’s” partner measured the finished box & it turns out that this scam job known as “Ameer” DELIBERATELY added another 8 inches (100% unnecessary) to the exterior length of the box & another inch to the exterior width (so that the price to ship would be higher than what he had originally given me over the phone). So in the end, I was basically taken advantage of as both of these gentlemen knew that A. I had perishable food items sitting in the hot car (which obviously put me on a tight schedule) & B. I was not aware of the fact that “Ameer” was literally doing a full packing job right then & there as I waited (as stated, he initially implied that he was only doing a basic arrangement of the box). Both gentlemen seemed VERY inexperienced/disorganized to say the least, & that right there should have been the “red flag” to tell me that I needed to just grab my item & leave.

On a good day, I would have simply had them take my item back out of the box & I would have left as I don't like being taken advantage of. At this point, however, I just wanted to get home & wasn't trying to stand there waiting another 15-20 minutes to have my item unpacked/re-packed/etc. all because of some idiot scam artist who happened to work at this location. I also did not feel like flying through afternoon rush hour traffic trying to get to UPS (which is where I should have gone to begin with). My main goal was to get the item on its way to the customer THAT SAME DAY, & all of the above placed me into a situation where I had few options. So once all was said & done, I simply paid the total, got the managers name (“Helene”) & decided that I would call in to share my experience with her directly as soon as I got home.

Roughly 20 minutes later, I called the "manager” & it saddens me to say that “Helene” did nothing but make excuses for her people as she sat on the phone making every possible effort to justify their lousy excuse for customer service. Yes, you heard me right the first time: “Helene” made NO apologies, she made NO effort to regain my trust as a 1st-time Fedex shipping customer (at this location), she talked down to me as if I was a newbie at something I have actually been doing for over 13 years (aka- shipping items), & she just left a very bad taste in my mouth altogether. Maybe it’s a "New York" thing (she is clearly from the East Coast, judging by her accent) where you think you can argue with people in a passive/aggressive manner & treat people any kind of way, but i'm not one to put up with that kind of crap & I most certainly don't deserve that type of treatment when I work just as hard for my money as anyone else. It is unacceptable, it is unprofessional, & in my eyes “Helene” is a sad excuse for a manager (judging by the lack of ethics coming from some of those people who work under her, in addition to her very evident lack of concern in regards to my experience at her location). Prior to speaking with “Helene”, I had actually considered POSSIBLY packing/shipping at this location again in the future (while A. proceeding with caution, B. keeping a VERY vigilant eye & C. being VERY firm with whoever I dealt with at the counter), but after experiencing “Helene’s” lack of empathy first-hand, I decided that I would never ship via Fedex again (at least not this location). In addition, I also decided that I would be contacting Fedex corporate to share my experience.

With all of that being said, let me give you some tips on good customer service, “Helene”, since you clearly DON'T have it all figured out & it is obvious that you need some SERIOUS help in this very basic area: Good customer service (in this case) would consist of either of these gentlemen suggesting (UP FRONT) that I would need to stand there & wait for them to completely pack my item before paying & leaving the store: In other words, instead of sitting on your behind while your people chase off prospective repeat customers, you get OFF YOUR BEHIND, you be PROACTIVE & you train your people to set the right expectations with the customer UP FRONT (from the VERY FIRST interaction with the customer) so that the customer is not feeling like they're being misled &/or caught by surprise...

In addition, good customer service (in this case) would consist of either one of these gentlemen advising me (BEFORE sealing the box) that the shipping total would be higher than the total I was given TWICE over the phone: If the external dimensions for the custom box would be larger than the (already oversized) custom box dimensions you had already presented to the customer over the phone, SAY SO instead of having the customer standing there like an idiot thinking that you're making the box using the same external box dimensions that you had already given them over the phone! WOW, Helene, this is not rocket science: This is common sense/common courtesy, it (once again) would have set the right expectations & it would have given me (aka- the CUSTOMER) the opportunity to save $10 & pack/ship elsewhere (and no, $10 isn't alot of money to some people, but it still matters especially in regards to PRINCIPLE)… Last but certainly not least, good customer service stands behind the old saying that the customer is ALWAYS right, & when you care about your customers, you go OVER & ABOVE to ensure that the customer is happy (even if it means putting away your bloated “East Coast” ego & stepping outside of some stupid rulebook that you have sitting on a desk somewhere in your back office): This sadly wasn't done by “Helene”, “Ameer” or his friend, & as a result I won't be returning to this location for my future packing/shipping needs (& I probably won't be returning for anything else either).

