  • Report:  #45542

Complaint Review: First PREMIER Bank - Sioux, Falls South Dakota

Reported By:
- houston, Texas,

First PREMIER Bank
P.O. Box 5518 Sioux, Falls, 57117-5518 South Dakota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I just recieved a letter in the mail from this company stating I was approved for a credit card and that I had to pay no-up front fees and no security deposit. But, beening that

I have been scammed from another credit card company, and that I mentally knowing that I have bad credit, refused the offer.

Come on guys, why would a company give someone with bad credit already, more credit without a catch to it.

Please everyone be a little bit smartier. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, because yes, I to feel for it before. I guess it takes at least one time to learn a vaulable lesson. When I recieve things

in the mail with offerings like this, I always check the BBB, and this wonderful site that stays updated. Good Luck EVeryone!

Also, once you have been scammed before, they do send your name down to other scammers; and believe me this is not there only scam. They have health insurance scams, roadside assistance scams hotel and vaction scams! Good Luck! God Bless.


houston, Texas

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