  • Report:  #760596

Complaint Review: Fox Moving & Storage - Nashville, Knoxville Tennessee

Reported By:
Edward - Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America

Fox Moving & Storage
514 Ash St Nashville, Knoxville, 37203 Tennessee, United States of America
(615) 770-3000
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I've written a file which I've been using for reviews and plan to use when I take Fox Moving & Storage to small claims court in a few weeks when I get back to Nashville.  I'm going to copy/paste that file below.

Before I get on to what happened with me I want to point out that Fox Moving & Storage has been writing positive reviews about themselves on the internet.  If you go to most review sites you will see that Fox Moving & Storage has received between 3-5 positive 5 star reviews on either 10/29/2010 or 11/10/2010.  These same reviews appear all over the internet but the dates of their posting are not consistent, the usernames used to post them are all incredibly consistent following a pattern of FirstnameLastname.  The dates however are inconsistent - the same 3 reviews may have been posted on site A on 10/29/2010 but those exact same reviews can be posted on site B on 11/10/2010.  The odds of that many individual people (None of whom have ever reviewed another company before) posting with this kind of consistency is absurd.

Similarly, after reporting many of these reviews they are slowly but surely being taken down from review websites - I received an E-mail from insiderpages.com today tell me that the reviews I'd reported were taken down.  Similarly, Superpages.com and several other websites have already taken the reviews down.  The fact that Fox Moving & Storage needs to write rave reviews about themselves in order to get business is absolutely pathetic - almost unilaterally, the reviews which they have not written have been very negative.  Find a different company  on the BBB (Fox recently lost its accreditation and has a C- rating).

Now on to what occurred with me:

Before I begin with my review I'd like to point anyone who's considering Fox Moving and Storage to their entry on the Better Business Bureau website.  Below is the link:


The company has a C- rating with the BBB.  I've been dealing with them for about two months and more recently I've been dealing with the BBB.  They only received a rating recently and it appears that due to their C- rating they have lost their BBB accreditation.

Before you hire them I urge you to use any of the businesses listed on the top of this page which all have scores of A or higher:


Anyway now on to the details of my personal issues with Fox Moving and Storage.  I had them do a move for me in May of 2011.  I asked specifically that they not take the 2 cable boxes, the black cable modem and the 2 Comcast cable remotes.  Surprise surprise, they took them.  Sadly, I was out of the state for the move but a friend of mine came by to get and return the cable boxes a few days later (Approx. 2 days).  I was informed they were missing and promptly called Fox Moving & Storage.

The first person I spoke with was very helpful, I told him I had yet to be billed and that I had been told I would receive a call for payment when the move was complete.  I went on to tell him about my predicament with the cable boxes.  He assured me that in the next two days (Thurs/Friday) he would talk to his movers and see how many hours they worked and would also ask them, while it was fresh in their minds, where they put the cable boxes and pull them from my storage units for me.  Needless to say, I never received a return call.

The second part of my encounter with Fox Moving & Storage involves me calling them no less than 5 times, leaving 2 voice mails and receiving at LEAST 3 verbal promises of a call back the following day.  About 10 days ago I called and spoke with a man named Austin who promised me he put a physical note on the woman's, Lauren's, desk who I needed to speak to.  The following day I called got a hold of Austin and asked why Lauren, who I later found out had been in the office for 5 hours, had not called me yet.  Anyway, I finally spoke with Lauren who was only concerned about getting my billing address (apparently they can't even keep that information straight) and after I'd given it to her said she wouldn't help me till I paid my bill.  I tried explaining my situation to her but she said "I won't do it until you pay, goodbye" and hung up on me.

I called back and explained my situation to a different employee whose name I never received.  He said he could run my credit card right now for the storage costs and then he'd have people go and get the cable boxes for me - a deal I was more than happy to make.  I was put on hold for 5 minutes and eventually Ron Tarafa, one of the Co-COE/Presidents, picked up the phone.  I explained my situation to him and he told me I could either pay them $180 to have them look through my 4 5X5X5 units or come from New York and do it myself.  I told him I felt he should accept some accountability for the situation as it was a direct failing of his employees and his business (which, as is evident on the BBB website is not a recent trend).  He told me "No, I will accept no accountability".  I told him I'd think about it and get back to him.

At this point I went on the BBB website and read the companies review.  On the site it says that Fox Moving & Storage requests that anyone who is going to file a complaint with the BBB should first call Alex West, the other Co-CEO/President, and give him 48 hours to find a resolution.  I did just that.

