  • Report:  #1089600

Complaint Review: First American Mitigators - Bingham Farms Michigan

Reported By:
mike - taylor, Michigan,

First American Mitigators
30600 Telegraph rd Bingham Farms, 48025 Michigan, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Being unemployeed for apx. 2 years  in the construction field, I fell seriously behind in my mortgage payments. Also, during this time frame, my youngest son was deployed to Afganistan, and then at christmas time, my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer.  Being without work, without insurance, she had only 18 months to live without treatment, and then, we were notified our house was going up for auction due to the 18 months of non payment.

During the time of unemployment, I tried to work out a loan modification with Chase.  Papers were requested and then sent by fax, months later, I was called and told papers were missing or lost in fax-land, and to re-send them.  This went on for 6 months, then I was told, oops, we had 6 months to complete this, now we have to start over again.  This happened 3 times (18 months).  I was told by Chase rep. do not send us any money until this is completed.  We were guaranteed by this rep that the modification would be approved.   

5 days before my wife's major lung surgery, we were called and told our house would be auctioned within 2 weeks.   We then begged them to try a modification again.   This did extend things for some months. 

In April, 2013, at our wits end, I received a solicitation call from First American Mitigators.  Just what we needed.  This person assured us that we would not lose our home if we hired them.  They were the experts at dealing with the un-scrupulus banks.  (Their words).  During our appointment, in hind site, it was like a self-esteem rally.   They told us everything we wanted to hear.  We agreed to a Settlement (Buy out right for the depressitated  values of property in Michigan.   We signed on the dotted line.    

The one and only thing this firm did, was to take our money out of our bank within a day ($2500.00).   We were informed not to communicate with the bank at all, they would handle everything.    Months went by, we received apx, 50 calls per month from Chase, they insisted that we had no lawyer, non was on their records.   4 Months from April 4, 13, We received a letter from First American Mitigators stating our case was closed because the loan modification was denied.    

I was livid !   There was no modification agreement, settlement.   We tried 4 times with Chase for a modification, and it was ridiculus to go there again!.   

I contacted Chase to find out the details, and was notified by then that, 1- calls were made to FAM and no return calls ever. (apx 40- 50- in total ), 2- paperwork was requested by Chase, and of course FAM never sent them the documents, 3-  the modification was denied because the documents were never sent, nor any return calls from FAM.  

I contacted FAM, and of couse no one answered, I left a message as usual.  I got a call a few days later, with excuses like :   Mr. Gary Grossman who was assigned to the case had been on (and still was) a extended leave, due to cancer,   During that absence, no on was re-assigned our case.  It sat on his desk, dormant for months,   Then when Chase notified the firm that the modification was denied,  the second thing they ever did for us was to notifiy us that their done with our case,       

When speaking to Mr. Borman,  OUTRAGED as anyone would be,  Mr. Borman re-opened the case, and guaranteed me he would handle it personally.   Later, I was informed to never come to the office again or I would be arrested, and not to call because they would report me as a stalker, my only means of communicating with my lawyer was by e-mail only ! LOL  how many professional rules of conduct violations does this statement include ?   Many, many.   

  I now am dealing with the new bank assigned to my mortgage myself, because FAM has still done nothing , not even sending them any documents what so ever !  

If anyone considers using this firm to help them, please be forwarned, they take your money under false pretenses, and scam you right out of your house,   I imagine they rely on the fact that these despersate people would not have the means to go after them, nor the state of mind to do so, because of being homeless, no thanks to this scam firm.

Not only did they cost me $2500.00 for their fee (for services ?) , but also I am now 6 more months behind in payments.   Hopefully, soon, I will get the short-buy with the new company, and then I can focus on getting whats owed to me from this scam firm.  They should be in Jail !

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