As mentioned, I have had few (if any) issues in regards to laminates/faxes & other services during prior visits to this location. Nonetheless, when it comes down to packing/shipping, this location is just pathetic in my eyes, they are downright unprofessional & I only wish I had known how pathetic/unprofessional they were in regards to packing/shipping BEFORE making the ill-fated decision to give them a try. Despite my past experiences at this location, I won't be recommending this location to anyone, & my reason for this is simple: In nearly EVERY case, whenever a customer experiences poor customer service from an employee at any business (local shop, restaurant, hotel, etc), that employee is nothing more than a direct reflection of the MANAGEMENT. This only confirms the following: Whenever the "shepherd" is misguided, the "sheep" will surely follow & I refuse to be victimized again by scam artists who give you one price but then pull shady scam moves behind your back (while you wait) as a means of squeezing more money out of you than what was initially presented (and yes, the "icing on the cake" comes when you have the "manager" sitting there making excuses for this crap when you call in to notify her about it [instead of being professional, apologizing & making some type of sincere effort to regain your trust as a REPEAT customer]). Just pitiful & disgusting. MY ADVICE (TO THOSE WHO MAY CONSIDER PACKING/SHIPPING AT THIS LOCATION): Stick with UPS even if you have to pay a couple dollars extra (because at least you know they won’t try to scam more money out of you at the counter). Lesson learned/never again.


2 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Wed, August 27, 2014

LOL oh my. Let the faceless trolling begin... Aw you know what, let me not fool myself: HOW ARE YOU, HELENE??? Good, I hope lol. First of all, you don't know me to begin with & "people like YOU" make me sick by misinterpreting information & casting blanket statements against people they don't even know. You don't sound the most educated, but i'll share some breaking news that might help you: I couldn't care less about your opinion about my report (in regards to the content OR the length). The report was provided as a means of A. expressing my disgust in how I was treated as a customer (aka- the primary purpose of this entire website [last time I checked]) & B. hopefully helping to prevent someone else from having the same/similar type of experience at this place of business. And here's what is REALLY "over the top”: Your reaction that literally came less than 48 hours after this report was posted (I appreciate your enthusiasm, but wow). You're all up in your feelings/emotional for what?? Perhaps it is because you don't have a life?? Whatever the case, that type of defensive response is definitely not something I would expect from someone who does not work for Fedex, much less an adult (how old are you, 10? LOL). If my "novel" wasn't helpful to you &/or if you were too ignorant/illiterate to take it for what it was, then all you had to do was use common sense (aka- something any ADULT should have), move on with your life & keep your negative comments/personal attacks to yourself. Nonetheless, I happen to enjoy having some healthy entertainment at the end of an eventful day, so let’s take few moments to re-quote your quotes since you clearly like to play the quoting game (which is something I honestly haven't done since Grade School):



---SNIP--- " 'I have been buying/selling online for over 13 years with over $34,000 dollars in total sales'

- Great..so how many boxes have you shipped?  If you sell $1000 items you have shiped a grand total of 34 items in the last 13 years.   Oh it is more than that?  They why do you waste all of this time going to the UPS store and paying someone else to pack it up?  Sure you "add" the cost to your sales(I hope).  After all in 13 years I am sure you have figured out how to pack up your own items.  Not only that but UPS has a wonderful thing known as a daily pickup.  Where you don't have to go anywhere...they come to you.  Oh but you say it is an extra cost..well of course it is but just like you pass the cost of the boxes onto your customers(I hope) you can pass this minor cost along as well." ---SNIP--- 


Not that I owe you any explanation, but i'll gladly clarify since you're obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer: You can rest assured that i've sold far more than "34 items in the last 13 years" (LOL @ someone being stupid enough to somehow make an assumption about how many individual items I have sold over a 13 year time period [solely based off of total profits earned by way of something that I don't even do on a part-time basis]). That right there tells me alot about your mental capacity, & this certainly lets me know that anything you say should (& will) be taken with a grain of salt lol. As explained in this report (in PLAIN ENGLISH), this was a larger item & if I don't have a box large enough on hand (like most normal people who don't stock oversized boxes in one bedroom apartments), I take it elsewhere for packing. As mentioned (once again, in PLAIN ENGLIISH), I primarily use the "UPS Store" & have done so for years. Your illiteracy is showing, along with your inability to pay attention to detail (goodluck with that).  



---SNIP--- " 'I arrived at this Fedex location after picking up some groceries across the street.'

