  • Report:  #246316

Complaint Review: GO DADDY - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
- estepona, malaga, Other,

14455 N Hayden Rd #226 Scottsdale, 85260 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I would like to report godaddy.com for being ureasonable and demanding money by means of extortion.

I advise ANYBODY concidering hosting or already hosting with godaddy.com to read the following - CAREFULLY.

Please note that my complaint is not just the following issue in general but in no means least the way in which i was 'handled' by godaddy.com , the MAFIA could learn from them! - THIS IS A SCAM

HOW TO EXTORT VAST SOMES OF MONEY IN 48 HOURS - from your own paying clients.


Offer 'AFFORDABLE' , 'LOW COST' domain names and hosting plans to unsuspecting victims otherwise known as the general public.


Make sure your terms and conditions include a 'general' spamming clause and fine stucture however vauge.


Actively promote 'REPORT SPAM' on your front page to initiate leads - genuine or not


Employ deaf baliffs to JUDGE, SENTANCE and COLLECT (they dont actually read or listen to a word you say - ignoring all correspondance only to reply with their DEMANDS and THREATS).


Having spent 4 months building a website all about poker i decided it was time to market it and purchased opt-in email address, 50,000 to be percise.

I was eager to send my first email campaign but held back and spend a few days programming and building a proffessional email interface for the site. In short - if a 'opt-in' recipient received an email and didnt wish to recieve my mail then a simple click would ban them from further mail from my sies.

So one wednesday evening a pushased the send button and over th next few days was very pleased with the results.

On FRIDAY 27th April 2007 i received the following email at 19:35 Hrs -

******(NOTE: the date and time of the email and then look at the information being requested in 48 hours!)

Go Daddy defines spam as a mailing sent to recipients, as an advertisement or otherwise, without first obtaining prior confirmed consent from the recipients before sending the mailing in question. Prior consent must be given to you directly from the recipients of your mailing for the specific domain names that you are advertising.

Go Daddy does not consider consent to be transferable. For example, simply purchasing, renting, or leasing an "opt-in" list from another company does not constitute proof of opt-in or prior consent. If you or another company are sending mailings advertising your domain names or websites to individuals that have not requested this information from you directly, it is our opinion that you are spamming these individuals.

You can view Go Daddy's Anti-Spam policy by clicking on the "Anti-Spam Policy" link located on Go Daddy's "Legal Agreement" page. Click the following link to access Go Daddy's "Legal Agreements" page: https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/agreements.asp.

----- Provide Proof Of Prior Consent -----

Go Daddy has a strict anti-spam policy, Go Daddy customers are required to be able to provide conclusive proof of prior consent for any individual they send advertisements to. This also applies to the actions of any party that generates traffic on your behalf. This includes, but is not limited to, 3rd party marketers, business partners, employees, mailing list providers and affiliates.

We have supplied the email address from a complaint in order to allow you to investigate the situation and show proof of prior consent to receive your mailings. Proof of prior consent can be provided by supplying the information outlined below.

1. Provide server logs showing when the complainant connected to your site and subscribed, opted-in, or consented to receive marketing information from your organization. This information must include the following:

Time/Date of opt-in/subscription/consent.

IP address of the web server the complainant used to connect to your site.

Referral URL.

2. Provide a detailed explanation of how the example email address was obtained, provide a copy of any confirmation messages, complete with header information, that this individual sent to you when they consented to receive marketing information from your company.

3. In addition to the information outlined above, please forward all contact information you have for this individual along with any other relevant information that you feel supports your claim of prior consent.


We will then investigate the validity of the information that you provide. The complainant located at the example email address may be contacted to verify and/or confirm any contact information or subscription details. If the information you provide checks out, we can probably consider this a situation where this person has forgotten they opted-in.

The example address is: xxxxxxxxxx , a copy of the offending email message has been included at the end of this message to assist you in your investigation.

PLEASE NOTE you must reply with the requested information within 48 hours, failure to do so may lead to actions such as the suspension or cancellation of your services.

----->>> end of email

1) The requested information AND timescale is completely unreasonable, especially over the weekend- come on!

2) The terms and conditions stated at


have now been streched to those in the above email

Basically - SPAM is whatever THEY regard spam at any given time.

3) My website is about online poker and is aimed at europeans (US customers are of no financial income benefit to me due to the LAW fobidding online gambling)

I reside outside the USA - My clients are outside the USA , godaddy.com offeres 'GLOBAL' hosting - 'its the worlds leading domain name and hosting compay' APPARENTLY.

Well where does it say when you sign up that you are bound by their states laws!

In europe i can send email campaigns out as long as they are 'opt-in' - i live in europe and my clients are european and ive used a global company. - One word MISLEADING.

I could go on but the brunt of the matter is the following email snippet for demands and threats over just 24 hours from the friday at 7.35PM.... totaly unreasonable and menasing, any valid points i raise with godaddy.com get egnored and looked over, only to receive a reply demanding money in a given time OR ELSE


You are also required to respond to this notification

within 24 hours to address the situation. Failure to do so may lead to the suspension or cancellation of service.


