  • Report:  #822322

Complaint Review: global superior scentsations - Internet Internet

Reported By:
moneytalksbswalks - san ramon, California, United States of America

global superior scentsations
Internet, Internet, United States of America
global superior scentsations.com
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
SO heres my story i responded to an add on craigslist about hiring managers at a multi million dollar company i  go for my interviews ,to make a long story short i was hired as there training manager. i was told that the start off is 52k a year (bull sh**) the manager  there goes by the name of glenace .shes this extremely b*tchy and un proffesional little girl that thinks shes all that talks about how much money shes making and how she supports her family its all b.s. the girl doesnt even have a car for transportation. she rides a bucket !way to go ms.boss. if you ask me they are like pimps ..pimps mess wit your head sendd yo out on the street and have  you make money and if you make 30$ you get 10$ back (whoooo-h*o) what a job all i goota say is dont be fooled they are fake extremly unproffesional and pimps .

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Andrea, are you crazy?

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 13, 2012

Let me tell you about my experience with Scentura. I found out is illegal in Charleston SC, to go through parking lots and knock on people's doors without a business license or a permit. Scentura resulted in the police being called on me and me being fined. I told my bosses Jenn and Ryan what happened and what did they say, not there problem. Its not there fault and they wouldn't even pay me the money I had to fork over. Also did you know that they told me I would be paid bi weekly for minimum wage. Yeah not a penny, they are liars and I forewarn anyone that gets near these people.


Thanks for giving me credit!

#3UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 25, 2012

The mere fact you responded gives me credibility. Did you even think of that? Too bad.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Rio is Delusional

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 24, 2012

Rio is delusional.  Scentura is Dead is just hilarious.  I literally laughed out loud.  You haven't done anything except look like a complete crazy malcontent.  All the huffing and puffing you're doing on the internet is just funny.  It's not even putting a dent in Scentura Creations or any promoting owners with some sort of level of alacrity to deal with people. 

I'm in training. My 26 year old friend got me involved because I saw him go from living in my living room to now having his own apartment, 2 year old bmw, money saved.  I saw his 2011 tax return and that's what convinced me to learn to sell some perfume.  Cheap, knock off, imitation perfume.  Yup.  And boy business is GOOD!  It's not even that hard.  Yeah you have to hear no's and people out there are miserable.  But that's their choice.  So after about a month in training I've made about $1800 cash.  I know that's not a lot but it's definitely enough to get by.  

Like everyone else, I saw this angry stuff before on this site and other sites.  What all of you angry people are not understanding is that most people (with reasonable intelligence) take what they see on the internet with a grain of salt. I used to work for accounting firm until I go laid off.  I showed my former co-workers and well just laughed.  Why? So much is embellished, fabricated and biased.  It's so over the top that it comes off as a joke. 

Here's what happened to me.  I went to my friend's promoting owner's office to get started.  As I sat in the second interview it seemed pretty obvious to me how it worked.  Now that I think of it, maybe a lot of you just didn't actually pay attention for 3 hours.  I did so I wasn't surprised about selling in the field.  I wasn't surprised by being an independent contractor and not an employee of my promoting owner.   Seriously, pay attention.  My promoting owner didn't lie to me at all.  As matter of fact he was kind of blunt.  He's always blunt.  But funny thing is no one left.  Everyone still wanted to do it.  I saw people blow out because they just didn't want to work.  

I remember my FNP week.  I was with 2 trainers and another FNP.  The other FNP, i forgot her name, was sitting in the car the whole time on her phone.  I saw her maybe pitch 20 people the whole week. Then she had the audacity to tell me that no one buys this stuff.  I just laughed!  I said to her, "No you're just lazy, girl."  She whined, "But it's hard hearing no."  I pitched everyone I saw.  I sold 5 my first day.  7 the second and never fell below 5 since.  It's not hard.  It's just tedious.  You have to see a lot of people and you have to smile.  OH MY GOD! SMILING?! SO HARD!  I break a sweat every time.  How little confidence must one have to feel embarrassed when someone says no when you pitch?  It's two letters.  N-O.   It's not like you're going to die.  

I can't speak for other owners or organizations but I'm glad I'm with my current organization.  I haven't been lied to and I am treated with respect.  I saw the ads too.  They're vague but once you're in for the interview and you LISTEN you know what you're doing.  Then it's just up to you whether you want to do it or not.  Oh and there is a salary option.  I read it over.  I see why most people won't take it and opt to do the piece of the action.  You basically do the same exact work but get paid less just to get a weekly check.  I guess they offer that to people who think salary = better.  It doesn't always.  I was salaried as an accountant.  It was horrible.  Weekly check was nice but then when do I move up?  Spend 5 years with a company working endless hours indoors, never see sunlight, and no one gets promoted?  Then just get laid off? Never again. 