I called Alex for the first time on on 7/21/2011.  After explaining my experience detailed above I was told that what had happened to me was "unacceptable" and that he would call me back by 4PM the next day with a resolution.  I called Alex back well after 4PM on 7/22/2011 (Friday).  He said he "knew he promised me a call back" and was sorry.  He went on to say that over the weekend someone was going to go through my units and find the boxes and they would hold them for me to pick up.  He promised he would call me back on Monday when it was done with the details.  I waited until Wednesday 7/27/2011  (I believe, it may not have been Wednesday but it was certainly after Monday, it may even have been later than Wednesday) and called Alex back.  He told me he thought that his people had already resolved it and that he was in the Knoxville office today but he would be in Nashville tomorrow and would find out what was going on and call me tomorrow.  I waited until after his call was promised and filed my complaint with the BBB.  It has been several days now and I have yet to receive a call from Alex West.  I plan to take the matter to small claims court when I return to Nashville in a few weeks.

In Summary: No one at Fox Moving & Storage will call you back, EVER, the CEO/President Alex West promised me no fewer than 3 call-backs and even he failed to call me back even once.

I urge you, save yourself the trouble, use a more reliable company. 

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
I also used FOX Moving once. NEVER AGAIN.

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, November 12, 2011

I used Fox Moving to move in Nashville a while ago.  They just need to hang it up.  I am not usually one to write or say bad things about people, but crap.  This company sucks.  Oh- and for the record- they were kicked out of the BBB and have an F rating. 

First off- I only moved 5 miles away from my previous home.  It was lightly drizzling that day.  Nothing too bad though. A little cool- but long sleeves were fine.

They were 2 hours late showing up to my home blaming traffic.  Whatever. I had to be out of my home and have it cleaned for the new renters in a few days.  I did that for my landlord because he was a great guy.  Otherwise- I would have told them not to bother and called someone else.  

They sent two guys that had absolutely no business moving.  One of them was morbidly obese and sounded like he had COPD and the other guy probably had to run around in the shower just to get wet.  It was bizarre.   They complained the entire time. About the weather, how heavy my furniture was, blah blah blah. And I will tell you- they sure took their sweet time because they knew I was paying by the hour.  Like when the skinny one decided to stand outside and smoke a cigarette and the obese one was left to carry stuff out by himself.  

A few things about me- I am extremely organized.  I do not have a lot of stuff because if I haven't worn it in the last year or used it in the last 6 months- I donate it or throw it away because I live in a one bedroom.  I don't own anything weird either- like bulky exercise equipment. I have literally packed my apartment up in one day and completely unpacked my entire apartment the next day.  My father is a retired Colonel so I understand why it is necessary to be organized when moving.  I digress....
Finally, after 4+ hours (6+ hours actually because they were 2 hours late), we arrive at my new apartment. I'm not sure why it took them 35 minutes to drive 5.1 miles. Anyway-  There are 2 flights of stairs and no elevator.  Not great, but not too bad.  Again- I don't have that much.  They again, begin complaining.  The fat one remarked "it's just gonna be one of those day."

So they start bringing in boxes and unloading the truck.  I asked them to please put my washer and dryer in the storage closet in the hall.  This required them to remove the door to the hall which I had to point out because he said it just wouldn't fit and started to walk away.  I got every excuse as to why I shouldn't put it in there, how he won't be able to get it in there, it will mold (it's climate controlled) etc, etc.  I said screw it- I will take the door off of the hinges.  I guess he didn't want to look like a wimp in front of the skinny guy so he finally did it. He actually looked for a spot in my one bedroom apartment to stick them. Sorry- I don't want them in my living room.

He also argued with me about putting my box springs and rails in there, too which did not require removal of the door. I don't know why that mattered. Honestly- I felt at this point he was just arguing because he didn't want to actually do any work. Again- time is money, right? 

Sidenote: Skinny guy actually sat down on my couch and took a break while I was arguing with the fat one. 

After arguing with him about this for 25 minutes, the skinny guy announced it was time to bring up my mattress.   I don't know why I felt the need to go downstairs with them, but I'm really glad I did. Well, not really. I watched them literally drop my mattress in the mud.  It still to this day has stains on it I couldn't get out. I spent a lot of money on this thing.  They didn't put it in plastic.  They wrapped it with a blanket but somehow managed to leave that in the truck.  I literally almost started crying. 

After 7 grueling hours with these lazy morons, we were finally done.  It cost over $800 to move 5 miles and took an entire day to move a one bedroom apartment.  It literally took me less time to unpack. I guess they thought more hours meant a bigger tip.  Nope. It means NO TIP. And I live my life off of tips. After that bill- I couldn't afford to tip even if I wanted to! My move before this one was the same distance (5 miles). Moved by friends. And all done in a small passenger van. It took 2 1/2 hours and 5 trips. It cost me a case of beer.

