  • Report:  #1498059

Complaint Review: Glassman Kia - Southfield, Michigan

Reported By:
Elle - Troy, Michigan, United States

Glassman Kia
28000 Telegraph Rd Southfield,, 48034 Michigan, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

These people are not honest and all they seem to care about is making money from people with lucrative careers(i.e. Doctors and Lawyers).  I was so disappointed when I went to see Charely a couple Saturdays ago to buy a used car. I had gotten to know him(or so I thought) over the various months I spoke to him outside of the dealership. Back in October when I told him I was looking for a car he told me he could get me a deal for "$500 down and $200 a month." I let him know I just needed some time to save the money for the down payment as I did not have it at that time. Then the coronavirus hit.

By the time I had the money saved(in early May), Charely was not available as he had been temporarily laid off due to the spread of the virus. Not a big deal but I still attempted to purchase a vehicle from a different salesperson who was readily available at that time. This guy attempted to cheat me and sell the first lemon that caught my eye fro 3 times more than what Charley originally quoted. Thankfully, a relative who had the has been in the car buying game for several decades warned me I was being scammed and I literally walked away before losing my hard earned money to that skane oil salesman.

A couple months later Charley resurfaced and I thought it was a miracle from God. Little did I know that it would be the biggest let down in all of my car buying adventures. When I went in for my appointment Charley, knowing I did not have transportation and was obviously dropped off at the dealership, had the audacity to request "Can you come back on Monday? We are not able to contact your bank today due yesterday's power outage, so we can't check your credit score." Please bear in mind that he was selling cars to several people who were ahead of me and my bank was in fact OPEN that day.

I could not believe my ears. He was giving me the runaround. I let him know that it was not possible for me to return on Monday and had chosen Saturday because I am off on Saturdays. I have no doubt he was already aware of this. Things only went from bad to worse at that point. He suddenly asked "How much do you have to put down?" I told him I could put $1,000 down to lower my payments from$200 to $100 per month. He then told me that it was not possible without even checking my credit score as he NEVER planned to and that I would have to put down at least $2200 and pay about $350 per month. Needless to say I was super ticked off but did not say a word or even raise my voice.

He told me he could not help me and my feelings were quitecrushed. I had put my hope and trust in this man and had the confidence that if no other car salesman ever did, Charley Kashou would do right by me based on past kindness outside of the dealership. I had quite a rude awakening that morning. T

The next thing I knew, his Supervisor and dealership owner Mike(Glassman) was checking the paperpwork from May I had submitted and came to the conclusion that based on the fact that I only work 30 hours per week(which I had no control over at that time due to the pandemic) I could not qualify for an auto loan without a co-signer. However, I have heard that there are auto loans available for people who are UNEMPLOYED.  Go figure. After being rejeceted for financing there was nothing left to do at this point but accept my fate. I simply nodded and thanked Mike for trying to help me. I then returned to the waiting area and texted my ride to come get me.

I could not beleive my ears as Charley and a female co-worker who were only a few feet away began verbally attacking me for being disappointed. "She has an attitude. Oh well. It's not a popularity contest." I heard Charley mutter. His female counterpart than began saying that I needed to work 40 hours. Charley then stated with sarcasm "Good luck! It's not our fault." I was devastated. He did not even have the self control to wait until I left the dealership to speak ill of me. He had literally added insult to injury after promising to "take care of me." He had done me in instead and it was quite intentional.

I honestly believe my valuable time was wasted on puropose and Charley had no intentions to sell me a car that day at all based on the fact that I wrote a review about how his former co-worker Anthony attempted to swindle me and was let go shortly after. If this is the case, it was a most inept attempt indeed. I am baffled as to why Charley has so many GOOD reviews. He is not the best salesman ever. Not in my estimation. He's not even that awesome a decent human being. NEVER again!

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Farmington Hills,
United States
Why Would Anyone In Their Right Mind Purchase A Car From You?

#2General Comment

Thu, July 14, 2022

Whoever hired YOU is lacking basic brain cells. You're the LAST person who should be encouraging someone to stick to purchasing a loaf of bread instead of a major item.  Your rude comments to this young lady are INEXCUSABLY unprofessional. Wow, what a JERK! "Snubbing" a customer for ANY reason is as close to discrimination as you can get. Not a wise move in your profession. There is NO EXCUSE for your rude, unethical behavior Charley. Any FOOL in the car sales profession knows that snubbing customers is not conducive to selling a lot of cars.

After viewing all your hateful "rebuttals" and the fact that you admit to snubbing a customer(you were practically bragging about it) and seeing you tell her to 'take the bus', please know that I have ZERO confidence in Glassman Kia and would NEVER purchase ANY vehicle(new or used) from them. I don't EVER wish to take the chance of having a jerk like YOU cross my path!

You are a LIABILITY and a cancer to the car sales profession. If I were your employer, I'd fire you on the spot after a fiasco of this naure. You clearly lack basic people skills as the young lady stated previously. No Thanks! I'd rather walk 1000 miles to work to purchase a car from any dealer who hires 12th rate chancers of this caliber. 


United States
The person responding...

#3General Comment

Thu, July 14, 2022

 If this is the car salesman responding to the person who posted the report, wow, what a JERK you are. "Snubbing" ANY customer can be counted as discrimination. You clearly eat a full bowl of stupid for breakfast each morning because any FOOL in your profession knows that snubbing customers is not conducive to selling a lot of cars.

