  • Report:  #1182062

Complaint Review: Generations of Virtue - Monument Colorado

Reported By:
StopGOV - San Marcos, California,

Generations of Virtue
PO Box 1353 Monument, 80132 Colorado, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Generations of Virtue is an educational and religious cult that lulls impressionable young women away from their families, isolates them from all their loved ones, and convinces them that no contact is safe outside the bonds of the commune. They eat together, work together and travel together under the mission of spreading the message of sexual purity. The underlying pretense of their oganization is sexual purity and under covering sexual sin, temptations and secret sexual fantasies. At first their organization appears to be helping guide parents to educate their children on the dangers of the internet and related media. Look deeper and underlying motives and activities reveal themselves. 


Once a new member is indoctrinated into the group they are brainwashed in the "prayer chair". A large room has a single chair placed in the center of a ring of chairs of the existing, brainwashed followers. The cult leaders begin a series of sessions that can last for hours, in a sequence that can span months and/or indefinately. The girls are asked to recall sexual memories and sins. They are broken emotionally and pscyhologically under aggressive yelling, accusations, and allegations of vial and lewd sexual fantasties the girls are accused of keeping secret. These young women in late teens and early twenties are broken into submission and a life of total servitude to the male cult leader, Kay Hiramine. They work for him for years, for free. 


Kay is a classic sociopathic manipulator who has conveniently surrounded himself with a team consisting of virtually all, young teen and twenty-something, virginesque corporate officers, all impressionable, and all quite unqualified for their positions. None of these young ladies have a relevant educational history, experience or work history before Generations of Virtue. Kay has given them unfitting titles of Chief Operations Officer, Product Manager, Lead Solutions Specialist, Course Engineer, Warehouse Manager, Director of Marketing, Base Operation Facilitator, and titles which they have no relevant understanding of. Many of these “corporate officers” were placed as teenagers in these roles. 


Kay is using young girls to attract more young girls. Their resumes do not consist of credible certifications or work experience testimonies. Their resume’s have no references or prior corporate associations at all. Their resumes consist of their special interests such as ponies, chocolate, art, sunbeams, hats, stories, journaling, convertibles, travel, acoustic music, singing and coffee. These girls with no prior accomplishments tout world travel to France, Paris, Brazil, Germany, Greece, Japan, China, South Korea, Africa and they all profess to be having nothing but fun and the time of their lives. This is a manipulative presentation to attract other young female recruits into their service. Just check out their website by googling generationsofvirtue.org and check out the team and their bios. 


Kay and Julie control what these young women read, converse about, their travel, their thoughts, and the couple has worked to truncate visitation and communication with their follower’s families, friends and all outside influences. They deny this, but ask the families to get the truth. One of the first indoctrination rituals the girls under go is to be seated in the intimidating prayer-chair over weeks and months. One by one the girls have their character dissected and criticized as they are emotionally and psychologically broken down to the core, pressured to admit vial sins and carnal thoughts under duress, including their personal thoughts of secret incestuous fantasies with parental figures, where they become willing to lie just to end the torment, and confrontation. This is a classic brainwashing technique and girls of this young age have no defense against it. These methods are almost always instituted for more sinister motives by the captors or cult leaders. 


Kay believes he’s been granted special powers by God, and that God speaks to him with prophetic insights. Kay rules with absolute authority over what he calls Hiramine Haven, or the compound. He pretends to cast out spirits, to spontaneously heal physical and mental illnesses, and speaks as though he seems to wield God as his own personal magic wand and puppet. He exhibits very dangerous indications of a full blown psychopath. Kay presents himself with an image of an all powerful and all knowing power broker for God. In his youtube video found here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oLJtffyMSo) with David Yarnes, you can see him during his prayer at the end, exposing his authoritarian rage in short bursts. His true disposition flashes repeatedly, and quite obviously. He is manipulative and disconnected. 


Sexuality and sexual exploitation and abuse is the “front” this cult uses to project an air of safe harbor, and likely a projection of more ominous undertakings. Kay is a traditional religious seminar hoaxster. He's able to use his young harem to motivate innocent and naive financial backers to fuel world wide travel with his girls. He is an opportunist and able to self promote himself under the guise of questionable and difficult to validate accomplishments, in order to gain access to sometimes credible affiliations. Virtually all affiliations are short lived or quick flashes as over time, nobody wants to be associated with Kay very long. His creepy demeanor begins to manifest itself rather quickly. So does his raging anger. 


Rumored reports are that Kay is on the ropes and having financing problems. It is rumored that he's getting ready to relocate his group. There are dozens and dozens of victims of this cult, some dating back for 20 years, and to original founders, including a strange prophetess that has lead the direction of the organization for years with her spells and prophesies of the future. Rumor is she is recently deceased. Though this group claims to be Christian, inside there is talk of magic powers, special gifts, and reincarnation. 


Women want to come forward. They are afraid. These women are terrified of having their lives, businessses and families threatened or torn apart by Kay and Julie Haramine. As many as 40 victims have agreed to begin coming forward to tell their story if we can provide a platform of communication. This is that platform. We will be letting victims know they can come here to post and communicate safely. We missing friends and family we want to create a platform that can be a warning to fugure families we wish to save from this predator group, operating under an innocent facade, but with wicked and manipulative undertones and motives beneath. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Generations of Virtue, Mary Whitlock, Kay & Julie Hiramine

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 13, 2014

Every single young person who is working for Generations of Virtue has been "spiritually advised" to severely limit contact with their family.  They have been deceptive in their answers to those who have questioned them on their family's activities to appear that they are close.  They have been told during prayer sessions all kinds of sins and evil influences that are coming to them from their families, especially their mothers.  Every contact, they are told, becomes an "open door" that allows evil spirits to attack the Generations of Virtue ministry, as well as Kay and Julie or their family personally.

 If Kay or Julie has any type of problem arise during a normal work day, be it a financial problem, flat tire, missed flight, even a dropped item, someone must be blamed.  In the past, Mary Whitlock (the main intercessor behind the Hiramines) would spend a great deal of time concentrating in prayer to track down whoever or whatever was the open door and cause of the problem.  More often than not, it was traced back to a former member of the group, family member or friend.  This, of course, sets up a great dilemma for the young adult.  

If they are in contact with someone outside this group, the potential for them to be the source of the next trouble that comes along is quite high.  To minimize their chances of being in trouble, they willingly cut off their former close relationships - it's just becomes too risky.  They feel that their calling to do what God has intended them to do can't be accomplished if they remain close to their family or former friends.

There is also an emphasis on "past lives".  Many of the reasons for separating from families has to do with a "past life event" that is still influencing them.  

The most difficult part about trying to help people understand what is really going on behind the scenes of this ministry, is the fact that good and evil are mixed so closely together.  The message of purity is something dear to God's heart, but so is the family unit He created us all to live in.  

The Hiramines have willingly advanced their own ministries at the expense of many, many broken families AND have been covering it up.  The young people have been so brainwashed by the "spiritual" information passed on to them, they do not see the abuse.  They are held by a bondage that is invisible.

One of the hopes of posting on this site, is that the young people working for GOV can see the testimonies of many others who have experienced some of the same things they have and recognize it for the controlling power it really is.  


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