- Why did you feel this burning need to purchase your groceries first?" ---SNIP---


I’ll make you a promise: The next time I develop a “burning need” to have a 10 year old plan my schedule for the week, i'll make sure to give you a call. I know I have to spell everything out for “people like you”, so I won’t take it personal as I re-explain what I have already explained: With other stores who offer similar services (i.e. The UPS Store), YOU DON’T HAVE TO STAND THERE & WAIT WHILE THEY PACK YOUR ITEM/ITEMS: You drop off your item/items, you pay for the packing/shipping service & you leave. The grocery store happened to be across the street, I had a full day scheduled up until that afternoon & I was shopping with someone else who had their own day planned out to where I couldn’t go to Fedex beforehand. Whether I went to Fedex before or after the grocery store is irrelevant when i'm expecting to be in/out of there in no more than 5 minutes or so (my average at the UPS store). In other words, I was on someone else’s schedule by that time of day & had to adjust accordingly not expecting that I would find myself being forced to stand in Fedex for 15 minutes (with hardly ANY other customers in the store) while I waited for them to pack my item: Had I seen a crowded store (&/or a line at the shipping counter) when I went in, I would have walked back out, pushed through rush hour traffic to get my groceries home & I would have come back later that evening (which would have had the item leaving the next day instead of THAT day [aka- not what I wanted for my customer])… Does that make sense now, dummy? Hope so, but I promise I won’t be offended if not :-)



---SNIP--- " 'One thing I have always liked about UPS (the UPS Store to be exact) is that it is hassle-free whereas you bring in your item, you pay the total packing/shipping fee & you leave while they take on the rest of the work.'

- And in your 13 years you NEVER had to wait, not even for another customer who was there before you?  Oh wait..that's right helping another customer is a scam so they don't do that." ---SNIP---


Yeah, idiot, i've never had to wait in 13 years... You're so smart. Let me clarify, now that I realize i'm dealing with a slow person: I have never stood in a UPS store for 15 minutes waiting to pay a packing/shipping fee while an employee packed a LARGE item in front of me. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what I was referring to, & I can't believe I actually had to spell that out for you, but as stated i'm going to take anything you say with a grain of salt now that I know what i'm dealing with lol.



---SNIP--- " 'After I inquired about the price difference, “Ameer’s” partner measured the finished box & it turns out that this scam job known as “Ameer” DELIBERATELY added another 8 inches (100% unnecessary) to the exterior length of the box & another inch to the exterior width (so that the price to ship would be higher than what he had originally given me over the phone).'

- You make it sound like the employees are pocketing this money.  Are you aware of some "kickback" program that FedEx has where the bigger the box you put something in the more money they give you?" ---SNIP---


Once again, I am truly amazed that there is someone in this world who is at a level of stupid that warrants me having to spell this out... For people who are not as ignorant as you seem to be, I would normally reiterate the fact that one should call a spade a spade, just as they would call a duck a duck. But since I know you’re on the "slower" side of things, i’ll once again make it a little easier for you:

(from Merriam-Webster): 1 "scam" noun \ˈskam\ : a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people

It doesn't matter what it "sounds like", nor does it matter whether or not Fedex gets some type of a "kickback" by making boxes larger than they truly need to be. The bottom line is that I presented the dimensions to the store employee in regards to the size/weight of the item I was shipping (TWICE/over the phone), after which point I was presented with a TOTAL in regards to A. the size of box that would be used & B. cost to pack/ship... The TOTAL price I was given (before coming into the store) was based off the item dimensions I gave over the phone, which did not change between the time I called in & the time I arrived at the store (thus there was no reason to make the box 8 inches longer & 1 inch wider because the dimensions of the box this employee claimed he would use were already SEVERAL INCHES OVERSIZED above/beyond the dimensions of the item that I was shipping)… When things like this are done in a deliberate manner (which will undoubtedly cause an increase in packing &/or shipping costs [in case you’re too stupid to understand the logic in that]), most intelligent people would consider that a “scam”, per the definition provided in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. This, as stated, was my reason for presenting this report, & your ignorance in regards to this is truly unfortunate.



---SNIP--- “ ‘it saddens me to  say that “Helene” did nothing but make excuses for her people as she sat on the phone making every possible effort to justify their lousy excuse for customer service. Yes, you heard me right the first time: “Helene” made NO apologies,’

- Really with your attitude that you have shown here, I think the manager could have offered to "string up" the employee who packed your item, gave you a $1000 credit and personally come to your house and stand at the corner with a sign saying they were wrong and you the "all mighty" customer was right and you would still write a RipOff report on how horrible she was.” ---SNIP---


Your poor grammar alone is enough to bring comic relief even on my worst day lol. If you are truly able to sense someone’s “attitude” solely by way of reading some text on a computer monitor, then you need to have your own reality show. Good luck with that, I have Oprah’s business card in my wallet if you wish to give her a call. Even if you don’t get that reality show, rest assured that in real life, real people experience real let-downs when dealing with real businesses, & most of us don’t have “attitudes” unless provoked (by way of bad business :-). If you went through a similar experience & happened to spend the remainder of your day picking flowers in your underwear with a flock of hummingbirds floating behind you, then that’s nice to hear, but not everyone will react to a given situation the same way you would: Deal with it & get over yourself.



