  • Report:  #501038

Complaint Review: Ford Motor Company / Sarat Ford - Dearborn Michigan

Reported By:
Norm of westfield - Westfield, Massachusetts, USA

Ford Motor Company / Sarat Ford
One American Road Dearborn, 48126 Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Mr. Alan R. Mulally

Chief Executive Officer and President

 Ford Motor Company

One American Road
Dearborn, MI.  48126-4261

Phone :( 313) 322-3000
Fax:       (313) 845-7512


I had written to your legal department on 9/14/2009 via certified mail requesting that my vehicle be replaced under the Massachusetts Lemon Law (General Laws, c. 93A).


I was never given the courtesy of a response. Accordingly the fact that The Ford Motor Company has chosen not to reply within (7) business days is a clear violation of the Consumer Protection Laws in the State of Massachusetts. 

-          Attachment #1  (Original letter)

-          Attachment #2  (Certified Mail Receipt signed by Ford / spoke with Diane Dewey mail supervisor And was told item was received a would have been sent by courier to legal within an hour of receipt)


Since I have been unable to get a response from The Ford Motor Company within (7) seven business days of 09/14/2009, I am communicating directly through you so that my documents will be sent to the Senior Officer in legal charged with the handing these type of legal issues.


-          Attachment #3  (30 Day Demand Letter This now makes this issue double damages)

-          Attachment #4  (Letter to Jeff Sarat, General Manager Sarat Ford/Lincoln Mercury)

-          Attachment #5  (Window Sticker for factory build of new vehicle)



Since writing attachment #1 I have included the following up to

date problem information:


 Since I bought this vehicle, I have had to return the vehicle to the Sarat Ford dealership an authorized Ford dealer for repairs a total of 7 times. My vehicle has been out of service for repairs for a total of 29 business days and a total of 35 days since taking delivery. My vehicle has been at Sarat Ford dealership in Agawam, MA. for repairs on the following dates to correct the following defects:


Date In:                Date Out:                   For the following problems:

11/12/2008          1/12/2008                 Defective/Incorrect Tires

12/03/2008          12/03/2009               Tires Replaced

12/23/2008          12/23/2008               Alignment Issues Realigned

01/06/2009           01/06/2009              Alignment Recorrected              

08/18/2009           08/18/2009             

Defective A/C. Compressor (Not repaired, part ordered)

08/24/2009            09/15/2009                    

Flat Bedded to dealer by the Ford Roadside Assistance 

Program due to throttle computer issues and 

computer error condition lights on vehicle electronics.

Vehicle still in possession of Sarat Ford  awaiting computer

components, after other  attempted repairs were unsuccessful.

I also complained of brake grinding and excessive heat coming from all

wheels and rotors, while driving with this problem, but,  was told no

problem exists. (Hard to believe). Without vehicle for 19 business days

and a total of 23 days for this incident.


09/18/2009               09/23/2009

Flat Bedded to dealer by the Ford Roadside Assistance 

Program due to brake failure on 9/17 towing a 1,000 LB

U-haul trailer. Vehicle still in possession of Sarat Ford

awaiting repairs. Was told to P/U vehicle. I made it very

clear that vehicle would not stop versus an extended  stopping

distance for ABS problem as stated by the service  manager .

If this vehicle would not stop with  a 1,000LB  trailer how was it

going to stop with my boat attached  which weights 5,500LBS.


The vehicle in question has now been out of service for a total of 29 business  days and 35 total days since 11/12/2008.

These defects have substantially impaired the use, market value and safety of my vehicle. And since the vehicle was purchased to tow a boat, it has been unusable for that purpose!


All I am asking for is your assistance in seeing that the individuals at Ford charged with handling this type of problem / legal  issue receive my legal request and handle this matter to my satisfaction as required by law.

Should my 30 Day Demand Letter that is attached be ignored I am prepared to file legal action against The Ford Motor Company in the Springfield Superior Court of Hampden County in the State  of Massachusetts. This will make Ford liable for Treble damages and all court and legal costs.

Any assistance your office can provide regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully I will be contacted by Ford prior to 10/22/2009 to avoid taking legal action under the Massachusetts Lemon Law


Note to Jeff Sarat GM @ Sarat Ford

The fact that you have not had the courtesy to provide me an SUV

 type vehicle or any vehicle for that matter to use during the last

 three weeks is an absolute travesty.


Plus, a response from one of your service employees was that I had

 another car, why would you Provide me with a vehicle to use!


 Ive spoken to you on three occasions. And your normal response

 was Ill see what I can do


Your ability to provide lip service versus actual service by stepping in to treat me as a valued customer is not surprising. Its your usual M/O. You are very good at providing lip service to a customer and I compliment you on that. 


At no time during these issues did Jeff Sarat (GM @ Sarat Ford) step up to the plate to contact anyone at Ford Motor Co., nor did he ever bother to contact the Ford Zone Manager for the Boston area.


7 Updates & Rebuttals


highlands ranch,
*Scar, Ford hasn't taken any government money (TAXPAYER'S money) YET! However, a new year is upon us and Ford may need to be 'bailed-out' by the.....

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 01, 2010

TAXPAYERS if they don't have the necessary sales to keep them afloat. I believe that Ford will eventually need some assistance from the government because auto sales in the USA will remain weak for many, many, years.