If you HATE your customers, get a new profession. There's NO EXCUSE for that kind of behavior toward ANYONE. If I were your employer, I'd fire you. You're a LIABILTY to the car sales profession. Kick rocks. After witnessing your arrogance(you were practically bragging) about snubbng a customer and the way you insulted this person, telling them to "take the bus", please know I will NEVER purchase a vehicle(new or used) from Glassman Kia, knowing YOU'RE the kind of person they hire to deal with the public. No thanks! I'd rather walk 1000 miles to work each day! .


Takoma Park,
United States
A few points...

#4General Comment

Sun, December 26, 2021

 1. Businesses are in Business to make money. "All they care about is money" describes EVERY business. Are you a child?

2. I think the answer to my question is "yes." You certainly put a lot of faith in friendships and your personal Feels. Again, it's a BUSINESS.

3. The pandemic hurt a lot of people financially. Your needs do not come before a business's need to make money. Get over yourself. The fact that you "can't" pay over a certain amount does not obligate anyone to adjust to your needs. You are free to walk out if you don't like the deal. You do NOT have the right to demand a deal offered last year to be put into place today. Your situation changed; why can't the situation of the business change too?

4. Seriously, grow up. Take it or leave it, but if you take it, live up to the obligation you agreed to. You don't sound like you are ready for adulthood yet.


United States
The Bottom Line

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, August 15, 2020

There was no transaction; therefore, there was no scam.

A potential agreement between a salesperson and a customer may not be on the table after seven months or even one day. The claim of bait-and-switch is absurd because the customer did not show an interest in any of the vehicles.

This is about a customer with no job and crappy credit. Take the bus.


United States
Grow up

#6General Comment

Tue, August 11, 2020

It is self evident that Charley is a low life scumbag who has ZERO people skills. So he ADMITS he mistreated a potential customer for NO GOOD REASON and that's okay? Charley is clearly missing a few brain cells and possesses all the reasoning skills of a 2 year old. Actually that's an isult to 2 year olds. There is NO EXCUSE for the way this jerk treated that young lady and I would NEVER purchase a vehicle from Glassman Kia. What ripoff you ask?

I hope and pray this young woman allows the Federal Trade Commission to answer that question for you. And you sound like a MORON by the way with your ignorant rebuttals trying to justify your behavior because you probably are the sleazy salesman who is mentioned in this report. My suggestion is stronger antipsychotic meds. Have a nice day sir. I will contact Havenwicke for you and ask them to reserve a bed.


United States
What Rip-off?

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, August 04, 2020

Your report indicated that there was no transaction so how much money did they rip-off?


United States
I was scammed, not snubbed.

#8Author of original report

Mon, July 27, 2020

I do know the difference between being snubbed and being scammed. You ar a liar and you seem a bit confused. I was not negotiating, Charley was. You are accurate on one count. I  do lack basic shopping skills when it comes to car buying as I am a first time car buyer. That would obviously be the reason I had a relative who has successfully purchased several cars advocating on my behalf. If you had half a gnat's brain maybe you would have realized that from the beginning.

Don't try to turn it around and make it seem as if I was a "disastisfied hard to please" customer. I did not show a "lack of interest" in all the cars you showed me because I was rejected for financing from the start and was never given the opportunity to look at any cars.  I was told 'no' practically from the time I walked in so kindly keep your lies straight.

You lack common human decency and possess absolutley no people skills whatsoever. You are a mediocre salesman and an even more average con man. I suggest you get a new trade and a new hobby.  If ignorance was carpet your brain would be plush. Enjoy the day.

Report Attachments


United States
Can't buy you class

#9Author of original report

Sun, July 26, 2020

First of all CHARLEY, I WAS NOT negotiating a d**n thing. You were doing all the talking. And snubbing me for WHAT reason? And you are d**n right, I DO lack basic shopping skills because it is my FIRST time buying a vehicle which is why I had a relative on the phone to help guide me through the process. You have NO EXCUSE for being such a jerk to me and I have NEVER treated you this poorly in my life. And btw, if a salesperson mistreats me and tries to swindle me I have EVERY right to warn the public about it.  And yes it was a SWINDLE.

You are nothing but a common LIAR. I DID NOT show a "lack of interest" in any vehicle because I was rejected for financing and WAS NOT ALLOTED the opportunity to look at any vehicles. Either you have a piss poor memory or need to develop some better hustling skills my dear. Your memories of what happened that day are straight out of a crack pipe. You lack common decency and the basic training to deal with human beings properly my love. Please grow up and get a clue.


United States
You Were Snubbed, Not Swindled

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, July 26, 2020

It is self-evident that Charley’s quote of $500 down and $200 a month doesn’t cover every car on the lot.

You didn’t show interest in any of the vehicles so there was no bait-and-switch because there was nothing to switch to or switch from.

They don’t need to contact your bank to acquire your credit score. That’s why we have credit bureaus. Everybody knows that.

"He was giving me the runaround."

No, he was giving you the brush-off.

Why were you negotiating payments before viewing or test-driving a car? That makes no sense.

You are lacking basic shopping skills and should avoid purchasing anything unsupervised that is more expensive than a loaf of bread.

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