...authorization for GoDaddy.com to charge a $199 non-refundable administration fee to the credit card on file for your account (you may want to log into your Go Daddy account and confirm that the card on file is valid and has not expired).

Go Daddy will accept this, in good faith, as proof of your commitment to correct this problem. If not, your domain name may be immediately redirected and your service suspended.


When i said i was going to transfer MY domains (4 .. thats .org/ .com/ .net / .info) i got this ....


If you choose to transfer the XXX.ORG,XXX.COM, XXX.INFO, XXX.NET

domain names to another registrar, we first require that you pay a $75 administration fee (per domain name)

before your domain names can be transferred. This fee is used to cover the costs of responding to or "cleaning up" the outstanding spam complaints Go Daddy has received regarding your domain name.

----------->>> end email


When i complained of this they still demanded payment of all 4 domains. WHAT? WHY? ASIF!

Heres a response on the MONDAY - bear in mind the 48 hour deadline is up now (the weekends finished LOL)

--->start email

Since you have been unable to provide the requested proof of opt in, you are in violation of the contractual agreements that you made upon registering this domain name through our network. Your administrative fee is to show good faith that you will complete the actions you agree to when resolving these investigations. Additionally these administrative fees help to recover some of our costs regarding this investigation.


What investigation? what clean up? and now your taking the PI*S - 'GOOD FAITH'!

I replied curtiously to the above email requesting some form of sense for their actions and demands over the weekend but apparently your not allowed to rebut, hense the following statement from them.

--------->>start email

'Please respond appropriately as described by our previous emails to close this investigation within the next 48 hours or risk these domain names for suspension.'


**** SO in short - Shut it and pay or else.

GODADDY.com the 'worlds leading domain and hosting company' - because they say so - or else, now shut it!



The strange thing is that im a new customer to godaddy.com

In one month ive purchased 4 hosting plans , seven domains, secure ssl certificate ALL for a year with renewals.

I actually run over 100 domains for other people including a few stars and because there ARE benefits to the godaddy.com hosting plans and domain purchases i was looking forward to renewing all domains over to godaddy.com!!

However, the treatment i have received has left a VERY BAD TASTE in my mouth.

Im please godaddy.com showed me their TRUE colours so early!

I refuse to be bullied into paying extortion money and i refuse to be delt with in such a manner.

You will lose my business, my assosiates business and i intend to actively promote this article on every media platform i can as long as you continue to bully me into parting with cash unwarranteed and not entering mitigation.

Your threats and demands for the impossable and money will cost you much more than the $300 you are trying to fleece from me.

I am considering sueing you for loss of earning on all domains YOU deem affected, slander, malpractice with full compenstion for legal expenses and administration charges.

I expected better from Americans - lets face it - if someone hijacks a plane - the last thing you do is bow to their demands.

GODADDY.COM , you have hijacked 4 of my planes - I HOPE YOU GET SHOT DOWN.


estepona, malaga

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


Go Daddy

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 11, 2007

I know all about them and Mr. Bob Parsons, they should have there site shut down completely but because there suppose to be one of the coolest websites. It should be Microsoft is who we all need to take a good look at I'm not sure about the rest of you but my computer is register under Microsoft Inc. And as long as microsoft is allowing the cons like go daddy to run and many many many more like this RXCoNEECT.COM,and personalinternetpharmacys,and the list goes on and on it can never stop.Until now because I am going to spend some puppy time with my puppy That crap that 1-800petmeds gave him I beleive it almost took his life with provo, and there is a big time law against things and or people that mishaddle animal, along with people we got the child services, the old age services. And that list goes on to. As for as the BBB I heard they was nothing but mafia. You can go to hp click on the bbb logo and it tells your thank for visiting hp. I take most my stuff up with the FTC and they have an email address to called [email protected]. And they are starting to lock these crookes up and give them time in jail. I don't know if you ever lost your freedom but its a terrible thing to lose I did 3.5 years in marion state penn for pactically nothing I wasn't going to let that crazy MF kill me so I killed him 1st


Go Daddy

#3UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 11, 2007

I know all about them and Mr. Bob Parsons, they should have there site shut down completely but because there suppose to be one of the coolest websites. It should be Microsoft is who we all need to take a good look at I'm not sure about the rest of you but my computer is register under Microsoft Inc. And as long as microsoft is allowing the cons like go daddy to run and many many many more like this RXCoNEECT.COM,and personalinternetpharmacys,and the list goes on and on it can never stop.Until now because I am going to spend some puppy time with my puppy That crap that 1-800petmeds gave him I beleive it almost took his life with provo, and there is a big time law against things and or people that mishaddle animal, along with people we got the child services, the old age services. And that list goes on to. As for as the BBB I heard they was nothing but mafia. You can go to hp click on the bbb logo and it tells your thank for visiting hp. I take most my stuff up with the FTC and they have an email address to called [email protected]. And they are starting to lock these crookes up and give them time in jail. I don't know if you ever lost your freedom but its a terrible thing to lose I did 3.5 years in marion state penn for pactically nothing I wasn't going to let that crazy MF kill me so I killed him 1st

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