The days of 16 MILLION to 17 MILLION new car sales in the USA are gone! My guess is that Hyundai & Honda will start taking sales from Ford because they produce inexpensive cars that get good MPG. Ford relied heavily on the sale of Pick-Up Trucks in order to keep their profit margins where they needed to be. Smaller, more fuel-efficient cars don't have the PROFIT that Pick-Up Trucks have. This is why I believe Ford will eventually need a 'bail-out' from the government.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TOYOTA/LEXUS SAFETY ALERT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

*Make sure to 'Google' the two following unrelated articles and read them now-



***Now 'Google' this- SLUDGE POEM 2, and read it.

Happy New Year!


bail out

#3General Comment

Wed, December 30, 2009

for some one who has gone to all this trouble i would think you would be aware that FORD MOTOR COMPANY did not take 1 thin dime from the goverment. It chose to sink or swim on thier own.  and if you were lucky enough when the other big 2 were shaking all consumer con. it hurt Fords stock but if you were smart enough you could have bought Ford @ less than 1.00 a share and now.. less than 1 year later you would have 10 times your money..and to reply again  FORD MOTOR COMPANY TOOK NO GOVERMENT MONEY..


highlands ranch,
Norm, 'Google' this- CAR SALES: TRICKS OF THE TRADE- CONSUMER ALERT, and watch how a ford dealership scammed Tori when she went to....

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, October 06, 2009

buy a car. Not only was Tori SCAMMED, but the bank that eventually financed her was SCAMMED too, right? She only made $1,000 per month, but with the stroke of a pen she got an $800 per month raise, didn't she?



highlands ranch,

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, October 03, 2009

FAX your Ripoff Report into the dealership everyday! Once the employees at the dealership find out about this website they might join-in and actually help you. There are a lot of UNHAPPY & DISGRUNTLED employees who could post their views right here, and they can do it anonymously, right? They can make up a web name and no one will know who they are, correct? I saw a web name that was- 'Brock O'bomb-a' not too long ago. I also saw- 'Ben BEERnanke' as a web name. 

DO IT! Pass out copies of your Ripoff Report to the employees, & FAX your Ripoff Report into the dealership. You can FAX it everyday!


Norm of westfield

Sarat Ford Blocks Google RIPOff Report Link Lookup!

#6Author of original report

Fri, October 02, 2009

I'm laughing because Sarat Ford / Mercury and Jeff Sarat mentioned in this report for providing no customer service on his part regarding my problem with a "Lemon Vehicle".

Has gone to great lengths to "Block the RIPOff Reports" link from showing up in a "Google" search of "SARAT FORD".

The RIPOFF Report was showing up six (6) items down in a Google search under the Sarat Ford link for " Lemon Free Cars" (How appropriate)

Now the RipOff Reports link to this complaint show up nowhere when you do a search of "SARAT Ford"

Guess Jeff Sarat and SARAT Ford do not want the public to know about the lack of customer service provided.......

Wonder how they did it!


NormW of Westfield








highlands ranch,
Norm, "EXPOSURE IS A CORPORATION'S WORST FEAR." _ Harvard Business Professor, 2004. To read that quote, & others, simply.....

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, September 30, 2009

'Google' this- RIP OFF REPORT FUEL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL MPG CAPS, and go to the 2001 Toyota Tacoma Rip Off Report, and then to the 'Update' entitled- "Blame it on a Lawyer" to read that quote & others.

*Believe it or not, the LAST THING stated in that Update came true, didn't it? That was posted when the Dow Jones was well above 13,000 points in the summer of 2007. The Dow Jones closed at its ALL-TIME high of 14,164 just about 6 weeks later, right? On October 9th 2007 the Dow closed at 14,164. Here's the last thing stated in that Update- Quote: "Get ALL of your money out of the stock market now! The Collapse HAS been triggered!!!!" - 8/21/2007



Norm of westfield

Ford's not Interested in responding!

#8Author of original report

Wed, September 30, 2009

My original letter to Ford was ignored.

The original certified letter was received by Ford on 9/14/2009 @ 9:57 AM.

No response from Ford within the allocated seven (7) business days.

My second certified letter containing a "30 Day Demand Letter" was received by Ford on 9/23/2009 @ 9:25 AM has not been deemed worthy of a response by Ford in over seven (7) days. 

Massachusetts c.93A allows the recipient only 30 days to respond. At which point, legal action can be instituted under the Massachusetts "Lemon Law" guidelines. 

I was told by a reliable source that Ford would not want something like this to happen, but, it seems that the "New Ford Motor Company" bailed out with taxpayers dollars has a new way of doing business....

Even a letter addressed to Alan Mulally - President and CEO of Ford hasn't elicited a response from one his assistants or anyone else at Ford.

Plus, maybe! Since my documents are legally correct, but, are not being sent by an individual who's name ends in "Esq" they may not take me seriously.

Ford ought to look at the instructions under Massachusetts Suffolk Superior courts web site detailing all steps to be followed by an individual (consumer) to file a legal suit against a party in the state of Massachusetts.

Maybe they (Ford) thinks that a consumer taking legal action against them is a bluff!

Will keep you all posted!

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