---SNIP--- “ ‘Maybe it’s a "New  York" thing (she is clearly from the East Coast, judging by her accent)  where you think you can argue with people in a passive/aggressive manner & treat people any kind of way, but i'm not one to put up with that kind of crap & I most certainly don't deserve that type of  treatment when I work just as hard for my money as anyone else’

- Actually with your attitude and having to for some reason put everyone's name in "quotes" especially names that do not sound American.  One would think you may have some deeper discrimination issues than you care to admit to.” ---SNIP---


Alas, more comic relief lol. How old are you again? You know what, you’re irrelevant at this point, so don’t even bother answering that. As stated, you don't know me to begin with & you sound nothing short of ignorant from the beginning of your response all the way to the end. A good education would teach you that you immediately place yourself into an offensive position by addressing someone as “people like you”/“you people”. In addition, one would think that YOU have “discrimination issues” just by your use of that terminology alone. For God sakes, i’ve met 3 year olds in diapers who know that. In any event, please do the world a favor by going back into the hole you crawled out from & go harass someone else who actually cares about what you have to say. I’m done with you now & this conversation is over. Get a life, get an education & save your finger-pointing/condescending/chemically imbalanced drama for someone else. Thanks & goodbye.


This novel of a report has to be a joke...

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2014

 For all of those who don't want to read through the fluff of this novel let me break it down for you.

This entire report comes down to them being charged almost $10 more than they were quoted on the phone.  Of course $10 more than what?  Was it $10 more than the $5 they were quoted or $10 more than the $250 they were quoted?  I guess we will never know.

Well onto the report...

Since you honored us so much about telling us about you, let me tell you about me.  I am NOT an employee of FedEx.  In fact I won't even visit their FedEx locations to ship because I have had issues with some locations in the past.  But your "Over the Top" reaction with no proof that it was nothing more than an honest mistake makes you look like a nut and diminishes any validity you may have had.

It is people like you reminded me of the downsides of retail and makes me very glad I don't have to deal with people like you anymore.  Yes, as it is people like you that for some strange reason see a "consipiracy" in everything.  After all are you really going to try and convince people that part of this "scam" is that when he is done boxing up your item he completes the scam by (gasp) helping another customer....oh the horror.  Let me guess, every time an employee says "thank you..come again" they must be thinking "....so I can steal your credit card number"..right?

I have been buying/selling online for over 13 years with over $34,000 dollars in total sales

- Great..so how many boxes have you shipped?  If you sell $1000 items you have shiped a grand total of 34 items in the last 13 years.   Oh it is more than that?  They why do you waste all of this time going to the UPS store and paying someone else to pack it up?  Sure you "add" the cost to your sales(I hope).  After all in 13 years I am sure you have figured out how to pack up your own items.  Not only that but UPS has a wonderful thing known as a daily pickup.  Where you don't have to go anywhere...they come to you.  Oh but you say it is an extra cost..well of course it is but just like you pass the cost of the boxes onto your customers(I hope) you can pass this minor cost along as well.  

I arrived at this Fedex location after picking up some groceries across the street.

- Why did you feel this burning need to purchase your groceries first? 

One thing I have always liked about UPS (the UPS Store to be exact) is that it is hassle-free whereas you bring in your item, you pay the total packing/shipping fee & you leave while they take on the rest of the work.

- And in your 13 years you NEVER had to wait, not even for another customer who was there before you?  Oh wait..that's right helping another customer is a scam so they don't do that.

After I inquired about the price difference, “Ameer’s” partner measured the finished box & it turns out that this scam job known as “Ameer” DELIBERATELY added another 8 inches (100% unnecessary) to the exterior length of the box & another inch to the exterior width (so that the price to ship would be higher than what he had originally given me over the phone).

- You make it sound like the employees are pockething this money.  Are you aware of some "kickback" program that FedEx has where the bigger the box you put something in the more money they give you?

 it saddens me to  say that “Helene” did nothing but make excuses for her people as she sat on the phone making every possible effort to justify their lousy excuse for customer service. Yes, you heard me right the first time: “Helene” made NO apologies,

- Really with your attitude that you have shown here, I think the manager could have offered to "string up" the employee who packed your item, gave you a $1000 credit and personally come to your house and stand at the corner with a sign saying they were wrong and you the "all mighty" customer was right and you would still write a RipOff report on how horrible she was.

Maybe it’s a "New  York" thing (she is clearly from the East Coast, judging by her accent)  where you think you can argue with people in a passive/aggressive manner & treat people any kind of way, but i'm not one to put up with that kind of crap & I most certainly don't deserve that type of  treatment when I work just as hard for my money as anyone else

- Actually with your attitude and having to for some reason put everyone's name in "quotes" especially names that do not sound American.  One would think you may have some deeper discrimination issues than you care to admit to.

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