  • Report:  #1275152

Complaint Review: Gavin's Poodles - Internet

Reported By:
Kimmomof7 - Decorah, Iowa, USA

Gavin's Poodles
Internet, USA
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This company has stolen pictures from dog breeders' websites and are selling fake puppies that do not belong to them.  They have copy and pasted reviews.   They price the puppies way under market and claim they show dogs and that they are all AKC.  No pictures of parents are found.   If you ask them for another picture of the puppy they can not give it to you.   They offer "free shipping" and refer to their "agent"   My photo from my very legitmate website is on their site!   One with MY children and MY puppies.  I am state licensed.   The entire website is set up as a SCAM and google needs to shut it down.  

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