I have absolutely no interest going back and forth with people on here.  Especially with the misinformed.  But for the readers who want to really know if the office where they were interviewed is legit, go look up the office in the BBB site.  My promoting owner's office has an A+ rating and no complaints over 9 years.  The BBB actually investigates a company and doesn't go off what some random person with a computer and internet connection says.  

As for Rio, I feel sorry for you.  Really.  I'm sorry you felt like you got screwed.  But weird how the only complaints on the BBB for Chris' office is for product/service problems.  That has nothing to do with what everyone here is ranting.   So why haven't you gone to the BBB?  Is it because maybe, just maybe, they knew you were probably grossly exaggerating what happened?  Maybe you didn't even bother because you knew they wouldn't go with it?  That's fishy to me.  

Scentura is not going anywhere.  It's just another direct sales company that allows people to get involved without putting up a few hundred dollars to get started.  You have to work your way in instead of buy your way in.  Simple.  Just not easy.  Haven't you heard?  Direct sales is the new way of making money that beats out a job any day of the week.  Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump agree.  So does Warren Buffet.  

One more thing.  I wouldn't end a forum post with that picture.  I'm not really trying to be mean but the picture made me spill my water because I laughed so hard.  I seriously thought it was a joke initially. Why is there a picture of yourself there?  What exactly is that accomplishing?  Are you selling real estate?  Maybe that's why you're so unhappy.  It's tough out there.  I don't know.  Maybe that picture should be DEAD in the TOILET.  That was so funny.  I mean wow.  Delusional.

--Andrea.  :) :) :)

Can't wait to see what comes next.  I won't have any beverage near by because I know I'm going to be laughing hard.  Something like "No Andrea!!! <curse word> <random insult that took you all night to figure out> You're delusional!" would be a great start. 


F...Y... Nick Brunson and your 'Objective Perspective'...

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 14, 2012

Answer this, Nickky Boy, what company needs TEN different web sites to explain what a great company they are. I'll answer for you: A bunch of scammers. And with a sh.t load of money on the line.

I have made it my personal mission in this life to kick you bastards in the nuts, and I have succeeded. 

Your product sucks, your business model sucks, and you aren't getting away with it. Say goodbye to all your little vacations in Aruba and Las Vegas. Go ahead and keep posting your little pictures featuring you and a bunch of big titted twats who could give F One who you really are.

Scentura Creations is DEAD and in the TOILET.

Splash that water on and see how it smells, Larry!


Report Attachments


An Objective Perspective

#6General Comment

Tue, January 24, 2012

Unfortunately, it seems theres a lot of negativity and false information circulating the internet regarding Scentura, and I think its based mostly on peoples misunderstanding of the Scentura Opportunity. I thought Id post something
brief that would help make things clear.

First of all, Scentura Creations is a manufacturer and supplier of rendition fragrances. They distribute their product line to Independent Wholesale Business owners throughout the U.S. Theyre unique in that they provide merchandise without any capital outlay to these Independent Wholesale Distributors, meaning they dont pay Scentura until after theyve sold the merchandise. This is key because it removes a huge barrier of entry into business Inventory costs.

Second, the sales model used by most independent businesses that sell Scenturas products is that of Direct Selling. Its a business to business, face-to-face sales strategy that has worked for over 35 years. Its not glamorous, and its probably not for everyone, but it just works.

Last, and most importantly, Scentura doesn't ask you to invest any money, it's not a franchise, it's not a pyramid or
multi-level marketing business, there's nothing to purchase, there are no sign-up fees. The only thing required from you is your time and hard work, and youll get a chance to run your own business. How many companies out there are
willing to offer that?

It probably sounds too good to be true, but it makes sense when you understand Scentura's incentive: It's a Win-Win scenario for everyone. You get a chance to own your own business, and Scentura gains a new customer, which means more volume. If Scentura only dealt with individuals who had hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest, they'd be waiting a long time, especially in this economy. So they're willing to take all the financial risk.

Again, this is not for everyone, but the opportunity is definitely real, and many owners have gone on to make six-figure incomes running their own businesses that sell Scentura's products.

Please visit the following website dedicated to new business owners that answered the ad and started just like everyone else: www.RookieOwners.com

If youd like to read more about Scentura Creations, please visit the following sites:

A Story about Larry Hahn and how he started Scentura Creations.

Learn more about Larry Hahn, Scentura Creations founder.

Letters to Larry from those who have found success with the Scentura Creations opportunity.

Product reviews for Scentura Creations' ever-popular fragrance-line.

A regularly published blog about Scentura

General information about Scentura Creations and it's Founder, Larry Hahn.

More information about the Scentura Creations opportunity.

Links to more websites about Scentura Creations.

Stories from those who have taken full advantage of the Scentura Creations opportunity.

Shedding light on the truth behind the lies.

A guide to understanding Scentura Creations'
winning formula for success.

- - - - -

If you have any further complaints, please direct them
to [email protected]

Thank you.

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