It's a sad day when a bunch of half drunk buddies of mine do a better job than these so-called "professionals." And did it with a wayyyyy better attitude even though it was February when they moved me! It was FREEZING that day. 

If you are thinking about using this company because they sound the cheapest- don't. 


United States of America
Got Items Out of Storage - Issues Abound

#3Author of original report

Fri, September 02, 2011

So I finally got my items out of storage with Fox and into my new apartment for the year.  First, I hired a different moving company who did a fabulous job.  However, after 5 phone calls setting up and confirming my move time and date with Fox when my new movers showed up Fox's warehouse manager claimed to have no knowledge of the matter so it took them an hour to get my crates ready to be unloaded - an hour I had to pay the new moving company for (nothing against them they are, in my opinion, completely entitled to compensation).  Below are all 5 of the phone calls I made to Fox to set up the move out time/date.

230     08/18/2011     1:54PM     877-353-2809      8 - All 8/18 is me  setting up and verifying the move out - Spoke w/ Ron Tarafa and confirmed     
233     08/18/2011     2:08PM     877-353-2809      2 - Accused of cursing at Lauren told the person I was speaking with who said they recorded their calls to listen to it.       
239     08/18/2011     2:37PM     615-770-3000      1
240     08/18/2011     2:38PM     615-770-3000      5
242     08/18/2011     2:56PM     877-353-2809      1

As you may have noticed one of the calls states that I was accused of cursing at one of the employees.  This happened, the accusation (which was false) not the cursing.  I'm sure they didn't listen to the call but it was kind of ridiculous that one of the employees factually lied about it.

Anyway, onto the more pressing issues - my belongings.

When my items were being unpacked it was noticed by one of the employees of the new moving company that most of my bigger items were wrapped in paper and tape - he said they only did that when they were shipping things trans-atlantic and laughed about it.  Later as the items were being unwrapped it became clear to me why the new moving company didn't use this practice.  Below are examples of the tape marks which now spot all of my wooden furniture.

Dining Room Table - Tape
Side Table - Tape

Also, when they packed my boxes they placed full and open dispensers of balsamic vinegar and olive oil in one of them.  This is a picture of the box after I took everything (plates and glasses wrapped in paper which was just as disgusting as the box).

Box Mold

That's all for now.  As ever, don't let Fox "box".


United States of America

#4Author of original report

Fri, August 05, 2011

When I set up the move I specifically told your people a number of things not to take, one of which was the cable boxes - I was assured my requests would be seen to.  As to the bill (which I just paid when you called me five minutes ago - the first time you've sought payment from me) I called your company twice asking to pay (as the person who set up my move said I would receive a call asking for payment when the move was complete).  The first time I called I was promised a call back within the next 2 days - I never received one.  The second time one of your employees, Lauren, asked for my billing address (since you seemingly lost it) and then hung up on me.

As to going above and beyond let me say that yes - after more than 60 days of promises you guys finally pulled the boxes out, well done.  You, the President of Fox Moving & Storage, personally promised me not only 3 calls back which I never received but that the boxes would be out 2 weeks ago.  At this point it's going to be more of a hassle to have someone come by and return the boxes as I'm coming back to Nashville in a week or two.  I wouldn't call it going above and beyond when your company can't even return 1 of no less than 7 phone calls but I guess with the reputation your company's set for itself getting something done after two months is cause for celebration.

Last I want to point out again that you guys are writing positive reviews about yourselves which is just pathetic.  It's become clear to me that Austin Manley is the one writing the reviews so you might want to have a talk with him but as Ron told Fox Moving & Storage accepts "No accountability" so I suspect you'll ignore this problem as well.

Enjoy your meeting with the BBB.

FOX Moving

United States of America

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 05, 2011

The client listed above was not present during the loading or packing of his items and had a representative from the apartment complex let the movers in. In this case our gentlemen were given no directions other than "this stuff needs to be out" by the apartment rep. When speaking to Edward I felt that we were being more than accommodating by helping him with this issue by retrieving the boxes at no additional charge. Mr. Collery has not paid for any services provided by Fox Moving and Storage and at this time Edward is $844.00 delinquent on moving and storage fees.
Fox Moving still retrieved the cable boxes for Edward and contacted him to make arrangements for him to pick them up, and durring that conversation we were told to put them back and he would deal with it at a later date. At this point we have gone well above and beyond any reasonable solution for this issue espicially when you consider the fact that this client has never paid anything. Fox Moving will need to be compensated for any services that have been rendered before any other demands will be met.
Alex Woods

     [email protected]        (615)-770-3000

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