  • Report:  #757079

Complaint Review: Golden Smokehouse Sunprairie Wisconsin - Sun Prairie Wisconsin

Reported By:
privateeyedan - Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, United States of America

Golden Smokehouse Sunprairie Wisconsin
1632 West Main Street, Sun Prairie, 54935 Wisconsin, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Let me start by saying after investigating this fraudulant store owner who ripped my elderly father off I found out a lot more about him than ever expected. First off his really name is Himmat Dhillon he goes by Matt for short. I found his circuit court access report and discovered he was charged for battery against his daughter and he managed to take his daughter away from her mother because he robbed the mother of all financial ability. He even made the mother pay child support. As a private investigator I located the mother and she explained to me the whole situation with this man and how he beat her for many years and not just one one occasion but 2 beat his daughter!

He fought her till she could not fight anymore as she had 1 other child to care for she wasn't receiving child support for and was on bed rest for another pregnancy. this man is a fake do not be fooled by his phony persona. Not only does the product in this store absolutely suck, you should never help a man like this prosper financially, it is his only means of control and happiness. He should not even be in this country!!             http://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseDetails.do;jsessionid =8379956D42F6996C3FB43CC2111DFB72. render6?countyNo=14&caseNo= 2003CF000064&cacheId =5E7B33111DA1CD70AF723D80AF41B4C5 &recordCount=9&offset= 6&mode=charges

Copy and paste the link above to view his charges! 

15 Updates & Rebuttals


west bend,
United States of America
does it ever stop?

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 28, 2012

why do you insist on trying to ruin peoples lives? what joy do you get out of playing these games and pretending to be someone you're not...Games are for children...it's time to stop playing. I feel bad for anyone you ever come into contact with because even if they leave you alone and stay away from you and your family you still feel the need to try to drag them down somehow. Enough is enough!!! Worry about your own life, your children, your family...everyone else shouldn't matter to you!

The Ex Wife

Fond du Lac (USA),
United States of America
I have mental health issues and I am sorry

#3General Comment

Sun, January 01, 2012

I just wanted to say that I have servere mental health issues. I made up author's of stories (awefullydisturbed,whatisrightforme) because I was in a manic state, dwelling on fellings from the past, and wanted to see my daughter.  I filed two fake reports at this site claiming to be a customer.  One of the reports talks about Matt propositioning a minor with cigarettes and the other an elderly man, this was all made up by me when I was dwelling on the past, off meds, and not able to set apart reality from my delusions.  I am back on my meds now and I am sorry.  This site is suppose to be for the consumer to report legitimate claims, not for my own personal vendetta. I am truly sorry.

The Ex Wife

Fond du Lac,
What is right for me?

#4General Comment

Wed, December 07, 2011

Who are you and what are you talking about? @whatisrightforme In Fond du Lac? What is this game?


Fond du Lac,
United States of America

#5Author of original report

Wed, December 07, 2011

Yvonne I am sorry for putting your information on here I did not know it would offend you. I have not gone through with what I said I would to help you as this man is facing legal problems by the department of revenue for not paying taxes on the product he is selling. I will wait to see what happens with that and then I will contact you with more proceedings and what you need to do next for your daughter. Don't fret I will keep my word and will help you and explain everything.


Beaver Dam,
United States of America
How unbelievable and disturbing.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2011

This was forwarded to me from a friend who asked me to spread the word. Disgusting. Years ago I had heard about this but never believed it because how could anyone be set free that easily if they beat a child, and personally being a friend of Mat, his family and Amanda I would still never believe this had I not read this myself. I have learned to believe that Yvonne simply abandoned their daughter and wanted nothing to do with her, and that still she was off living a life of parties and drugs. I must say I am deeply sorry for ever believing these things about her. I see the full story now, and after learning Mats real name saw all the history he has. I must say although Yvonne has more things on her record and however many children from different men, I do not see anything about her beating children on her background. In fact Yvonne seems to be doing quite well for herself. Yvonne I do see your daughter regular and will let her know that you think of her and love her as much as she things of you. She is friends with my daughter and I know she wonders why you do not want her. I know this is going to make her feel so much better as every child needs the other parent. Shame on you Mat and Amanda for taking this little girl away from her mother from her mothers past mistakes. You do not see the damage you are doing to Jessie making her think her mother doesn't want her? Amanda she does love you but as early as her mother was taken away she still thinks of her mother and misses her. That should tell you something right there. You can never replace the bond of a mother and her daughter. Had anyone did this to me I would have been much crueler than Yvonne and you can bet I will no longer be taking my business to any of your locations or Raj or Deepas. I have already told all of our family and friends and your low prices can not suck us in to support your life. Amanda you truly are a sweet girl I can not believe you would be with a man like this and pretend he is perfect. He will do it to you and your child some day also. People are like this forever they can not just change, and I know how the Dodge county court system works. It really is about who has the most money Yvonne is not lying about that! P.S Yvonne I talked to someone who works in Fond du Lac county. You are doing an amazing job as a mother and they really appreciate the hard work you have done. Everyone deserves chances and I am sorry Dodge county failed you. 

