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Gene Miller of Boone Colorado Firewood Scandal
Gene Miller of Boone Colorado is running an ad in the Pueblo Chieftan for Cottonwood $80 a cord. When we called him for a cord he requested cash due to "his son applying for disability".
He charged an extra $10. to come to our home due to driving farther. He came that day with his son and unloaded the firewood. I paid the $90 cash.
2 days later I stacked the firewood and discovered it was short 48%. We called Gene back and told him that it was short 48%. He told us to take our business else where if we didnt like it. He told us that the newspaper put the ad in wrong(which had been running over 1 week) and it should have been per pickup load.
My husband asked him if he is running a business without paying taxes. This is when Gene said he would try to get some wood out to us in a few day. Well a few days have gone by and my husband called back to ask about the firewood. "If he gets a load going he will bring it out."
My husband told him we will be calling the BBB. Gene told him "Good Luck" and hung up on my husband.