Concerned Citizen

United States of America

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2011

Seriously, Ex needs to devote some time taking care of the 7 kids that she has and not waste our time.As for the cigs still love the cheap prices . Hey guys could u start carrying the menthol cigs in the 100's please?My Dad prefers the 100's.Thanx guys!!

The Ex Wife

Fond du Lac,

#8General Comment

Mon, December 05, 2011

If you can remember I'm not the one who even posted this on here but someone else did. I came across it doing research for court proceedings I'm starting. Since it was out there I posted and yes all my kids with all those different men who cares??? I chose life and I don't live off the state. We just purchased a home for all my kids, and I did it all well getting my degree in psychology so I don't think it's all that horrible. And FYI I have 4 baby daddys as someone as ghetto as you may call it. 2 from my new amazing hardworking husband which by the way has not one thing on his record and I could have a million kids with him knowing all would be safe. It's good to know I can always be 100% certain that he would never harm a child. That is a good man right there! Must suck not having more children cuz you are not certain if a man would beat your baby also.

Concerned Citizen

United States of America

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 05, 2011


Concerned Citizen

United States of America

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2011

When I go to Walmart or Costco do I know the personal history of everyone there? No.This EX WIFE certainly still has a thing for her ex cause there is no way anyone would have the time to do what she does.Oh yeah and his money must have gotten him full custody of his daughter huh? If you believe that than pigs can fly. So I am sick for buying smokes from Mat? Is the judge sick too? The one who gave him full custody of his daughter? Hmm...I think she is a very sick and sad person who starts to blame people when things dont go her way.I do feel some empathy for her since she really needs to get over her Ex.Also while looking through her info I came upon an interesting fact.She has FIVE kids with FIVE different guys.Am I missing something here? I wish that the PSYCHO EX would get some badly needed psychological HELP!!She is living in a glass house. I will continue to patronize my favorite smokeshop.And for your info his past does not interest me as a customer.The EX is sounding like one of the ladies in the Herman Kane campaign.We dont CARE ok? WE ARE THERE TO BUY SMOKES AND NOT TO JUDGE HIM.Ex needs to know that WE DONT CARE!!!!!!

The Ex Wife

Fond du Lac,
I think NOT!!

#11General Comment

Fri, December 02, 2011

I am definitely not Crazy. Yes I got in my fair share of trouble not knowing how to cope with all the damage Mat caused but did he beat me and his daughter? Definitely. As that guy posted above check out his Circuit court record.............He's Got a CHIPS ORDER IN PLACE AND WAS ORDERED TO STAY AWAY FROM ALL CHILDREN. Search my name yes I made mistakes but I don't see anything on me about being a baby beater and for my domestic abuse it was for spitting AT my sons father. Unlike Mat I don't buy myself out of anything I admit and suffer the consequences. So here is a link to his Circuit Court If It doesn't work Google the words (Wisconsin Circuit Court Access) then put DHILLON for the last name and HIMMAT for the first name. See what it Pulls up!!! Make sure you look up all of the court record Events and do your research on what a CHIPS Order is!!!! I don't think there is anything worse than a baby beater other than a murderer or molestor. He may have $$ but is definitely in the bottom of the food chain. Had he not had the $$ to buy himself out of prison he would have been taken care of by the prisoners.


this first one was for him giving our daughter a concussion. All of this is public record you are more than welcome to read the reports going to the police station. 2nd link to copy and paste is for him smacking my daughter and busting the blood vesel in her eye.


Slander and ruining a reputation? Nope I think not I did my research it's only slander if it's not true. You can only hide so long I've been patient long enough and never did a thing to hurt this man, Yes he beat me down I tried to take my own life feeling like a failure letting him hurt my daughter leaving us with nothing. That was my fault I should have been stronger and not let him come before her ever. My life is wonderful I have raised 4 amazing boys for 3 years on my own with not one complaint on my and done everything I could for them was awarded full custody and placement until I saw their fathers were dedicated to being in their lives. Never put their fathers through the BS Mat put me through making it impossible for them to have their kids in their life. Rich or poor every child deserves to know where they came from and if cheap cigarettes makes you want to support a baby beater.......you are just as sick as he is! And FYI I wasn't hiding a thing my Maiden name is all under Mats circuit court access from when I FILED DIVORCE ON HIM!!!!!!!!

Concerned Citizen

United States of America
Ex gone crazy

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2011

I have been going to Mat's store since it opened. Love the cheap cigs and his jovial attitude.I have got to know him and his wonderful little family.It is sad that some psyco ex has started to slander his name. What she needs to know is that people are smart and intelligent and can make their own opinion.So by going on Mats profile I found that his ex's name is YVONNE LAVIGNE and you guys should check out her favorite place to hang out..its the police station and the courthouse.Check it for yourself!! 

The Ex Wife

Fond du Lac,
United States of America
The Ex Wife

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

While doing some research I came across this and was shocked. Yes I did speak to a man that contacted me about Mr.Dhillon a few months ago when he contacted me. I keep my word on everything I told him. However I did tell him although I believe Mr.Dhillon is a horrible father keeping my daughter from me and raising her to feel her mother doesn't want her he is and always has been a good business man and he should address his concerns to him. I do not appreciate this man posting this personal information on me and can not state if this story is true as his name here says something about being PRIVATEEYEDAN and he told me his name was Jerry. I have not heard from him since. I only spoke to him because I believed he was going to help me with my daughter through his connections. With this being said any other questions contact me with any other questions and Mr.Dhillon as always I would love to see Jaspreet any time you will let me see her!

Copy and paste this link to contact me. 


The Ex Wife

Fond du Lac,
United States of America
I am the ex wife in this topic.

#14General Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

My name is Yvonne Sanchez and I am the ex wife in this Matter. I have since remarried. Let me start by saying I did have a discussion with a man that contacted me and I did share this information however I was very clear that he should contact Mr.Dhillon himself that he may be a horrible family man but is a good businessman and could solve this issue for him. I did give him the truth because I thought he would help me with his daughter through his "Connections" yet since the day I spoke to him have heard nothing. I recently posted a site searching for my daughter letting the school districts, businesses and everyone know that I love my daugther and desperately want her in my life it's just mr. Dhillons money power that keeps me from going as I have a family I do support.I accidently came across this post. However Matt since you obviously refuse to let me see Jaspreet, and You and I both know as does anyone who knew us mutually that you did beat our daughter across the face, that you did give her a concussion, that you did abuse me I have no choice. You have no idea the damage you are doing to Jaspreet making her believe her mother doesn't want her. You can buy her anything in the world that you want but by doing this to her when you know I WOULD NEVER HURT HER this makes you the worse father in the world. When she learns what you really did to her I wonder how much she will love and respect you. So back to this report I don't believe the product was bad I think this is someone who has a personal grudge against you. It is time you grow and realize as I put my faith that you have changed and were a good father you hsould have grown now to realize I am a great mother also. There is no reason Jaspreet can not be with me and in my life. She deserves to know her mother and brothers, money doesn't make a good family. It obviously didn't make you a good person.


Himmat dhillon

United States of America
False Information on Himmat Dhillon

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 03, 2011

To those reading this rebuttal, my name is Himmat Dhillon, I am the owner of a convenient store in Mayville and part owner of the Golden Smokehouse in Sun Prairie. The report written against myself and my business stating that I am a fraudulent store owner is not justified within the context of this complaint. It never specifies to how I committed any fraudulent acts,
instead it slanders my personal reputation. As a businessman, I am subject to criticism from the customers positive/negative reactions to the products I am selling them, but this report is not a consumer complaint rather someones
personal vendetta.

As far as my daughter is concerned, I can proudly say that I have full physical custody and full physical placement granted through the Wisconsin court system for the last 5 years. If at anytime a customer is to beupset with myself or the product I am selling, I wish that they would approach me directly, so that I can assist them by refunding them their money. Please
contact me at Golden Smoke 608-834-44061. Thank you. 



#16Consumer Comment

Wed, July 27, 2011

I actually live in Sun Prairie.  I always thought those types of stores were kinda shady.

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